This is an open-source effort to build an Android app for Product Hunt.
Download me on Google Play
- Product Hunt does not have an official app for Android.
- I am a Product Hunt fan.
- I was going through the mobile training track from Groupon and looking for something as capstone project.
- I got help all around from open-source community, and it is time for me to help back.
- The rate limit on Product Hunt API makes it impossible for this app to scale to a big crowd of users. Opensourcing the app could allow any hobbyist to use their own API keys to build the app.
- A big problem of hobby projects is they lack continuity. I believe open sourcing the app could allow this app to be kept improving.
- Another problem of third-party apps is about privacy and transparency. Since this is an app for the Product Hunt community, I believe it is better supervised by the community.
- You cannot vote/comment on a post yet. Updated: The app cannot get the write access. :-< Really sorry guys!
More problems are tracked here
All bugs and ideas are more than welcome to be added here
Check out how to contribute to "Oh My Product Hunt"
Coming Soon
- Thanks Groupon for providing the mobile training program! We are hiring. Shoot me an email about what you want to apply.
- Codepath partnered with Groupon to provide the mobile training program. Really appreciate courses and help from all the mentors.
- Product Hunt Team helped me all along the project. They are very responsive whenever I shoot them a message.
###Things that helped me
- CodePath libraries: They helped me build the wrapper for OAuth and using Scribejava
- Picasso: A libray that helps image downloading and caching
- Android Asynchronous Http Client: A Callback-Based Http Client Library for Android
- RoundedImageView: A fast ImageView that supports rounded corners, ovals, and circles.
- PagerSlidingTabStrip: An interactive indicator to navigate between the different pages of a ViewPager
- Parse Libraries: Parse helps me to track crash analytics and reports.
- Activeandroid: ActiveAndroid is an active record style ORM
- Built with <3 by Han Hua /
- In case you want to buy me a beer (actually non-alcohol drink preferred)
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).