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DayZ Server Manager for Linux

An alternative to the Linux version of Omega Manager

Custom script for managing your DayZ Server on Linux
Currently being used without issue on UNIT487 DayZ Server.


Use this script at your own risk.
You are free to copy or fork the script and edit to your liking.
All I ask is that you don't remove the credits at the top of the main script. Thank you.

Main Features

  • Takes care of downloading SteamCMD and DayZ Server.
  • Updates the DayZ Server and Mods at each startup/restart.
  • Backs up your Profile and Mission folders at each startup/restart.
  • Auto Start, Stop and Restarts are done with the help of Crontab.
  • Simple to set up.

First RUN

  1. Download to the root of your DayZ server home drive.
  2. Then: chmod +x
  3. Run the script: ./
  4. Wait until it has finished, then follow the instructions.
  5. Edit the config.ini file with your preferences.
    • Main things to change here are steamlogin and port for now.
    • This is also where you add your @modNames to the launch paramaters.
  6. Add your Mod ID's to the workshop.cfg file.
    • One Mod ID per line.
    • Don't worry about adding the mod name. The script will do that later.
    • If you must though. Leave one space between the ID and the name 123456 ModName
  7. Edit the serverfiles/battleye/beserver_x64*.cfg
    • Change the RCon password and port number, or leave as default.
    • Make sure the RCon and the Game Server ports aren't the same.
    • Defaults are usualy: Rcon 2305 and Gameport 2302.
    • Game port is changed in the config.ini.
  8. In your serverfiles/serverDZ.cfg file change your hostname and other settings.
    • Make sure there is a steamQueryPort setting. i.e steamQueryPort = 27016;
  9. Run the script again and your server will be online within minutes.


Editing the workshop.cfg file is real easy.

  • Add one workshop ID per line.
  • The script will automatically check and append mod names each time you run: ./ workshop
  • Optional Mod update notifications can be sent to your Discord channel.
    • Just add your Discord URL in config.ini
    • Mod names and timestamps are stored in mod_timestamps.json (don't touch this file).
  • You still need to manually add the @modname;@modnametwo to the workshop="" setting in config.ini
    • I've made this a manual process because certain mods need to be loaded in a specific order.
    • Please remember to use lowercase. The script will convert all mod folder names to lowercase for you.
  • workshop.cfg tells the script which MODS need to be downloaded and checked for updates.

Auto Restarts and Updates

The following cron jobs can be added to your DayZ Server users contab:

@reboot /home/dayz/ start > /dev/null 2>&1
*/1 * * * * /home/dayz/ monitor > /dev/null 2>&1
# */30 * * * * /home/dayz/dayzserver backup > /dev/null 2>&1
  • Line 1 simply starts the server when the Linux machine is rebooted or turned on.
  • Line 2 checks to see if the server is crashed or has been shutdown remotely, then restarts it.
  • Line 3 (OPTIONAL) makes regular backups of your storage and profile folders.
    • By default the script backs up your folders during server startup/restart.

For server restarts, I recommend using the messages.xml file located in your missions DB folder.
You can also use a service like CFTools to run server restarts (they have a free tier).
Your preferred "restart server schedular" shuts down the server and monitor cron job will start the server back up.

monitor will only try to restart the server if a RCON or messages.xml shutdown command was used or the server crashed. Typing ./dayzserver stop will shutdown the server and prevent monitor from restarting it.


Custom Script for Managing the DayZ Server







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