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Volt Cell

Hyperlynx edited this page Jan 27, 2024 · 3 revisions

The Volt Cell is a device made using Bottles of Acid which electrically charges objects above itself. Shown below is an example of one being used to charge a Crucible.

volt cell

Electric stimulation is needed for certain Reactions, which is the Volt Cell's main utility.

It can also charge Motion Salt Blocks, which activates their displacement ability.

Corrupt Cell

By Transmuting a Volt Cell with Curse, a Corrupt Cell is made.


Placing a Corrupt Cell below a Crucible will slowly, forcefully draw out any Base Powers inside it. This can be used to 'clean' the Crucible of excess Base Powers after a Synthesis reaction. However, if the Corrupt Cell is left below a Crucible after all Base Powers are drained from it, the Crucible's Integrity will decrease.

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