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board: add pico support
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Signed-off-by: Thomas Chou <>
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hippo5329 committed Mar 4, 2024
1 parent a5da95b commit 70b0d00
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Showing 6 changed files with 322 additions and 5 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions config/config.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
#include "custom/esp32_config.h"

#include "custom/pico_config.h"

// add maintainer configurations above this line
// this barrier helps to reduce user merge conflict
// add user configurations below this line
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240 changes: 240 additions & 0 deletions config/custom/pico_config.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Juan Miguel Jimeno
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#define LED_PIN LED_BUILTIN //used for debugging status

//uncomment the base you're building
#define LINO_BASE DIFFERENTIAL_DRIVE // 2WD and Tracked robot w/ 2 motors
// #define LINO_BASE SKID_STEER // 4WD robot
// #define LINO_BASE MECANUM // Mecanum drive robot

//uncomment the motor driver you're using
// #define USE_GENERIC_2_IN_MOTOR_DRIVER // Motor drivers with 2 Direction Pins(INA, INB) and 1 PWM(ENABLE) pin ie. L298, L293, VNH5019
// #define USE_GENERIC_1_IN_MOTOR_DRIVER // Motor drivers with 1 Direction Pin(INA) and 1 PWM(ENABLE) pin.
#define USE_BTS7960_MOTOR_DRIVER // BTS7970 Motor Driver using A4950 (<40V) module or DRV8833 (<10V)
// #define USE_ESC_MOTOR_DRIVER // Motor ESC for brushless motors

//uncomment the IMU you're using
// #define USE_GY85_IMU
#define USE_MPU6050_IMU
// #define USE_MPU9150_IMU
// #define USE_MPU9250_IMU
// #define USE_QMI8658_IMU
// #define USE_HMC5883L_MAG
// #define USE_AK8963_MAG
// #define USE_AK8975_MAG
// #define USE_AK09918_MAG
// #define USE_QMC5883L_MAG
// #define MAG_BIAS { 0, 0, 0 }

#define K_P 0.6 // P constant
#define K_I 0.8 // I constant
#define K_D 0.5 // D constant


//define your robot' specs here
#define MOTOR_MAX_RPM 150 // motor's max RPM
#define MAX_RPM_RATIO 0.85 // max RPM allowed for each MAX_RPM_ALLOWED = MOTOR_MAX_RPM * MAX_RPM_RATIO
#define MOTOR_OPERATING_VOLTAGE 12 // motor's operating voltage (used to calculate max RPM)
#define MOTOR_POWER_MAX_VOLTAGE 12 // max voltage of the motor's power source (used to calculate max RPM)
#define MOTOR_POWER_MEASURED_VOLTAGE 12 // current voltage reading of the power connected to the motor (used for calibration)
#define COUNTS_PER_REV1 900 // wheel1 encoder's no of ticks per rev
#define COUNTS_PER_REV2 900 // wheel2 encoder's no of ticks per rev
#define COUNTS_PER_REV3 900 // wheel3 encoder's no of ticks per rev
#define COUNTS_PER_REV4 900 // wheel4 encoder's no of ticks per rev
#define WHEEL_DIAMETER 0.0560 // wheel's diameter in meters
#define LR_WHEELS_DISTANCE 0.224 // distance between left and right wheels
#define PWM_BITS 12 // PWM Resolution of the microcontroller
#define PWM_FREQUENCY 100 // PWM Frequency

#define MOTOR1_ENCODER_INV false
#define MOTOR2_ENCODER_INV false
#define MOTOR3_ENCODER_INV false
#define MOTOR4_ENCODER_INV false

#define MOTOR1_INV false
#define MOTOR2_INV false
#define MOTOR3_INV false
#define MOTOR4_INV false

// Note: encoder pins must be consecutive (e.g. 2 and 3, 10 and 11 etc.)
#define MOTOR1_ENCODER_A 6
#define MOTOR1_ENCODER_B 7

#define MOTOR2_ENCODER_A 10
#define MOTOR2_ENCODER_B 11

#define MOTOR3_ENCODER_A 20
#define MOTOR3_ENCODER_B 21

#define MOTOR4_ENCODER_A 2
#define MOTOR4_ENCODER_B 3

#define MOTOR1_PWM 21 //Pin no 21 is not a PWM pin on Teensy 4.x, you can swap it with pin no 1 instead.
#define MOTOR1_IN_A 20
#define MOTOR1_IN_B 1

#define MOTOR2_PWM 5
#define MOTOR2_IN_A 6
#define MOTOR2_IN_B 8

#define MOTOR3_PWM 22
#define MOTOR3_IN_A 23
#define MOTOR3_IN_B 0

#define MOTOR4_PWM 4
#define MOTOR4_IN_A 3
#define MOTOR4_IN_B 2

#define PWM_MAX pow(2, PWM_BITS) - 1
#define PWM_MIN -PWM_MAX

#define MOTOR1_PWM 21 //Pin no 21 is not a PWM pin on Teensy 4.x, you can use pin no 1 instead.
#define MOTOR1_IN_A 20
#define MOTOR1_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR2_PWM 5
#define MOTOR2_IN_A 6
#define MOTOR2_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR3_PWM 22
#define MOTOR3_IN_A 23
#define MOTOR3_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR4_PWM 4
#define MOTOR4_IN_A 3
#define MOTOR4_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define PWM_MAX pow(2, PWM_BITS) - 1
#define PWM_MIN -PWM_MAX

#define MOTOR1_PWM -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR1_IN_A 12
#define MOTOR1_IN_B 13

#define MOTOR2_PWM -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR2_IN_A 14
#define MOTOR2_IN_B 15

#define MOTOR3_PWM -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR3_IN_A 16
#define MOTOR3_IN_B 17

#define MOTOR4_PWM -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR4_IN_A 18
#define MOTOR4_IN_B 19

#define PWM_MAX pow(2, PWM_BITS) - 1
#define PWM_MIN -PWM_MAX

#define MOTOR1_PWM 21 //Pin no 21 is not a PWM pin on Teensy 4.x. You can use pin no 1 instead.
#define MOTOR1_IN_A -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR1_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR2_PWM 5
#define MOTOR2_IN_A -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR2_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR3_PWM 22
#define MOTOR3_IN_A -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR3_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define MOTOR4_PWM 4
#define MOTOR4_IN_A -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder
#define MOTOR4_IN_B -1 //DON'T TOUCH THIS! This is just a placeholder

#define PWM_MAX 400
#define PWM_MIN -PWM_MAX

// #define USE_WIFI_TRANSPORT // use micro ros wifi transport
#define AGENT_IP { 192, 168, 1, 100 } // eg IP of the desktop computer
#define AGENT_PORT 8888
// Enable WiFi with null terminated list of multiple APs SSID and password
#define WIFI_MONITOR 2 // min. period to send wifi signal strength to syslog
// #define USE_ARDUINO_OTA
// #define USE_SYSLOG
#define SYSLOG_SERVER { 192, 168, 1, 100 } // eg IP of the desktop computer
#define SYSLOG_PORT 514
#define DEVICE_HOSTNAME "pico"
#define APP_NAME "hardware"
// #define USE_LIDAR_UDP
#define LIDAR_RXD 1
// #define LIDAR_PWM 0
#define LIDAR_SERIAL 1 // uart number
#define LIDAR_BAUDRATE 230400
#define LIDAR_SERVER { 192, 168, 1, 100 } // eg IP of the desktop computer
#define LIDAR_PORT 8889
#define BAUDRATE 115200
#define SDA_PIN 4 // specify I2C pins
#define SCL_PIN 5
#define NODE_NAME "pico"
// #define TOPIC_PREFIX "pico/"

// battery voltage ADC pin
#define BATTERY_PIN 28
// 3.3V ref, 12 bits ADC, 33k + 10k voltage divider
// #define USE_ADC_LUT
#ifdef USE_ADC_LUT
const int16_t ADC_LUT[4096] = { /* insert adc_calibrate data here */ };
#define BATTERY_ADJUST(v) (ADC_LUT[v] * (3.3 / 4096 * (33 + 10) / 10 * 1.0))
#define BATTERY_ADJUST(v) ((v) * (3.3 / 4096 * (33 + 10) / 10))
// #define USE_INA219
// #define TRIG_PIN 31 // ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
// #define ECHO_PIN 32
#define USE_SHORT_BRAKE // for shorter stopping distance
// #define WDT_TIMEOUT 60 // Sec
#define BOARD_INIT { \
Wire.setSDA(SDA_PIN); \
Wire.setSCL(SCL_PIN); \
Wire.begin(); \
Wire.setClock(400000); \
// #define BOARD_INIT_LATE {}

#define RCCHECK(fn) { rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; if((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)){ \
syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s RCCHECK failed %d", __FUNCTION__, temp_rc); \
return false; }}
#define RCCHECK(fn) { rcl_ret_t temp_rc = fn; if((temp_rc != RCL_RET_OK)){ \
flashLED(3); \
return false; }} // do not block

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion firmware/lib/encoder/encoder.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

#include "encoder.h"

#if !defined(ESP32)
#if !defined(ESP32) && !defined(PICO)
// Yes, all the code is in the header file, to provide the user
// configure options with #define (before they include it), and
// to facilitate some crafty optimizations!
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47 changes: 46 additions & 1 deletion firmware/lib/encoder/encoder.h
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#ifndef Encoder_h_
#define Encoder_h_
#include <Arduino.h>

#ifdef ESP32
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <ESP32Encoder.h>
class Encoder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,6 +77,51 @@ class Encoder
#elif defined(PICO)
#include <pio_encoder.h>

class Encoder
int counts_per_rev_ = -1;
unsigned long prev_update_time_;
int32_t prev_encoder_ticks_;
uint offset_;
PioEncoder pioencoder_;
Encoder(int pin1, int pin2, int counts_per_rev, bool invert = false) : \
pioencoder_(pin1) {
if (pin1 < 0 || pin2 < 0) return; // unused encoder
counts_per_rev_ = counts_per_rev;
float getRPM() {
if (counts_per_rev_ < 0) return 0.0;
int32_t encoder_ticks = read();
//this function calculates the motor's RPM based on encoder ticks and delta time
unsigned long current_time = micros();
unsigned long dt = current_time - prev_update_time_;

//convert the time from milliseconds to minutes
double dtm = (double)dt / 60000000;
int64_t delta_ticks = encoder_ticks - prev_encoder_ticks_;

//calculate wheel's speed (RPM)
prev_update_time_ = current_time;
prev_encoder_ticks_ = encoder_ticks;

return (((double) delta_ticks / counts_per_rev_) / dtm);
inline int32_t read() {
if (counts_per_rev_ < 0) return 0;
return pioencoder_.getCount();
inline void write(int32_t p) {
if (counts_per_rev_ < 0) return;

#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
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17 changes: 14 additions & 3 deletions firmware/lib/motor/default_motor.h
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#include <Arduino.h>
#ifdef ESP32
#include <ESP32Servo.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include "config.h"
#ifdef ESP32
inline void analogWriteFrequency(uint8_t pin, double frequency)
#include <Servo.h>
#elif defined(PICO)
inline void analogWriteFrequency(double frequency)
inline void analogWriteFrequency(uint8_t pin, double frequency)
#include "config.h"

#include "motor_interface.h"

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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions firmware/platformio.ini
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,23 @@ build_flags =

platform =
board = rpipico
upload_port = /dev/ttyACM0
upload_protocol = picotool
; upload_port =
monitor_speed = 115200
; board_microros_transport = wifi
; board_microros_distro = humble
lib_deps =
build_flags =
-I ../config

; add maintainer configurations above this line
; this barrier helps to reduce user merge conflict
; add user configurations below this line

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