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Anthony Headley edited this page May 4, 2020 · 1 revision

Attribute Data Object


This object represents the data for the selected attribute

The property name can be refered as follows:

  • GetAttributeByUIChannel(x).Name
  • GetAttributeByUIChannel(x)["Name"]

If the property name starts with a digit, contains a space or is a reserved word you must use the ["Property"] syntax. See Section 2.1 of the Lua manual for more information


Name Type Description
:Parent() Attributes
:GetClass() string "Attributes"
:Children() table Returnes a zero sized table
Name string The indexed version or short form of the attribute name, must not include a space and perhaps other restrictions e.g. "Dim"
Pretty string The User friendly version of the attribute name, may include spaces and be changed after the attribute is configured e.g "Dimmer"
MainAttribute number | string -1 if not configured, some very large integer if configured.
ActivationGroup ActivationGroup | nil
Feature Feature | nil
Special string
PhysicalUnit string
GeometryType string "None" if not configured otherwise the GeometryType
Color nil | string? Seems to always return nil even with attribute color is configured.
Intensity number The fixtures intensity value
LogChannels number
ChannelFunctions number
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