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repetier edited this page Nov 14, 2011 · 4 revisions


Required software

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The original arduino sources are fine, but have some bad optimizations for serial communication. Look in the boards subdirectory for your board and copy the replacement files into the arduino installation. They are faster versions of the original files, so you don't get any compatibility problems.

Compile and upload

Start the Arduino-IDE and load the Repetier.pde file. The IDE will open all other files in that directory, too. Select the file "Configuration.h" and edit the paramaters, to fit your RepRap and controller. All parameters are documented in the file, so no further explanation is required. If you are nor sure, read the rest of the docs. They give some deeper explaination, which may help.

Connect your board with your computer and switch the power on. Select the correct COM-Port under Tools->Serial Port and the correct board under Tools->Board. Click the "Upload" button. After a while your new firmware should be uploaded and ready to start. If the upload doesn't start, after the files are compiled, try pressing the reset button on your board once.

Update from older version

Version 0.32 and 0.35 changed the EEPROM usage, because some parameter aren't used any more and new parameter were added. Check the settings before using the new version. Watch out for new values, tellung you they are 0 - they are probably not. Illegal numbers are returned as 0, too.

Common pitfalls

Changes in configuration.h have no effect

Often you want to tweak some firmware settings like steps per mm, acceleration, etc. The normal way is to change the values in configuration.h, compile and upload. To remedy this time consuming task, the Repetier-Firmware can store the most important parameter in the controler EEPROM, which take precedence if enabled. So if your changes have no effect, you may have enabled EEPROM. Search for

#define EEPROM_MODE 1

and check the value. If it is set to 0, EEPROM is disabled. If you set it to a different value, the EEPROM gets overwritten with the current values of configuration.h

Hint: Repetier-Host users have a window for changing the EEPROM values.

Communication problems

Check, you have insalled the faster communication files, as described above.

For some unknown reasons, some baud rates fail, while faster or slower rates work without problems. Try changing them. If you are not using Repetier-Host you can set the following:

//#define WAITING_IDENTIFIER "wait"

I'm using Pronterface as host / not Repetier-Host

Some settings are optimized for Repetier-Host and have no meaning for other hosts or may confuse them. If you are using an other host, you should check that the following defines are commented out.

//#define WAITING_IDENTIFIER "wait"

Extruder and heated bed with thermistor

The firmware uses it's own interrupt based methods for polling the analog values from the thermistors. This method has an array with pins to poll, where you need to enter the arduino pin numbers and set the correct pin count. For this case, it will look like:


The extruder and heated bed refernce the index in above array, like:


Extruder does not extrude

The firmware has a saftey parameter to protect the extruder from extruding unmolten filament. If the temperature is below


the extruder will not work. If you want to do some testing without filament, set this to 0.