A library for verifying user/service "Bearer" tokens and enforcing coarse grained authentication/authorization.
auth-checker-spring provides a set of filters for securing an application in a spring-security friendly way:
- AuthCheckerUserOnlyFilter - for user only authentication/authorization
- AuthCheckerServiceOnlyFilter - for service only authentication/authorization
- AuthCheckerServiceAndUserFilter - for user & service authentication/authorization
- Initialize AuthCheckerUserOnlyFilter OR AuthCheckerServiceAndUserFilter bean in your application
- Configure spring security to use the filter, e.g.
@Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class SecurityConfiguration { @Autowired private AuthCheckerUserOnlyFilter filter; @Bean public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http .addFilter(filter) .authorizeHttpRequests(authorizeHttpRequests -> authorizeHttpRequests.anyRequest().authenticated() ); return http.build(); } }
- Initialize bean for returning a list of roles allowed to execute a given request. If necessary it can be coarse-grained at
this level and more fine-grained using standard spring-security approach (e.g. @Secured annotation at class/method level)
@Bean("authorizedRolesExtractor") public Function<HttpServletRequest, Collection<String>> authorizedRolesExtractor() { return (anyRequest) -> Collections.singletonList("citizen"); }
- Initialize bean for returning an id of a user that is allowed to execute given request. Useful, if your API is structured in a following way /users/{userId}/appeals/{appealId}. If any user can execute given request, return Optional.empty()
@Bean public Function<HttpServletRequest, Optional<String>> userIdExtractor() { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^/users/([^/]+)/.+$"); return (request) -> { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(request.getRequestURI()); boolean matched = matcher.find(); return Optional.ofNullable(matched ? matcher.group(1) : null); }; }
- Initialize AuthCheckerServiceOnlyFilter OR AuthCheckerServiceAndUserFilter bean in your application
- Configure spring security to use the filter, e.g.
@Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class SecurityConfiguration { @Autowired private AuthCheckerServiceOnlyFilter filter; @Bean public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http .addFilter(filter) .authorizeHttpRequests(authorizeHttpRequests -> authorizeHttpRequests.anyRequest().authenticated() ); return http.build(); } }
- Initialize bean for returning a list of services allowed to execute a given request. It is most likely to be a static
list based on some application property
@Bean("authorizedServiceExtractor") public Function<HttpServletRequest, Collection<String>> authorizedServicesExtractor() { return (request) -> Collections.singletonList("divorce"); }
Given user/service authentication was successful you can access authentication details using any of spring-security approaches. e.g.
ServiceAndUserDetails serviceAndUser = (ServiceAndUserDetails) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
serviceAndUser.getUsername(); // returns user's id
serviceAndUser.getPassword(); // returns user's Bearer token (only if Spring's eraseCredentialsAfterAuthentication==false)
serviceAndUser.getServicename(); // returns service's name
NOTE: the example above is only valid if AuthCheckerServiceAndUserFilter is used. If you are using AuthCheckerUserOnlyFilter the principal is going to be UserDetails and ServiceDetails in case of AuthCheckerServiceOnlyFilter.
auth-checker-lib provides a basic caching solution aimed at minimizing latency and number of HTTP requests being sent to IDAM and service-auth-provider. The following properties can be used to tweak it:
- auth.checker.cache.service.ttlInSeconds
- auth.checker.cache.service.maximumSize
- auth.checker.cache.user.ttlInSeconds
- auth.checker.cache.user.maximumSize
Caching can be disabled by setting ttl to 0 or defining your own "serviceResolver"/"userResolver" beans.
For spring integration testing, you can mock the authenticated user/service by defining SubjectResolver and SubjectResolver in your spring's test context.
For an example, please check https://github.com/hmcts/document-management-store-app