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Heman Gandhi edited this page Apr 19, 2020 · 2 revisions

Building a CLI Parser

This week, we'll get started on our command-line interface. This is the app's "frontend", or, more precisely, the user-level component - a user of todo-cli would use terminal to interact with the application.

Why not a web app?

A design pattern for such an app would involve a client-side, or "frontend", designed to run in the browser, usually in JavaScript. This frontend would interact with a server-side component, a "backend", such that the backend queries, indexes, and modifies the application state in response to web requests (generally through HTTP(s)) from the frontend.

This project pursues a CLI instead for a simple reason: web servers are difficult to start writing in a programming language, particularly a new one. Furthermore, the user experience is not too degraded (especially if the user enjoys the commandline).


As stated, we assume familiarity with Cargo, Rust's official package manager, and Rustup, its official toolchain installer.

Any assistance in this matter can be directed to the maintainer(s). The Rust team provides an excellent documentation system, in any case, so this is hopefully not a problem.

Installing Dependencies

Cargo requires a file called Cargo.toml in the root directory of our project; this should be our single source of truth for the packages that our program depends on. The Cargo.toml file provided in the root of this repository suffices as an example -- feel free to tweak it for your other projects.

We also recommend the cargo-edit tool to easily add, remove and upgrade dependencies by modifying Cargo.toml. Note, however, that this is only useful for general Rust development; it should not be needed for this tutorial.

Step 1: Design

The clap-rs crate provides numerous ways to specify the procedure for a CLI; at time of writing, our options include native Rust objects, macros supplied with the package itself, and a separate YAML file.

todo-cli must support, at minimum, the CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) API. Thus, the core logic we design next week should be based on some kind of data type that can tell us which instruction to process. Fortunately, we can do this rather simply with an enum type. If you want to know more about where these come from see our aside on sum types.

pub enum Instruction {

But wait! Is this data type expressive enough to contain all the data we'll need? If, say, we wanted to add a new task, would we find just an instance of Instruction::Add sufficient for it? Or might we also need some other pieces of data, say an identifier for the task within our persistent store to operate on?

Good catch! If we're adding a new task, we'd need a String to give us a task description. If we're removing a task, we'd need an identifier for it within our data store that'd help us do that. Fortunately, there's another feature of Rust's enums that can bail us out:

pub enum Instruction {
    Modify(usize, String),

The usize type is a numeric value that can be used to index array-based data structures in Rust. We can assume for sake of simplicity that we'll be using an array as the data store for our task records, so this is sufficient for now.

Now, we need a function that can read command-line parameters and return the appropriate instruction. We design parse with the following function header:

fn parse() -> Instruction {
    // code

But wait! What if the user inputs data that doesn't make sense? We won't know what to return! How can we guarantee the Rust compiler that we'll return Instruction in all cases? That's essentially what we're telling the compiler we'll do in that function header, right?

In other words, we ask ourselves: what about error-conditions? How can we emulate good practices for error handling in Rust?

By using the Option type, of course! The Rust standard library provides data types Result<T, E> and Option<T> (bonus: What do the T and E signify within each type declaration?) Both, like our Instruction type above, are enums.

We use Option to design our function parse. We now replace our previous code:

fn parse() -> Option<Instruction> {
    // code

Now, we handle errors safely by returning Some(Instruction) if the function succeeds and None otherwise. You can read more about error handling in rust in a dedicated aside.

A finalized CLI parser for todo-cli, written using the clap::clap_app macro provided in clap-rs, is supplied here. To read more on macros, see this aside.

Step 2: Implementation

Now that we know (roughly) what we're supposed to write, how do we get started?

The first step is to represent the command-line arguments with some easily queryable data structure. Fortunately, the clap-rs API provides exactly this; command-line arguments are read through the clap::App data type and served to the user via clap::ArgMatches.

First, we set up a parser that recognizes just the add operation.

let matches = clap::App("todo-cli")
            .help("Add to task")

Now, we have an instance of clap::ArgMatches to help us. However, it has yet to support rm, modify, and print.

We can start by adding a second subcommand for rm as follows:

let matches = clap::App("todo-cli")
            .help("Add to task")
            .help("Remove task")

The modify and print operations are left as an exercise to the reader. Note that the pattern above is a universal design pattern -- here's a brief aside.

Finally, we address the logic required to query matches and return our Instruction. Fortunately, this is the most intuitive part: we need only a branch (an if-statement) for each subcommand (case of Instruction).

fn parse() -> Option<Instruction> {
    let matches = clap::App("todo-cli")
            .help("Add to task")
            .help("Remove task")

    if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("add") {
        return Some(Instruction::Add(matches.value_of("NEW")?.to_string()));
    } else if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("rm") {
        return Some(Instruction::Remove(
    return None;

The above code is a complete parser for the add and rm options; extending it to support modify and print is left as an exercise to the reader. If the uses of let, especially an if let are new to you, here's an aside.

Step 3: Testing

Generally, it is a good practice to supply unit-tests using Rust's automated testing support. However, parse should not need this because most of its behavior is produced directly from the clap-rs documentation. We will be writing automated tests in Week 2.

If you'd like, cargo build your app to make sure you didn't make any mistakes. cargo run with some flags to see if you can parse instructions properly and see what clap has made for you.


In this week's tutorial, we learned about Rust's design principles and type system. We know now that Rust's core values include safety, performance, and ergonomics above all else.

Why did the open-source community decide that this was a necessity when they built Rust? What makes it a competitive language relative to its predecessors?

For that matter, who are Rust's predecessors? Some would consider the target runtime and argue that Rust was designed as a safer version of C or C++, while others would consider the type system and argue that it's supposed to be a faster and more boardly usable Haskell. A third subset might even see Rust as a successor to Python or JavaScript. Are any of them objectively right or wrong? Or will Rust continue to defy our attempts to classify it as the successor to any one particular language?

Also, will this go a week without name-dropping catagory theory? How deeply nested will the asides be?