Launch terminator.
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install gitk git-gui
After installation compeleted, you can verify it by typing: git --version
In terminal, type:
git config --global ""
git config --global
This will change the values in ~/.gitconfig
or ~/.config/git/config
, which is specific to the current user.
If you want it to be available for every user in your system, use --system instead of --global.
Or you only want it to be available for the current repository, use --local.
Generate a new SSH key and add it to your GitHub account.
Follow the first five steps in:
A Git repository is a virtual storage of your project. Usually we put it in /home/repo
In terminal, create the directory and set its ownership.
sudo mkdir /home/repo
sudo chown name:name /home/repo
There are three copies of repositories (called repo for short) that concern you:
In GitHub, open liferay-portal repo. This is the remote parent repo called upstream.
Click Fork at the top-right corner, select your own account. The page will jump to your-name/liferay-portal, which is your own remote repo called origin.
After forking, you need to clone the repo to your computer as a local repo.
Considering the size of repo and the network, we usually copy it directly from the USB disk to the computer instead of using git clone
- Copy liferay-portal.tar to /home/repo . In terminal, untar it by typing:
cd /home/repo
tar xvf liferay-portal.tar
Go to your forked repo on GitHub, click code, copy the SSH URL.
In terminal, add or change the origin connection:
cd liferay-portal
git remote add origin ${SSH URL} / git remote set-url origin ${SSH URL}
- Make sure your local repo and origin repo up to date, type:
git pull upstream master
git push origin master
Once you complete, here are two commands used to check:
git status
displays the state of the working directory and the staging area.
git remote -v
displays origin and upstream connections with the URL of each one.
GitHub CLI is the official GitHub command line.
Add a reference to the package repository.
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key C99B11DEB97541F0
sudo apt-add-repository
Install GitHub CLI.
sudo apt install gh