This is to demosntrate configuring, building and running a sample Testnet with two chains (Ethereum and Polygon) and two public image actors (IPFS and Postgres). Clone this repo and follow along.
On your home page, you should be able to copy your API key which is found on the top right of the page.
On your home page, you should be able to copy your User Key which is found on the top right of the page.
In your projects page, each project has a Project Key that you can copy.
Run the command:
harbor configure keys
This will ask you to add in your credentials, which includes your User Key and Project Key. Find them in the app and paste them here.
To run the Testnet, execute the following command in the same directory as this project:
harbor apply <testnet-name>
Where <testnet-name>
is a Testnet name of your choosing.
You should see this:
Checking ~/.harbor.key for your credentials
Validating testnet name...
Configuring chain...
Configuring off-chain actor liquidation-bot-1
Configuring off-chain actor ipfs
At the end of the logs, you should see your chain and off-chain actors with endpoints:
These are your running processes and their ports
You can now interact with them using the endpoints.