Codebase for the existing UNICEF app can be found here.
Figma mockup can be found here.
Check the wiki for important documentation/instructions regarding the app, setup, Flutter/Dart/SQLite, etc.
First check out the main branch:
git checkout main
then pull recent changes:
git pull
Then create your new branch as follows:
git checkout -b "[your-name]/[frontend or backend]/[name-that-describes-feature]"
(ex: "kayla/homepage-indicators")
You can now make commits. The first time you push after creating a new branch, you'll have to run the following command:
git push --set-upstream origin "[SAME NAME AS ABOVE]"
This creates a remote branch (visible to everyone on github) that matches your local branch. When you are ready to merge your code into main, create a pull request here. Matthew and Kayla will then look over and approve your changes.