Introduction to Deep Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow
A python package for non parametric Mann Kendall family of trend tests.
Example scripts originally derived from Prof. Dana Tomlin's handouts for his course on Geospatial Software Design. Shared with his permission.
The software called Fmask (Function of mask) is used for automated clouds, cloud shadows, and snow masking for Landsats 4-8 and Sentinel 2 images.
Workflow and tools for detecting snow-covered area, accumulation area ratio, and seasonal snowlines on mountain glacier surfaces using Landsat 8/9, PlanetScope, and Sentinel-2 imagery.
Shrink Pandas DataFrames with precision safe schema inference.
lucidfrontier45 / pyloess
Forked from andreas-h/pyloessloess smoother / stl seasonal trend decomposition, originally from scipy.sandbox.pyloess
Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR)
Package to efficiently compute terrain parameters (like horizon, sky view factor, topographic openness, slope angle/aspect) from high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) data. The package also…
The High-resolution Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research model
Climate downscaling using CMIP6 data
GEOtop is a distributed model of the mass and energy balance of the hydrological cycle, which is applicable to simulations in continuum in small catchments. GEOtop deals with the effects of topogra…
Methods to downscale climate timeseries from CORDEX RCM data.
Topography-based routines for downscaling (TopoSCALE) and clustering (TopoSUB) ported to Matlab
Ten-ST-GEE has the ability to automatically transform 100-m to 10-m LST at Landsat-8 overpass time. Statistical and regression analysis as well as bandpass adjustments were used in this system. Ten…
TopoPyScale: a Python library to perform simplistic climate downscaling at the hillslope scale
ALpine Parameterized Glacier Model (ALPGM v1.2). Open-source regional glacier evolution model based on deep learning and parametrizations.
Flexible Snow Model - a multi-physics energy balance model of accumulation and melt of snow on the ground and in forest canopies
The repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.