When working with Lucene, it is often useful to inspect an index.
Luke is awesome, but often times it is not feasible to inspect an index on a remote machine using a GUI.
Another important feature for Clue is the ability to interact with other Unix commands via piping, e.g. grep, more etc.
mvn package
Interactive Mode:
./bin/clue.sh my-idx
Non-interactive Mode:
./bin/clue.sh my-idx command args
Command list:
./bin/clue.sh my-idx help
delete - deletes a list of documents from searching via a query, input: query
docval - gets doc value for a given doc, <field> <docid>, if <docid> not specified, all docs are shown
exit - exits program
help - displays help
info - displays information about the index, <segment number> to get information on the segment
merge - force merges segments into given N segments, input: number of max segments
postings - iterating postings given a term, e.g. <fieldname:fieldvalue>
search - executes a query against the index, input: <query string>
terms - gets terms from the index, <field:term>, term can be a prefix
Getting all the terms in the field 'color':
./bin/clue.sh /tmp/my-idx terms color
Getting all the terms in the field 'color' starting with the term staring with 'r':
./bin/clue.sh /tmp/my-idx terms color:r
./bin/clue.sh /tmp/my-idx terms color | grep r
Do a search:
./bin/clue.sh /tmp/my-idx search myquery
Get the index info:
./bin/clue.sh /tmp/my-idx info
Iterate a posting for the term color:red
./bin/clue.sh /tmp/my-idx postings color:red
List docvalues for a column-stride-field:
./bin/clue.sh /tmp/my-idx docval price