Designed for matching files headers to database fields during the process importing. Allows drawing links between elements of 2 lists (headers of the file on the left, column names on the right) and getting back the result in a js object
Given 2 lists : for instance one from a text import, the second listing the fields a db table the jquery plugin allows you to draw and save links between the 2 lists
You can link on a one to one basis or on a one to many basis. Fields can be declared as mandatory the result reporting an error in case there are not filled.
v 0.60 : Mandatory fields show a tooltip (mandatoryErrorMessage) disable/enable : disable/enable everything, the global opacity is set to 0.5 canvasTopOffset : integer to tweek the vertical position of the canvas where the links are drawn sometimes useless. example : -4 => set the canvas zone 4px closer to the top.
v 0.45 : Mandatory fields. the css is now in his own file.
v 0.41 : the colors don't change when links are deleted and the color of the link while drawing is consistent with the final result
v 0.4 : new option allowing to link one to many
v 0.3 : FieldsLinker becomes responsive !
v 0.2 : You can choose beetween an output with positions or names Colours can be re-defined and lines come in 2 flavours You may input somme links from a previous session Auto-detect feature helps you find part of the links (optional) Optional "Erase Links" button Works in Chrome, Chromium, Opera, Firefox and IE (9+)
v 0.1 : the lines are drawn while dragging over the canvas and the horizontal middle points of the cells are calculated no parameters anymore
Tested on : Chrome, Firefox, Chromium, IE, Opéra : OK for Chrome, Firefox and Opera todo : horizontal middle points of the cells are wrong on IE and on chromium the canvas zone (between the 2 lists) is selected during the dragging process which is not aesthetic.
v0.01 : first commit : todo => parameters should not be necessary cellHeight,List1Width,canvasWidth,List2Width and should be calculated
var fieldLinks; $( document ).ready(function() { var input = { "options":{ "byName" : true, "lineStyle":"square-ends", "buttonErase":"Erase Links", "autoDetect":"on" }, "listA": { "name":"columns in files", "list" : [ "firstName", "lastName", "phone", "email", "role", "Birthday", "Adress", "Sales" ] }, "listB": { "name":"Fields available", "list" : [ "Id", "Company", "jobTitle", "adress 1", "adress 2", "first_name", "last_name", "email_adress", "Phone number" ] } }; fieldLinks=$("#bonds").fieldsLinker("init",input);