Create the virtual environment and activate it
virtualenv -p python3.9 venv source venv/bin/activate
For macOS:
- Install homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
- Install basic macOS dependencies
brew install postgres cairo pango gdk-pixbuf libffi
- Install homebrew:
For Linux:
- Install basic Linux dependencies
apt-get update && apt-get install -y binutils libproj-dev gdal-bin
- Install basic Linux dependencies
Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Install the pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install
Start the supporting containers
docker-compose up
with the database, localstack and redis -
Create a proper
file -
Run the migrations with
python manage.py migrate
Run the server with
python manage.py runserver 8000
Run the celery worker with
celery -A the_eye worker -l DEBUG -Q development
Server can be accessed through
Create base models with
python manage.py loaddata fixtures/base.json
Run tests with
ENVIRONMENT=test python manage.py test
- Create a proper
file - Start the containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose-full.yml up
- Run the migrations
docker-compose -f docker-compose-full.yml exec the-eye python manage.py migrate
- Server can be accessed through
- An overview of the available endpoints can be found on the Postman collection
docs/The Eye.postman_collection.json
; - With the base models, you can login with email
and passwordmacarena94
; - You can become Application
The Eye
with application key4bc46b5c60ca4c61833189464d404e0160d81c08
; - To authenticate as an Application, you can add header
Application-Key: <application key>
You need a .env
file with your environment variables, here's an example file:
SECRET_KEY='#*=The Eye Local Django=*#'