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Universal schema for data serialisation, signing and encryption.

  • Serialising data - Simple, binary-friendly data exchange using the Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) data format.
  • Authenticating data - Protect integrity of data with digital signatures or message authentication code (MAC) algorithms.
  • Securing data - Ensure confidentiality and integrity of data for one or multiple recipients, using standardised authenticated encryption algorithms.


Supported by:


Your sponsorship will help us continue to release and maintain software that Bitcoin businesses and developers depend on.


Install Univrse with npm or yarn:

npm install univrse
# or
yarn add univrse

Alternatively use in a browser via CDN:

<script src="//"></script>

Univrse has a peer dependency on version 2 the bsv library which must also be installed in your project.


For full documentation, please refer to:

Serialising data

Any arbitrary payload can be wrapped in an Envelope structure, and then encoded in one of three serialisation formats:

  • Envelope#toBuffer() - Concise CBOR-encoded binary value
  • Envelope#toString() - Compact Base64-url encoded string value
  • Envelope#toScript() - Encoded in a Bitcoin OP_RETURN script
import { Envelope } from 'univrse'

// Wrap any arbitrary data payload in an Envelope structure
const payload = 'Hello world!'
const env1 = Envelope.wrap(payload, { proto: 'univrse.demo' })

// Encode the data in one of three serialisation formats
const envBuffer = env1.toBuffer()
const envString = env1.toString()
const envScript = env1.toScript()

// Decode the serialised data back into an Envelope structure
const env2 = Envelope.fromBuffer(envBuffer)
const env3 = Envelope.fromString(envString)
const env4 = Envelope.fromScript(envScript)

// Compare payload
console.log(env2.payload === payload, env3.payload === payload, env4.payload === payload)
// => true, true, true

Using signatures

Digital signatures or message authentication code (MAC) algorithms can be used to protect the integrity of an Envelope's data payload.

import { Envelope, Key } from 'univrse'

// Generate keys
const aliceKey = await Key.generate('ec', 'secp256k1')
const alicePubKey = aliceKey.toPublic()
const appSecret = await Key.generate('oct', 256)

// Sign and verify using a single key
const env1 = Envelope.wrap('Hello world!', { proto: 'univrse.demo' })
await env1.sign(aliceKey, { alg: 'ES256K', kid: 'alice' })
const v1 = await env1.verify(alicePub)
// => true

// Sign and verify using multiple keys and algorithms
const env2 = Envelope.wrap('Hello world!', { proto: 'univrse.demo' })
await env2.sign([
  [aliceKey, { alg: 'ES256K', kid: 'alice' }],
  [appSecret, { alg: 'HS256', kid: 'app' }]
const v2 = await env2.verify([alicePub, appSecret])
// => true

Using encryption

Authenticated encryption algorithms may be used to ensure the confidentiality of an Envelope's data payload for one or multiple recipients.

import { Envelope, Key } from 'univrse'

// Generate keys
const bobKey = await Key.generate('ec', 'secp256k1')
const bobPubKey = bobKey.toPublic()
const charlieKey = await Key.generate('ec', 'secp256k1')
const charliePubKey = bobKey.toPublic()
const appSecret = await Key.generate('oct', 256)

// Encrypt and decrypt data for a single recipient
const env1 = Envelope.wrap('Hello world!', { proto: 'univrse.demo' })
await env1.encrypt(bobPubKey, { alg: 'ECDH-ES+A128GCM', kid: 'bob' })
await env1.decrypt(bobKey)
// => "Hello world!"

// Encrypt and decrypt data for multiple recipients using multiple algorithms
const env2 = Envelope.wrap('Hello world!', { proto: 'univrse.demo' })
await env2.encrypt([
  [appSecret, { alg: 'A256GCM' }],
  [bobPubKey, { alg: 'ECDH-ES+A128GCM', kid: 'bob' }],
  [bobPubKey, { alg: 'ECIES-BIE1', kid: 'charlie' }]

const bobEnv = Envelope.fromBuffer(env2.toBuffer())
await bobEnv.decryptAt(1, bobKey)
// => "Hello world!"

const charlieEnv = Envelope.fromBuffer(env2.toBuffer())
await charlieEnv.decryptAt(2, charlieKey)
// => "Hello world!"

Working with bsv keys

The util module provides a number of helper functions to convert to and from bsv keys.

import { KeyPair } from 'bsv'
import { Key, util } from 'univrse'

// Convert bsv KeyPair to Univrse keys
const keyPair = KeyPair.fromRandom()
const keyFromPrivKey = util.fromBsvPrivKey(keyPair.privKey)
const keyFromPubKey = util.fromBsvPubKey(keyPair.pubKey)

// Convert Univrse key to bsv keys
const key = await Key.generate('ec', 'secp256k1')
const privKey = util.toBsvPrivKey(key)
const pubKey = util.toBsvPubKey(key)


Univrse is open source and released under the Apache-2 License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Chronos Labs Ltd.