- git
- JDK 8
- SBT 0.13.1 or above. To get SBT on Linux, you can do
curl https://bintray.com/sbt/rpm/rpm | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-sbt-rpm.repo
sudo yum install sbt
- Nodejs 6.10.0 or above. To get Nodejs on Linux, you can follow instructions here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#enterprise-linux-and-fedora
- Yarn package manager (
npm install --global yarn
- Install scala plugin
- Create a new project by selecting:
File | New | Project from Existing Sources
and then opening build.sbt of dlm project - When creating project as mentioned above choose JDK 1.8
- Run
sbt publishLocal
from dataplane root directory to locally publish dataplane projects. This is required because dlm has dependency ondb-client
project of dataplane. - Run
sbt compile
from dlm root directory to compile dlm-app and it's dlm dependencies. - Run
sh runDlmApp.sh
to start dlm app server on 9011 port
- Run
yarn; npm run prod
for server to run in prod mode. Navigate tohttp://localhost:4444