I made a home built device called afterburner which is described in: https://github.com/ole00/afterburner
This GAL/PLD programmer is used to program ATF22V10C for the projects: hansake/Z80_Computer_board: A simple Z80 based computer board and hansake/Z180_Computer: Z180 computer with extended interfaces..
To compile the .pld files to .jed files I am using WinCUPL (PLD Design Resources | Microchip Technology) under Wine (WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and macOS) using PlayOnLinux (Home - PlayOnLinux - Run your Windows applications on Linux easily!) on Linux Mint.
The Arduino sketch afterburner.ino is uploaded to and running on an Arduino UNO and the Linux program afterburner implements the CLI controlling the programmer.
When building the programmer hardware, the most tricky part was to break out pin 4 (EN) of the MT3608 IC and attach a wire to that pin in order to control the programming voltage from the Arduino.