This repo has data wrangling and modeling scripts for phase 2.
Current projection is UTM zone 16.
Variable | Description |
PM2.5 | The target variable for modeling: particulate matter ≤ 2.5μm in dameter. |
AOD | Aerosol Optical Depth |
NDVI | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index |
PS | A kernel density estimate of the number of PM2.5 emissions sources. |
Road Density | Separated into Primary/Secondary/Motorway roads; motorways are the most important roads, followed by primary and then secondary |
Land Cover Development | Separated into low/medium/high intensity development |
Population Density | Tract-level population density |
TEMP | Temperature in Fahrenheit |
RELH | Relative Humidity |
WDVL | Wind Velocity in knots |
MSLP | Mean Sea Level Pressure |
VSBY | Visibility in miles |
Elev | Elevation |
PBL | Planetary Boundary Layer; TBD |
Dataset | Description | Link |
AOD | TBD; awaiting counsel; currently WIP with MCD19A2 | TBD |
NDVI | TBD; awaiting counsel; currently WIP with MCD19A2 | TBD |
PS | PM2.5 Point Source emissions KDE | Box |
Roads | Gridfile with 3 layers: primary, secondary, and motorway | Box |
Land Cover | USGS? correct me if I'm wrong | Box |
Pop. Density | Currently on my PC haha 😅 | TBD |
Meteorological Variables | Also currently on my PC; need to be interpolated | TBD |
I also have the full 21 counties dataset on my computer, if that would be a useful link.