This directory deals with information, diagram, data about our solar system.
The pure number regarding our solar system's objects rarley give us an idea about is sizing, and what that sizes imply. Just the distances are so big, that it becomes difficult to draw them with proper scaling. You can not have the same scale for the objects'
- distances from sun to planet - with its Million km, e.g. it goes better just to focus the inner or the outer planets
- Mercury: 58 Mio km
- Pluto: 5.906 Mio km. Pluto is more than 100 times farther from Sun than Mercury.
- sizes: planets' diameters
- Mercury: 4.879 km
- Jupiter: 142.984 km. The diameter of Mercury fits about 30 times into the diameter of Jupiter.
Distances and planets' diameters are scalled different. The diagram shows the planets' diameter 2.500 times bigger than the distances from sun. That means they should be 2.500 times smaller than actually drawn, but if so - you will get for all of them just a point, unable to compare the planets' sizing.
The distances, with its Million km, we will match with the speed of light
- 299.792 km / sec, equivalent to
- 0,299 Mio km / sec
So we find the light needs more than eight minutes to reach the Earth, and more the four hours traveling to Neptune.
Assuming the Sun will turn off, we (at Earth) will realize it after more than eight minutes.
The coding has been done with a jupyter-lab notebook
running at an older (2019) laptop as our server, accessible from remote throuh our intranet LAN
- Acer Aspire E5-575G, with
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz,
- 4 core,
- 32 GB RAM,
- NVNe SSD 1 TB,
- OS:
using Python
with pandas
, numpy
and matplotlib
Originally our Jupyter notebook
acesses the data via pandas
and the mysql.connector
from a mariadb
- testing the jupyter-lab
instead of the jupyter notebook
, and kernels for octave
, gnuplot
and mariadb
, this project was a pmy "pilot" on the server's setup - and it works within our LAN.
You can take the csv file and use pandas.read_csv to work with the data - as done here.
object | diameter__km | distance_from_sun__Mio_km | matplotlib_color |
Mercury | 4_879 | 57.90 | orangered |
Venus | 12_104 | 108.20 | darkorange |
Earth | 12_756 | 149.60 | blue |
Moon | 3_475 | 0.38 | brown |
Mars | 6_792 | 228.00 | darkred |
Jupiter | 142_984 | 778.50 | peru |
Saturn | 120_536 | 1_432.00 | burlywood |
Uranus | 51_118 | 2_867.00 | lightblue |
Neptune | 49_528 | 4_515.00 | cornflowerblue |
Pluto | 2_376 | 5_906.40 | dimgray |
Sun | 1392700 | 0.00 | yellow |
Note: see file
, use ; as separator
is a pure jupyter-lab notebook
importing some python
libraries (pandas
, numpy
, datetime
, matplotlib
) and a collection of 3 helper funtion from
(in the same directory as the notebook).
def get_data_from_csv(fn : str,
df : pd.DataFrame)
-> pd.DataFrame:
def gen_planets_as_circles(df: pd.DataFrame)
-> (np.array, np.array):
def gen_diagram(fig: plt.figure,
ax: plt.axes,
vals: np.array,
df: pd.DataFrame)
-> plt.figure:
We produce a small diagram of the solar systems' planets, see the notebook.
![Solar system's planets](/hlotze/solar_system/raw/main/solar_system.png)