diff --git a/chapter_23_debugging_prod.asciidoc b/chapter_23_debugging_prod.asciidoc
index cab50ee2..5c578b68 100644
--- a/chapter_23_debugging_prod.asciidoc
+++ b/chapter_23_debugging_prod.asciidoc
@@ -584,13 +584,12 @@ $ pass:quotes[*./src/manage.py test functional_tests.test_login*]
-And now _with_ Docker and the EMAIL_FILE_PATH. Remember,
+And now _with_ Docker and the EMAIL_FILE_PATH:
-# we need to set the EMAIL_FILE_PATH in this terminal too
-$ *export EMAIL_FILE_PATH=/tmp/superlists-emails*
-$ *TEST_SERVER=localhost:8888 python src/manage.py test functional_tests*
+$ *TEST_SERVER=localhost:8888 EMAIL_FILE_PATH=/tmp/superlists-emails \
+ python src/manage.py test functional_tests*
@@ -599,26 +598,36 @@ OK
It works! Hooray.
-==== Double-Checking our Test and Our Fix
+=== Double-Checking our Test and Our Fix
As always, we should be suspicious of any test that we've only ever seen pass!
Let's see if we can make this test fail.
-NOTE: You might have lost track of the actual bug and how we fixed it!
- The bug was, the server was crashing when it tried to send an email.
- The reason was, we hadn't set the `EMAIL_PASSWORD` environment variable.
- So the actual fix is to set that env var,
- and the way we _test_ that it works, is by using the `filebased.EmailBackend"
- `EMAIL_BACKEND` setting using the `EMAIL_FILE_PATH` environment variable.
-So, how shall we make the test fail?
-Well, how about if we deliberately break the email that the server sends:
+Before we do--we've been in the detail for a bit,
+it's worth reminding ourselves of what the actual bug was,
+and how we're fixing it!
+The bug was, the server was crashing when it tried to send an email.
+The reason was, we hadn't set the `EMAIL_PASSWORD` environment variable.
+We managed to repro the bug in Docker.
+The actual _fix_ is to set that env var,
+both in Docker and eventually on the server.
+Now we want to have a _test_ that our fix works,
+and we looked in to a few different options,
+settling on using the `filebased.EmailBackend"
+`EMAIL_BACKEND` setting using the `EMAIL_FILE_PATH` environment variable.
+Now, I say we haven't seen the test fail,
+but actually we have, when we repro'd the bug.
+If we unset the `EMAIL_PASSWORD` env var, it will fail again.
+I'm more worried about the new parts of our tests,
+the bits where we go and read from the file at `EMAIL_FILE_PATH`.
+How can we make that part fail?
+Well, how about if we deliberately break our email-sending code?
-TODO: filename/commit
-.lists.tests.py (ch04l004)
+.src/accounts/views.py (ch23l005)
@@ -629,12 +638,12 @@ def send_login_email(request):
reverse("login") + "?token=" + str(token.uid),
message_body = f"Use this link to log in:\n\n{url}"
- send_mail(
- "Your login link for Superlists",
- "noreply@superlists",
- [email],
- )
+ # send_mail( <1>
+ # "Your login link for Superlists",
+ # message_body,
+ # "noreply@superlists",
+ # [email],
+ # )
"Check your email, we've sent you a link you can use to log in.",
@@ -643,31 +652,69 @@ def send_login_email(request):
-<1> This should do it! We'll still send an email,
- but it won't contain a login URL.
+<1> We just comment out the entire send_email block.
+We rebuild our docker image:
-* TODO: aside on moujnting /src/?
+# check our env var is set
+$ *echo $EMAIL_FILE_PATH*
+$ *docker build -t superlists . && docker run \
+ -p 8888:8888 \
+ --mount type=bind,source=./src/db.sqlite3,target=/src/db.sqlite3 \
+ --mount type=bind,source=$EMAIL_FILE_PATH,target=$EMAIL_FILE_PATH \
+ -e DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=sekrit \
+ -e DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOST=localhost \
+ -it superlists*
+// TODO: aside on moujnting /src/?
-So let's try it:
+And we re-run our test:
-$ *TEST_SERVER=localhost:8888 EMAIL_FILE_PATH=/tmp/superlists-emails ./src/manage.py test functional_tests.test_login
+$ *TEST_SERVER=localhost:8888 EMAIL_FILE_PATH=/tmp/superlists-emails \
+ ./src/manage.py test functional_tests.test_login
Ran 1 test in 2.513s
-==== Testing side-effects is fiddly!
-TODO: flesh out explanation
+Eh? How did that pass?
-eh? what's happening?
-It's because we're picking up an old email, which is still a valid token in the DB
+=== Testing side-effects is fiddly!
+We've run into an example of the kinds of problems you often encounter
+when our tests involve side-effects.
+Let's have a look in our test emails directory:
+Every time we restart the server, it opens a new file,
+but only when it first tries to send an email.
+Because we've commented out the whole email-sending block,
+our test instead picks up on an old email,
+which still has a valid url in it,
+because the token is still in the database.
Let's clear out the db:
@@ -700,12 +747,19 @@ ERROR: test_login_using_magic_link (functional_tests.test_login.LoginTest.test_l
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to locate element: #id_logout; [...]
-OK that's weird, it _does_ still find an email with a magic link in?
+OK sure enough, the `wait_to_be_logged_in()` helper is failing,
+because now, although we have found an email, its token is invalid.
-ah, it's an old one.
+Here's another way to make the tests fail:
+$ pass:[rm $EMAIL_FILE_PATH/*]
+Now when we run the FT:
$ *TEST_SERVER=localhost:8888 ./src/manage.py test functional_tests.test_login*
@@ -724,18 +778,62 @@ ERROR: test_login_using_magic_link
IndexError: list index out of range
-That's better! We're not sending any emails, so there's no email file to find.
+We see there are no email files, because we're not sending one.
-Let's delete all our old emails
+Still, this isn't quite satisfactory.
+Let's try a different way to make our tests fail,
+where we _will_ send an email, but we'll give it the wrong contents:
+.src/accounts/views.py (ch23l006)
-$ pass:quotes[*rm $EMAIL_FILE_PATH/*]
+def send_login_email(request):
+ email = request.POST["email"]
+ token = Token.objects.create(email=email)
+ url = request.build_absolute_uri(
+ reverse("login") + "?token=" + str(token.uid),
+ )
+ message_body = f"Use this link to log in:\n\n{url}"
+ send_mail(
+ "Your login link for Superlists",
+ "noreply@superlists",
+ [email],
+ )
+ messages.success(
+ request,
+ "Check your email, we've sent you a link you can use to log in.",
+ )
+ return redirect("/")
+<1> We _do_ send an email, but it won't contain a login URL.
+Let's rebuild again:
+# check our env var is set
+$ *echo $EMAIL_FILE_PATH*
+$ *docker build -t superlists . && docker run \
+ -p 8888:8888 \
+ --mount type=bind,source=./src/db.sqlite3,target=/src/db.sqlite3 \
+ --mount type=bind,source=$EMAIL_FILE_PATH,target=$EMAIL_FILE_PATH \
+ -e DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=sekrit \
+ -e DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOST=localhost \
+ -it superlists*
-And now re rerun the FT:
+Now how do our tests look?
$ pass:quotes[*TEST_SERVER=localhost:8888 python src/manage.py test functional_tests*]
FAIL: test_login_using_magic_link
@@ -753,14 +851,35 @@ edith@example.com\nDate: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 18:00:55 -0000\nMessage-ID:
+That's the error we wanted! Let's revert our temporarily-broken _views.py_,
+rebuild, and make sure the tests pass once again.
-That's the error we wanted!
+$ *git stash*
+$ *docker build [...]*
+# separate terminal
+$ *TEST_SERVER=localhost:8888 EMAIL_FILE_PATH=/tmp/superlists-emails [...]
+// todo: aside or title here?
+It may seem like we've done a lot of back-and-forth,
+and I could have written the book without this little detour to make the tests fail,
+or I could have skipped one of the blind alleys at least,
+but I wanted to give you a flavour of the fiddliness involved
+in these kinds of tests that involve a lot of side-effects.
=== Setting Secret Environment Variables on the Server
((("debugging", "server-side", "setting secret environment variables")))
-((("environment variables")))
+((("environment variables"))k)
((("secret values")))
Just as in <>,
the place we set environment variables on the server is in the _superlists.env_ file.
@@ -774,177 +893,19 @@ Let's change it manually, on the server, for a test:
elspeth@server:$ *echo EMAIL_PASSWORD=yoursekritpasswordhere >> ~/superlists.env*
elspeth@server:$ *docker restart superlists*
-Now if we rerun our FTs, we see a change:
-[role="against-server small-code"]
-$ pass:quotes[*TEST_SERVER=staging.ottg.co.uk python src/manage.py test functional_tests*]
-Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "...goat-book/functional_tests/test_login.py", line 28, in
- email = mail.outbox[0]
-IndexError: list index out of range
-selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to locate
-element: Log out
-The `my_lists` failure is still the same, but we have more information in our login test:
-the FT gets further, and the site now looks like it's sending emails correctly
-(and the server log no longer shows any errors),
-but we can't check the email in the `mail.outbox`...
-=== Adapting Our FT to Be Able to Test Real Emails via POP3
-((("debugging", "server-side", "testing POP3 emails", id="DBservemail21")))
-((("Django framework", "sending emails", id="DJFemail21")))
-((("emails, sending from Django", id="email21")))
-First, we'll need to know, in our FTs,
-whether we're running against the staging server or not.
-Let's save the `staging_server` variable on `self` in _base.py_:
-.src/functional_tests/base.py (ch21l009)
- def setUp(self):
- self.browser = webdriver.Firefox()
- self.test_server = os.environ.get("TEST_SERVER")
- if self.test_server:
- self.live_server_url = "http://" + self.test_server
-And then we feed through the rest of the changes to the FT that are required
-as a result. Firstly, populating a `test_email` variable, differently for
-local and staging tests:
-[role="sourcecode small-code"]
-.src/functional_tests/test_login.py (ch21l011-1)
-@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
- from .base import FunctionalTest
--TEST_EMAIL = "edith@example.com"
- SUBJECT = "Your login link for Superlists"
-@@ -34,7 +33,6 @@ class LoginTest(FunctionalTest):
- print("getting msg", i)
- _, lines, __ = inbox.retr(i)
- lines = [l.decode("utf8") for l in lines]
-- print(lines)
- if f"Subject: {subject}" in lines:
- email_id = i
- body = "\n".join(lines)
-@@ -49,9 +47,14 @@ class LoginTest(FunctionalTest):
- # Edith goes to the awesome superlists site
- # and notices a "Log in" section in the navbar for the first time
- # It's telling her to enter her email address, so she does
-+ if self.test_server:
-+ test_email = "edith.testuser@yahoo.com"
-+ else:
-+ test_email = "edith@example.com"
- self.browser.get(self.live_server_url)
- self.browser.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[name=email]").send_keys(
-+ test_email, Keys.ENTER
- )
-And then modifications involving using that variable and calling our new helper
-[role="sourcecode small-code"]
-.src/functional_tests/test_login.py (ch21l011-2)
-@@ -69,15 +69,13 @@ class LoginTest(FunctionalTest):
- )
- # She checks her email and finds a message
-- email = mail.outbox[0]
-- self.assertIn(TEST_EMAIL, email.to)
-- self.assertEqual(email.subject, SUBJECT)
-+ body = self.wait_for_email(test_email, SUBJECT)
-- # It has a URL link in it
-- self.assertIn("Use this link to log in", email.body)
-- url_search = re.search(r"http://.+/.+$", email.body)
-+ # It has a url link in it
-+ self.assertIn("Use this link to log in", body)
-+ url_search = re.search(r"http://.+/.+$", body)
- if not url_search:
-- self.fail(f"Could not find url in email body:\n{email.body}")
-+ self.fail(f"Could not find url in email body:\n{body}")
- url = url_search.group(0)
- self.assertIn(self.live_server_url, url)
-@@ -85,10 +83,10 @@ class LoginTest(FunctionalTest):
- self.browser.get(url)
- # she is logged in!
-- self.wait_to_be_logged_in(email=TEST_EMAIL)
-+ self.wait_to_be_logged_in(email=test_email)
- # Now she logs out
- self.browser.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, "Log out").click()
- # She is logged out
-- self.wait_to_be_logged_out(email=TEST_EMAIL)
-+ self.wait_to_be_logged_out(email=test_email)
-And, believe it or not, that'll actually work, and give us an FT
-that can actually check for logins that work, involving real emails!
+=== Moving on to the next failure
+Now if we rerun our full set of FTs, we can move on to the next failure:
[role="against-server small-code"]
-$ pass:quotes[*TEST_SERVER=staging.ottg.co.uk python src/manage.py test functional_tests.test_login*]
+$ pass:quotes[*TEST_SERVER=localhost:888 python src/manage.py test functional_tests*]
-NOTE: I've just hacked this email-checking code together,
- and it's currently pretty ugly and brittle
- (one common problem is picking up the wrong email from a previous test run).
- With some cleanup and a few more retry loops
- it could grow into something more reliable.
- Alternatively, services like _mailinator.com_ will give you throwaway email addresses
- and an API to check them, for a small fee.
- ((("", startref="email21")))
- ((("", startref="DJFemail21")))
- ((("", startref="DBservemail21")))
-=== Managing the Test Database on Staging
-((("debugging", "server-side", "managing test databases", id="DBservdatabase21")))
-((("staging sites", "managing test databases", id="SSmanag21")))
-((("database testing", "managing test databases", id="DTmanag21")))
-((("sessions, pre-creating")))
Now we can rerun our full FT suite and get to the next failure:
our attempt to create pre-authenticated sessions doesn't work,
so the "My Lists" test fails:
@@ -953,21 +914,29 @@ so the "My Lists" test fails:
$ pass:quotes[*TEST_SERVER=staging.ottg.co.uk python src/manage.py test functional_tests*]
ERROR: test_logged_in_users_lists_are_saved_as_my_lists
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "...goat-book/src/functional_tests/test_my_lists.py", line 36, in
+ self.wait_to_be_logged_in(email)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^
-selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException: Message: Could not find element
-with id id_logout. Page text was:
-Sign in
-Start a new To-Do list
+selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to locate
+element: #id_logout; [...]
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-Ran 8 tests in 72.742s
+Ran 8 tests in 30.087s
FAILED (errors=1)
+* TODO: continue rewrites from this point.
It's because our test utility function `create_pre_authenticated_session` only
acts on the local database. Let's find out how our tests can manage the
database on the server.
diff --git a/source/chapter_23_debugging_prod/superlists b/source/chapter_23_debugging_prod/superlists
index 4abb5e7d..413a5ffd 160000
--- a/source/chapter_23_debugging_prod/superlists
+++ b/source/chapter_23_debugging_prod/superlists
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 4abb5e7da5833a549b8d29385e7ee0659c807b6b
+Subproject commit 413a5ffd5d0a470438e2b67e8e75fb2bba6ab97a