The members of the team are:
- Rashida Begum
- Alexey Khromin
- Haleema Mohammed
- August Stoele
- Jiaxuan Yu
The project is called Code Tutors
. It currently consists of tutorials
It includes a home page, sign up page, log in page, student dashboard, tutor dashboard and admin dashboard
The deployed version of the application can be found here.
To install the software and use it in your local development environment, you must first set up and activate a local development environment. From the root of the project:
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install all required packages:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Migrate the database:
$ python3 migrate
Seed the development database with:
$ python3 seed
Run all tests with:
$ python3 test
Note: if css styling is not visible, clear cache
The packages used by this application are specified in requirements.txt