Before any release "make check" should report no problems.
Some testcases are skipped as they are known bugs or they point to missing features of That's okay.
The testsuite is organized by four digit numbers. In all documents (and issue tickets) only the number is used to identify the relevant testcase. Four digits are used to put related testcase into a common group, it is not related to the amount of testcases (other than having enough free numbers in between the groups to allow for later addition of testcases into an existing group).
The standard python unittest.main() is not used. Instead there is a slightly different frontend that allows to run testcases by number in the style of "test_4032". So all the testcases do have a number and a longer function name where the remainder of the function name does not need to be used to run a test.
It may be easiest to say
- make test_4032
Actually the implementation is checking for the given testcase by checking for test function names with that prefix. This will also allow to run a group of tests with a common prefix. The number will ensure that they are being run in an expected order, so that "make test_900" will run the (up to) ten testcases of test_9000...test_9009 in that order.
The script supports a non-standard option '--root' which will ensure that *.service files and other data are being searched below that point. So with --root=/tmp/run2 you can install a /tmp/run2/etc/systemd/system/zzc.service to be the only file being interpreted by
If there is no --root option being used then will inspect the standard systemd locations on the disk. This can be handy in some circumstance but for that test cases that is only an option inside a docker container where one can control the files that are being installed as test data.
Note that
- the testcases 1000...4999 are using a --root=subdir environment
- the testcases 5000...9999 will start a docker container to work.
Also remember that not all commands have been checked to interpret the --root=subdir option correctly. Be wary when you run outside of a docker container.
There is an option --coverage on the testsuite which will use an install pycoverage (in /usr/bin/coverage2) tool to gather the testsuite coverage of the tool.
The result will be in files/docker/,cover !
You can use "make check" to simply start all testscases including gathering the coverage. Note however that only the subdir-root testcases count for the python coverage. (The pycoverage tool is currently not installed into a docker container and its results are not pulled out for being added to the general line coverage).
- only the testcase 1000...4999 count for line coverage
- running sinle testcases like "make test_4032" has no coverage
The script may also write a junit xml report instead of the standard python testcase results. However this is not part of the source tree - you need to grab an "" copy and install it to the place where "" shall be run.
That's because a junit xml report does only make sense along with a Jenkins build server and/or a Sonar server setup where the results should be gathered. That's not being used for the opensource Github version at the moment.