From 5aac6c74e2301b44cf02cbe98576ef3e9cfc8545 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ilyasmez Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 18:40:52 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=F0=9F=92=A5=20=20Remove=20the=20`Icon`=20suffi?= =?UTF-8?q?x?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- assets/L/index.js | 210 +++++++++++++------------- assets/M-old/index.js | 148 +++++++++---------- assets/M/index.js | 278 +++++++++++++++++------------------ assets/S/index.js | 236 ++++++++++++++--------------- assets/index.js | 236 ++++++++++++++--------------- src/CONFIG/index.js | 1 + src/assets-importer/index.js | 6 +- 7 files changed, 557 insertions(+), 558 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/L/index.js b/assets/L/index.js index ca56130..48df4ae 100644 --- a/assets/L/index.js +++ b/assets/L/index.js @@ -1,105 +1,105 @@ -export { default as apartmentCommercialIcon } from './apartment-commercial.svg'; -export { default as apartmentFloorIcon } from './apartment-floor.svg'; -export { default as apartmentGroundFloorIcon } from './apartment-ground-floor.svg'; 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+export { default as endOfRowHouseSimplified } from './end-of-row-house-simplified.svg'; +export { default as endOfRowHouse } from './end-of-row-house.svg'; +export { default as fittedKitchen } from './fitted-kitchen.svg'; +export { default as flatAmountFloors } from './flat-amount-floors.svg'; +export { default as flatOwnerOccupationSimplified } from './flat-owner-occupation-simplified.svg'; +export { default as flatOwnerOccupation } from './flat-owner-occupation.svg'; +export { default as flatRent } from './flat-rent.svg'; +export { default as flatSell } from './flat-sell.svg'; +export { default as flatTypeApartment } from './flat-type-apartment.svg'; +export { default as flatTypeAttic } from './flat-type-attic.svg'; +export { default as flatTypeGroundfloor } from './flat-type-groundfloor.svg'; +export { default as flatTypeLoft } from './flat-type-loft.svg'; +export { default as flatTypeMaisonette } from './flat-type-maisonette.svg'; +export { default as flatTypeSouterrain } from './flat-type-souterrain.svg'; 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-export { default as documentsLockIcon } from './documents-lock.svg'; -export { default as documentsStatisticIcon } from './documents-statistic.svg'; -export { default as elevatorIcon } from './elevator.svg'; -export { default as endOfRowHouseSimplifiedIcon } from './end-of-row-house-simplified.svg'; -export { default as envelopeMailLetterIcon } from './envelope-mail-letter.svg'; -export { default as euroChangeIcon } from './euro-change.svg'; -export { default as exposeIcon } from './expose.svg'; -export { default as facadeRepairIcon } from './facade-repair.svg'; -export { default as familyIcon } from './family.svg'; -export { default as flatAmountFloorsIcon } from './flat-amount-floors.svg'; -export { default as flatOwnerOccupationSimplifiedIcon } from './flat-owner-occupation-simplified.svg'; -export { default as flatTypeAtticIcon } from './flat-type-attic.svg'; -export { default as flatTypeMaisonetteIcon } from './flat-type-maisonette.svg'; -export { default as flatTypeSouterrainIcon } from './flat-type-souterrain.svg'; -export { default as flatIcon } from './flat.svg'; -export { default as floorStairsIcon } from './floor-stairs.svg'; -export { default as floorsRenovationIcon } from './floors-renovation.svg'; -export { default as footballIcon } from './football.svg'; -export { default as garageIcon } from './garage.svg'; -export { default as gardenIcon } from './garden.svg'; -export { default as germanyMapMagnifyingGlassIcon } from './germany-map-magnifying-glass.svg'; -export { default as germanyMapPercentageIcon } from './germany-map-percentage.svg'; -export { default as handEuroIcon } from './hand-euro.svg'; -export { default as handshakeIcon } from './handshake.svg'; -export { default as heatingIcon } from './heating.svg'; -export { default as homedayCircleIcon } from './homeday-circle.svg'; -export { default as houseBungalowIcon } from './house-bungalow.svg'; -export { default as houseCastleIcon } from './house-castle.svg'; -export { default as houseConstructionIcon } from './house-construction.svg'; -export { default as houseEuroIcon } from './house-euro.svg'; -export { default as houseFamilyIcon } from './house-family.svg'; -export { default as houseFarmIcon } from './house-farm.svg'; -export { default as houseHeartIcon } from './house-heart.svg'; -export { default as houseMultiFamilyIcon } from './house-multi-family.svg'; -export { default as houseOwnerOccupationSimplifiedIcon } from './house-owner-occupation-simplified.svg'; -export { default as houseSelectionCheckmarkIcon } from './house-selection-checkmark.svg'; -export { default as houseSemiDetachedIcon } from './house-semi-detached.svg'; -export { default as houseSingleFamilyIcon } from './house-single-family.svg'; -export { default as houseSoldIcon } from './house-sold.svg'; -export { default as houseSteppedIcon } from './house-stepped.svg'; -export { default as houseTownIcon } from './house-town.svg'; -export { default as houseVillaIcon } from './house-villa.svg'; -export { default as houseIcon } from './house.svg'; -export { default as kitchenIcon } from './kitchen.svg'; -export { default as landLotIcon } from './land-lot.svg'; -export { default as laptopChatMessageHouseIcon } from './laptop-chat-message-house.svg'; -export { default as laptopChatMessageIcon } from './laptop-chat-message.svg'; -export { default as lightBulbOnIcon } from './light-bulb-on.svg'; -export { default as livingAreaIcon } from './living-area.svg'; -export { default as locationQualityIcon } from './location-quality.svg'; -export { default as locationIcon } from './location.svg'; -export { default as magnifyingGlassHouseIcon } from './magnifying-glass-house.svg'; -export { default as mailOpenVideoIcon } from './mail-open-video.svg'; -export { default as mailOpenIcon } from './mail-open.svg'; -export { default as marketDemand1Icon } from './market-demand-1.svg'; -export { default as marketDemand2Icon } from './market-demand-2.svg'; -export { default as marketDemand3Icon } from './market-demand-3.svg'; -export { default as marketDemand4Icon } from './market-demand-4.svg'; -export { default as marketDemand5Icon } from './market-demand-5.svg'; -export { default as megaphoneLoudIcon } from './megaphone-loud.svg'; -export { default as microphoneIcon } from './microphone.svg'; -export { default as myHomedayAppIcon } from './my-homeday-app.svg'; -export { default as noSellIntentionIcon } from './no-sell-intention.svg'; -export { default as notMyPropertyIcon } from './not-my-property.svg'; -export { default as padlockUnlockIcon } from './padlock-unlock.svg'; -export { default as parkingLotIcon } from './parking-lot.svg'; -export { default as phoneCallIcon } from './phone-call.svg'; -export { default as picturesIcon } from './pictures.svg'; -export { default as plotIcon } from './plot.svg'; -export { default as propertyMagnifierIcon } from './property-magnifier.svg'; -export { default as propertyMarketingIcon } from './property-marketing.svg'; -export { default as purposeSellHouseIcon } from './purpose-sell-house.svg'; -export { default as quality1Icon } from './quality-1.svg'; -export { default as quality2Icon } from './quality-2.svg'; -export { default as quality3Icon } from './quality-3.svg'; -export { default as quality4Icon } from './quality-4.svg'; -export { default as questionAnswerIcon } from './question-answer.svg'; -export { default as reportWarningIcon } from './report-warning.svg'; -export { default as rocketIcon } from './rocket.svg'; -export { default as roofRepairIcon } from './roof-repair.svg'; -export { default as sellDateIcon } from './sell-date.svg'; -export { default as signPenDocIcon } from './sign-pen-doc.svg'; -export { default as solarSimplifiedIcon } from './solar-simplified.svg'; -export { default as terraceSimplifiedIcon } from './terrace-simplified.svg'; -export { default as timer1Icon } from './timer-1.svg'; -export { default as timer2Icon } from './timer-2.svg'; -export { default as timer3Icon } from './timer-3.svg'; -export { default as timer4Icon } from './timer-4.svg'; -export { default as timer5Icon } from './timer-5.svg'; -export { default as twoPeopleHouseNegotiationIcon } from './two-people-house-negotiation.svg'; 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+export { default as balcony } from './balcony.svg'; +export { default as basementCellar } from './basement-cellar.svg'; +export { default as bathroom } from './bathroom.svg'; +export { default as bellReminder } from './bell-reminder.svg'; +export { default as cal1To3Months } from './cal-1-to-3-months.svg'; +export { default as cal10To5Months } from './cal-10-to-5-months.svg'; +export { default as cal12Months } from './cal-12-months.svg'; +export { default as cal4To6Months } from './cal-4-to-6-months.svg'; +export { default as cal6Months } from './cal-6-months.svg'; +export { default as calMoreThan15Months } from './cal-more-than-15-months.svg'; +export { default as calMoreThan6Months } from './cal-more-than-6-months.svg'; +export { default as calendar } from './calendar.svg'; +export { default as checkCircle } from './check-circle.svg'; +export { default as checklistClipboard } from './checklist-clipboard.svg'; +export { default as chimney } from './chimney.svg'; +export { default as crossCircle } from './cross-circle.svg'; +export { default as directSell } from './direct-sell.svg'; +export { default as documentComments } from './document-comments.svg'; +export { default as documentKey } from './document-key.svg'; +export { default as documentsBasic } from './documents-basic.svg'; +export { default as documentsHandover } from './documents-handover.svg'; +export { default as documentsLock } from './documents-lock.svg'; +export { default as documentsStatistic } from './documents-statistic.svg'; +export { default as elevator } from './elevator.svg'; +export { default as endOfRowHouseSimplified } from './end-of-row-house-simplified.svg'; +export { default as envelopeMailLetter } from './envelope-mail-letter.svg'; +export { default as euroChange } from './euro-change.svg'; +export { default as expose } from './expose.svg'; +export { default as facadeRepair } from './facade-repair.svg'; +export { default as family } from './family.svg'; +export { default as flatAmountFloors } from './flat-amount-floors.svg'; +export { default as flatOwnerOccupationSimplified } from './flat-owner-occupation-simplified.svg'; +export { default as flatTypeAttic } from './flat-type-attic.svg'; +export { default as flatTypeMaisonette } from './flat-type-maisonette.svg'; +export { default as flatTypeSouterrain } from './flat-type-souterrain.svg'; +export { default as flat } from './flat.svg'; +export { default as floorStairs } from './floor-stairs.svg'; +export { default as floorsRenovation } from './floors-renovation.svg'; +export { default as football } from './football.svg'; +export { default as garage } from './garage.svg'; +export { default as garden } from './garden.svg'; +export { default as germanyMapMagnifyingGlass } from './germany-map-magnifying-glass.svg'; +export { default as germanyMapPercentage } from './germany-map-percentage.svg'; +export { default as handEuro } from './hand-euro.svg'; +export { default as handshake } from './handshake.svg'; +export { default as heating } from './heating.svg'; +export { default as homedayCircle } from './homeday-circle.svg'; +export { default as houseBungalow } from './house-bungalow.svg'; +export { default as houseCastle } from './house-castle.svg'; +export { default as houseConstruction } from './house-construction.svg'; +export { default as houseEuro } from './house-euro.svg'; +export { default as houseFamily } from './house-family.svg'; +export { default as houseFarm } from './house-farm.svg'; +export { default as houseHeart } from './house-heart.svg'; +export { default as houseMultiFamily } from './house-multi-family.svg'; +export { default as houseOwnerOccupationSimplified } from './house-owner-occupation-simplified.svg'; +export { default as houseSelectionCheckmark } from './house-selection-checkmark.svg'; +export { default as houseSemiDetached } from './house-semi-detached.svg'; +export { default as houseSingleFamily } from './house-single-family.svg'; +export { default as houseSold } from './house-sold.svg'; +export { default as houseStepped } from './house-stepped.svg'; +export { default as houseTown } from './house-town.svg'; +export { default as houseVilla } from './house-villa.svg'; +export { default as house } from './house.svg'; +export { default as kitchen } from './kitchen.svg'; +export { default as landLot } from './land-lot.svg'; +export { default as laptopChatMessageHouse } from './laptop-chat-message-house.svg'; +export { default as laptopChatMessage } from './laptop-chat-message.svg'; +export { default as lightBulbOn } from './light-bulb-on.svg'; +export { default as livingArea } from './living-area.svg'; +export { default as locationQuality } from './location-quality.svg'; +export { default as location } from './location.svg'; +export { default as magnifyingGlassHouse } from './magnifying-glass-house.svg'; +export { default as mailOpenVideo } from './mail-open-video.svg'; +export { default as mailOpen } from './mail-open.svg'; +export { default as marketDemand1 } from './market-demand-1.svg'; +export { default as marketDemand2 } from './market-demand-2.svg'; +export { default as marketDemand3 } from './market-demand-3.svg'; +export { default as marketDemand4 } from './market-demand-4.svg'; +export { default as marketDemand5 } from './market-demand-5.svg'; +export { default as megaphoneLoud } from './megaphone-loud.svg'; +export { default as microphone } from './microphone.svg'; +export { default as myHomedayApp } from './my-homeday-app.svg'; +export { default as noSellIntention } from './no-sell-intention.svg'; +export { default as notMyProperty } from './not-my-property.svg'; +export { default as padlockUnlock } from './padlock-unlock.svg'; +export { default as parkingLot } from './parking-lot.svg'; +export { default as phoneCall } from './phone-call.svg'; +export { default as pictures } from './pictures.svg'; +export { default as plot } from './plot.svg'; +export { default as propertyMagnifier } from './property-magnifier.svg'; +export { default as propertyMarketing } from './property-marketing.svg'; +export { default as purposeSellHouse } from './purpose-sell-house.svg'; +export { default as quality1 } from './quality-1.svg'; +export { default as quality2 } from './quality-2.svg'; +export { default as quality3 } from './quality-3.svg'; +export { default as quality4 } from './quality-4.svg'; +export { default as questionAnswer } from './question-answer.svg'; +export { default as reportWarning } from './report-warning.svg'; +export { default as rocket } from './rocket.svg'; +export { default as roofRepair } from './roof-repair.svg'; +export { default as sellDate } from './sell-date.svg'; +export { default as signPenDoc } from './sign-pen-doc.svg'; +export { default as solarSimplified } from './solar-simplified.svg'; +export { default as terraceSimplified } from './terrace-simplified.svg'; +export { default as timer1 } from './timer-1.svg'; +export { default as timer2 } from './timer-2.svg'; +export { default as timer3 } from './timer-3.svg'; +export { default as timer4 } from './timer-4.svg'; +export { default as timer5 } from './timer-5.svg'; +export { default as twoPeopleHouseNegotiation } from './two-people-house-negotiation.svg'; +export { default as videoFilmCamera } from './video-film-camera.svg'; +export { default as videoconferenceRealtorCallApp } from './videoconference-realtor-call-app.svg'; +export { default as walletEuro } from './wallet-euro.svg'; +export { default as wallsRenovation } from './walls-renovation.svg'; +export { default as warningTriangle } from './warning-triangle.svg'; +export { default as window } from './window.svg'; +export { default as womanHouseProperty } from './woman-house-property.svg'; +export { default as womanJobSuitcase } from './woman-job-suitcase.svg'; +export { default as womanPhone } from './woman-phone.svg'; +export { default as womanRating1 } from './woman-rating-1.svg'; +export { default as womanRating2 } from './woman-rating-2.svg'; +export { default as womanRating3 } from './woman-rating-3.svg'; +export { default as womanRating4 } from './woman-rating-4.svg'; +export { default as womanRating5 } from './woman-rating-5.svg'; +export { default as yinYang } from './yin-yang.svg'; diff --git a/assets/S/index.js b/assets/S/index.js index 6d02a6a..c4f7374 100644 --- a/assets/S/index.js +++ b/assets/S/index.js @@ -1,118 +1,118 @@ -export { default as addNoteIcon } from './add-note.svg'; -export { default as apartmentIcon } from './apartment.svg'; -export { default as arrowIcon } from './arrow.svg'; -export { default as assignmentIcon } from './assignment.svg'; -export { default as bankIcon } from './bank.svg'; -export { default as bellOffIcon } from './bell-off.svg'; -export { default as bellIcon } from './bell.svg'; -export { default as berlinIcon } from './berlin.svg'; -export { default as bookIcon } from './book.svg'; -export { default as bookmarksIcon } from './bookmarks.svg'; -export { default as buildingsIcon } from './buildings.svg'; -export { default as buyIcon } from './buy.svg'; -export { default as callbackIcon } from './callback.svg'; -export { default as cameraIcon } from './camera.svg'; -export { default as chartEyeIcon } from './chart-eye.svg'; -export { default as chartIcon } from './chart.svg'; -export { default as checkCircleIcon } from './check-circle.svg'; -export { default as checkIcon } from './check.svg'; -export { default as chevronIcon } from './chevron.svg'; -export { default as cityIcon } from './city.svg'; -export { default as closeIcon } from './close.svg'; -export { default as cloudDownloadIcon } from './cloud-download.svg'; -export { default as cloudUploadIcon } from './cloud-upload.svg'; -export { default as cologneIcon } from './cologne.svg'; -export { default as commentIcon } from './comment.svg'; -export { default as contractIcon } from './contract.svg'; -export { default as controlsIcon } from './controls.svg'; -export { default as copyFileIcon } from './copy-file.svg'; -export { default as dashboardIcon } from './dashboard.svg'; -export { default as deleteIcon } from './delete.svg'; -export { default as directionsIcon } from './directions.svg'; -export { default as documentIcon } from './document.svg'; -export { default as doubleQuoteEndIcon } from './double-quote-end.svg'; -export { default as doubleQuoteStartIcon } from './double-quote-start.svg'; -export { default as downloadIcon } from './download.svg'; -export { default as editIcon } from './edit.svg'; -export { default as errorIcon } from './error.svg'; -export { default as euroSymbolIcon } from './euro-symbol.svg'; -export { default as eventIcon } from './event.svg'; -export { default as facebookIcon } from './facebook.svg'; -export { default as fanOffIcon } from './fan-off.svg'; -export { default as favoriteBorderIcon } from './favorite-border.svg'; -export { default as feedbackIcon } from './feedback.svg'; -export { default as folderIcon } from './folder.svg'; -export { default as fullscreenExitIcon } from './fullscreen-exit.svg'; -export { default as fullscreenIcon } from './fullscreen.svg'; -export { default as gearIcon } from './gear.svg'; -export { default as globeIcon } from './globe.svg'; -export { default as gridIcon } from './grid.svg'; -export { default as groupIcon } from './group.svg'; -export { default as heaterOffIcon } from './heater-off.svg'; -export { default as homedayLogoIcon } from './homeday-logo.svg'; -export { default as houseNumberIcon } from './house-number.svg'; -export { default as houseIcon } from './house.svg'; -export { default as infoIcon } from './info.svg'; -export { default as layerIcon } from './layer.svg'; -export { default as lightOffIcon } from './light-off.svg'; -export { default as linkedInIcon } from './linkedIn.svg'; -export { default as listIcon } from './list.svg'; -export { default as locationIcon } from './location.svg'; -export { default as lockOpenIcon } from './lock-open.svg'; -export { default as lockIcon } from './lock.svg'; -export { default as magnifierZoomInIcon } from './magnifier-zoom-in.svg'; -export { default as magnifierZoomOutIcon } from './magnifier-zoom-out.svg'; -export { default as magnifierIcon } from './magnifier.svg'; -export { default as mailIcon } from './mail.svg'; -export { default as mapIcon } from './map.svg'; -export { default as menuIcon } from './menu.svg'; -export { default as messageIcon } from './message.svg'; -export { default as messengerIcon } from './messenger.svg'; -export { default as minusIcon } from './minus.svg'; -export { default as myLocationIcon } from './my-location.svg'; -export { default as nextIcon } from './next.svg'; -export { default as notesIcon } from './notes.svg'; -export { default as offerIcon } from './offer.svg'; -export { default as openInNewIcon } from './open-in-new.svg'; -export { default as phoneIcon } from './phone.svg'; -export { default as photoCollectionIcon } from './photo-collection.svg'; -export { default as plotIcon } from './plot.svg'; -export { default as plusCircleIcon } from './plus-circle.svg'; -export { default as plusIcon } from './plus.svg'; -export { default as postponeIcon } from './postpone.svg'; -export { default as printIcon } from './print.svg'; -export { default as questionAnswerIcon } from './question-answer.svg'; -export { default as recentActorsIcon } from './recent-actors.svg'; -export { default as refreshIcon } from './refresh.svg'; -export { default as reportIcon } from './report.svg'; -export { default as restoreIcon } from './restore.svg'; -export { default as roomClosedIcon } from './room-closed.svg'; -export { default as roomOpenIcon } from './room-open.svg'; -export { default as sendIcon } from './send.svg'; -export { default as shareIcon } from './share.svg'; -export { default as shopIcon } from './shop.svg'; -export { default as smallArrowIcon } from './small-arrow.svg'; -export { default as smartphoneIcon } from './smartphone.svg'; -export { default as sortIcon } from './sort.svg'; -export { default as starBorderIcon } from './star-border.svg'; -export { default as starFilledIcon } from './star-filled.svg'; -export { default as starHalfFilledIcon } from './star-half-filled.svg'; -export { default as tasksIcon } from './tasks.svg'; -export { default as thumbUpIcon } from './thumb-up.svg'; -export { default as timeIcon } from './time.svg'; -export { default as trendDownIcon } from './trend-down.svg'; -export { default as trendUpIcon } from './trend-up.svg'; -export { default as turnOffIcon } from './turn-off.svg'; -export { default as twitterIcon } from './twitter.svg'; -export { default as updateIcon } from './update.svg'; -export { default as userCircleIcon } from './user-circle.svg'; -export { default as userIcon } from './user.svg'; -export { default as validationIcon } from './validation.svg'; -export { default as verifiedIcon } from './verified.svg'; -export { default as visibilityOffIcon } from './visibility-off.svg'; -export { default as visibilityOnIcon } from './visibility-on.svg'; -export { default as voiceIcon } from './voice.svg'; -export { default as warningIcon } from './warning.svg'; -export { default as whatsappIcon } from './whatsapp.svg'; -export { default as workIcon } from './work.svg'; -export { default as xingIcon } from './xing.svg'; +export { default as addNote } from './add-note.svg'; +export { default as apartment } from './apartment.svg'; +export { default as arrow } from './arrow.svg'; +export { default as assignment } from './assignment.svg'; +export { default as bank } from './bank.svg'; +export { default as bellOff } from './bell-off.svg'; +export { default as bell } from './bell.svg'; +export { default as berlin } from './berlin.svg'; +export { default as book } from './book.svg'; +export { default as bookmarks } from './bookmarks.svg'; +export { default as buildings } from './buildings.svg'; +export { default as buy } from './buy.svg'; +export { default as callback } from './callback.svg'; +export { default as camera } from './camera.svg'; +export { default as chartEye } from './chart-eye.svg'; +export { default as chart } from './chart.svg'; +export { default as checkCircle } from './check-circle.svg'; +export { default as check } from './check.svg'; +export { default as chevron } from './chevron.svg'; +export { default as city } from './city.svg'; +export { default as close } from './close.svg'; +export { default as cloudDownload } from './cloud-download.svg'; +export { default as cloudUpload } from './cloud-upload.svg'; +export { default as cologne } from './cologne.svg'; +export { default as comment } from './comment.svg'; +export { default as contract } from './contract.svg'; +export { default as controls } from './controls.svg'; +export { default as copyFile } from './copy-file.svg'; +export { default as dashboard } from './dashboard.svg'; +export { default as delete } from './delete.svg'; +export { default as directions } from './directions.svg'; +export { default as document } from './document.svg'; +export { default as doubleQuoteEnd } from './double-quote-end.svg'; +export { default as doubleQuoteStart } from './double-quote-start.svg'; +export { default as download } from './download.svg'; +export { default as edit } from './edit.svg'; +export { default as error } from './error.svg'; +export { default as euroSymbol } from './euro-symbol.svg'; +export { default as event } from './event.svg'; +export { default as facebook } from './facebook.svg'; +export { default as fanOff } from './fan-off.svg'; +export { default as favoriteBorder } from './favorite-border.svg'; +export { default as feedback } from './feedback.svg'; +export { default as folder } from './folder.svg'; +export { default as fullscreenExit } from './fullscreen-exit.svg'; +export { default as fullscreen } from './fullscreen.svg'; +export { default as gear } from './gear.svg'; +export { default as globe } from './globe.svg'; +export { default as grid } from './grid.svg'; +export { default as group } from './group.svg'; +export { default as heaterOff } from './heater-off.svg'; +export { default as homedayLogo } from './homeday-logo.svg'; +export { default as houseNumber } from './house-number.svg'; +export { default as house } from './house.svg'; +export { default as info } from './info.svg'; +export { default as layer } from './layer.svg'; +export { default as lightOff } from './light-off.svg'; +export { default as linkedIn } from './linkedIn.svg'; +export { default as list } from './list.svg'; +export { default as location } from './location.svg'; +export { default as lockOpen } from './lock-open.svg'; +export { default as lock } from './lock.svg'; +export { default as magnifierZoomIn } from './magnifier-zoom-in.svg'; +export { default as magnifierZoomOut } from './magnifier-zoom-out.svg'; +export { default as magnifier } from './magnifier.svg'; +export { default as mail } from './mail.svg'; +export { default as map } from './map.svg'; +export { default as menu } from './menu.svg'; +export { default as message } from './message.svg'; +export { default as messenger } from './messenger.svg'; +export { default as minus } from './minus.svg'; +export { default as myLocation } from './my-location.svg'; +export { default as next } from './next.svg'; +export { default as notes } from './notes.svg'; +export { default as offer } from './offer.svg'; +export { default as openInNew } from './open-in-new.svg'; +export { default as phone } from './phone.svg'; +export { default as photoCollection } from './photo-collection.svg'; +export { default as plot } from './plot.svg'; +export { default as plusCircle } from './plus-circle.svg'; +export { default as plus } from './plus.svg'; +export { default as postpone } from './postpone.svg'; +export { default as print } from './print.svg'; +export { default as questionAnswer } from './question-answer.svg'; +export { default as recentActors } from './recent-actors.svg'; +export { default as refresh } from './refresh.svg'; +export { default as report } from './report.svg'; +export { default as restore } from './restore.svg'; +export { default as roomClosed } from './room-closed.svg'; +export { default as roomOpen } from './room-open.svg'; +export { default as send } from './send.svg'; +export { default as share } from './share.svg'; +export { default as shop } from './shop.svg'; +export { default as smallArrow } from './small-arrow.svg'; +export { default as smartphone } from './smartphone.svg'; +export { default as sort } from './sort.svg'; +export { default as starBorder } from './star-border.svg'; +export { default as starFilled } from './star-filled.svg'; +export { default as starHalfFilled } from './star-half-filled.svg'; +export { default as tasks } from './tasks.svg'; +export { default as thumbUp } from './thumb-up.svg'; +export { default as time } from './time.svg'; +export { default as trendDown } from './trend-down.svg'; +export { default as trendUp } from './trend-up.svg'; +export { default as turnOff } from './turn-off.svg'; +export { default as twitter } from './twitter.svg'; +export { default as update } from './update.svg'; +export { default as userCircle } from './user-circle.svg'; +export { default as user } from './user.svg'; +export { default as validation } from './validation.svg'; +export { default as verified } from './verified.svg'; +export { default as visibilityOff } from './visibility-off.svg'; +export { default as visibilityOn } from './visibility-on.svg'; +export { default as voice } from './voice.svg'; +export { default as warning } from './warning.svg'; +export { default as whatsapp } from './whatsapp.svg'; +export { default as work } from './work.svg'; +export { default as xing } from './xing.svg'; diff --git a/assets/index.js b/assets/index.js index d193e72..003e6ae 100644 --- a/assets/index.js +++ b/assets/index.js @@ -1,118 +1,118 @@ -export { default as addNoteIcon } from './S/add-note.svg'; -export { default as apartmentIcon } from './apartment.svg'; -export { default as arrowIcon } from './arrow.svg'; -export { default as assignmentIcon } from './assignment.svg'; -export { default as bankIcon } from './bank.svg'; -export { default as bellOffIcon } from './bell-off.svg'; -export { default as bellIcon } from './bell.svg'; -export { default as berlinIcon } from './berlin.svg'; -export { default as bookIcon } from './book.svg'; -export { default as bookmarksIcon } from './bookmarks.svg'; -export { default as buildingsIcon } from './buildings.svg'; -export { default as buyIcon } from './buy.svg'; -export { default as callbackIcon } from './callback.svg'; -export { default as cameraIcon } from './camera.svg'; -export { default as chartEyeIcon } from './chart-eye.svg'; -export { default as chartIcon } from './chart.svg'; -export { default as checkCircleIcon } from './check-circle.svg'; -export { default as checkIcon } from './check.svg'; -export { default as chevronIcon } from './chevron.svg'; -export { default as cityIcon } from './city.svg'; -export { default as closeIcon } from './close.svg'; -export { default as cloudDownloadIcon } from './cloud-download.svg'; -export { default as cloudUploadIcon } from './cloud-upload.svg'; -export { default as cologneIcon } from './cologne.svg'; -export { default as commentIcon } from './comment.svg'; -export { default as contractIcon } from './contract.svg'; -export { default as controlsIcon } from './controls.svg'; -export { default as copyFileIcon } from './copy-file.svg'; -export { default as dashboardIcon } from './dashboard.svg'; -export { default as deleteIcon } from './delete.svg'; -export { default as directionsIcon } from './directions.svg'; -export { default as documentIcon } from './document.svg'; -export { default as doubleQuoteEndIcon } from './double-quote-end.svg'; -export { default as doubleQuoteStartIcon } from './double-quote-start.svg'; -export { default as downloadIcon } from './download.svg'; -export { default as editIcon } from './edit.svg'; -export { default as errorIcon } from './error.svg'; -export { default as euroSymbolIcon } from './euro-symbol.svg'; -export { default as eventIcon } from './event.svg'; -export { default as facebookIcon } from './facebook.svg'; -export { default as fanOffIcon } from './fan-off.svg'; -export { default as favoriteBorderIcon } from './favorite-border.svg'; -export { default as feedbackIcon } from './feedback.svg'; -export { default as folderIcon } from './folder.svg'; -export { default as fullscreenExitIcon } from './fullscreen-exit.svg'; -export { default as fullscreenIcon } from './fullscreen.svg'; -export { default as gearIcon } from './gear.svg'; -export { default as globeIcon } from './globe.svg'; -export { default as gridIcon } from './grid.svg'; -export { default as groupIcon } from './group.svg'; -export { default as heaterOffIcon } from './heater-off.svg'; -export { default as homedayLogoIcon } from './homeday-logo.svg'; -export { default as houseNumberIcon } from './house-number.svg'; -export { default as houseIcon } from './house.svg'; -export { default as infoIcon } from './info.svg'; -export { default as layerIcon } from './layer.svg'; -export { default as lightOffIcon } from './light-off.svg'; -export { default as linkedInIcon } from './linkedIn.svg'; -export { default as listIcon } from './list.svg'; -export { default as locationIcon } from './location.svg'; -export { default as lockOpenIcon } from './lock-open.svg'; -export { default as lockIcon } from './lock.svg'; -export { default as magnifierZoomInIcon } from './magnifier-zoom-in.svg'; -export { default as magnifierZoomOutIcon } from './magnifier-zoom-out.svg'; -export { default as magnifierIcon } from './magnifier.svg'; -export { default as mailIcon } from './mail.svg'; -export { default as mapIcon } from './map.svg'; -export { default as menuIcon } from './menu.svg'; -export { default as messageIcon } from './message.svg'; -export { default as messengerIcon } from './messenger.svg'; -export { default as minusIcon } from './minus.svg'; -export { default as myLocationIcon } from './my-location.svg'; -export { default as nextIcon } from './next.svg'; -export { default as notesIcon } from './notes.svg'; -export { default as offerIcon } from './offer.svg'; -export { default as openInNewIcon } from './open-in-new.svg'; -export { default as phoneIcon } from './phone.svg'; -export { default as photoCollectionIcon } from './photo-collection.svg'; -export { default as plotIcon } from './plot.svg'; -export { default as plusCircleIcon } from './plus-circle.svg'; -export { default as plusIcon } from './plus.svg'; -export { default as postponeIcon } from './postpone.svg'; -export { default as printIcon } from './print.svg'; -export { default as questionAnswerIcon } from './question-answer.svg'; -export { default as recentActorsIcon } from './recent-actors.svg'; -export { default as refreshIcon } from './refresh.svg'; -export { default as reportIcon } from './report.svg'; -export { default as restoreIcon } from './restore.svg'; -export { default as roomClosedIcon } from './room-closed.svg'; -export { default as roomOpenIcon } from './room-open.svg'; -export { default as sendIcon } from './send.svg'; -export { default as shareIcon } from './share.svg'; -export { default as shopIcon } from './shop.svg'; -export { default as smallArrowIcon } from './small-arrow.svg'; -export { default as smartphoneIcon } from './smartphone.svg'; -export { default as sortIcon } from './sort.svg'; -export { default as starBorderIcon } from './star-border.svg'; -export { default as starFilledIcon } from './star-filled.svg'; -export { default as starHalfFilledIcon } from './star-half-filled.svg'; -export { default as tasksIcon } from './tasks.svg'; -export { default as thumbUpIcon } from './thumb-up.svg'; -export { default as timeIcon } from './time.svg'; -export { default as trendDownIcon } from './trend-down.svg'; -export { default as trendUpIcon } from './trend-up.svg'; -export { default as turnOffIcon } from './turn-off.svg'; -export { default as twitterIcon } from './twitter.svg'; -export { default as updateIcon } from './update.svg'; -export { default as userCircleIcon } from './user-circle.svg'; -export { default as userIcon } from './user.svg'; -export { default as validationIcon } from './validation.svg'; -export { default as verifiedIcon } from './verified.svg'; -export { default as visibilityOffIcon } from './visibility-off.svg'; -export { default as visibilityOnIcon } from './visibility-on.svg'; -export { default as voiceIcon } from './voice.svg'; -export { default as warningIcon } from './warning.svg'; -export { default as whatsappIcon } from './whatsapp.svg'; -export { default as workIcon } from './work.svg'; -export { default as xingIcon } from './xing.svg'; +export { default as addNote } from './S/add-note.svg'; +export { default as apartment } from './apartment.svg'; +export { default as arrow } from './arrow.svg'; +export { default as assignment } from './assignment.svg'; +export { default as bank } from './bank.svg'; +export { default as bellOff } from './bell-off.svg'; +export { default as bell } from './bell.svg'; +export { default as berlin } from './berlin.svg'; +export { default as book } from './book.svg'; +export { default as bookmarks } from './bookmarks.svg'; +export { default as buildings } from './buildings.svg'; +export { default as buy } from './buy.svg'; +export { default as callback } from './callback.svg'; +export { default as camera } from './camera.svg'; +export { default as chartEye } from './chart-eye.svg'; +export { default as chart } from './chart.svg'; +export { default as checkCircle } from './check-circle.svg'; +export { default as check } from './check.svg'; +export { default as chevron } from './chevron.svg'; +export { default as city } from './city.svg'; +export { default as close } from './close.svg'; +export { default as cloudDownload } from './cloud-download.svg'; +export { default as cloudUpload } from './cloud-upload.svg'; +export { default as cologne } from './cologne.svg'; +export { default as comment } from './comment.svg'; +export { default as contract } from './contract.svg'; +export { default as controls } from './controls.svg'; +export { default as copyFile } from './copy-file.svg'; +export { default as dashboard } from './dashboard.svg'; +export { default as delete } from './delete.svg'; +export { default as directions } from './directions.svg'; +export { default as document } from './document.svg'; +export { default as doubleQuoteEnd } from './double-quote-end.svg'; +export { default as doubleQuoteStart } from './double-quote-start.svg'; +export { default as download } from './download.svg'; +export { default as edit } from './edit.svg'; +export { default as error } from './error.svg'; +export { default as euroSymbol } from './euro-symbol.svg'; +export { default as event } from './event.svg'; +export { default as facebook } from './facebook.svg'; +export { default as fanOff } from './fan-off.svg'; +export { default as favoriteBorder } from './favorite-border.svg'; +export { default as feedback } from './feedback.svg'; +export { default as folder } from './folder.svg'; +export { default as fullscreenExit } from './fullscreen-exit.svg'; +export { default as fullscreen } from './fullscreen.svg'; +export { default as gear } from './gear.svg'; +export { default as globe } from './globe.svg'; +export { default as grid } from './grid.svg'; +export { default as group } from './group.svg'; +export { default as heaterOff } from './heater-off.svg'; +export { default as homedayLogo } from './homeday-logo.svg'; +export { default as houseNumber } from './house-number.svg'; +export { default as house } from './house.svg'; +export { default as info } from './info.svg'; +export { default as layer } from './layer.svg'; +export { default as lightOff } from './light-off.svg'; +export { default as linkedIn } from './linkedIn.svg'; +export { default as list } from './list.svg'; +export { default as location } from './location.svg'; +export { default as lockOpen } from './lock-open.svg'; +export { default as lock } from './lock.svg'; +export { default as magnifierZoomIn } from './magnifier-zoom-in.svg'; +export { default as magnifierZoomOut } from './magnifier-zoom-out.svg'; +export { default as magnifier } from './magnifier.svg'; +export { default as mail } from './mail.svg'; +export { default as map } from './map.svg'; +export { default as menu } from './menu.svg'; +export { default as message } from './message.svg'; +export { default as messenger } from './messenger.svg'; +export { default as minus } from './minus.svg'; +export { default as myLocation } from './my-location.svg'; +export { default as next } from './next.svg'; +export { default as notes } from './notes.svg'; +export { default as offer } from './offer.svg'; +export { default as openInNew } from './open-in-new.svg'; +export { default as phone } from './phone.svg'; +export { default as photoCollection } from './photo-collection.svg'; +export { default as plot } from './plot.svg'; +export { default as plusCircle } from './plus-circle.svg'; +export { default as plus } from './plus.svg'; +export { default as postpone } from './postpone.svg'; +export { default as print } from './print.svg'; +export { default as questionAnswer } from './question-answer.svg'; +export { default as recentActors } from './recent-actors.svg'; +export { default as refresh } from './refresh.svg'; +export { default as report } from './report.svg'; +export { default as restore } from './restore.svg'; +export { default as roomClosed } from './room-closed.svg'; +export { default as roomOpen } from './room-open.svg'; +export { default as send } from './send.svg'; +export { default as share } from './share.svg'; +export { default as shop } from './shop.svg'; +export { default as smallArrow } from './small-arrow.svg'; +export { default as smartphone } from './smartphone.svg'; +export { default as sort } from './sort.svg'; +export { default as starBorder } from './star-border.svg'; +export { default as starFilled } from './star-filled.svg'; +export { default as starHalfFilled } from './star-half-filled.svg'; +export { default as tasks } from './tasks.svg'; +export { default as thumbUp } from './thumb-up.svg'; +export { default as time } from './time.svg'; +export { default as trendDown } from './trend-down.svg'; +export { default as trendUp } from './trend-up.svg'; +export { default as turnOff } from './turn-off.svg'; +export { default as twitter } from './twitter.svg'; +export { default as update } from './update.svg'; +export { default as userCircle } from './user-circle.svg'; +export { default as user } from './user.svg'; +export { default as validation } from './validation.svg'; +export { default as verified } from './verified.svg'; +export { default as visibilityOff } from './visibility-off.svg'; +export { default as visibilityOn } from './visibility-on.svg'; +export { default as voice } from './voice.svg'; +export { default as warning } from './warning.svg'; +export { default as whatsapp } from './whatsapp.svg'; +export { default as work } from './work.svg'; +export { default as xing } from './xing.svg'; diff --git a/src/CONFIG/index.js b/src/CONFIG/index.js index 25f1427..0d3aefb 100644 --- a/src/CONFIG/index.js +++ b/src/CONFIG/index.js @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ module.exports = { // Where the assests are exported (relative to the project root) ASSETS_DIR: 'assets', + // Where the project is built (relative to the project root) DIST_DIR: 'dist', }; diff --git a/src/assets-importer/index.js b/src/assets-importer/index.js index 8f9bac2..609ecb9 100644 --- a/src/assets-importer/index.js +++ b/src/assets-importer/index.js @@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ async function importAssetsFromFigma({ createIndexFile({ files: downloadedFiles, dest, - suffix: 'Icon', }); } @@ -133,15 +132,14 @@ async function importAssetsFromFigma({ * @param {Object} $0 - the params object * @param {object[]} $0.files - the list of files imported from Figma * @param {string} $0.dest - the path where the icon will live - * @param {string} $0.suffix='' - the suffix appended to the icon name */ -function createIndexFile({ files, dest, suffix = '' }) { +function createIndexFile({ files, dest }) { const fileContent = [ Set(files)] // To have a consistent order and avoid unnecessary line changes, we sort the array .sort((a, b) => b.localeCompare(a)) // Ascending .reduce((content, file) => { const fileName = file.split('.')[0]; - const exportName = camelCase(fileName) + suffix; + const exportName = camelCase(fileName); return `export { default as ${exportName} } from './${file}';\n${content}`; }, '');