This is the repository that hosts my CV in TeX
A full TeX
distribution is required. Various distributions are available for different operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix).
Here is the procedure for Mac on which brew
is available:
Install MacTex
: $> brew cask install mactex
This should install everything you need.
Configure your path:
$> open /Applications/TeX/What\ Is\ Installed.pdf
In this pdf
you will find the folder where the binaries are installed. In my case it is /usr/local/texlive/2017
Add the binary directory to your PATH
: $> export PATH="/usr/local/texlive/2017/bin/x86_64-darwin/:$PATH"
If you encounter the following error, please download the .otf
and double click on it to install it. Install the FontAwesome font from the fonts
provides a docker
image able to compile this repository smoothly. (Note the image is quite big. Might be valueable to shrink it in a CI environment.)
If you want to use this simple solution you need docker installed.
Then at the root of this repository:
$> docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` raabf/latex-versions:texlive2018 make cv && open dist/cv.pdf
This repository uses GitHub Actions and leverage open source actions:
- aws cli from
, it helps uploading the artifact on S3 - upload-to-release from JasonEtco which enables storing the CV in the release
- LaTeX FontAwesome is a binding that allow use of FontAwesome into your
documents. Awesome-CV
on which I based myTeX
CV- AltaCV
- Upgrade FontAwesome:
- Automatic pdf comparison (here)
- Add a Github actions filter to avoid onPush worklow when this is a release
- Continuous integration with circleci:
- Add preview in png format