Create a bot calculator using Typescript, and mongoDB.
- I can open the app in a browser that contains a command input
- I can chat with the bot using only 2 possible command types
- Operation command: 1 + 1 or 5 * 3, 1526 - 1452 + 5623 * 2, ...
- operators: +, -, *, /
- number: integer, floating point
- History command: history to display latest 10 calculations used
- History can be dropped on app restart
- The code can be accessed through your github/gitlab account, please send us a link when you’re done.
- Please use multiple commits and descriptive commit description
- Implement unit testing
- Split it up into a frontend and a backend (use the MERN stack)
- Using typescript will be a bonus.
- Please avoid using the eval-cmd of the JS math library
- The more effort you put into it (e.g. design wise, documentation wise) the better the rating will be.
- follow the instructions in backend/ to start backend server
- follow the instructions in frontend/ to start frontend