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Add (Int, +) finger trees
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* Export a type for `(Int,+)` finger trees.
* Export more `Data.Sequence` internals.
* Offer a module of `Data.Sequence` internals intended
  for external use, that should obey the PVP.
  • Loading branch information
treeowl committed Feb 3, 2021
1 parent 9f65489 commit 1060462
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Showing 6 changed files with 363 additions and 77 deletions.
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion containers/
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@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
# Changelog for [`containers` package](

## []

* Add support for finger trees with measurements in the `(Int, +)`
* Export more `Data.Sequence` internals.
* Add a `Data.Sequence.StableInternal` module exporting functions
intended for use by external packages.
* Remove the `Functor` and `Traversable` instances from the
heretofore "internal" `FingerTree` and `Node` types, in favor
of type-specific mapping functions. These instances could
break data structure invariants.
* Remove the `Generic1 FingerTree` instance, which can no longer
be derived.


### Bug fixes

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions containers/containers.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ Library

Expand All @@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ Library
Expand Down
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions containers/src/Data/FingerTree/IntPlus.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
#include "containers.h"
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- | This module exports a type of finger trees with measurements ("sizes") in
-- the @(Int, +)@ monoid. This type is used to implement sequences in
-- "Data.Sequence". It may occasionally be useful for other purposes.
-- Caution: splitting and lookup functions assume that the size of the tree is
-- at most @'maxBound' :: Int@. If this is not the case, then they may produce
-- errors and/or utter nonsense.

module Data.FingerTree.IntPlus
FingerTree (Empty, (:<|), (:|>), Singleton)
, Elem (..)
, Sized (..)
, Split (..)
, UncheckedSplit (..)
, ViewL (..)
, ViewR (..)
, (<|)
, (|>)
, (><)
, fromList
, viewl
, viewr
, split
, uncheckedSplit
) where

import Data.Sequence.Internal
( FingerTree (..), Sized (..), Elem (..) )
import qualified Data.Sequence.Internal as S
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Word (Word)

infixr 5 ><
infixr 5 <|, :<
infixl 5 |>, :>

(<|) :: Sized a => a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
(<|) = S.consTree

(|>) :: Sized a => FingerTree a -> a -> FingerTree a
(|>) = S.snocTree

(><) :: Sized a => FingerTree a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
(><) = S.appendTree

fromList :: Sized a => [a] -> FingerTree a
fromList = S.fromListFT

data ViewL a = a :< FingerTree a | EmptyL
data ViewR a = FingerTree a :> a | EmptyR

{-# INLINE viewl #-}
viewl :: Sized a => FingerTree a -> ViewL a
viewl t = case S.viewLTree t of
S.ConsLTree a as -> a :< as
S.EmptyLTree -> EmptyL

{-# INLINE viewr #-}
viewr :: Sized a => FingerTree a -> ViewR a
viewr t = case S.viewRTree t of
S.SnocRTree as a -> as :> a
S.EmptyRTree -> EmptyR

infixr 5 :<|
infixl 5 :|>

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 801
{-# COMPLETE (:<|), Empty #-}
{-# COMPLETE (:|>), Empty #-}

-- | A bidirectional pattern synonym matching an empty finger tree.
pattern Empty :: S.FingerTree a
pattern Empty = S.EmptyT

-- | A bidirectional pattern synonym viewing the front of a non-empty
-- finger tree.
pattern (:<|) :: Sized a => a -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree a
pattern x :<| xs <- (viewl -> x :< xs)
x :<| xs = x <| xs

-- | A bidirectional pattern synonym viewing the rear of a non-empty
-- finger tree.
pattern (:|>) :: Sized a => FingerTree a -> a -> FingerTree a
pattern xs :|> x <- (viewr -> xs :> x)
xs :|> x = xs |> x

-- | A bidirectional pattern synonym for a singleton
-- sequence. @Singleton xs@ is equivalent to @xs :< Empty@.
pattern Singleton :: a -> FingerTree a
pattern Singleton x <- S.Single x
Singleton = S.Single

data Split a
= Split !(FingerTree a) a !(FingerTree a)
| EmptySplit

data UncheckedSplit a
= UncheckedSplit !(FingerTree a) a !(FingerTree a)

-- | Split a finger tree around a measurement.
-- @split i xs = EmptySplit@ if and only if @xs = Empty@. Given that
-- @
-- split i xs = 'Split' l x r
-- @
-- it's guaranteed that
-- 1. @ xs = l <> (x <| r) @
-- 2. @i >= size l@ or @l = Empty@
-- 3. @i < size l + size x@ or @r = Empty@

split :: Sized a => Int -> FingerTree a -> Split a
split !_i S.EmptyT = EmptySplit
split i ft
| S.Split l m r <- S.splitTree i ft
= Split l m r

-- | Split a nonempty finger tree around a measurement. Given that
-- @
-- uncheckedSplit i xs = 'UncheckedSplit' l x r
-- @
-- it's guaranteed that
-- 1. @ xs = l <> (x <| r) @
-- 2. @i >= size l@ or @l = Empty@
-- 3. @i < size l + size x@ or @r = Empty@
uncheckedSplit :: Sized a => Int -> FingerTree a -> UncheckedSplit a
uncheckedSplit i ft
| S.Split l m r <- S.splitTree i ft
= UncheckedSplit l m r
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions containers/src/Data/FingerTree/IntPlus/Unsafe.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#include "containers.h"

-- | This module exports functions that can easily
-- produce finger trees violating the annotation invariants.
-- Trees violating these invariants will produce garbage
-- when split.
module Data.FingerTree.IntPlus.Unsafe
( unsafeMap
, unsafeTraverse
) where

import Data.Sequence.Internal
( FingerTree (..), Node (..) )
import qualified Data.Sequence.Internal as S
import Control.Applicative (liftA2, liftA3)

-- | Map over a 'FingerTree'. The following precondition
-- is assumed but not checked:
-- For each @a@ in the @FingerTree@, @size (f a) = size a@.
unsafeMap :: (a -> b) -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree b
unsafeMap = S.unsafeMapFT

-- | Traverse a 'FingerTree'. The following precondition is required
-- but not checked:
-- For each element @a@ in the 'FingerTree',
-- @size <$> f a = size a <$ f a@
unsafeTraverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> FingerTree a -> f (FingerTree b)
unsafeTraverse _ EmptyT = pure EmptyT
unsafeTraverse f (Single x) = Single <$> f x
unsafeTraverse f (Deep v pr m sf) =
liftA3 (Deep v) (traverse f pr) (unsafeTraverse (unsafeTraverseNode f) m) (traverse f sf)

-- | Traverse a 'Node'. The following precondition is required
-- but not checked:
-- For each element @a@ in the 'Node',
-- @size <$> f a = size a <$ f a@
unsafeTraverseNode :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Node a -> f (Node b)
unsafeTraverseNode f (Node2 v a b) = liftA2 (Node2 v) (f a) (f b)
unsafeTraverseNode f (Node3 v a b c) = liftA3 (Node3 v) (f a) (f b) (f c)

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