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Solr Cloud with ZooKeeper Ensamble

This repo contains following

  1. Dockerfile with Solr 6.1 and Zookeeper 3.4.6
  2. docker-compose.yml with will use build from above Dockerfile and create three images and run in separate container
  3. build scrip to build docker images, containers and start services

Note: docker-compose also creates separate network. Each container created in step 2 will have hosts entry for each other since the container uses static IP address.


  1. git clone
  2. cd SolrCloud-ZooKeeper-Docker
  3. ./

List of URLs:

SolrCloud search cluster instances
SolrCloud - "default" cluster instances

Descripton of steps in build file

  1. build fusion + node image: docker build -t search/node-fusion:latest docker/fusion/node-fusion/.
  2. build solr + zookeeper image: docker build -t search/solrcloud-zookeeper-docker:latest docker/solr-zk/.
  3. build elasticsearch + kibana + fluentdb image: docker build -t search/fluentd-elastic-kibana-docker:latest docker/es-kb-fd/.
  4. create service containers: docker-compose -f docker/solr-zk/docker-compose.yml create
  5. start elasticsearch + kibana service: docker-compose -f docker/solr-zk/docker-compose.yml start elastic-kibana
  6. start all other services: docker-compose -f docker/solr-zk/docker-compose.yml up -d

List of images

Main Images

search/solrcloud-zookeeper-docker : Solr + ZooKeeper search/node-fusion : NodeJS + Fusion search/fluentd-elastic-kibana-docker : ElasticSearch + Kibana + FluentD Collector

Extensions of main images with configurations

solrzk_zoo1 : Extension of search/solrcloud-zookeeper-docker
solrzk_zoo2 : Extension of search/solrcloud-zookeeper-docker
solrzk_zoo3 : Extension of search/solrcloud-zookeeper-docker
solrzk_zoo4 : Extension of search/solrcloud-zookeeper-docker
solrzk_zoo5 : Extension of search/solrcloud-zookeeper-docker
solrzk_node-fusion : Extension of search/node-fusion
solrzk_elastic-kibana : Extension of search/fluentd-elastic-kibana-docker

Inspect open ports and services:

docker-compose -f docker/solr-zk/docker-compose.yml ps

Stop containers:

docker-compose -f docker/solr-zk/docker-compose.yml stop

Start containers

docker-compose -f docker/solr-zk/docker-compose.yml start elastic-kibana docker-compose -f docker/solr-zk/docker-compose.yml up -d

Note: Elastic-Kibana is started before other rcontainers since it is log collector


Stop containers

docker-compose -f docker/solr-zk/docker-compose.yml stop

Remove containers

docker-compose -f docker/solr-zk/docker-compose.yml rm

Remove extension images

docker rm $(docker images -q solrzk_)

Reove all images (Warning: This command will delete all images in your pc)

docker rm $(doccker images -q)


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