PoGoAccountCheck is a python script which reads PTC accounts from a file and checks if they are banned. If they are banned, the program will save them to a file, banned.txt.
To Install PoGoAccountCheck run:
git clone https://github.com/hokiepokedad/PoGoAccountCheck.git
cd PoGoAccountCheck
After you are in the directory, make sure to install all the requirements by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To use the program run the following command:
python banned.py -f file.txt
Where file.txt is the file of accounts to check. See "Formatting" to see how the file should be formatted.
You can also use an additional -l argument which allows you to specify your own location for the program to use. ie:
python banned.py -f file.txt -l '40.7127837 -74.005941'
Lastly, we recommend specifying the -hk argument that allows you to use your hash key for the new api (0.53.1), if you have one. ie.
python banned.py -f file.txt -l '40.7127837 -74.005941' -hk your_hash_key
Your file of accounts should be structured as follows:
The program will display a message in the terminal if the account is banned. Additionally, it will output all banned accounts to a new file named banned.txt