A simple VOD server made with Go.
- Go >= 1.19
- Redis
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
- docker-compose
First clone the project with:
git clone git@github.com:hantsaniala/hStream.git
Create you own .env file from given .env.example with:
cp .env.example .env
Then edit it to match your existing credentials.
You can run the project using docker compose:
docker compose up -d --build
It will build necessary dependencies and run your app under http://localhost:5480
Before generating key, don't forget to change master key folder name. You can use random key from here.
To generate key necessary for the project, run:
# To generate video encryption key
./hStream gen key
# To generate keypair
./hStream gen keypair
- Add gRPC support
- Add plugin type struct for microservice
- Add a CRUD page dashboard with vue
- Add support for other video format
- Add support for audio format
Hantsaniala Eléo 2023