minSdkVersion: 21
targetSdkVersion: 34
Our base to use for building android apps faster and easier.
Library to be used as a starting point for developing android apps. It is our independently-developed Single Activity Architecture, without fragments. It also includes some additional utility classes and methods that are useful in many apps.
- ContentView = Base class for a new "screen" in the app;
- CvTMLL = ContentView with title bar, menu button and LinearLayout for additional content;
- CvTMSLL = same as CvTMLL, but the LinearLayout is inside a ScrollView;
- CvTSLL = same as CvTMSLL, but the Menu button is invisible;
- CvAboutBase = "about" screen;
- CvSettingsBase = "settings" screen.
In ContentView, set the layout by calling inflate(int resId) in the constructor.
In CvT...:
- add content -> add it to LinearLayout (id = "appbase_ll_content");
- change title -> setTitle(...);
- change title icon -> setTitleIcon(...);
Menu button opens a drop-down menu:
- "ABOUT" screen;
- "SETTINGS" screen;
- add more options:
Vector ops = new Vector<>();
ops.add(new Option(...));
addMenuOptions(ops, 0);
User can add other options to the menu as well.
This repo also contains an android project that is a testbed app. See its code for more details about using the library.
developer website: