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Advanced Lane lines detection project as a part of Self-Driving Cars Nano-degree


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Advanced Lane Finding


Udacity - Self-Driving Car NanoDegree

Table of Contents


In this project, the goal is to write a software pipeline to identify the lane boundaries and compute the lanes curvature radius as well as the offset from the center of the lane in a video stream, as a part of Udacity's Self-Driving Cars ND.

The files in this project are:

Python script that computes the calibration matrix using chessboard image, and saves the resulting variables in calib_mtx.p file

Contains functions to perform different binary thresholding techniques (gradient and color) to use for different masking combinations.

Note: There is no need to run this code more than once for the same camera.

the implementation of the pipeline, it uses the and contains the main processing function Lane_detection() which can be used for processing an image or a video stream.

test_images and test_vids folders have multiple test images and test videos, the result of processing each element can be found in output_images and output_vids respectively.


Detection is done through several steps any of which can be used individually:

  1. Undistort input image using the calibration matrix.
  2. Extract features using Sobel gradients and HLS color space thresholding.
  3. Transform the image into a bird's-eye view perspective.
  4. Lane fitting using sliding window and searching around previous detected lanes for more efficient searching.
  5. Smoothing lanes over several frames to reduce jittering.
  6. Compute curvature radius and vehicle's offset from the center of the lane
  7. Transform the detected lane back to the original image view and draw the results on the image.

Implementation Details

The following image is used as an illustration, the generated resutls can be found in output_images/test3.


1. Camera Calibration:

Camera calibration is implemented in file which imports all chessboard images in camera_cal folder then extracts the corners of each image to form the imgpoinst, assuming that the chessboard is placed on a flat surface then the objpoints are a mesh grid of (x,y,0) representing the object corners in real world coordinates. using these points, the calibration matrix and distortion coefficient are computed.

The output camera matrix and distortion coefficient are then stored as calib_mtx.p file to be used in the main pipline script to undistort images.

The Undistorted Image

2. Color and Gradient Thresholding Thresholding

The binary thresholding is implemented in file, where all the individual functions needed for the combination are implemented such as (Sobel x operator , Sobel y operator , HLS Color space thresholding,.etc)

The thresholding is a combination between gradient and color thresholding using Sobel operator for x and y directions, and color thresholding depending S and V channels values in HLS color space.

The threshloding function is grad_color_combo() which is imported to the main pipline script using the following line:

import grad_color_combo as thresh

Thresholded Binary Image

3. Perspective Transformation (Bird's-Eye View)

The binary thresholding is implemented in file in BirdsEye_view() function. The image is warped using perspective transformation. The selected source and destination points for transformation are:

src = np.array ([

dst = np.array ([

where h and w are the dimensions of the image, x1_pos_ratio, x2_pos_ratio , y_pos_ratio and x_ratio are factors with respect to the image dimension.

Bird's-Eye View Image

4. Lane-lines Detection and Lane fitting

  1. Lane-lines Detection:

For lane-lines detection two functions are used:

  • find_lane_pixels() : Which uses the sliding window method to detect lines in case of no prior fits have occurred. first histogram is used to identify the initial window positions and then sliding window approach is used to detect only the relevant pixels in the frame.

  • search_around_poly() : When a lane has been fitted in previous frames it's ineffcieint to search the entire frame again, so this function is used to search within a margin of the prior fitted lines as follows:

left_ind = ((pix_x > (prev_left_fit[0]*pix_y**2) + (prev_left_fit[1]*pix_y) + prev_left_fit[2] - margin)&\
            (pix_x < (prev_left_fit[0]*pix_y**2) + (prev_left_fit[1]*pix_y) + prev_left_fit[2] + margin))

right_ind = ((pix_x > (prev_right_fit[0]*pix_y**2) + (prev_right_fit[1]*pix_y) + prev_right_fit[2] - margin)&\
             (pix_x < (prev_right_fit[0]*pix_y**2) + (prev_right_fit[1]*pix_y) + prev_right_fit[2] + margin))

where right_ind and left_ind are the new detected pixels.

  1. Lane Fitting

After the lines pixels are detected using one of the previous methods, the pixels positions are then fed to the lane_fitting() function to fit a second-degree polynomial for each line.

depending on the availability of a previous fits it uses either one of the previous functions to generate the pixels positions

  • In case of previous fit is found:
if (prev_available): #Previous lane fit found
    #Find new lane pixels position
    leftx, lefty, rightx, righty = search_around_poly(binaryImg, leftline, rightline)
  • else:
else:    #First frame (use sliding windows)

    # Find lane pixels position
    leftx, lefty, rightx, righty,img = find_lane_pixels(binaryImg)

where leftx and lefty are the pixels positions for the left line and rightx and righty are the positions for the right line

in case of the sliding-window approach another variable img is used to visualize the sliding-window approach.

At the main pipeline function Lane_detection() in step 4.2 the lane is smoothed by averaging the fitting coefficients of the last 5 frames while removing the oldest fit each step as follows:

#Number of frames to be averaged
Number_of_frames = 5

#delete the oldest value in the fits list if the length > Number of frames
if len(leftline_obj.recent_fits) > Number_of_frames:


if len(rightline_obj.recent_fits) > Number_of_frames:


#Average the last N coefficients
leftline_obj.best_fit =  np.average((leftline_obj.recent_fits),axis = 0)
rightline_obj.best_fit =  np.average((rightline_obj.recent_fits),axis = 0)

where leftline_obj and rightline_obj are objects from the line() class implemented to store different data needed for the operation.

Fitted Lane-lines Image

5. Radius of Curvature and Vehicle's Deviation from Center The computation for curvature radius and center offset are implemented in compute_curvatureAndOffset()

  1. Offset Computations: The center of the lane is computed by finding the mid-point between the right and left lines at the very bottom (as close to the vehicle as possible), while the vehicle center is assumed to be the center of the image:
#Get x position for left and right lanes at the max bottom of the image
xleft  = left_fit[len(left_fit)-1]
xright = right_fit[len(right_fit)-1]

#Lane Center
lane_center = ((xright-xleft)/2) + xleft
img_center = width/2

then the offset is just the difference between the two values. this offset is in pixels, so in order to compute it in meters the offset is then multiplied by a factor xm_per_pix

  1. Radius of Curvature

Given the fitted lines coefficients the radius curvature per line can be computed using the following equation:


for the conversion from pixels to meters the coefficients are calculated using x and y positions of pixels multiplied by the conversion ratios ym_per_pix and xm_per_pix

and then the curvature radius is computed at the very bottom of the image (hence at y = max(y) value)

  • Computation Block:
#Fit the polynomial in meters
left_fit_m = np.polyfit(y*ym_per_pix , left_fit*xm_per_pix , 2)
right_fit_m = np.polyfit(y*ym_per_pix , right_fit*xm_per_pix , 2)

#Calculate for the largest y value (bottom half)
y_eval = np.max(y)

#Compute the radius of the curve at the max y point using curvature radius eqn.
#Calculation of the left lane
left_curvR  = (np.sqrt((1+((2*left_fit_m[0]*y_eval*ym_per_pix)+left_fit_m[1])**2)**3))/(np.absolute(2*left_fit_m[0]))
#Calculation of the right lane
right_curvR = (np.sqrt((1+((2*right_fit_m[0]*y_eval*ym_per_pix)+right_fit_m[1])**2)**3))/(np.absolute(2*right_fit_m[0]))

The mean of both curvatures radius is then computed to be displayed on the final results.

6. Plotting the Results

  • In drawResults() function: The lane is plotted using cv2.fillpoly function in a colored version of the warped image. Then warped image is transformed back to the original view using the inverse of the transformation matrix.
#Draw the lane in warped image (in blue)
cv2.fillPoly(color_warp, np.int_([poly_pts]), (0,0, 255))

#Warp the image back to the original perspective (using the transform matrix inverse(mtx))
unwarp = cv2.warpPerspective(color_warp, inv(mtx), (undistImg.shape[1], undistImg.shape[0]))

Finally, the colored unwrapped image is added to the original undistorted.

  • In the main pipline Lane_detection() function: In step 7. after calling drawResults() function to receive the original image combined with filled poly, cv2.putText function is used to place the offset and curvature radius data on the image to acheive the final result

Final Result

Note: For the video stream demo please check the project_video


Use the Lane_detection() function and input the image or the video frame to be processed, if it is required to use the full pipeline. otherwise you can use any step of the process individually.

At the very last section in a demo is included to process an example image from test_images and another to process the project video from test_vids .

Note: The Lane_detection() function has a visualization for each step. Feel free to uncomment the visualization section of any stage to visualize and save the results.



As it performs quite well in normal conditions, but the detection can fail to track in several cases:

  • A potential shortcoming could be reveled in the case of extreme curvatures.

  • Another would be in extreme lighting conditions and variations.

That can be noticed if you tried to process harder_challenge_video or challenge_video. Also the computations consider that the camera is centered relative to the scene.

Possible Improvements

  • To enhance the thresholding technique to be more robust

  • Modify the lines detection technique to handle extreme curvatures


Advanced Lane lines detection project as a part of Self-Driving Cars Nano-degree








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