A CLI application using github.com/adlio/trello to list, add and remove Trello cards.
You need a Trello API key and API Token for this CLI to work.
You can get them by following instructions from the official documentation.
On the first time running this application, you will be prompted your API key, API Token and default board URL.
You may simply run
sudo make install
trello ls {cards, members} [--user]
trello add -n NAME -l LIST [-d DESCRIPTION] [-t DEADLINE] [-m MEMBER]
NAME = name for card
LIST = list name for card
DESCRIPTION = description for card
DEADLINE = due date (defaults to next Friday, format: YYYY-MM-DD)
MEMBER = member name (defaults to you)
MEMBER and LIST are fuzzy matched, so writing "sales" matches "Sales"
trello rm -n NAME -l LIST
NAME = name for card
LIST = list name for card