Interactpedia is a frontend web application that models how engagement features can be incorporated into crowdsourcing platforms to improve info retention for users without compromising the contributor experience.
See Interactpedia deployed at
Note: It is recommended you run Interactpedia on desktop or tablet display sizes. Running on mobile display sizes may contain formatting issues.
- Text Display: A scrollable display for the article content that is parsed and autoseparated into sections is displayed on the left.
- Quiz Display: One multiple choice question chosen from the article's question bank is displayed on the right, and after the user answers, they are provided instant audio and visual feedback and a new question.
- Formative Assessment: As the user progresses through the multiple choice questions, Interactpedia uses its built-in algorithm to choose questions for the user about topics they struggle with.
- Cognitive Scaffolding Hints: If the reader are stuck on one question, they can click the hint button that points them to where they can find the answer.
In order to run a local instance of Interactpedia, first clone or download a copy of this repository and follow the instructions below.
To setup the dependencies for the application, run:
npm install
which should download a set of node_modules
for the backend server.
To start the application, run:
npm start
The frontend will be available on http://localhost:3000, which should appear in your browser automatically and reload upon any changes.
Interactpedia was made as a research model for Modeling the Effects of Engagement Methods in Online Crowdsourcing Platforms by Rajoshi Basu, Bryan Braga, Hammad Farooqi, & Yechan Lee with mentorship from Dr. Aaron Mazzeo at the Rutgers University Governor’s School of New Jersey Program in Engineering & Technology.