Clone of CERN gitlab ugt firmware.
Top hierarchy module of ugt firmware mp7_payload.vhd, which is embedded in the MP7 firmware framework, contains two main parts:
- Control of ugt firmware (gt_control.vhd)
- Data of ugt firmware (gt_data.vhd), which contains
- This is a description running script "" for simulation.
- If Questa sim libraries for Vivado do not exist in $HOME/questasimlibs_xxx, they will be created for the selected Questa sim and Vivado versions.
# Clone git repositories
git clone <local path>/mp7
cd <local path>/mp7
git checkout mp7fw_v2_4_1_mp7_ugt
git clone <local path>/ugt
cd <local path>/ugt
git checkout master
# Run simulation
cd <local path>/ugt/
python mp7_ugt/scripts/ <L1Menu name> --mp7_tag <path local mp7>
# Example
cd ~/gitlab/hbergaue/ugt/mp7_ugt
python mp7_ugt/scripts/ L1Menu_Collisions2018_v2_1_0-d98 --mp7_tag ~/gitlab/hbergaue/mp7
This is a draft description with branches of MP7 and ugt repos.
A fork of MP7 firmware is available with three branches:
- branch "mp7fw_v2_4_1_mp7_ugt" created from tag mp7fw_v2_4_1.
- branch "mp7fw_v2_4_3_mp7_ugt" created from tag mp7fw_v2_4_3.
- branch "mp7fw_master_mp7_ugt" created from master.
These branches contain modified MP7 files for mp7_ugt:
- area_constraints.tcl
- mp7_brd_decl.vhd
- mp7xe_690.vhd
One of these branches can be used for build (see below).
- The ugt repo is a fork of svn2git ugt repo.
Following modifications are done in the branch:
- added ugt_strategy.tcl for ugt specific strategy and inserted it into top.dep.
- modified uGT_algo.dep: removed "doubled" commands (these commnads are in MP7 dep files).
- added script for IPBB synthesis (all 6 mp7_ugt modules) with possibility of simulation.
- added script for checking IPBB synthesis results.
- added script for packing firware files in a tar file.
# Run kerberos for outside of CERN network
kinit username@CERN.CH
# Make local clone of ugt repositiory
git clone <local path>
cd <local path>
# Run synthesis script (for all 6 modules)
[Note: default values for some arguments, see
python mp7_ugt/scripts/ -h]
python mp7_ugt/scripts/ <L1Menu name> --mp7url <URL MP7 git repo> --mp7tag <MP7 tag> -p <work dir> --build <build version> --ugturl <URL ugt git repo> -u <ugt tag in repo>
# Example
python mp7_ugt/scripts/ L1Menu_Collisions2018_v2_1_0-d1 --mp7url --mp7tag mp7fw_v2_4_1 -p ~/work_ipbb_test --build 0x10fa --ugturl --ugt master
# Run synthesis script (for all 6 modules) with simulation (Questasim)
git clone <local MP7 repo path>
git clone <local path>
cd <local path>
python mp7_ugt/scripts/ <L1Menu name> --mp7url <URL MP7 git repo> --mp7tag <MP7 tag> -p <work dir> --build <build version> --ugturl <URL ugt git repo> -u <ugt tag in repo> --sim --simmp7path <local MP7 repo path>
# Example
python mp7_ugt/scripts/ L1Menu_Collisions2018_v2_1_0-d1 --mp7url --mp7tag mp7fw_v2_4_1 -p ~/work_ipbb_test --build 0x10fa --ugturl --ugt master --sim --simmp7path ~/gitlab/hbergaue/mp7
# Run kerberos for outside of CERN network
kinit username@CERN.CH
# Download and install ipbb
curl -L | tar xvz
source ipbb-0.2.8/
# Create a local working area
ipbb init <build_name>
cd <build_name>
ipbb add git -b master
ipbb add git -b mp7fw_v2_4_1_ugt
ipbb add git -b gtl_v2_x_y_ipbb
# Proposed to create l1menu.vhd and l1menu_pkg.vhd by VHDL Producer and copy
# to src/../firmware/l1menu directory. Patch top_decl.vhd and copy to
# src/../firmware/packages, all should be done by script.
ipbb init <work dir>/mp7_ugt/<mp7fw version>/<menu version>/<build version>/module_<module number>
cd <work dir>/mp7_ugt/<mp7fw version>/<menu version>/<build version>/module_<module number>
ipbb add git -b master
ipbb add git -b mp7fw_v2_4_1_mp7_ugt
ipbb add git -b <master or branch name or tag name>
# Copy VHDL producer output and patched files to mp7_ugt (gtl_module.vhd, gtl_pkg.vhd,
algo_mapping_rop.vhd and gt_mp7_top_pkg.vhd)
# Source Vivado
# Create project
ipbb proj create vivado mp7_ugt_<build_version>_<module_nr> mp7:../ugt/mp7_ugt
cd proj/mp7_ugt_<build_version>_<module_nr>
ipbb vivado project
# Run implementation, synthesis
ipbb vivado synth
ipbb vivado impl
# Generate a bitfile
ipbb vivado package