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haplokuon edited this page May 6, 2023 · 1 revision

DxfDocument Class

netDxf 3.0.0 Library

Represents a document to read and write DXF files.


Namespace: netDxf
Assembly: netDxf (in netDxf.dll) Version: 3.0.0


public sealed class DxfDocument : DxfObject


Public NotInheritable Class DxfDocument
	Inherits DxfObject


public ref class DxfDocument sealed : public DxfObject


type DxfDocument = 
        inherit DxfObject
Inheritance Object → DxfObject → DxfDocument


The DxfDocument class derives from DxfObject for convenience of this library not because of the DXF structure. It can contain external data (XData) information, but it is not saved in the DXF.


DxfDocument() Initializes a new instance of the DxfDocument class.
DxfDocument(DxfVersion) Initializes a new instance of the DxfDocument class.
DxfDocument(HeaderVariables) Initializes a new instance of the DxfDocument class.
DxfDocument(IEnumerable(String)) Initializes a new instance of the DxfDocument class.
DxfDocument(DxfVersion, IEnumerable(String)) Initializes a new instance of the DxfDocument class.
DxfDocument(HeaderVariables, IEnumerable(String)) Initializes a new instance of the DxfDocument class.


ApplicationRegistries Gets the application registries collection.
Blocks Gets the block collection.
CodeName Gets the DXF object name.
(Inherited from DxfObject)
Comments Gets or sets the name of the document, once a file is saved or loaded this field is equals the file name without extension.
DimensionStyles Gets the dimension styles collection.
DrawingVariables Gets the DXF drawing variables.
Entities Gets the entities shortcuts.
Groups Gets the groups collection.
Handle Gets the handle assigned to the DXF object.
(Inherited from DxfObject)
ImageDefinitions Gets the image definitions collection.
Layers Gets the layers collection.
Layouts Gets the layouts collection.
Linetypes Gets the line types collection.
MlineStyles Gets the MLine styles collection.
Name Gets or sets the name of the document.
Owner Gets the owner of the actual DxfObject.
(Inherited from DxfObject)
RasterVariables Gets or sets the RasterVariables applied to image entities.
ShapeStyles Gets the shape styles collection.
SupportFolders Gets the list of folders where the drawing support files are present.
TextStyles Gets the text styles collection.
UCSs Gets the User coordinate systems collection.
UnderlayDgnDefinitions Gets the dgn underlay definitions collection.
UnderlayDwfDefinitions Gets the dwf underlay definitions collection.
UnderlayPdfDefinitions Gets the pdf underlay definitions collection.
Viewport Gets the document viewport.
VPorts Gets the viewports collection.
XData Gets the entity extended data.
(Inherited from DxfObject)


CheckDxfFileVersion(Stream) Checks the AutoCAD DXF file database version.
CheckDxfFileVersion(String) Checks the AutoCAD DXF file database version.
CheckDxfFileVersion(Stream, Boolean) Checks the AutoCAD DXF file database version.
CheckDxfFileVersion(String, Boolean) Checks the AutoCAD DXF file database version.
Equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetObjectByHandle Gets a DXF object by its handle.
GetType Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Load(Stream) Loads a DXF file.
Load(String) Loads a DXF file.
Load(Stream, IEnumerable(String)) Loads a DXF file.
Load(String, IEnumerable(String)) Loads a DXF file.
Save(Stream) Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a text stream.
Save(String) Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a text DXF file.
Save(Stream, Boolean) Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a stream.
Save(String, Boolean) Saves the database of the actual DxfDocument to a DXF file.
ToString Obtains a string that represents the DXF object.
(Inherited from DxfObject)


(Inherited from DxfObject)
(Inherited from DxfObject)

See Also


netDxf Namespace

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