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GCP CI/CD Deployment with Kubernetes

*Note: anything like var it means you have to fill this with appropriate value:

1- Enable Google Container Registry API & Artifact Registry:

a. Create Repository for each service:

    i. Install gcloud cli

    ii. Initialize gcloud

    iii. Set project of gcloud to your project

    iv. gcloud authentication

b. Build & push images (e.g. reservations):

cd /apps/reservations/
docker build -t reservations -f ./Dockerfile ../../
docker tag reservations _reservations_repo_url_/production
docker image push _reservations_repo_url_/production

2- Automated CI/CD with Google CloudBuild:

a. Create cloudbuild.yaml file at your project’s root: each repository will have two steps:

    i. Build step

    ii. Push step

b. Set up a build trigger that pulls from your github repo and builds images using the latest changes on code.

3- Setup Kubernetes (locally)

a. Enable Kubernetes from Docker Desktop

b. Install "helm" as dependency manager for Kubernetes cluster

c. mkdir k8s directory, and: cd k8s/

d. Create a new HELM chart (e.g. named wiser):

helm create wiser

e. Create Deployments (pods) for each one of the services:

    i. Install kubectl if not exists.

    ii. Create deployment:

    kubectl create deployment reservations --image=_gcloud_image_url_ --dry-run=client -o yaml > ./wiser/templates/reservations/deployment.yaml

    iii. Install helm chart named "wiser":

    helm install wiser ./k8s/

    iv. Double check created pod with command:

    kubectl get pods

4- Enable local Kubernetes cluster to access Artifact Registry images:

a. Get API keys:

    i. Go to GCloud: "APIs & Services" -> credentials -> service account (Role: artifact registry reader)

    ii. Service account -> Keys -> Json -> create

b. Tell Kubernetes to use the JSON key file when pulling from GCR:

    i. Create Kubernetes secret:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-json-key --docker-server=_first_part_of_service_url_ --docker-username=_json_key --docker-password="$(cat _path_to_json_key_file_)"

    ii. Tell the "default" service-account, in GCP, to use this secret:

    kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "gcr-json-key" } ] }'

    iii. Double Check:

    kubectl get pods

5- Create Kubernetes cluster services:

a. To create generic secrets for sensitive env vars to be used in services to use: (e.g. secret object "jwt" and variable "refreshToken" with value "blablabla")

    i. Create secret:

    kubectl create secret generic "jwt" --from-literal=refreshToken=blablabla

    ii. Update chart with command:

    helm upgrade wiser ./k8s/wiser

    iii. To update a current secret (e.g., google) for a service (e.g., notifications):

    kubectl edit secret google
    kubectl rollout restart deployment notifications
    kubectl get pods

b. Generate a service for a microservice (e.g. auth, ports exposed 3002/tcp, and 3001/http):

    i. Create two services, one for tcp, and one for http:

    kubectl create service clusterip "auth-tcp" --tcp=3002 --dry-run=client -o yaml > k8s/wiser/templates/auth/service-tcp.yaml
    kubectl create service nodeport auth-http --tcp=3001 --dry-run=client -o yaml > k8s/wiser/templates/auth/service-http.yaml

    ii. Update chart:

    helm upgrade wiser k8s/wiser

    iii. Double check with:

    kubectl get svc

6- To connect local machine to the online Google Kubernetes Engine’s cluster:

a. Get connect command from: GKE -> Clusters -> “Connect” Button , and then run it locally.

b. List all contexts (clusters) to copy the name of the GKE one:

kubectl config get-contexts

c. Switch to online GKE cluster:

kubectl config use-context _context_name_

Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.


$ pnpm install

Running the app

# development
$ pnpm run start

# watch mode
$ pnpm run start:dev

# production mode
$ pnpm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ pnpm run test

# e2e tests
$ pnpm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ pnpm run test:cov


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