diff --git a/cache/pom.xml b/cache/pom.xml
index 79f1b284c..bbd8df9cc 100644
--- a/cache/pom.xml
+++ b/cache/pom.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
@@ -137,131 +137,131 @@
- registries
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
- 4.0.0
- cache
- 3.5.0.Final
- 4.1.46.Final
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registry-common
- ${project.version}
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-client
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-aws
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-azure
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-azure-datalake
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-cloud-storage
- biz.paluch.redis
- lettuce
- ${redis.lettuce.version}
- log4j
- log4j
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-log4j12
- io.netty
- netty-common
- ${io.netty.version}
- io.netty
- netty-transport
- ${io.netty.version}
- io.netty
- netty-handler
- ${io.netty.version}
- junit
- junit
- test
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
->>>>>>> 4ad4c4a6... CDPD-11593 Update Netty for Schema Registry (CVE-2019-20445, CVE-2019-20444)
+ registries
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ cache
+ 3.5.0.Final
+ 4.1.46.Final
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-aws
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure-datalake
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-cloud-storage
+ biz.paluch.redis
+ lettuce
+ ${redis.lettuce.version}
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ io.netty
+ netty-common
+ ${io.netty.version}
+ io.netty
+ netty-transport
+ ${io.netty.version}
+ io.netty
+ netty-handler
+ ${io.netty.version}
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
+>>>>>>> 4ad4c4a6... CDPD-11593 Update Netty for Schema Registry (CVE-2019-20445, CVE-2019-20444)
diff --git a/cache/pom.xml.orig b/cache/pom.xml.orig
index b0e85af5d..9591d6d2e 100644
--- a/cache/pom.xml.orig
+++ b/cache/pom.xml.orig
@@ -1,142 +1,142 @@
- registries
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- cache
- 3.5.0.Final
- 4.1.46.Final
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registry-common
- ${project.version}
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-client
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-aws
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-azure
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-azure-datalake
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-cloud-storage
- biz.paluch.redis
- lettuce
- ${redis.lettuce.version}
- log4j
- log4j
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-log4j12
- io.netty
- netty-transport
- io.netty
- netty-common
- io.netty
- netty-handler
- io.netty
- netty-common
- ${io.netty.version}
- io.netty
- netty-transport
- ${io.netty.version}
- io.netty
- netty-handler
- ${io.netty.version}
- junit
- junit
- test
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> e696d2b7... CDPD-10834 Add code coverage and findbugs reports
+ registries
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ cache
+ 3.5.0.Final
+ 4.1.46.Final
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-aws
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure-datalake
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-cloud-storage
+ biz.paluch.redis
+ lettuce
+ ${redis.lettuce.version}
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ io.netty
+ netty-transport
+ io.netty
+ netty-common
+ io.netty
+ netty-handler
+ io.netty
+ netty-common
+ ${io.netty.version}
+ io.netty
+ netty-transport
+ ${io.netty.version}
+ io.netty
+ netty-handler
+ ${io.netty.version}
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+>>>>>>> e696d2b7... CDPD-10834 Add code coverage and findbugs reports
diff --git a/common-auth/pom.xml b/common-auth/pom.xml
index 132dc2f35..47965547c 100644
--- a/common-auth/pom.xml
+++ b/common-auth/pom.xml
@@ -1,232 +1,232 @@
- registries
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- common-auth
- javax.servlet
- servlet-api
- 2.5
- provided
- org.apache.directory.server
- apacheds-kerberos-codec
- 2.0.0-M15
- compile
- org.apache.directory.api
- api-asn1-ber
- org.apache.directory.api
- api-i18n
- org.apache.directory.api
- api-ldap-model
- net.sf.ehcache
- ehcache-core
- org.apache.directory.api
- api-util
- org.apache.directory.api
- api-util
- 1.0.2
- com.nimbusds
- nimbus-jose-jwt
- ${nimbus-jose-jwt.version}
- compile
- org.bouncycastle
- bcprov-jdk15on
- org.springframework.security.kerberos
- spring-security-kerberos-core
- org.springframework
- spring-context
- org.springframework
- spring-core
- org.springframework
- spring-aop
- org.springframework
- spring-beans
- org.springframework
- spring-expression
- org.springframework
- spring-core
- test
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-minikdc
- 3.0.0
- test
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-log4j12
- com.nimbusds
- nimbus-jose-jwt
- commons-io
- commons-io
- org.apache.httpcomponents
- httpclient
- test
- junit
- junit
- test
- org.mockito
- mockito-core
- test
- org.mortbay.jetty
- jetty-util
- 6.1.26
- test
- org.mortbay.jetty
- jetty
- 6.1.26
- test
- org.apache.tomcat.embed
- tomcat-embed-core
- 7.0.55
- test
- org.apache.tomcat.embed
- tomcat-embed-logging-juli
- 7.0.55
- test
- ../../
- NOTICE.txt
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-jar-plugin
- prepare-jar
- prepare-package
- jar
- prepare-test-jar
- prepare-package
- test-jar
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ registries
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ common-auth
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ javax.servlet
+ servlet-api
+ 2.5
+ provided
+ org.apache.directory.server
+ apacheds-kerberos-codec
+ 2.0.0-M15
+ compile
+ org.apache.directory.api
+ api-asn1-ber
+ org.apache.directory.api
+ api-i18n
+ org.apache.directory.api
+ api-ldap-model
+ net.sf.ehcache
+ ehcache-core
+ org.apache.directory.api
+ api-util
+ org.apache.directory.api
+ api-util
+ 1.0.2
+ com.nimbusds
+ nimbus-jose-jwt
+ ${nimbus-jose-jwt.version}
+ compile
+ org.bouncycastle
+ bcprov-jdk15on
+ org.springframework.security.kerberos
+ spring-security-kerberos-core
+ org.springframework
+ spring-context
+ org.springframework
+ spring-core
+ org.springframework
+ spring-aop
+ org.springframework
+ spring-beans
+ org.springframework
+ spring-expression
+ org.springframework
+ spring-core
+ test
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-minikdc
+ 3.0.0
+ test
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ com.nimbusds
+ nimbus-jose-jwt
+ commons-io
+ commons-io
+ org.apache.httpcomponents
+ httpclient
+ test
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
+ org.mockito
+ mockito-core
+ test
+ org.mortbay.jetty
+ jetty-util
+ 6.1.26
+ test
+ org.mortbay.jetty
+ jetty
+ 6.1.26
+ test
+ org.apache.tomcat.embed
+ tomcat-embed-core
+ 7.0.55
+ test
+ org.apache.tomcat.embed
+ tomcat-embed-logging-juli
+ 7.0.55
+ test
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ prepare-jar
+ prepare-package
+ jar
+ prepare-test-jar
+ prepare-package
+ test-jar
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
diff --git a/common-client/pom.xml b/common-client/pom.xml
index c375bfbcd..f1d3cdab7 100644
--- a/common-client/pom.xml
+++ b/common-client/pom.xml
@@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
- registries
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- registry-common-client
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-annotations
- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
- jackson-dataformat-yaml
- org.slf4j
- log4j-over-slf4j
- org.codehaus.mojo
- buildnumber-maven-plugin
- 1.4
- false
- false
- ${project.build.directory}/classes/registry
- unknown
- generate-resources
- create-metadata
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ registries
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ registry-common-client
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-annotations
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
+ jackson-dataformat-yaml
+ org.slf4j
+ log4j-over-slf4j
+ org.codehaus.mojo
+ buildnumber-maven-plugin
+ 1.4
+ false
+ false
+ ${project.build.directory}/classes/registry
+ unknown
+ generate-resources
+ create-metadata
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
diff --git a/common/pom.xml b/common/pom.xml
index 0c951efa8..ae789269b 100644
--- a/common/pom.xml
+++ b/common/pom.xml
@@ -1,261 +1,261 @@
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registries
- 4.0.0
- registry-common
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registry-common-client
- ${project.version}
- com.google.guava
- guava
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- log4j-over-slf4j
- org.apache.commons
- commons-lang3
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-core
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-databind
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-annotations
- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
- jackson-dataformat-yaml
- org.codehaus.jackson
- jackson-mapper-asl
- com.github.fge
- json-schema-validator
- com.google.code.findbugs
- jsr305
- joda-time
- joda-time
- net.sf.jopt-simple
- jopt-simple
- com.googlecode.libphonenumber
- libphonenumber
- net.sf.jopt-simple
- jopt-simple
- 5.0.4
- joda-time
- joda-time
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-client
- javax.servlet.jsp
- jsp-api
- org.eclipse.jetty
- jetty-servlet
- org.eclipse.jetty
- jetty-webapp
- org.apache.avro
- avro
- org.apache.curator
- curator-client
- org.apache.curator
- curator-recipes
- org.apache.curator
- curator-framework
- com.google.code.findbugs
- jsr305
- com.nimbusds
- nimbus-jose-jwt
- com.google.code.gson
- gson
- com.nimbusds
- nimbus-jose-jwt
- ${nimbus-jose-jwt.version}
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-aws
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-azure
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-azure-datalake
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-cloud-storage
- org.glassfish.jersey.media
- jersey-media-multipart
- org.hibernate
- hibernate-validator
- org.springframework
- spring-context
- junit
- junit
- test
- org.powermock
- powermock-module-junit4
- test
- org.javassist
- javassist
- org.objenesis
- objenesis
- org.powermock
- powermock-api-mockito2
- test
- javax.xml.bind
- jaxb-api
- org.glassfish.jaxb
- jaxb-runtime
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-jar-plugin
- test-jar
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registries
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ registry-common
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common-client
+ ${project.version}
+ com.google.guava
+ guava
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-api
+ org.slf4j
+ log4j-over-slf4j
+ org.apache.commons
+ commons-lang3
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-core
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-databind
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-annotations
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
+ jackson-dataformat-yaml
+ org.codehaus.jackson
+ jackson-mapper-asl
+ com.github.fge
+ json-schema-validator
+ com.google.code.findbugs
+ jsr305
+ joda-time
+ joda-time
+ net.sf.jopt-simple
+ jopt-simple
+ com.googlecode.libphonenumber
+ libphonenumber
+ net.sf.jopt-simple
+ jopt-simple
+ 5.0.4
+ joda-time
+ joda-time
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ javax.servlet.jsp
+ jsp-api
+ org.eclipse.jetty
+ jetty-servlet
+ org.eclipse.jetty
+ jetty-webapp
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-client
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-recipes
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-framework
+ com.google.code.findbugs
+ jsr305
+ com.nimbusds
+ nimbus-jose-jwt
+ com.google.code.gson
+ gson
+ com.nimbusds
+ nimbus-jose-jwt
+ ${nimbus-jose-jwt.version}
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-aws
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure-datalake
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-cloud-storage
+ org.glassfish.jersey.media
+ jersey-media-multipart
+ org.hibernate
+ hibernate-validator
+ org.springframework
+ spring-context
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
+ org.powermock
+ powermock-module-junit4
+ test
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ org.objenesis
+ objenesis
+ org.powermock
+ powermock-api-mockito2
+ test
+ javax.xml.bind
+ jaxb-api
+ org.glassfish.jaxb
+ jaxb-runtime
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ test-jar
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
diff --git a/docker/pom.xml b/docker/pom.xml
index f1b426af2..adc854556 100644
--- a/docker/pom.xml
+++ b/docker/pom.xml
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
- 4.0.0
- registries
- com.hortonworks.registries
- ../pom.xml
- hortonworks-registries-docker
- pom
- docker
- com.spotify
- docker-maven-plugin
- 0.4.13
- package
- build
- schema-registry
- ${project.basedir}/images/registry
- ${project.parent.version}
- ${project.parent.version}
- /
- ${project.basedir}/../registry-dist/target
- hortonworks-registry-${project.parent.version}.tar.gz
+ 4.0.0
+ registries
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ ../pom.xml
+ hortonworks-registries-docker
+ pom
+ docker
+ com.spotify
+ docker-maven-plugin
+ 0.4.13
+ package
+ build
+ schema-registry
+ ${project.basedir}/images/registry
+ ${project.parent.version}
+ ${project.parent.version}
+ /
+ ${project.basedir}/../registry-dist/target
+ hortonworks-registry-${project.parent.version}.tar.gz
diff --git a/examples/pom.xml b/examples/pom.xml
index 4b375d43c..7da536dd2 100644
--- a/examples/pom.xml
+++ b/examples/pom.xml
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
- registries
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- registry-examples
- pom
- schema-registry
+ registries
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ registry-examples
+ pom
+ schema-registry
diff --git a/examples/schema-registry/avro/pom.xml b/examples/schema-registry/avro/pom.xml
index 83ae7a5b5..34f2f7d97 100644
--- a/examples/schema-registry/avro/pom.xml
+++ b/examples/schema-registry/avro/pom.xml
@@ -1,251 +1,251 @@
- schema-registry-examples
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- avro-examples
- com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.examples.avro.KafkaAvroSerDesApp
- commons-cli
- commons-cli
- 1.3.1
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-serdes
- ${project.version}
- org.apache.kafka
- kafka-clients
- com.hortonworks.avro
- avro
- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
- jackson-dataformat-csv
- ${jackson.version}
- com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
- jackson-jaxrs-json-provider
- ${jackson.version}
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-api
- ${slf4j.version}
- ch.qos.logback
- logback-classic
- ${logback.version}
- org.apache.kafka
- kafka-streams
- javax.ws.rs
- javax.ws.rs-api
- junit
- junit
- ${junit.version}
- test
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-testing
- ${dropwizard.version}
- test
- com.hortonworks.avro
- avro
- com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype
- jackson-datatype-jdk8
- com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
- jackson-jaxrs-json-provider
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-webservice
- ${project.version}
- test
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-common
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-hdfs
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-client
- log4j
- log4j
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-log4j12
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-simple
- ch.qos.logback
- logback-classic
- maven-resources-plugin
- 2.4.3
- copy-resources
- validate
- copy-resources
- ${basedir}/target/classes
- ${basedir}/../serdes/target/
- serdes-examples.jar
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-jar-plugin
- ${mainClass}
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-shade-plugin
- 2.4.3
- package
- shade
- ${mainClass}
- org.apache.avro
- avro-maven-plugin
- ${avro.version}
- generate-sources
- schema
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ schema-registry-examples
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ avro-examples
+ com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.examples.avro.KafkaAvroSerDesApp
+ commons-cli
+ commons-cli
+ 1.3.1
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-serdes
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.kafka
+ kafka-clients
+ com.hortonworks.avro
+ avro
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
+ jackson-dataformat-csv
+ ${jackson.version}
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
+ jackson-jaxrs-json-provider
+ ${jackson.version}
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-api
+ ${slf4j.version}
+ ch.qos.logback
+ logback-classic
+ ${logback.version}
+ org.apache.kafka
+ kafka-streams
+ javax.ws.rs
+ javax.ws.rs-api
+ junit
+ junit
+ ${junit.version}
+ test
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-testing
+ ${dropwizard.version}
+ test
+ com.hortonworks.avro
+ avro
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype
+ jackson-datatype-jdk8
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
+ jackson-jaxrs-json-provider
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-webservice
+ ${project.version}
+ test
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-common
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-hdfs
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-simple
+ ch.qos.logback
+ logback-classic
+ maven-resources-plugin
+ 2.4.3
+ copy-resources
+ validate
+ copy-resources
+ ${basedir}/target/classes
+ ${basedir}/../serdes/target/
+ serdes-examples.jar
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ ${mainClass}
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-shade-plugin
+ 2.4.3
+ package
+ shade
+ ${mainClass}
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro-maven-plugin
+ ${avro.version}
+ generate-sources
+ schema
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
diff --git a/examples/schema-registry/pom.xml b/examples/schema-registry/pom.xml
index 150599dfd..a7a574b51 100644
--- a/examples/schema-registry/pom.xml
+++ b/examples/schema-registry/pom.xml
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
- registry-examples
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- schema-registry-examples
- pom
- serdes
- avro
- schema-lifecycle
+ registry-examples
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ schema-registry-examples
+ pom
+ serdes
+ avro
+ schema-lifecycle
diff --git a/examples/schema-registry/schema-lifecycle/pom.xml b/examples/schema-registry/schema-lifecycle/pom.xml
index d845c02d0..1cb1e2635 100644
--- a/examples/schema-registry/schema-lifecycle/pom.xml
+++ b/examples/schema-registry/schema-lifecycle/pom.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- 0.10.0
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
diff --git a/examples/schema-registry/schema-lifecycle/pom.xml.orig b/examples/schema-registry/schema-lifecycle/pom.xml.orig
index 6efbdbc9c..c92bae88e 100644
--- a/examples/schema-registry/schema-lifecycle/pom.xml.orig
+++ b/examples/schema-registry/schema-lifecycle/pom.xml.orig
@@ -1,3 +1,147 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ schema-registry-examples
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-webservice
+ ${project.version}
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-client
+ ${project.version}
+ org.slf4j
+ log4j-over-slf4j
+ junit
+ junit
+ ${junit.version}
+ test
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-testing
+ ${dropwizard.version}
+ test
+ com.hortonworks.avro
+ avro
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-webservice
+ ${project.version}
+ test-jar
+ test
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-common
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-hdfs
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-simple
+ ch.qos.logback
+ logback-classic
+ mysql
+ mysql-connector-java
+ ${mysql-connector-java.version}
+ provided
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ ${project.artifactId}
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
@@ -139,8 +283,5 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> e696d2b7... CDPD-10834 Add code coverage and findbugs reports
+>>>>>>> 73a7c859... CDPD-12784 Upgrade version of Schema Registry to 0.9.0
diff --git a/examples/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml b/examples/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml
index 2aac04066..566c9b57f 100644
--- a/examples/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml
+++ b/examples/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- 0.10.0
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
diff --git a/examples/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml.orig b/examples/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml.orig
index d84590513..4feca6e95 100644
--- a/examples/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml.orig
+++ b/examples/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml.orig
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
- schema-registry-examples
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- serdes-examples
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-common
- ${project.version}
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-jar-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- ${project.artifactId}
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> e696d2b7... CDPD-10834 Add code coverage and findbugs reports
+ schema-registry-examples
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ serdes-examples
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ ${project.artifactId}
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+>>>>>>> e696d2b7... CDPD-10834 Add code coverage and findbugs reports
diff --git a/model-registry/pom.xml b/model-registry/pom.xml
index 843d1d0e1..9a2c7de57 100644
--- a/model-registry/pom.xml
+++ b/model-registry/pom.xml
@@ -1,171 +1,171 @@
- registries
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- model-registry
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registry-common
- ${project.version}
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-client
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-aws
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-azure
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-azure-datalake
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-cloud-storage
- com.hortonworks.registries
- storage-core
- ${project.version}
- org.javassist
- javassist
- org.glassfish.jersey.core
- jersey-client
- org.javassist
- javassist
- org.glassfish.jersey.media
- jersey-media-multipart
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-core
- org.jpmml
- pmml-schema
- ${pmml.version}
- org.jpmml
- pmml-evaluator
- ${pmml.version}
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-databind
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-annotations
- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
- jackson-dataformat-yaml
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-core
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-testing
- ${dropwizard.version}
- test
- org.apache.avro
- avro
- junit
- junit
- 1.0.22
- ../../
- NOTICE.txt
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ registries
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ model-registry
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-aws
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure-datalake
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-cloud-storage
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ storage-core
+ ${project.version}
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ org.glassfish.jersey.core
+ jersey-client
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ org.glassfish.jersey.media
+ jersey-media-multipart
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-core
+ org.jpmml
+ pmml-schema
+ ${pmml.version}
+ org.jpmml
+ pmml-evaluator
+ ${pmml.version}
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-databind
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-annotations
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
+ jackson-dataformat-yaml
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-core
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-testing
+ ${dropwizard.version}
+ test
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ junit
+ junit
+ 1.0.22
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 95de3290d..146907f54 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@
- 0.9.0
+ 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
diff --git a/registry-dist/pom.xml.orig b/registry-dist/pom.xml.orig
index 5a317f098..c8412e42b 100644
--- a/registry-dist/pom.xml.orig
+++ b/registry-dist/pom.xml.orig
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
- 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
+ 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
@@ -324,4 +324,4 @@
->>>>>>> bf02dfb8... merge conflicts
+>>>>>>> 73a7c859... CDPD-12784 Upgrade version of Schema Registry to 0.9.0
diff --git a/schema-registry/authorizer/pom.xml b/schema-registry/authorizer/pom.xml
index d15340dd4..3e06c5484 100644
--- a/schema-registry/authorizer/pom.xml
+++ b/schema-registry/authorizer/pom.xml
@@ -1,363 +1,363 @@
- schema-registry
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- schema-registry-authorizer
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-core
- ${project.version}
- com.hortonworks.registries
- atlas-shim
- org.slf4j
- log4j-over-slf4j
- org.glassfish.jersey.media
- jersey-media-json-jackson
- org.javassist
- javassist
- net.java.dev.jna
- jna
- com.hortonworks.registries
- common-auth
- ${project.version}
- org.springframework
- spring-context
- org.springframework
- spring-core
- org.springframework
- spring-aop
- org.springframework
- spring-beans
- org.springframework
- spring-expression
- com.hortonworks.registries
- ranger-shaded
- ${schema-registry-shaded.version}
- com.sun.jersey
- jersey-bundle
- com.sun.jersey
- jersey-core
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-common
- log4j
- log4j
- ${log4j.version}
- org.glassfish.jersey.core
- jersey-client
- ${jersey.version}
- javax.ws.rs
- javax.ws.rs-api
- com.google.guava
- guava
- ${guava.version}
- junit
- junit
- test
- com.google.code.gson
- gson
- 2.8.6
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registry-common
- ${project.version}
- test
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-log4j12
- org.slf4j
- log4j-over-slf4j
- log4j
- log4j
- org.glassfish.jersey.media
- jersey-media-json-jackson
- org.glassfish.jersey.core
- jersey-common
- org.codehaus.jackson
- jackson-mapper-asl
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-common
- ${hadoop.version}
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-log4j12
- log4j
- log4j
- org.apache.curator
- curator-client
- org.apache.curator
- curator-recipes
- org.apache.curator
- curator-framework
- com.sun.jersey
- jersey-bundle
- com.sun.jersey
- jersey-servlet
- com.sun.jersey
- jersey-json
- com.sun.jersey
- jersey-server
- javax.ws.rs
- jsr311-api
- org.eclipse.jetty
- jetty-server
- com.google.code.findbugs
- jsr305
- com.google.code.gson
- gson
- org.apache.avro
- avro
- com.nimbusds
- nimbus-jose-jwt
- org.apache.commons
- commons-lang3
- test
- maven-assembly-plugin
- package
- single
- ${project.basedir}/src/main/assembly/binary.xml
- false
- posix
- maven-jar-plugin
- shim
- jar
- package
- -shim
- **/com/hortonworks/registries/schemaregistry/authorizer/ranger/shim/**
- auth-ranger
- jar
- package
- -ranger
- **/com/hortonworks/registries/schemaregistry/authorizer/ranger/**
- **/com/hortonworks/registries/schemaregistry/authorizer/ranger/shim/**
- default-jar
- jar
- package
- **/com/hortonworks/registries/schemaregistry/authorizer/ranger/**
- maven-dependency-plugin
- copy-dependencies
- package
- ${project.build.directory}/deps
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- ../../
- NOTICE.txt
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ schema-registry
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ schema-registry-authorizer
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-core
+ ${project.version}
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ atlas-shim
+ org.slf4j
+ log4j-over-slf4j
+ org.glassfish.jersey.media
+ jersey-media-json-jackson
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ net.java.dev.jna
+ jna
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ common-auth
+ ${project.version}
+ org.springframework
+ spring-context
+ org.springframework
+ spring-core
+ org.springframework
+ spring-aop
+ org.springframework
+ spring-beans
+ org.springframework
+ spring-expression
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ ranger-shaded
+ ${schema-registry-shaded.version}
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-bundle
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-core
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-common
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ ${log4j.version}
+ org.glassfish.jersey.core
+ jersey-client
+ ${jersey.version}
+ javax.ws.rs
+ javax.ws.rs-api
+ com.google.guava
+ guava
+ ${guava.version}
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
+ com.google.code.gson
+ gson
+ 2.8.6
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ test
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ org.slf4j
+ log4j-over-slf4j
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.glassfish.jersey.media
+ jersey-media-json-jackson
+ org.glassfish.jersey.core
+ jersey-common
+ org.codehaus.jackson
+ jackson-mapper-asl
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-common
+ ${hadoop.version}
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-client
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-recipes
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-framework
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-bundle
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-servlet
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-json
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-server
+ javax.ws.rs
+ jsr311-api
+ org.eclipse.jetty
+ jetty-server
+ com.google.code.findbugs
+ jsr305
+ com.google.code.gson
+ gson
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ com.nimbusds
+ nimbus-jose-jwt
+ org.apache.commons
+ commons-lang3
+ test
+ maven-assembly-plugin
+ package
+ single
+ ${project.basedir}/src/main/assembly/binary.xml
+ false
+ posix
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ shim
+ jar
+ package
+ -shim
+ **/com/hortonworks/registries/schemaregistry/authorizer/ranger/shim/**
+ auth-ranger
+ jar
+ package
+ -ranger
+ **/com/hortonworks/registries/schemaregistry/authorizer/ranger/**
+ **/com/hortonworks/registries/schemaregistry/authorizer/ranger/shim/**
+ default-jar
+ jar
+ package
+ **/com/hortonworks/registries/schemaregistry/authorizer/ranger/**
+ maven-dependency-plugin
+ copy-dependencies
+ package
+ ${project.build.directory}/deps
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
diff --git a/schema-registry/client/pom.xml b/schema-registry/client/pom.xml
index d5ae8ec47..8497fe6b7 100644
--- a/schema-registry/client/pom.xml
+++ b/schema-registry/client/pom.xml
@@ -1,107 +1,107 @@
- schema-registry
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- schema-registry-client
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-common
- ${project.version}
- com.hortonworks.registries
- jersey-shaded
- ${schema-registry-shaded.version}
- commons-io
- commons-io
- ${commons.version}
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registry-common-client
- ${project.version}
- com.hortonworks.registries
- common-auth
- ${project.version}
- org.jmockit
- jmockit
- ${jmockit.version}
- test
- junit
- junit
- ${junit.version}
- test
- ../../
- NOTICE.txt
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ schema-registry
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ schema-registry-client
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ jersey-shaded
+ ${schema-registry-shaded.version}
+ commons-io
+ commons-io
+ ${commons.version}
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common-client
+ ${project.version}
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ common-auth
+ ${project.version}
+ org.jmockit
+ jmockit
+ ${jmockit.version}
+ test
+ junit
+ junit
+ ${junit.version}
+ test
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
diff --git a/schema-registry/common/pom.xml b/schema-registry/common/pom.xml
index 69203c11a..8ea91f9f8 100644
--- a/schema-registry/common/pom.xml
+++ b/schema-registry/common/pom.xml
@@ -1,153 +1,153 @@
- schema-registry
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- schema-registry-common
- com.google.guava
- guava
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- log4j-over-slf4j
- org.apache.commons
- commons-lang3
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-core
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-databind
- org.apache.avro
- avro
- ${avro.version}
- io.swagger
- swagger-annotations
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-core
- org.javassist
- javassist
- com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
- jackson-jaxrs-json-provider
- org.eclipse.jetty
- jetty-webapp
- org.eclipse.jetty
- jetty-servlet
- com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype
- jackson-datatype-jdk8
- junit
- junit
- test
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registry-common
- ${project.version}
- test
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registry-common
- ${project.version}
- test-jar
- test
- org.mockito
- mockito-core
- ../../
- NOTICE.txt
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- org.jacoco
- jacoco-maven-plugin
- report
- com.github.spotbugs
- spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ schema-registry
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ schema-registry-common
+ com.google.guava
+ guava
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-api
+ org.slf4j
+ log4j-over-slf4j
+ org.apache.commons
+ commons-lang3
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-core
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-databind
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ ${avro.version}
+ io.swagger
+ swagger-annotations
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-core
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
+ jackson-jaxrs-json-provider
+ org.eclipse.jetty
+ jetty-webapp
+ org.eclipse.jetty
+ jetty-servlet
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype
+ jackson-datatype-jdk8
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ test
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ test-jar
+ test
+ org.mockito
+ mockito-core
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
diff --git a/schema-registry/core/pom.xml.orig b/schema-registry/core/pom.xml.orig
index 2b84064dc..5ba29ebe3 100644
--- a/schema-registry/core/pom.xml.orig
+++ b/schema-registry/core/pom.xml.orig
@@ -1,3 +1,239 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ schema-registry
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ schema-registry-core
+ 3.1.2
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-aws
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure-datalake
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-cloud-storage
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-client
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ storage-core
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-core
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-server
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-client
+ org.mortbay.jetty
+ jetty
+ org.mortbay.jetty
+ jetty-sslengine
+ org.mortbay.jetty
+ jsp-2.1
+ org.mortbay.jetty
+ jsp-api-2.1
+ javax.servlet
+ servlet-api
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ atlas-shim
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.atlas
+ atlas-client-v2
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ jul-to-slf4j
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ ${avro.version}
+ org.glassfish.jersey.media
+ jersey-media-json-jackson
+ commons-codec
+ commons-codec
+ 1.14
+ org.jmockit
+ jmockit
+ test
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ storage-core
+ ${project.version}
+ test-jar
+ test
+ src/main/resources
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
@@ -104,25 +340,6 @@
- com.hortonworks.registries
- atlas-shim
- ${project.version}
- org.apache.atlas
- atlas-client-v2
- log4j
- log4j
- org.slf4j
- jul-to-slf4j
@@ -179,19 +396,43 @@
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ maven-shade-plugin
+ ${maven-shade-plugin.version}
+ true
+ *:*
+ package
+ shade
+ com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.webservice.SchemaRegistryApplication
@@ -207,8 +448,6 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
@@ -223,7 +462,6 @@
->>>>>>> e696d2b7... CDPD-10834 Add code coverage and findbugs reports
@@ -254,3 +492,4 @@
+>>>>>>> 73a7c859... CDPD-12784 Upgrade version of Schema Registry to 0.9.0
diff --git a/schema-registry/pom.xml b/schema-registry/pom.xml
index ac8cab351..4634774b6 100644
--- a/schema-registry/pom.xml
+++ b/schema-registry/pom.xml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
- registries
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- schema-registry
- pom
- common
- client
- core
- serdes
- rest-service
- authorizer
+ registries
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ schema-registry
+ pom
+ common
+ client
+ core
+ serdes
+ rest-service
+ authorizer
diff --git a/schema-registry/rest-service/pom.xml.orig b/schema-registry/rest-service/pom.xml.orig
index 4298eb2de..37c61421c 100644
--- a/schema-registry/rest-service/pom.xml.orig
+++ b/schema-registry/rest-service/pom.xml.orig
@@ -1,3 +1,422 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ schema-registry
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ schema-registry-webservice
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-library
+ ${scala.version}
+ provided
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-reflect
+ ${scala.version}
+ provided
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-aws
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure-datalake
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-cloud-storage
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-servlet
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-json
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-server
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-serdes
+ ${project.version}
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-webservice
+ ${project.version}
+ net.java.dev.jna
+ jna
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-authorizer
+ ${project.version}
+ com.sun.jersey
+ jersey-core
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ org.eclipse.jetty
+ jetty-servlet
+ org.eclipse.jetty
+ jetty-webapp
+ javax.servlet.jsp
+ jsp-api
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ ranger-shaded
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-core
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-core
+ com.google.guava
+ guava
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
+ jackson-jaxrs-json-provider
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
+ org.mockito
+ mockito-core
+ test
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-testing
+ ${dropwizard.version}
+ test
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-serdes
+ ${project.version}
+ test-jar
+ test
+ org.apache.kafka
+ kafka-streams
+ test
+ test
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ javax.ws.rs
+ javax.ws.rs-api
+ org.apache.kafka
+ kafka-streams-test-utils
+ test
+ test
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ org.apache.kafka
+ kafka-clients
+ test
+ test
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-library
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-reflect
+ org.apache.kafka
+ ${kafkaArtifact}
+ test
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-library
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-reflect
+ org.apache.kafka
+ ${kafkaArtifact}
+ test
+ test
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ io.confluent
+ kafka-avro-serializer
+ 3.1.1
+ test
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-test
+ ${curator-test.version}
+ test
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ ${log4j.version}
+ org.apache.httpcomponents
+ httpclient
+ test
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ test-jar
+ test
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ test-jar
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-source-plugin
+ ${maven-source-plugin.version}
+ attach-sources
+ jar-no-fork
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.jacoco
+ jacoco-maven-plugin
+ report
+ com.github.spotbugs
+ spotbugs-maven-plugin
+ 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
- org.scala-lang
- scala-library
- ${scala.version}
- provided
- org.scala-lang
- scala-reflect
- ${scala.version}
- provided
@@ -53,18 +460,6 @@
- com.sun.jersey
- jersey-servlet
- com.sun.jersey
- jersey-json
- com.sun.jersey
- jersey-server
@@ -76,44 +471,6 @@
- net.java.dev.jna
- jna
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-authorizer
- ${project.version}
- com.sun.jersey
- jersey-core
- org.javassist
- javassist
- org.eclipse.jetty
- jetty-servlet
- org.eclipse.jetty
- jetty-webapp
- javax.servlet.jsp
- jsp-api
- com.hortonworks.registries
- ranger-shaded
@@ -126,20 +483,6 @@
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-core
- com.google.guava
- guava
- com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
- jackson-jaxrs-json-provider
@@ -174,6 +517,7 @@
+ ${kafka.version}
@@ -189,15 +533,12 @@
- javax.ws.rs
- javax.ws.rs-api
+ ${kafka.version}
@@ -211,26 +552,20 @@
+ ${kafka.version}
- org.apache.avro
- avro
- org.scala-lang
- scala-library
- org.scala-lang
- scala-reflect
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ ${kafka.version}
@@ -249,23 +584,12 @@
- org.apache.avro
- avro
- org.scala-lang
- scala-library
- org.scala-lang
- scala-reflect
+ ${kafka.version}
@@ -297,14 +621,6 @@
- org.apache.zookeeper
- zookeeper
- org.apache.avro
- avro
@@ -312,22 +628,6 @@
- log4j
- log4j
- log4j
- log4j
- ${log4j.version}
- org.apache.httpcomponents
- httpclient
- test
@@ -336,6 +636,11 @@
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-authorization-agent
+ ${project.version}
@@ -350,22 +655,6 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-source-plugin
- ${maven-source-plugin.version}
- attach-sources
- jar-no-fork
->>>>>>> e696d2b7... CDPD-10834 Add code coverage and findbugs reports
@@ -418,3 +707,4 @@
+>>>>>>> 73a7c859... CDPD-12784 Upgrade version of Schema Registry to 0.9.0
diff --git a/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml b/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml
index 8589daa82..8665702bd 100644
--- a/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml
+++ b/schema-registry/serdes/pom.xml
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
- schema-registry
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- schema-registry-serdes
- org.scala-lang
- scala-library
- ${scala.version}
- provided
- org.scala-lang
- scala-reflect
- ${scala.version}
- provided
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-common
- ${project.version}
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-client
- ${project.version}
- com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
- jackson-jaxrs-json-provider
- ${jackson.version}
- org.glassfish.jersey.media
- jersey-media-json-jackson
- javax.ws.rs
- javax.ws.rs-api
- org.apache.kafka
- kafka-clients
- provided
- org.apache.avro
- avro
- org.scala-lang
- scala-library
- org.scala-lang
- scala-reflect
- org.apache.avro
- avro
- ${avro.version}
- commons-io
- commons-io
- ${commons.version}
- org.apache.kafka
- ${kafkaArtifact}
- test
- org.apache.zookeeper
- zookeeper
- log4j
- log4j
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-log4j12
- org.scala-lang
- scala-library
- org.scala-lang
- scala-reflect
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-core
- ${project.version}
- test
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-core
- org.apache.avro
- avro
- org.javassist
- javassist
- org.jmockit
- jmockit
- test
- org.mockito
- mockito-core
- test
- junit
- junit
- ${junit.version}
- test
- ../../
- NOTICE.txt
- org.apache.avro
- avro-maven-plugin
- ${avro.version}
- generate-sources
- schema
- ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources
- ${project.basedir}/src/test/java/
- **/*.avsc
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-jar-plugin
- test-jar
+ schema-registry
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ schema-registry-serdes
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-library
+ ${scala.version}
+ provided
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-reflect
+ ${scala.version}
+ provided
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-client
+ ${project.version}
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
+ jackson-jaxrs-json-provider
+ ${jackson.version}
+ org.glassfish.jersey.media
+ jersey-media-json-jackson
+ javax.ws.rs
+ javax.ws.rs-api
+ org.apache.kafka
+ kafka-clients
+ provided
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-library
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-reflect
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ ${avro.version}
+ commons-io
+ commons-io
+ ${commons.version}
+ org.apache.kafka
+ ${kafkaArtifact}
+ test
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-library
+ org.scala-lang
+ scala-reflect
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-core
+ ${project.version}
+ test
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-core
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ org.jmockit
+ jmockit
+ test
+ org.mockito
+ mockito-core
+ test
+ junit
+ junit
+ ${junit.version}
+ test
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.apache.avro
+ avro-maven-plugin
+ ${avro.version}
+ generate-sources
+ schema
+ ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources
+ ${project.basedir}/src/test/java/
+ **/*.avsc
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ test-jar
diff --git a/storage/common/pom.xml b/storage/common/pom.xml
index 162f45043..ea834080d 100644
--- a/storage/common/pom.xml
+++ b/storage/common/pom.xml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
- storage
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- storage-common
+ storage
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ storage-common
diff --git a/storage/core/pom.xml b/storage/core/pom.xml
index 6f722e829..37fe6b6b1 100644
--- a/storage/core/pom.xml
+++ b/storage/core/pom.xml
@@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
- storage
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- storage-core
- com.hortonworks.registries
- cache
- ${project.version}
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- log4j-over-slf4j
- org.postgresql
- postgresql
- com.zaxxer
- HikariCP-java6
- org.apache.commons
- commons-lang3
- org.glassfish.jersey.core
- jersey-server
- ${jersey.version}
- org.javassist
- javassist
- com.hortonworks.registries
- storage-common
- ${project.version}
- commons-io
- commons-io
- ${commons.version}
- org.jmockit
- jmockit
- ${jmockit.version}
- test
- junit
- junit
- test
- com.h2database
- h2
- ${h2database.version}
- test
- org.mockito
- mockito-core
- ../../
- NOTICE.txt
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-jar-plugin
- test-jar
+ storage
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ storage-core
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ cache
+ ${project.version}
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-api
+ org.slf4j
+ log4j-over-slf4j
+ org.postgresql
+ postgresql
+ com.zaxxer
+ HikariCP-java6
+ org.apache.commons
+ commons-lang3
+ org.glassfish.jersey.core
+ jersey-server
+ ${jersey.version}
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ storage-common
+ ${project.version}
+ commons-io
+ commons-io
+ ${commons.version}
+ org.jmockit
+ jmockit
+ ${jmockit.version}
+ test
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
+ com.h2database
+ h2
+ ${h2database.version}
+ test
+ org.mockito
+ mockito-core
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ test-jar
diff --git a/storage/pom.xml b/storage/pom.xml
index 6a75e92aa..b24bdb91c 100644
--- a/storage/pom.xml
+++ b/storage/pom.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- registries
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- storage
- pom
- core
- tool
- common
+ registries
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ storage
+ pom
+ core
+ tool
+ common
diff --git a/storage/tool/pom.xml b/storage/tool/pom.xml
index 8a08202ff..e3d532eb0 100644
--- a/storage/tool/pom.xml
+++ b/storage/tool/pom.xml
@@ -1,128 +1,128 @@
- storage
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- storage-tool
- org.apache.commons
- commons-lang3
- commons-cli
- commons-cli
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-core
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-databind
- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
- jackson-dataformat-yaml
- org.postgresql
- postgresql
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-simple
- commons-io
- commons-io
- ${commons.version}
- org.flywaydb
- flyway-maven-plugin
- org.codehaus.plexus
- plexus-utils
- org.codehaus.plexus
- plexus-component-annotations
- org.sonatype.plexus
- plexus-sec-dispatcher
- com.hortonworks.registries
- storage-common
- ${project.version}
- ../../
- NOTICE.txt
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-shade-plugin
- package
- shade
- com.hortonworks.registries.storage.tool.shell.ShellMigrationInitializer
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-jar-plugin
- maven-dependency-plugin
- copy-dependencies
- ${targetdirectory}
+ storage
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ storage-tool
+ org.apache.commons
+ commons-lang3
+ commons-cli
+ commons-cli
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-core
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-databind
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
+ jackson-dataformat-yaml
+ org.postgresql
+ postgresql
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-api
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-simple
+ commons-io
+ commons-io
+ ${commons.version}
+ org.flywaydb
+ flyway-maven-plugin
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-utils
+ org.codehaus.plexus
+ plexus-component-annotations
+ org.sonatype.plexus
+ plexus-sec-dispatcher
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ storage-common
+ ${project.version}
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-shade-plugin
+ package
+ shade
+ com.hortonworks.registries.storage.tool.shell.ShellMigrationInitializer
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ maven-dependency-plugin
+ copy-dependencies
+ ${targetdirectory}
diff --git a/tag-registry/pom.xml b/tag-registry/pom.xml
index c549e093e..3ea94df9e 100644
--- a/tag-registry/pom.xml
+++ b/tag-registry/pom.xml
@@ -1,115 +1,115 @@
- registries
- com.hortonworks.registries
- 4.0.0
- tag-registry
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registry-common
- ${project.version}
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-client
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-aws
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-azure
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-azure-datalake
- org.apache.hadoop
- hadoop-cloud-storage
- com.hortonworks.registries
- storage-core
- ${project.version}
- compile
- org.javassist
- javassist
- org.glassfish.jersey.core
- jersey-client
- compile
- org.javassist
- javassist
- org.glassfish.jersey.media
- jersey-media-multipart
- compile
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-core
- compile
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-databind
- compile
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-annotations
- compile
- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
- jackson-dataformat-yaml
- compile
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-core
- compile
- com.google.guava
- guava
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-testing
- ${dropwizard.version}
- test
- junit
- junit
- test
+ registries
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ tag-registry
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-aws
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-azure-datalake
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-cloud-storage
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ storage-core
+ ${project.version}
+ compile
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ org.glassfish.jersey.core
+ jersey-client
+ compile
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ org.glassfish.jersey.media
+ jersey-media-multipart
+ compile
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-core
+ compile
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-databind
+ compile
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-annotations
+ compile
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
+ jackson-dataformat-yaml
+ compile
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-core
+ compile
+ com.google.guava
+ guava
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-testing
+ ${dropwizard.version}
+ test
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
diff --git a/webservice/pom.xml b/webservice/pom.xml
index 9effd57dc..938fdad76 100644
--- a/webservice/pom.xml
+++ b/webservice/pom.xml
@@ -1,289 +1,288 @@
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registries
- 4.0.0
- registry-webservice
- 1.3.17-1
- com.hortonworks.registries
- registry-common
- ${project.version}
- org.apache.curator
- curator-framework
- org.apache.curator
- curator-client
- org.apache.curator
- curator-recipes
- org.apache.zookeeper
- zookeeper
- com.hortonworks.registries
- storage-core
- ${project.version}
- org.apache.zookeeper
- zookeeper
- org.javassist
- javassist
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-common
- ${project.version}
- com.hortonworks.registries
- common-auth
- ${project.version}
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-core
- org.hibernate
- hibernate-validator
- com.smoketurner
- dropwizard-swagger
- ${dropwizard.swagger.version}
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-core
- io.dropwizard
- dropwizard-servlets
- com.google.code.findbugs
- annotations
- org.javassist
- javassist
- io.dropwizard.metrics
- metrics-annotation
- ${dropwizard.metrics.version}
- org.hibernate
- hibernate-validator
- org.apache.curator
- curator-framework
- ${curator.version}
- log4j
- log4j
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-log4j12
- com.google.guava
- guava
- org.apache.zookeeper
- zookeeper
- org.apache.curator
- curator-client
- ${curator.version}
- log4j
- log4j
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-log4j12
- com.google.guava
- guava
- org.apache.zookeeper
- zookeeper
- org.apache.curator
- curator-recipes
- ${curator.version}
- log4j
- log4j
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-log4j12
- com.google.guava
- guava
- org.apache.zookeeper
- zookeeper
- org.apache.curator
- curator-test
- ${curator.version}
- test
- junit
- junit
- test
- com.hortonworks.registries
- schema-registry-core
- ${project.version}
- org.eclipse.jetty
- jetty-util
- ${eclipse.jetty.version}
- src/main/resources/public
- ../../
- NOTICE.txt
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-jar-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-failsafe-plugin
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- com.github.eirslett
- frontend-maven-plugin
- 1.1
- src/main/resources/
- target
- install node and npm
- install-node-and-npm
- v13.11.0
- 6.13.7
- npm install
- npm
- generate-resources
- install
- npm run-script build
- npm
- generate-resources
- run-script build
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registries
+ 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 4.0.0
+ registry-webservice
+ 1.3.17-1
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-framework
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-client
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-recipes
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ storage-core
+ ${project.version}
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-common
+ ${project.version}
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ common-auth
+ ${project.version}
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-core
+ org.hibernate
+ hibernate-validator
+ com.smoketurner
+ dropwizard-swagger
+ ${dropwizard.swagger.version}
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-core
+ io.dropwizard
+ dropwizard-servlets
+ com.google.code.findbugs
+ annotations
+ org.javassist
+ javassist
+ io.dropwizard.metrics
+ metrics-annotation
+ ${dropwizard.metrics.version}
+ org.hibernate
+ hibernate-validator
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-framework
+ ${curator.version}
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ com.google.guava
+ guava
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-client
+ ${curator.version}
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ com.google.guava
+ guava
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-recipes
+ ${curator.version}
+ log4j
+ log4j
+ org.slf4j
+ slf4j-log4j12
+ com.google.guava
+ guava
+ org.apache.zookeeper
+ zookeeper
+ org.apache.curator
+ curator-test
+ ${curator.version}
+ test
+ junit
+ junit
+ test
+ com.hortonworks.registries
+ schema-registry-core
+ ${project.version}
+ org.eclipse.jetty
+ jetty-util
+ ${eclipse.jetty.version}
+ src/main/resources/public
+ ../../
+ NOTICE.txt
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-report-plugin
+ com.github.eirslett
+ frontend-maven-plugin
+ 1.1
+ src/main/resources/
+ target
+ install node and npm
+ install-node-and-npm
+ v13.11.0
+ 6.13.7
+ npm install
+ npm
+ generate-resources
+ install
+ npm run-script build
+ npm
+ generate-resources
+ run-script build