- better Exception handling, output complete traceback into docker logs
- Status API
- if GPX file is broken, inform user
- fix delete Split File
- fix Elevation Graph if more segments and tracks inside a GPX File exists
- show Waypoint info in the Popup instead in canvas.
- geojson to 3.2.0
- django-cors-headers to 4.7.0
- change to webpack for JS/CSS
- new layout - more mobile friendly
- Django to 5.1.5
- add shelter_type ~ lean_to|weather_shelter
- Django, DjangoRestFramework, Celery Update
- update gpx python library to create Garmin compatible GPX Tracks
- show track split table only if split exists
- change default preselected OSM query
- change color of first track/segment in Map
- fix download of GPX Tracks (content type was on wrong on firefox mobile)
- hover over track split - zoom to track and highlight it in green
- disable split button after press
- show delete info on track page
- show nice info if track file is deleted
- fix performance; do not create split markers on overy almost over move
- fix user segment delete with update the other
- user splits now with click on the polyline without extra markers
- hide/show elevation graph
- hide next/pre buttons if only one track exists
- nice icons for hide/show elevation graph
- place POI button on the right
- remove integrity after update of bootstrap
- update Demo Track handling via settings
- add split track feature nicer way - delete is broken yet
- nicer elevation graph
- remove Track Split feature - UI is not very good
- add almostOver Leaflet Plugin to have a better hover
- better D3.js Graph with hover support on map and elevation graph
- Django Upgrade to 5.0.3
- place marker on track lat/lon
- Bootstrap Upgrade to 5.3.3
- move elevation graph to map
- move list of POIs to a overlay offcanvas
- move download of POIs to a overlay offcanvas
- if ele is None set it to 0
- if empty trkseg or too few points inside a trkseg - no query is possible - do not query
- use tag contact:website and website tag for getting url from OSM data
- allow Download Track split
- pregenerate Elevation Graph data (perhaps later do it in the Browser?)
- add og Meta information
- fix popupop if html id is yet missing
- add django-cors-headers
- elevation Graph with D3js
- bounce marker if mouseover table / element
- Marker = rot
- fix typo index.html
- Update to Django 5.0.1
- Query Google Maps (Link to Google Maps, for StreetView, ...)
- generate GEOJson Line from database not from GPX File to have DB IDs within
- add elevation (from GPXTrack file) uphill, downhill
- add Markers for the points of the line to enable splitting and co (show only current bounding box, on zoom)
- basic Splitten feature, needs UI work
- show all tag infos from OSM
- only allow Road type bike for Valahalle Routing Engine
- add note on start page
- updated robots.txt
- add Valhalla Infos and docker container inside docker-compose file
- away kilometer as int
- bounce Marker if "on map" is clicked
- only accept *.gpx files on file upload
- after finding the air-line distance nearest track point from the POI we query Valhalla Routing Engine with the 100 points before and after the air-line point after we have the "best" point for street routing, we calculate the route and safe the geojson.
- query for biketype for Valhalla Routing - currently not used.
- set map height to 600px
- show distance from track to POI in km
- Valhalla Routing Engine
- Download GPX Track to POI from nearest point of the track
- add POI apartment/guest_house/hostel/hotel/motel
- Django 5.0
- working on layout
- sort Waypoints in order of the track
- add different colors for Tracks / Segments
- Leaflet Track line via geojson ajax call (faster)
- list your uploaded tracks on the Upload Page
- nicer waiting spinner
- show waypoints while job is query running
- autoreload page then job is finished
- add URL to GPX Waypoint file if it's available in OSM
- find and show supermarket and convenience on map
- OpenStreetMap Map Query - link with correct zoomlevel on map
- show/hide itmes on map: nicer position
- show/hide POIs on map and export
- zoom map to POI in list
- new layout
- use XMLHttpRequest to get waypoint information to generate it in JavaScript
- show / hide Marks on Map
- add fuel/gas station
- filter out duplicates within range of meters (per item setting by user)
- add links to Github Changelog
- add bootstrap Icons
- job to delete GPX Track (default 10 days, user can setup it)
- send 2000 lat/lon points from track to OSM Overpass API instead of 1000 per batch