UVE is a flexible, full-featured video playback API designed for use from JavaScript. This document and sample applications demonstrate how to use the UVE APIs for video playback.
AAMP is an open source native video engine that is built on top of GStreamer and optimized for performance, memory use, and code size. On RDK platforms, UVE-JS is the primary recommended way to interact with AAMP. AAMP's JavaScript bindings are made available using WebKit Injectedbundle.
This document is targeted to application developers who are interested in evaluating/adopting AAMP for their media player applications on settops running RDKV based firmware. UVE implementations also exist which can be used in non-RDK browsers.
- Formats: HLS, DASH, Fragmented MP4 HLS, Progressive MP4
- DRM Systems: Clear Key, Vanilla AES-128, PlayReady, Widevine
- Captions: CEA-608/708 Captions, WebVTT
- Client DAI / Server Side Ad Insertion
- Thumbnail / Watermarking
- Intra Asset Encryption / DRM License Rotation
- DD+, Dolby ATMOS, AC4 Support
- Low Latency DASH
- DVB, EBU-TT captions
Version: 0.7 Release Notes: Initial draft of UVE APIs implemented
Version: 0.8 Release Notes: CDAI support, configuration options for tune optimization
- API:
- setAlternateContent
- notifyReservationCompletion
- addCustomHTTPHeader
- Configuration:
- stereoOnly
- bulkTimedMetadata
- useWesterosSink
- parallelPlaylistDownload
- Events:
- bufferingChanged
- timedMetadata
- adResolved
- reservationStart
- reservationEnd
- placementStart
- placementEnd
- placementProgress
- placementError
Version: 0.9 Release Notes: "Player Switching" Feature
- load (autoplay=false support)
- detach() method
Version: 1.0 Release Notes: Added support to get available audio track and closed captioning info
- API:
- getAvailableAudioTracks
- getAvailableTextTracks
- Configuration:
- playlistTimeout
- parallelPlaylistRefresh
- useAverageBandwidth
- preCachePlaylistTime
- progressReportingInterval
- useRetuneForUnpairedDiscontinuity
- drmDecryptFailThreshold
Version: 2.4 Release Notes: April 2020 Release Update
- Configuration
- initialBuffer
- useMatchingBaseUrl
- initFragmentRetryCount
- Event Notification
Version: 2.6 Release Notes: June 2020 Release Update Seek while paused, get/set audio and text track supported
- API:
- getAudioTrack
- setAudioTrack
- getTextTrack
- setTextTrack
- setClosedCaptionStatus
- setTextStyleOptions
- getTextStyleOptions
- Configuration:
- nativeCCRendering
- langCodePreference
- descriptiveTrackName
Version: 2.7 Release Notes: Aug 2020 Release Update
- Configuration
- Deprecated useWesterosSink
Version: 2.9 Release Notes: Sept 2020 Release Update
- Configuration
- authToken
- useRetuneForGstInternalError
Version: 3 Release Notes: Oct 2020 Release update.
- Updated getAvailableAudioTracks / getAvailableTextTracks
- API:
- setAudioLanguage
- Configuration:
- propagateUriParameters
- reportVideoPTS ATSC – UVE Features Added .
Version: 3.1 Release Notes: Jan 2021 Release update. ATSC New APIs / Events
- API:
- getAvailableThumbnailTracks
- setThumbnailTrack
- getThumbnail
- Configuration:
- sslVerifyPeer
- persistBitrateOverSeek
- setLicenseCaching
- maxPlaylistCacheSize
- enableSeekableRange
Version: 3.2 Release Notes: Mar 2021 Release update
- setPreferredAudioLanguage
- setAudioTrack
- Configuration:
- livePauseBehavior
- limitResolution
Version: 3.3 Release Notes: May 2021 Release update
- Configuration:
- useAbsoluteTimeline
- asyncTune
- Events :
- Updated bitrateChanged for ATSC
Version: 3.4 Release Notes:
- Events :
- audioTracksChanged
- textTracksChanged
- seeked
- vttCueDataListener
- id3Metadata
Version: 3.5 Release Notes: Aug 2021 Release update
- load (updated)
- setPreferredAudioLanguage (updated)
- getAvailableAudioTracks (updated)
- getAvailableTextTracks (updated)
- downloadBuffer default value(updated)
- Events :
- id3Metadata
Version: 3.6 Release Notes: Sept 2021 Release update
- Configuration
- disable4K
- sharedSSL
- preferredAudioRendition
- preferredAudioCodec
- Events:
- mediaMetadata (updated)
Version: 4.1 Release Notes: Jan 2022 Release update
- subscribeResponseHeaders
- Configuration
- supportTLS
- maxInitFragCachePerTrack
- fragmentDownloadFailThreshold
- tsbInterruptHandling
- sslVerifyPeer (updated)
- Events:
Version: 4.2 Release Notes: Feb 2022 Release update
- getAudioTrackInfo
- getPreferredAudioProperties
- Configuration
- Updated asyncTune default state to True
- useSecManager
- Events:
Version: 4.3 Release Notes: Mar 2022 Release update
- getPlaybackStatistics
- Configuration
- customLicenseData
- Updated asyncTune default state to False
Version: 4.4 Release Notes: Apr 2022 Release update Support for AC4 Audio
- getAvailableVideoTracks
- setVideoTracks
- Configuration
- disableAC4
- asyncTune default state to True•
Version: 4.5 Release Notes: May 2022 Release update
- setPreferredTextLanguage
- getTextTrackInfo
- getPreferredTextProperties
- setPreferredAudioLanguage ( updated)
- Configuration
- persistProfileAcrossTune
Version: 4.6 Release Notes: Jun 2022 Release update
- Configuration
- preferredAudioRendition
- preferredAudioCodec
- preferredAudioLabel
- preferredAudioType
Version: 4.12 Release Notes: Dec 2022 Release update
- Configuration
- persistHighNetworkBandwidth
- persistLowNetworkBandwidth
- customHeaderLicense
Version: 5.1 Release Notes: Jan 2023 Release update
- setContentProtectionDataConfig
- setContentProtectionDataUpdateTimeout
- Configuration
- configRuntimeDRM
- AAMP Advanced Adaptive Media Player
- UVE Universal Video Engine
- JS Javascript
- HLS HTTP Live Streaming
- DASH Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
- DAI Dynamic Ad Insertion
- VTT Video Text Track
- ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committee
<html><head><title>IP Video Playback in WPE browser using UVE API</title></head>
window.onload = function() {
var player = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
var url = "https://cpetestutility.stb.r53.xcal.tv/multilang/main.m3u8";
<div id="videoContainer">
<video style="height:100%; width:100%; position:absolute; bottom:0; left:0">
<source src="dummy.mp4" type=”video/ave”> <!-- hole punching -->
Click here for Reference player setup for RDK
Configuration options are passed to AAMP using the UVE initConfig method. This allows the application override default configuration used by AAMP player to give more control over player behavior. Parameter is a JSON Object with one or more attribute/value pairs as follows:
Property | Type | Default Value | Description |
initialBitrate | Number | 2500000 | Initial bitrate (bps) for playback |
initialBitrate4K | Number | 13000000 | Initial bitrate (bps) for 4k video playback |
minBitrate | Number | - | Input for minimum profile clamping (in bps).Default is lowest bitrate profile in the manifest |
maxBitrate | Number | - | Input for maximum profile clamping (in bps) .Default is highest bitrate profile in the manifest |
disable4K | Boolean | False | Configuration to disable 4K profile playback and restrict only to non-4K video profiles |
limitResolution | Boolean | False | Configuration to enable setting maximum playback video profile resolution based on TV display resolution setting . Default disabled, player selects every profile irrespective of TV resolution. |
persistBitrateOverSeek | Boolean | False | To enable player persist video profile bitrate during Seek/Trickplay/Audio switching operation .By default player picks initialBitrate configured |
useAverageBandwidth | Boolean | False | Configuration to enable using AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH instead of BANDWIDTH in HLS Stream variants for ABR switching |
Offset | Number | 0 | Play position offset in seconds to start playback(same as seek() method to resume at a position) |
liveOffset | Number | 15 | Allows override the default/stream-defined distance from a live point for live stream playback (in seconds) |
liveOffset4K | Number | 15 | Allows override the default/stream-defined distance from a live point for 4K live stream playback (in seconds) |
networkTimeout | Number | 10 | Network request timeout for fragment/playlist/manifest downloads (in seconds) |
manifestTimeout | Number | 10 | Manifest download timeout; overrides networkTimeout if both present; Applied to Main manifest in HLS and DASH manifest download. (in seconds) |
playlistTimeout | Number | 10 | HLS playlist download timeout; overrides networkTimeout if both present; available starting with version 1.0 (in seconds) |
downloadStallTimeout | Number | - | Optional optimization - Allow fast-failure for class of curl-detectable mid-download stalls (in seconds) |
downloadStartTimeout | Number | - | Optional optimization - Allow fast-failure for class of curl-detectable stall at start of download (in seconds) |
persistHighNetworkBandwidth | Boolean | False | Optional field to enable persist High Network bitrate from previous tune for profile selection in next tune ( if attempted within 10 sec) . This will override initialBitrate settings |
persistLowNetworkBandwidth | Boolean | True | Optional field to disable persisting low Network bitrate from previous tune for profile selection in next tune ( if attempted within 10 sec) . This will override initialBitrate settings |
supportTLS | Number | 6 | Default set to CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2 (value of 6, uses CURLOPT_SSLVERSION values) |
sharedSSL | Boolean | True | Optional field to disable sharing SSL context for all download sessions, across manifest, playlist and segments . |
sslVerifyPeer | Boolean | True | Optional field to enable/disable SSL peer verification .Default enabled |
networkProxy | String | - | Network proxy to use for all downloads (Format <http/https>://IP:PORT). Use licenseProxy for license request routing |
licenseProxy | String | - | Network proxy to use for license requests (Format same as network proxy) |
initialBuffer | Number | 0 | Optional setting. Pre-tune buffering (in seconds) before playback start. With default of 0,player starts playback with 1st segment downloaded |
downloadBuffer | Number | 4 | Max number of segments which can be cached ahead of play head(including initialization header segment).This applies to every track type(Video/Audio/Text). This is player buffer in addition to streamer playback buffer which varies with platform |
bulkTimedMetadata | Boolean | False | Send timed metadata using single JSON array string instead of individual events available starting with version 0.8 |
parallelPlaylistDownload | Boolean | True | Optional optimization – download audio and video playlists in parallel for HLS; available starting with version 0.8 |
parallelPlaylistRefresh | Boolean | True | Optionally disable audio video playlist parallel download for linear (only for HLS) |
preCachePlaylistTime | Number | - | Optionally enable PreCaching of Playlist and TimeWindow for Cache(minutes) ( version 1.0) |
maxPlaylistCacheSize | Number | 0 | Optional field to configure maximum cache size in Kbytes to store different profile HLS VOD playlist |
maxInitFragCachePerTrack | Number | 5 | Number of initialization header file cached per player instance per track type. Use cached data instead of network re-download |
progressReportingInterval | Number | 1 | Optionally change Progress Report Interval (in seconds) |
useRetuneForUnpairedDiscontinuity | Boolean | True | Optional unpaired discontinuity retune config ( version 1.0) |
useMatchingBaseUrl | Boolean | False | use DASH main manifest hostname to select from multiple base urls in DASH (when present). By default, will always choose first (version 2.4) |
initFragmentRetryCount | Number | 1 | Maximum number of retries for MP4 header fragment download failures (version 2.4) |
useRetuneForGstInternalError | Boolean | True | Optional Gstreamer error retune config ( version 2.7) |
reportVideoPTS | Boolean | False | Optional field to enable Video PTS reporting along with progressReport (version 3.0) |
propagateUriParameters | Boolean | True | Optional field to disable propagating URI parameters from Main manifest to segment downloads |
enableSeekableRange | Boolean | False | Optional field to enable reporting of seekable range for linear scrubbing |
livePauseBehavior | Number | 0 | Optional field to configure player live pause behavior on linear streams when live window touches eldest position. Options: 0 – Autoplay immediate; 1 – Live immediate; 2 – Autoplay defer; 3 – Live defer; Default – Autoplay immediate . Refer Appendix |
asyncTune | Boolean | True | Optional field to enable asynchronous player API processing. Application / UI caller threads returned immediately without any processing delays. |
useAbsoluteTimeline | Boolean | False | Optional field to enable progress reporting based on Availability Start Time of stream (DASH Only) |
tsbInterruptHandling | Boolean | False | Optional field to enable support for Network interruption handling with TSB. Network failures will be ignored and TSB will continue building |
fragmentDownloadFailThreshold | Number | 10 | Maximum number of fragment download failures before reporting playback error |
useSecManager | Boolean | True | Optional field to enable /disable usage of SecManager for Watermarking functionality (for Comcast streams only) |
drmDecryptFailThreshold | Number | 10 | Maximum number of fragment decrypt failures before reporting playback error (version 1.0) |
customHeaderLicense | String | Optional field to provide custom header data to add in license request during tune. This can be set with addCustomHTTPHeader API during playback for license rotation if required | |
setLicenseCaching | Boolean | True | Optional field to disable License Caching in player . By default 3 DRM Sessions are Cached . |
authToken | String | - | Optional field to set AuthService token for license acquisition(version 2.7) |
configRuntimeDRM | Boolean | False | Optional field to enable DRM notification and get Application configuration for every license request. Also refer API |
preferredAudioLanguage | String | en | ISO-639 audio language preference; for more than one language, provide comma delimited list from highest to lowest priority: ‘,<...>,’.Preferred language can be set using APIs setAudioTrack/setAudioLanguage/setPreferredAudioLanguage |
stereoOnly | Boolean | False | Optional forcing of playback to only select stereo audio track available starting with version 0.8 |
disableEC3 | Boolean | False | Optional field to disable selection of EC3/AC3 audio track |
disableATMOS | Boolean | False | Optional field to disable selection of ATMOS audio track |
disableAC4 | Boolean | False | Optional field to disable selection of AC4 audio track |
preferredAudioRendition | String | Optional field to set preferred Audio rendition setting DASH : caption,subtitle, main; HLS : GROUP-ID | |
preferredAudioCodec | String | Optional field to set preferred Audio codec. Comma-delimited list of formats, where each format specifies a media sample type that is present in one or more Renditions specified by the Variant Stream. Example: mp4a.40.2, avc1.4d401e | |
preferredAudioLabel | String | Optional field to set label of desired audio track in the available audio tracks list. Same can be done with setAudioTrack API also | |
preferredAudioType | String | Optional preferred accessibility type for descriptive audio in the available audio tracks list. Same can be done with setAudioTrack API also | |
langCodePreference | Number | 0 | Set the preferred format for language codes in other events/APIs (version 2.6) NO_LANGCODE_PREFERENCE = 0, 3_CHAR_BIBLIOGRAPHIC_LANGCODE = 1, 3_CHAR_TERMINOLOGY_LANGCODE = 2, 2_CHAR_LANGCODE = 3 |
descriptiveTrackName | Boolean | False | Use descriptive audio track naming format which is a combination of - (version 2.6) |
preferredSubtitleLanguage | String | en | ISO-639 language code used with VTT OOB captions |
nativeCCRendering | Boolean | False | Use native ClosedCaption support in AAMP (version 2.6) |
sendLicenseResponseHeaders | Boolean | False | Optional field to enable headers in DRM metadata event after license request |
enableLiveLatencyCorrection | Boolean | False | Optional field to enable live latency correction for non LLD streams |
liveOffsetDriftCorrectionInterval | Number | 1 | Optional field to set the allowed delta from live offset configured |
// configuration setting for player
var playerInitConfig = {
initialBitrate: 2500000,
offset: 0,
networkTimeout: 10,
preferredAudioLanguage: "en",
var url = "https://cpetestutility.stb.r53.xcal.tv/multilang/main.m3u8";
var player = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
DRM configuration options are passed to AAMP using the setDRMConfig method. Parameter is JSON object with pairs of protectionScheme: licenseServerUrl pairs, along with preferredKeySystem specifying a preferred protectionScheme.
Property | Type | Description |
com.microsoft.playready | String | License server endpoint to use with PlayReady DRM. Example: http://test.playready.microsoft.com/service/rightsmanager.asmx |
com.widevine.alpha | String | License server endpoint to use with Widevine DRM. Example: https://widevine-proxy.appspot.com/proxy |
preferredKeysystem | String | Used to disambiguate which DRM type to use, when manifest advertises multiple supported DRM systems. Example: com.widevine.alpha |
customLicenseData | String | Optional field to provide Custom data for license request |
// configuration for DRM -Sample for Widevine
var DrmConfig = {
var url = "https://cpetestutility.stb.r53.xcal.tv/multilang/main.m3u8";
var player = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
Name | Type | Description |
version | number | May be used to confirm if RDKV build in use supports a newer feature |
AAMP.version | number | Global variable for applications to get UVE API version without creating a player instance. Value will be same as player.version |
Begin streaming the specified content.
Name | Type | Description |
uri | String | URI of the Media to be played by the Video Engine |
autoplay | Boolean | optional 2nd parameter (defaults to true). If false, causes stream to be prerolled/prebuffered only, but not automatically presented. Available starting with version 0.8 |
tuneParams | Object | optional 3rd parameter; The tuneParams Object includes four elements contentType, traceId, isInitialAttempt and isFinalAttempt. Details provided in below table |
Name | Type | Description |
contentType | String | Content Type of the asset taken for playback. Eg: CDVR, VOD, LINEAR_TV, IVOD, EAS, PPV, OTT, OTA, HDMI_IN, COMPOSITE_IN, SLE. Refer below table for contentTypes |
traceID | String | Trace ID which is unique for a tune |
isInitialAttempt | Boolean | Flag indicates if it’s the first tune initiated, tune is neither a retry nor a rollback |
isFinalAttempt | Boolean | Flag indicates if the current tune is the final retry attempt, count has reached the maximum tune retry limit |
ContentType | Description |
CDVR | Cloud Digital Video Recording |
VOD | Static Video on Demand |
LINEAR_TV | Live Content |
IVOD | Video on Demand for Events |
EAS | Emergency Alert System |
PPV | Pay Per View |
OTT | Over the Top |
OTA | Over the Air content |
HDMI_IN | presenting an HDMI input |
COMPOSITE_IN | presenting composite input |
SLE | Single Live Event (similar to IVOD) |
var player = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
var url = "https://cpetestutility.stb.r53.xcal.tv/multilang/main.m3u8";
player.load(url); // for autoplayback
// support for multiple player instances
var player1 = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
var player2 = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
var url1 = "https://cpetestutility.stb.r53.xcal.tv/multilang/main.m3u8";
var url2 = "https://cpetestutility.stb.r53.xcal.tv/multilang/main1.m3u8";
player1.load(url1); // for immediate playback
player2.load(url2,false); // for background buffering,no playback.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Start playback (if stream is in prebuffered state), or resume playback at normal speed. Equivalent to setPlaybackRate(1).
var player = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
var url = "https://cpetestutility.stb.r53.xcal.tv/multilang/main.m3u8";
player.load(url,false); // for background buffering,no playback.
// application can start the playback background session using play API
player.play(); // Or player.setPlaybackRate(1);
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Pauses playback. Equivalent to setPlaybackRate(0).
Name | Type | Description |
position | number | Optional input. Position value where player need to pause (value in seconds) during play or trickplay. To cancel a scheduled pause, call pause API with input -1. |
// for immediate pause of playback
player.pause(); // Or player.setPlaybackRate(0);
// to schedule a pause at later play position
player.pause(60); // schedules a pause at 60 sec of play
// to cancel a scheduled pause
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Stop playback and free resources associated with playback. Usage example:
// for immediate stop of playback
- Supported UVE version 0.9 and above.
- Optional API that can be used to quickly stop playback of active stream before transitioning to next prebuffered stream.
var player = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
// begin streaming main content
player.load( "http://test.com/content.m3u8" );
// create background player
var adPlayer = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
// preroll with autoplay = false
adPlayer.load( "http://test.com/ad.m3u8", false );
player.detach(); // stop playback of active player
adPlayer.play(); // activate background player (fast transition)
player.stop(); // release remaining resources for initial player instance
- Immediately release any native memory associated with player instance. The player instance must no longer be used following release() call.
- If this API is not explicitly called, then garbage collector will eventually takes care of this memory release.
- Supported with UVE version 0.7.
- Specify new playback position to start playback.
This can be called prior to load() call (or implicitly using initConfig’s “offset” parameter),
Or during playback to seek to a new position and continue play.
Name | Type | Description |
offset | Number | Offset from beginning of VOD asset. For live playback, offset is relative to eldest portion of initial window. Offset value should be in seconds. Note: that ability to seek is currently limited to fragment granularity. |
keepPause | Boolean | Optional input . Default value is false, playback starts automatically after seek. If True, player will maintain paused state after seek execution if the state was in paused before seek call. Available with version 2.6 |
// seek to new position and start auto playback
// Pause the playback
// Seek to new position and remain in last player state
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Returns current playback position in seconds.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Returns one of below logical player states as number:
State Name | Value | Semantics | Remarks |
idle | 0 | eSTATE_IDLE | Player is idle |
initializing | 1 | eSTATE_INITIALIZING | Player is initializing resources to start playback |
initialized | 2 | eSTATE_INITIALIZED | Player completed playlist download and metadata processing |
preparing | 3 | eSTATE_PREPARING | Create internal resources required for DRM decryption and playback |
prepared | 4 | eSTATE_PREPARED | Required resources are initialized successfully |
buffering | 5 | eSTATE_BUFFERING | When player does internal buffering mid-playback. Note -send out in initial buffering |
paused | 6 | eSTATE_PAUSED | Indicates player is paused |
seeking | 7 | eSTATE_SEEKING | Indicates player is seeking |
playing | 8 | eSTATE_PLAYING | Indicates player is in playing state |
stopping | 9 | eSTATE_STOPPING | Deprecated |
stopped | 10 | eSTATE_STOPPED | Not supported for all stream types. To be deprecated |
complete | 11 | eSTATE_COMPLETE | Indicates the end of media |
error | 12 | eSTATE_ERROR | Indicates error in playback |
released | 13 | eSTATE_RELEASED | To be deprecated |
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Returns current duration of content in seconds.
Duration is fixed for VOD content, but may grow with Linear content.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Get current volume (value between 0 and 100). Default audio volume is 100. Volume is normally mapped from remote directly to TV, with video engine used to manage an independent mute/unmute state for parental control.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Sets the current volume (value between 0 and 100). Updated value reflected in subsequent calls to getVolume()
Name | Type | Decription |
Volume | Number | Pass zero to mute audio. Pass 100 for normal (max) audio volume. |
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Black out video for parental control purposes or enable the video playback .
Name | Type | Decription |
state | Boolean | True to Mute video. False to disable video mute and enable video playback |
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Returns the current playback rate. Refer table in setPlaybackRate for details.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Change playback rate, supported speeds are given below
Value | Description |
0 | Pause |
1 | Normal Play |
4 | 2x Fast Forward (using iframe track) |
16 | 4x Fast Forward (using iframe track) |
32 | 8x Fast Forward (using iframe track) |
64 | 16x Fast Forward (using iframe track) |
-4 | 2x Rewind (using iframe track) |
-16 | 4x Rewind (using iframe track) |
-32 | 8x Rewind (using iframe track) |
-64 | 16x Rewind (using iframe track) |
- Return currently presenting manifest as plain text - supported only for DASH/VOD.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Return array of available video bitrates across profiles.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Return current video playback bitrate, as bits per second.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Note : This will disable ABR functionality and lock the player to a single profile for the bitrate passed. To enable the ABR, call the API with 0.
Name | Type | Description |
bitrate | Number | To disable ABR and lock playback to single profile bitrate. |
- Return array of all audio bitrates advertised in manifest. Note that this is read-only informative list. We do not yet expose method to force selection of specific audio tracks that differ only by bitrate.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Return current audio bitrate, as bits per second.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Set display video rectangle coordinates. Note that by default video will be full screen.
- Rectangle specified in “graphics resolution” coordinates (coordinate space used by graphics overlay).
- Window size is typically 1280x720, but can be queried at runtime as follows:
- using getVideoRectangle API
- Alternate method
- var w = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth ||document.body.clientWidth;
- var h = window.innerHeight|| document.documentElement.clientHeight|| document.body.clientHeight;
Name | Type | Description |
X | Number | Left position for video |
Y | Number | Top position for video |
W | Number | Video Width |
H | Number | Video Height |
- Supported UVE version 1.0 and above.
- Returns the string of current video rectangle co-ordinates (x,y,w,h).
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Set video zoom, by default its set to “full”
Name | Type | Description |
videoZoom | String | “none” to disable video zoom mode. “full” to enable video zoom mode |
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Add custom headers to HTTP requests
Name | Type | Description |
headerName | String | HTTP header name |
headerValue | String | HTTP header value |
isLicenseRequest | Boolean | Optional field (defaults is false) If True, HTTP header is for exclusive use with license requests (Widevine/PlayReady) |
// configuration for DRM -Sample for Widevine
var DrmConfig = {
var url = "https://cpetestutility.stb.r53.xcal.tv/multilang/main.m3u8";
var player = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
// custom header message for license request
"X-AxDRM-Message", "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9",
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Remove a custom header set previously. If called with no arguments, will remove all custom headers.
Name | Type | Description |
headerName | String | HTTP header name |
- Supported UVE version 4.4 and above.
- Returns the video profile information from the manifest.
"bandwidth": 5000000,
"width": 1920,
"height": 1080,
"framerate": 25,
"codec": "avc1.4d4028",
"enabled": 1
}, {
"bandwidth": 2800000,
"width": 1280,
"height": 720,
"framerate": 25,
"codec": "avc1.4d401f",
"enabled": 1
}, {
"bandwidth": 1400000,
"width": 842,
"height": 474,
"framerate": 25,
"codec": "avc1.4d401e",
"enabled": 1
} ]
- Supported UVE version 4.4 and above.
- This API will set the Video track(s) to select for playback.
- Application to provide a list of profile bitrate to be included for playback
- This will override the TV resolution based profile selection and MinBitRate/MaxBitRate based profiles
- Supported UVE version 1.0 and above.
- Returns the available audio tracks information in the content.
Name | Type | Description |
allTracks | Boolean | If False,returns the available audio tracks information in the current playing content/Period(Default false) If True,returns all the available audio tracks information from the Manifest |
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Human readable language name e.g: Spanish,English. |
language | String | Specifies dominant language of the audio e.g: spa,eng |
codec | String | codec associated with Audio. e.g: mp4a.40.2 |
rendition | String | Role for DASH, If not present, the role is assumed to be main e.g: caption,subtitle,main. |
accessibilityType | String | Accessibility value for descriptive, visually impaired signaling e.g: description, captions |
bandwidth | String | Represents variants of the bitrates available for the media type; e.g: 288000 |
Type | String | audio — Primary dialogue and soundtrack; |
audio_native — Primary dialogue and soundtrack with dialogue that was recorded along with the video; | ||
audio_descriptions — Audio track meant to assist the vision impaired in the enjoyment of the video asset | ||
Channels | String | Indicates the maximum number of audio channels; 1 = mono, 2=stereo, up to 8 for DD+ |
availability | Boolean | Availability of the audio track in current TSB buffer (FOG) |
accessibility | Object | DASH shall signal a new object accessibility to notify a track as hearing impaired |
scheme | String | The SchemeId to indicate the type of Accessibility Example:- "urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" |
string_value | String | The string value of Accessibility object; Example:- "description" |
"name": "root_audio111",
"language": "en",
"codec": "ec-3",
"rendition": "alternate",
"accessibilityType": "description",
"bandwidth": 117600,
"Type": "audio_description",
"availability": true,
"accessibility": {
"scheme": "urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011",
"string_value": "description"
<AdaptationSet id="4" contentType="audio" mimeType="audio/mp4" lang="en">
<AudioChannelConfiguration schemeIdUri="tag:dolby.com,2014:dash:audio_channel_configuration:2011" value="a000"/>
<Accessibility schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" value="description"/>
<Role schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" value="alternate"/>
<SegmentTemplate initialization="S4CHD_HD_SU_SKYUK_2296_0_4955246312692938163-eac3/track-sap-repid-$RepresentationID$-tc-0-header.mp4" media="S4CHD_HD_SU_SKYUK_2296_0_4955246312692938163-eac3/track-sap-repid-$RepresentationID$-tc-0-frag-$Number$.mp4" timescale="90000" startNumber="832358982" presentationTimeOffset="144013">
<S t="7394777152" d="172800" r="14"/>
<Representation id="root_audio111" bandwidth="117600" codecs="ec-3" audioSamplingRate="48000"/>
- Returns the available audio tracks information in JSON formatted list. Subset of parameters returned
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The value is a quoted-string containing a human-readable description of the Rendition; e.g:english, commentary, german |
language | String | Identifies the primary language used in the Rendition. |
In practice, this should be present in vast majority of production manifests, but per HLS specification,his attribute is OPTIONAL e.g: eng,ger,spa. | ||
codec | String | codec associated with Audio. e.g: mp4a.40.2 |
rendition | String | Specifies the group to which the Rendition belongs. GROUP-ID for HLS. |
bandwidth | String | Decimal-Integer encoding - bits per second. Represents peak segment bit rate of the Variant Stream. |
Channels | String | Indicates maximum number of audio channels present in any Media Segment in the Rendition. e.g: An AC-3 5.1 rendition would have a CHANNELS=6 |
characteristics | String | One or more comma-delimited Uniform Type Identifiers [UTI]. This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
"name": "6",
"language": "eng",
"codec": "mp4a.40.2",
"rendition": "english",
"bandwidth": 288000
- Supported UVE version 2.6 and above.
- Returns the index of the current audio track in the available audio tracks list.
- Supported UVE version 2.6 and above.
- Set the audio track language from the available audio tracks list.
- Behavior is similar to setPreferredAudioLanguage
Name | Type | Description |
index | Number | Track index of desired audio track in available audio tracks list |
- Supported UVE version 4.2 and above.
- Returns the current playing audio track information in JSON format.
"name": "root_audio111",
"language": "en",
"codec": "ec-3",
"rendition": "alternate",
"accessibilityType": "description",
"bandwidth": 117600,
"Type": "audio_description",
"availability": true,
"accessibility": {
"scheme": "urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011",
"string_value": "description"
- Supported UVE version 4.2 and above.
- Returns the list of preferred language, codecs, rendition and audio type configured by application, in JSON format.
- Supported UVE version 3.2 and above.
- Set the audio track by language, rendition, label and codec from the available audio tracklist.
- “language” match always takes precedence over “rendition” match.
- While playing passively to new periods with different track order/availability, or when tuning to new locator, heuristic for track selection is automatically re-applied.
- Best codec (AC4>ATMOS > DD+ >AC3 > AAC> Stereo) is always selected, subject to filtering configuration.
- Behavior is similar to setPreferredAudioLanguage
Name | Type | Description |
language | String | Language of desired audio track in the available audio tracklist |
rendition | String | Rendition of desired audio track in the available audio tracklist |
label | String | Label or groupLabel elements of the audio track |
type | String | Optional preferred accessibility type for descriptive audio |
Example:- label set "Native" to indicate the track as the original language track. | ||
codec | String | Preferred codec of the audio track. |
Default Priority : (AC4 > ATMOS > D D+ > AC3 > AAC > Others) |
var trackDescriptorObject =
"language": "de",
"rendition": "commentary",
"type" : "description",
"codec": "avc",
"label": "surround"
playerInstance.setAudioTrack( trackDescriptorObject );
- Supported UVE version 3.2 and above.
- Set the audio track preference by languages, rendition, accessibility, codecList and label
- This is functionally equivalent to passing a trackDescriptorObject to setAudioTrack above.
- May be called pre-tune or post tune.
- Behaviour is similar to setPreferredAudioLanguage ( JSON String)
Name | Type | Description |
languages | String | ISO-639 audio language preference; |
for more than one language, provide comma delimited list from highest to lowest priority: ‘,<...>,’ | ||
rendition | String | Optional preferred rendition for automatic audio selection |
accessibilityType | String | Optional preferred accessibility type for descriptive audio |
codecList | String | Optional Codec preferences, for more than one codecs, provide comma delimited list from highest to lowest priority: ‘,<...>,’ |
label | String | Optional Preferred Label for automatic audio selection |
playerInstance.setPreferredAudioLanguage( "en,de,mul","alternate","description","","native");
- Supported UVE version 4.4 and above.
- Set the audio track preference by languages, label, rendition and accessibility
- May be called pretune or post tune.
- Behavior similar for setAudioTrack or setAudioLanguage
- If PreferredAudioLanguage is not configured:
- Player will take default preferred language as English, and choose better quality track from the language matching list.
- For Live (with TSB support), time shift buffer includes all available language tracks in the manifest .
- If PreferredAudioLanguage is set pretune:
- Player will pick best quality track from the language matching list.
- For Live (with TSB support), time shift buffer downloads only preferred language tracks but publishes all available languages to application with availability field as false.
- If preferred audio language is not available in the manifest, first available track will be selected. For Live (with TSB support), buffer downloads first available track and publishes the other audio tracks with availability field as false.
- If setPreferredAudioLanguage (or setAudioTrack) is called post tune:
- Player will pick best quality track from the language matching list.
- For Live (with TSB support), If the new preferred language track is already available in time shift buffer, then player changes to new track without losing TSB buffer.
- For Live (with TSB support), If the new preferred language track is not available in TSB but available in manifest, then time shift buffer will be restarted with new language audio track.
- If PreferredAudioLanguage is not configured:
Name | Type | Description |
languages | String | ISO-639 audio language preference; for more than one language, provide comma delimited list from highest to lowest priority: ‘,<...>,’ |
rendition | String | Optional preferred rendition for automatic audio selection |
label | String | Preferred Label for automatic audio selection |
accessibility | Object | Optional preferred accessibility object for audio |
accessibility.scheme | String | Optional Preferred Accessibility scheme Id |
accessibility.string_value | String | Optional Preferred Accessibility scheme Id value |
var trackPreferenceObject =
"languages": ["en", "de", "mul"],
"label": "native",
"rendition": "alternate",
"scheme": "urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011",
"string_value": "description",
playerInstance.setPreferredAudioLanguage( trackPreferenceObject );
- Supported UVE version 3.0 and above.
- Set the audio track language from the available audio tracks list.
- Behavior is similar to setPreferredAudioLanguage.
Name | Type | Description |
language | String | Language of desired audio track in the available audio tracks list |
- Supported UVE version 1.0 and above.
- Returns the available text tracks information in the stream.
Name | Type | Description |
allTracks | Boolean | If False,returns the available text tracks information in the current playing content/Period(Default false) If True,returns all the available text tracks information from the Manifest(across multi Periods) |
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Human readable language name e.g: sub_eng. |
language | String | iso language code. e.g: eng |
codec | String | codec associated with text track. e.g: stpp |
rendition | String | Role for DASH. e.g: caption,subtitle,main. |
accessibilityType | String | Accessibility value for descriptive, visually impaired signaling e.g: description, captions |
type | String | the supported values are |
captions — A text track (608/708/TTML) meant for the hearing impaired. | ||
which describes all the dialogue and non-dialogue audio portions of the asset (including music, sound effects, etc) | ||
subtitles — A text track (TTML) meant for translating the spoken dialogue into additional languages | ||
subtitles_native — Subtitle in Native language | ||
sub-type | String | Closed-caption or subtitles |
availability | Boolean | Availability of the text track in current TSB buffer |
accessibility | Object | DASH shall signal a new object accessibility to notify a track as visually impaired |
accessibility.scheme | String | The SchemeId to indicate the type of Accessibility |
Example:- urn:scte:dash:cc:cea-608:2015 for cc | ||
urn:tva:metadata:cs:AudioPurposeCS:2007 for subtitle | ||
accessibility.int_value | Number | The value of Accessibility object; Number for subtile Example:- 2 |
accessibility.string_value | String | The string value of Accessibility object for CC; Example:- "CC1=en" |
"sub-type": "CLOSED-CAPTIONS",
"language": "en",
"rendition": "urn:scte:dash:cc:cea-608:2015",
"codec": "CC1",
"availability": true,
"accessibility": {
"scheme": "urn:scte:dash:cc:cea-608:2015",
"string_value": "CC1=en"
}, {
"name": "subtitle0",
"sub-type": "SUBTITLES",
"language": "cy",
"rendition": "subtitle",
"type": "subtitle",
"codec": "stpp.ttml.im1t|etd1",
"availability": true
}, {
"name": "subtitle0",
"sub-type": "SUBTITLES",
"language": "en",
"codec": "stpp.ttml.im1t|etd1",
"type": "subtitle",
"rendition": "alternate",
"availability": true,
"scheme": "urn:tva:metadata:cs:AudioPurposeCS:2007",
"int_value": 1
<AdaptationSet id="100" contentType="text" mimeType="application/mp4" lang="cy" segmentAlignment="true" startWithSAP="1">
<Role schemeIdUri="urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" value="subtitle"/>
<SegmentTemplate initialization="S4CHD_HD_SU_SKYUK_2296_0_4955246312692938163/track-text-repid-$RepresentationID$-tc--header.mp4" media="S4CHD_HD_SU_SKYUK_2296_0_4955246312692938163/track-text-repid-$RepresentationID$-tc--frag-$Number$.mp4" timescale="90000" startNumber="832358982" presentationTimeOffset="144013">
<S t="7394947162" d="172800" r="14"/>
<Representation id="subtitle0" bandwidth="20000" codecs="stpp.ttml.im1t|etd1"/>
- Returns the available text tracks(CC) in the content.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Human readable language name e.g: sub_eng. |
language | String | Identifies the primary language used in the Rendition. This attribute is OPTIONAL. e.g: es |
codec | String | Comma-delimited list of formats, where each format specifies a media sample type that is present in one or more Renditions specified by the Variant Stream. |
rendition | String | Specifies the group to which the Rendition belongs. GROUP-ID for HLS. |
characteristics | String | Pne or more comma-delimited Uniform Type Identifiers [UTI]. This attribute is OPTIONAL. |
instreamId | String | Specifies a Rendition within the segments in the Media Playlist. |
This attribute is REQUIRED if the TYPE attribute is CLOSED-CAPTIONS | ||
e.g: "CC1", "CC2", "CC3", "CC4", or "SERVICEn" where n MUST be an integer between 1 and 63 | ||
type | String | Specifies the media type. |
"name": "Deutsch",
"type": "SUBTITLES",
"language": "de",
"rendition": "subs"
- Supported UVE version 4.4 and above.
- Set the text track preference by languages, rendition and accessibility
- Supported pre-tune and post tune.
- If PreferredTextLanguage is not configured:
- Player will take default preferred language as English,
- For Live (with TSB support), time shift buffer includes all available language tracks in the manifest .
- If PreferredTextLanguage is set pretune:
- Player will text track from the language matching list.
- For Live (with TSB support), time shift buffer downloads only preferred language tracks but publishes all available languages to application with availability field as false.
- If preferred text language is not available in the manifest, first available track will be selected. For Live (with TSB support), buffer downloads first available track and publishes the other audio tracks with availability field as false.
- If setPreferredTextLanguage (or setTextTrack) is called post tune:
- Player will pick the language matching list.
- For Live (with TSB support), If the new preferred language track is already available in time shift buffer, then player changes to new track without losing TSB buffer.
- For Live (with TSB support), If the new preferred language track is not available in TSB but available in manifest, then time shift buffer will be restarted with new language text track.
Name | Type | Description |
languages | String | ISO-639 audio language preference; for more than one language, provide comma delimited list from highest to lowest priority: ‘,<...>,’ |
rendition | String | Optional preferred rendition for automatic text selection |
label | String | Preferred Label for automatic text selection |
accessibilityType | String | Optional preferred accessibility Node for descriptive audio. |
accessibility | Object | Optional preferred accessibility object for audio |
accessibility.scheme | String | Preferred Accessibility scheme Id |
accessibility.int_value | Number | Preferred Accessibility scheme Id value |
var trackPreferenceObject =
"languages": ["en", "de", "mul"],
"rendition": "subtitle",
"scheme": "urn:tva:metadata:cs:AudioPurposeCS:2007",
"int_value": 2
playerInstance.setPreferredTextLanguage( trackPreferenceObject );
- Supported UVE version 2.6 and above.
- Returns the index of the current text track in the available text tracks list.
Supported UVE version 4.4 and above.
Returns playing Text track information in JSON format
"name": "English"
"languages": "eng",
"codec": "stpp"
"rendition": "alternate",
"scheme": "urn:tva:metadata:cs:AudioPurposeCS:2007",
"int_value": 2
Supported UVE version 4.4 and above.
Returns Text track information set by application for preferred Text track selection, in JSON format
"preferred-text-languages" : ["eng", "ger", "mul"],
"preferred-text-labels": "subtitle",
"preferred-text-rendition": "",
"preferred-text-type": ""
"scheme": "urn:tva:metadata:cs:AudioPurposeCS:2007",
"int_value": 2
- Supported UVE version 2.6 and above.
- Select text track at trackIndex in the available text tracks list.
Name | Type | Description |
trackIndex | Number | Index of desired text track in the available text tracks list |
- Supported UVE version 2.6 and above.
- Set the ClosedCaption rendering to on/off.
Name | Type | Description |
Status | Boolean | True to enable ClosedCaptions False to disable display of ClosedCaptions |
- Supported UVE version 4.12 and above.
- Returns true if out of band caption rendering (WebVTT, TTML) is supported. This feature has dependencies outside Video Engine.
- Supported UVE version 2.6 and above.
- Returns the JSON formatted string of current ClosedCaption style options and values.
- Supported UVE version 2.6 and above.
- Set the ClosedCaption style options to be used for rendering.
Name | Type | Description |
options | String | JSON formatted string of different rendering style options and its values |
"penItalicized": false,
"textEdgeStyle": "none",
"textEdgeColor": "black",
"penSize": "large",
"windowFillColor": "black",
"fontStyle": "default",
"textForegroundColor": "black",
"windowFillOpacity": "transparent",
"textForegroundOpacity": "solid",
"textBackgroundColor": "white",
"textBackgroundOpacity": "solid",
"windowBorderEdgeStyle": "none",
"windowBorderEdgeColor": "black",
"penUnderline": false
"penItalicized": false,
"textEdgeStyle": "none",
"textEdgeColor": "black",
"penSize": "small",
"windowFillColor": "black",
"fontStyle": "default",
"textForegroundColor": "black",
"windowFillOpacity": "transparent",
"textForegroundOpacity": "solid",
"textBackgroundColor": "white",
"textBackgroundOpacity": "solid",
"windowBorderEdgeStyle": "none",
"windowBorderEdgeColor": "black",
"penUnderline": false
- Returns json array of each thumbnail track's metadata
Name | Type | Description |
Resolution | String | String indicating the width x height of the thumbnail images |
Bandwidth | String | Decimal-Integer encoding - bits per second. Represents bit rate of the thumbnail track |
[ {
"RESOLUTION": "416x234",
"BANDWIDTH": 71416 },
"RESOLUTION": "336x189",
"BANDWIDTH": 52375 },
"RESOLUTION": "224x126",
"BANDWIDTH": 27413
- Set the desired thumbnail track from the list of available thumbnail track metadata.
Name | Type | Description |
Index | Number | Index value based on the available thumbnail tracks |
- Get the thumbnail data for the time range “startPosition” till “endPosition”.
Name | Type | Description |
startPosition | Number | Start value from which the thumbnail data is fetched |
endPosition | Number | End value till which the thumbnail data is fetched |
baseUrl | String | The base url which is appended to tile url to fetch the required thumbnail image |
raw_w | String | Original width of the thumbnail sprite sheet |
raw_h | String | Original height of the thumbnail sprite sheet |
width | String | Width of each thumbnail tile present in the sprite sheet |
height | String | Height of each thumbnail tile present in the sprite sheet |
tile | String | JSON array of multiple thumbnail tile information |
url | String | Url for each tile, which is appended with base url to form complete url |
t | String | Presentation time for each tile |
d | String | Duration value of each tile |
x | String | X co-ordinate position to locate the tile from sprite sheet |
y | String | Y co-ordinate position to locate the tile from sprite sheet |
"baseUrl" : "https://g004-c-13a10c-peacockvodstg.s.llnwi.net/pub/global/aOb/kIc/PCK_1604349987778_01/cmaf_thumbtest_segtime_d/mpeg_2sec/images/416x234/",
"raw_w": 3744,
"raw_h": 3978,
"width": 416,
"height": 234,
"url": "pckimage-1.jpg",
"t": 328.0,
"d": 2,
"x": 832,
"y": 234
- Supported UVE version 4.1 and above.
- Subscribe http response headers from manifest download
Name | Type | Description |
headerNames | String Array | List of tag names of interest. Examples: C-XServerSignature, X-Powered-By, X-MoneyTrace |
- Supported UVE version 5.1 and above.
- API to enable DRM Protection event to application for setting Key ID specific setting ( for key rotation)
- Need to register for contentProtectionDataUpdate event with event registration.
Name | Type | Description |
enableConfiguration | Boolean | If True, enable runtime DRM notification for getting Application configuration. |
- Supported UVE version 5.1 and above.
- Configure the DRM Data for license request for every KeyID reported to application
- This API needs to be called before the ProtectionData Update timeout expires in the player . To set the timeout interval refer setContentProtectionDataUpdateTimeout.
Name | Type | Description |
keyID | vector<uint8_t> | KeyID reference for DRM license config |
com.microsoft.playready | String | License server endpoint to use with PlayReady DRM |
com.widevine.alpha | String | License server endpoint to use with Widevine DRM |
customData | String | CustomData for license |
acquisition | ||
authToken | String | Token to be applied for license acquisition |
"keyID" : [57, 49, 49, 100, 98, 54, 99, 99, 45],
"com.widevine.alpha" : “mds.ccp.xcal.tv”,
"customData" : “data”,
"authToken" : “token string”,
- Supported UVE version 5.1 and above.
- Configure the ProtectionData Update timeout, in seconds. Default of 5 sec
- Player waits for setContentProtectionDataConfig API update within the timeout interval .On timeout use last configured values .
Name | Type | Description |
timeout | Number | Timeout value in seconds |
- Supported UVE version 4.3 and above.
- Returns the playback statistics in JSON format during playback.
- Refer appendix for full JSON format
"timeToTopProfile": 42,
"timeInTopProfile": 1096,
"duration": 1359,
"profileStepDown_Network": 4,
"displayWidth": 3840,
"displayHeight": 2160,
"profileCappingPresent": 0,
"mediaType": "DASH"
“playbackMode": "VOD",
"totalError": 0,
"numOfGaps": 0,
"languageSupported": \{"audio1":"en"},
- Application can receive events from player for various state machine.
- Events can be subscribed/unsubscribed as required by application
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Event Name |
handler | Function | Callback for processing event |
aampPlayer = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
aampPlayer.addEventListener("playbackStateChanged", playbackStateChangedFn);;
aampPlayer.addEventListener("mediaMetadata", mediaMetadataParsedFn);
aampPlayer.addEventListener("playbackStarted", playbackStartedFn);;
aampPlayer.addEventListener("blocked", blockedEventHandlerFn);;
aampPlayer.addEventListener("bitrateChanged", bitrateChangedEventHandlerFn);;
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Event Name |
handler | Function | Callback for processing event |
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired when playback starts.
Event Payload:
- shouldRetry: boolean
- code: number
- description: string
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired when an error occurs.
Event Payload:
- speed: number
- reason: string
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired when there is nothing left to play
- Fired after manifest / playlist parsing completed
Event Payload:
- durationMiliseconds: number
- positionMiliseconds: number
- playbackSpeed: number
- startMiliseconds: number
- endMiliseconds: number
- currentPTS: number
- videoBufferedMiliseconds : number
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired based on the interval set
- Added video PTS reporting if enabled with reportVideoPTS config
- Added video buffer value (2.4 version)
Event Payload:
- decoderHandle: number
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired when video decoder handle becomes available, required for closedcaption parsing + rendering by RDK ClosedCaptions module
- Generic event for jsbinding . To be deprecated
Event Payload:
- durationMiliseconds: number
- languages: string[]
- bitrates: number[]
- playbackSpeeds: number[]
- width: number
- height: number
- hasDrm: boolean
- isLive: boolean
- programStartTime: DRM: string[]
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired with metadata of the asset currently played, includes duration(in ms), audio language list, available bitrate list, hasDrm, supported playback speeds
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired when entering live point of a live playlist during/after a seek/trickplay operation
Event Payload:
- time: number
- bitRate: number
- description: string
- width: number
- height: number
- framerate: number
- position: number
- cappedProfile:bool
- displayWidth:number
- displayHeight:number
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired when video profile is switched by ABR with the metadata associated with newly selected profile.
Event Payload:
- time: number
- duration: number
- name: string
- content: string
- type: number
- metadata: object
- id: string
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Fired when a subscribed tag is found in the playlist
Event Payload:
- content: string
- Combine all timedMetadata and fire single event if bulkTimedMetadata is enabled
Event Payload:
- state: number
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired as state changes across play/pause seek/not-seek quadruplet
Event Payload:
- playbackSpeeds: number[]
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired when supported playback speeds changes (based on iframe availability)
Event Payload:
- Position: number
- Fired when Seek is triggered with a position
Event Payload:
- microdata:string
- Tune profiling data
Event Payload:
- buffering: bool
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Fired when AAMP encounters buffering mid-playback, buffering flag indicates buffer status.
- FALSE -> No buffer for playback(Underflow)
- TRUE -> Buffer available for playback
- To be deprecated
- Fired when Audio track is changed during playback
- Fired when Text track is changed during playback
- To be deprecated
- To be deprecated
- To be deprecated
Event Payload:
- code: number
- description: string
- headers: array
- Supported UVE version 0.7 and above.
- Fired when there is a change in DRM metadata (especially expiration of DRM auth data)
- Refer sendLicenseResponseHeaders configuration for headers
Event Payload:
- severity: string
- description:string
- Fired for any anomaly during playback.
Event Payload:
- start : number
- duration: number
- text:string
- This event is fired for VTT cue parsed from the WebVTT playlist
- Some platforms doesnt support rendering of WebVTT, in that case Application should render the WebVTT.
- Refer "isOOBCCRenderingSupported" API.
Event Payload:
- resolvedStatus: bool
- placementId: string
- placementStartTime: number
- placementDuration: number
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Confirmation that an upcoming ad's main manifest has been successfully downloaded and parsed.
Event Payload:
- adbreakId: string
- time: number
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Sent upon playback into an ad break (one or more ads).
Event Payload:
- adbreakId: string
- time: number
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Sent upon completion of an ad break (back to main content) - it is NOT sent (per previously agreed contract) if user does trickplay or seek to abort ad playback
Event Payload:
- adId: string
- time: number
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- This is sent in real time when injecting first frame of a new ad on content->ad or ad->ad transition. Should be accurate compared to onscreen frames.
Event Payload:
- adId: string
- time: number
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- This is sent in real time after passively playing to end of an ad - it is NOT sent (per previously agreed contract) if user does trickplay or seek to abort ad playback.
Event Payload:
- adId: string
- time: number
- error: number
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Generated only for exception while attempting to play out ad content.
Event Payload:
- adId: string
- time: number
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Sent periodically while ad is being played out, giving an estimate percentage-watched metric. It's interpolated based on elapsed time, and should repeat same value if paused.
Event Payload:
- metricType:string
- traceID:string
- metricData:string
- Playback data after video end.
Event Payload:
- schemeIdUri : string
- value : string
- timescale : number
- presentationTime : number
- eventDuration : number
- id : number
- timestampOffset : number
- data : array
- length: number
- This event is fired when ID3Metadata is parsed from the stream playlist.
Event Payload:
- data:string
- Drm challenge data after individualization
Event Payload:
- reason:string
- Event with reason for video blocked. *used only in ATSC playback.
Event Payload:
- time:number
- duration:number
- Event with Content gap information in TSB due to network interruption
Event Payload:
- header:string
- response:string
- http header fields received in manifest download
Event Payload:
- sessionHandle:string
- status:string
- system:string
- Watermarking session information
Event Payload:
- keyID : vector<uint8_t>
- streamType : string
- Player notifies the application for new KeyId in the manifest, to get new config(if needed) for license fetch.
- Refer setContentProtectionDataConfig for setting license fetch parameters.
This feature can be enabled in two methods
- Video Engine Managed
- Application managing Multi Player instance
Supported for DASH Linear, working with period structure and SCTE35 markers, with optional replacement for like-amount of content.
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Subscribe to specific tags / metadata in manifest
Name | Type | Description |
tagNames | String Array | List of tag names of interest. Examples: #EXT-X-IDENTITY-ADS, #EXT-X-MESSAGE-REF, #EXT-X-CUE, #EXT-X-ASSET-ID, #EXT-X-TRICKMODE-RESTRICTION, #EXT-X-CONTENT-IDENTIFIER |
Supported UVE version 0.8 and above
Name | Type | Description |
reservationObject | Object | reservationObject provides context for alternate content to be played out at ad opportunities. |
promiseCallback | Function | Signals success/failure while retrieving ad manifest and preparing for playback. |
- Supported UVE version 0.8 and above.
- Notify video engine when all ad placements for a particular reservation have been set via setAlternateContent.
Name | Type | Description |
reservationId | String | |
Time | Number |
Can be leveraged for quick stream transitions. Suitable for preroll, and midroll insertions. No limitations with respect to content type – can transition between DASH and HLS.
Main content (0 – 180 Sec) | AD1 (0 -40 Sec) | AD2 (0 – 30 Sec) | Main Content (180 – 600 Sec) |
create foreground player and start streaming of main content
var player = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
player.load( “http://test.com/content.mpd” );
create background player and preload AD1
var adPlayer1 = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
adPlayer1.load( “http://test.com/ad1.mpd”, false );
time of AD1 start, stop active player and activate background player for AD1
var position = Player. getCurrentPosition() // get current playback position
preload AD2 in background player
var adPlayer2 = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
adPlayer2.load( “http://test.com/ad2.mpd”, false )
EOS of AD1, stop active player and activate background player for AD2
preload Main content in background and set last playback position
var player = new AAMPMediaPlayer();
player. Seek (position)
player.load( “http://test.com/content.mpd”, false );
EOS of AD2, stop active player and activate background player for main content
Error Code | Code | Error String |
AAMP_TUNE_INIT_FAILED | 10 | AAMP: init failed |
AAMP_TUNE_INIT_FAILED_MANIFEST_DNLD_ERROR | 10 | AAMP: init failed (unable to download manifest) |
AAMP_TUNE_INIT_FAILED_MANIFEST_CONTENT_ERROR | 10 | AAMP: init failed (manifest missing tracks) |
AAMP_TUNE_INIT_FAILED_MANIFEST_PARSE_ERROR | 10 | AAMP: init failed (corrupt/invalid manifest) |
AAMP_TUNE_INIT_FAILED_TRACK_SYNC_ERROR | 10 | AAMP: init failed (unsynchronized tracks) |
AAMP_TUNE_MANIFEST_REQ_FAILED | 10 | AAMP: Manifest Download failed; Playlist refresh failed |
AAMP_TUNE_INIT_FAILED_PLAYLIST_VIDEO_DNLD_ERROR | 10 | AAMP: init failed (unable to download video playlist) |
AAMP_TUNE_INIT_FAILED_PLAYLIST_AUDIO_DNLD_ERROR | 10 | AAMP: init failed (unable to download audio playlist) |
AAMP_TUNE_FRAGMENT_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE | 10 | AAMP: fragment download failures |
AAMP_TUNE_INIT_FRAGMENT_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE | 10 | AAMP: init fragment download failed |
AAMP_TUNE_INVALID_MANIFEST_FAILURE | 10 | AAMP: Invalid Manifest, parse failed |
AAMP_TUNE_MP4_INIT_FRAGMENT_MISSING | 10 | AAMP: init fragments missing in playlist |
AAMP_TUNE_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND | 20 | AAMP: Resource was not found at the URL(HTTP 404) |
AAMP_TUNE_AUTHORISATION_FAILURE | 40 | AAMP: Authorization failure |
AAMP_TUNE_UNTRACKED_DRM_ERROR | 50 | AAMP: DRM error untracked error |
AAMP_TUNE_DRM_INIT_FAILED | 50 | AAMP: DRM Initialization Failed |
AAMP_TUNE_DRM_DATA_BIND_FAILED | 50 | AAMP: InitData-DRM Binding Failed |
AAMP_TUNE_DRM_CHALLENGE_FAILED | 50 | AAMP: DRM License Challenge Generation Failed |
AAMP_TUNE_LICENCE_TIMEOUT | 50 | AAMP: DRM License Request Timed out |
AAMP_TUNE_INVALID_DRM_KEY | 50 | AAMP: Invalid Key Error, from DRM |
AAMP_TUNE_UNSUPPORTED_STREAM_TYPE | 60 | AAMP: Unsupported Stream Type. Unable to determine stream type for DRM Init |
AAMP_TUNE_UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO_TYPE | 60 | AAMP: No supported Audio Types in Manifest |
AAMP_TUNE_FAILED_TO_GET_KEYID | 50 | AAMP: Failed to parse key id from PSSH |
AAMP_TUNE_FAILED_TO_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN | 50 | AAMP: Failed to get access token from Auth Service |
AAMP_TUNE_CORRUPT_DRM_METADATA | 50 | AAMP: DRM failure due to Bad DRMMetadata in stream |
AAMP_TUNE_DRM_DECRYPT_FAILED | 50 | AAMP: DRM Decryption Failed for Fragments |
AAMP_TUNE_DRM_KEY_UPDATE_FAILED | 50 | AAMP: Failed to process DRM key |
AAMP_TUNE_CORRUPT_DRM_DATA | 51 | AAMP: DRM failure due to Corrupt DRM files |
AAMP_TUNE_DEVICE_NOT_PROVISIONED | 52 | AAMP: Device not provisioned |
AAMP_TUNE_HDCP_COMPLIANCE_ERROR | 53 | AAMP: HDCP Compliance Check Failure |
AAMP_TUNE_GST_PIPELINE_ERROR | 80 | AAMP: Error from gstreamer pipeline |
AAMP_TUNE_FAILED_PTS_ERROR | 80 | AAMP: Playback failed due to PTS error |
AAMP_TUNE_PLAYBACK_STALLED | 7600 | AAMP: Playback was stalled due to lack of new fragments |
AAMP_TUNE_FAILURE_UNKNOWN | 100 | AAMP: Unknown Failure |
To use inband closed captions, first register an event listener to discover decoder handle:
player.addEventListener("decoderAvailable", decoderHandleAvailable);
Along with corresponding event handler to publish the decoder handle to CC subsystem as follows:
function decoderHandleAvailable(event) {
console.log("decoderHandleAvailable " + event.decoderHandle);
XREReceiver.onEvent("onDecoderAvailable", { decoderHandle: event.decoderHandle });
Toggle CC display on or off at runtime:
XREReceiver.onEvent("onClosedCaptions", { enable: true });
XREReceiver.onEvent("onClosedCaptions", { enable: false });
Set CC track at runtime:
XREReceiver.onEvent("onClosedCaptions", { setTrack: trackID });
Set CC style options at runtime:
XREReceiver.onEvent("onClosedCaptions", { setOptions: defaultCCOptions});
defaultCCOptions is a JSON object of various style options and its values When closing stream, detach decoder handle:
XREReceiver.onEvent("onDecoderAvailable", { decoderHandle: null });
Environments without the XREReceiver JS object may exist in future. Applications may use alternate CC rendering methods to avoid dependency on XREReceiver object.
To use, turn on nativeCCRendering init configuration value to true as follows:
player.initConfig( { nativeCCRendering: true } );
Toggle CC display on or off at runtime:
Get/Set CC track at runtime:
Get/Set CC style options at runtime:
options in a JSON formatted string of style options and its values.
Support for ATSC-UVE is included from 3.0 version. A subset of UVE APIs and Events are available when using UVE JS APIs for ATSC playback
- URI of the Media to be played by the Video Engine. Optional 2nd parameter.
- Examples for new URLs Supported:
- live:///75 – ATSC Channel
- hdmiin://localhost/deviceid/0 - HDMI Input
- cvbsin://localhost/deviceid/0 - Composite Input
- tune://atsc?frequency=5700000&serviceid=3 – Direct tune to ATSC Channel
- Start Playback / Resume playback.
- Stop playback and free resources
- Get the index of the currently selected Audio track
- Set the index of the Audio track to be selected.
- Set the Audio track to be selected by Language and Rendition.
- JSON formatted argument.
- language
- rendition
- Example:
- Set the language of the Audio track to be selected
- Set display video rectangle coordinates. Default configuration (0,0,1280,720)
- Returns the available audio tracks information in JSON formatted list. Subset of parameters returned
- name
- language
- codec
- Example:
"name": "English (AC3)",
- Set the Closed Caption rendering to on/off.
- Returns the available text track (CC) information in JSON formatted list.
- Subset of parameters returned
- name
- type
- language
- instreamId
- Example:
"name":"English (Closed Caption)",
"name":"Spanish (Closed Caption)",
"name":"English (Closed Caption)",
"name":"Spanish (Closed Caption)",
- Get the Index of the currently selected Text track.
- Set the Index of the Text track to be selected.
- Returns the JSON formatted string of current ClosedCaption style options and values.
- Set the ClosedCaption style options to be used for rendering.
- Temporarily disable content restriction based on the control input provided by the ‘until’ parameter.
- Can be used for unlocking a locked channel (Channel locked due to Restrictions set)
until {"time": < seconds>} Or {"programChange":true};
- It is a Json Object.
- Provides control for automatic re-locking conditions.
- If ‘time’ is set, the seconds will be considered as relative to current time until which the program will be unlocked.
- If ‘programChange’ is set, the program will be unlocked, but re-enable restriction handling on next program boundary
- If neither specified, parental control locking will be disabled until settop reboot, or explicit call to enableContentRestrictions().
- If both specified, parental control locking will be re-enabled depending on which condition occurs first.
- To re-enable parental control locks based on restrictions.
Value: 1 Description: Tune Success [OTA, HDMIIN, COMPOSITE IN]
Value: 14 Description:
- Event when player state changes.
- Valid AAMP States for ATSC OTA Playback: "idle":0, "initializing":1, "initialized":2, "preparing":3, "prepared":4, "playing":8, "blocked":14
- Valid AAMP States for HDMIIN : "playing":8,“stopped”:10
Value: 38 Description:
Blocked event is generated when player status switches to eSTATE_BLOCKED.
The Event payload is a string to describe the reason for the blocked state.
- Event Payload:
- Type : reason – string
- Reason for restriction
Example: “reason”: (ATSC Playback) "STATUS|Low or No Signal" "Service Pin Locked" "STATUS|Unable to decode"
If a program is Blocked due to Restrictions set by the Application, the ‘blocked’ event’s reason will be "Service Pin Locked" “reason”: (HDMIIN) "NO_SIGNAL" "UNSTABLE_SIGNAL" "NOT_SUPPORTED_SIGNAL"
Value: 11 Description:
- Event notified when bitrate change happens. The event payload provides video stream info Will be notified after first tuned event for OTA and and after display settings change.
- Event Payload: time: number, bitRate: number, description: string, width: number, height: number, framerate: number, position: number(not used), cappedProfile:number (not used), displayWidth:number (not used), displayHeight:number (not used), progressive:bool, aspectRatioWidth:number, aspectRatioHeight:number
Property | Type | Default Value | Description |
preferredAudioLanguage | String | en | ISO-639 audio language preference; for more than one language, provide comma delimited list from highest to lowest priority: ‘,<...>,’ |
nativeCCRendering | Boolean | False | Use native Closed Caption support in AAMP |
Player supports multiple pause exit behavior on live content based on the configuration set in "livePauseBehavior". Default value is 0 - Autoplay Immediately
0 – Autoplay immediate (default) - Playback resumes when start of TSB/live reaches the paused position
1 – Live immediate - Playback resumes immediately from the live point when start of TSB/live
reaches the paused position
2 – Autoplay defer - Player remains in Paused state when start of TSB/live reaches the paused position.
When resumed, playback starts from start of the TSB.
3 – Live defer - Player remains in Paused state when start of TSB/live reaches the paused position.
When resumed, playback starts from live point
Procedure to setup the AAMP Reference Player in RDK devices(Comcast):
1. Host the ReferencePlayer folder in a web server.
2. Use Comcast's IBIS tool (https://ibis.comcast.com/app-dev-tool/send-html-app) to launch the reference player in the device:
a. Under Launch HTML App, select Select a device to get started.
b. From the list, find your device (it should be registered previously).
c. Enter the ReferencePlayer URL in the URL field.
d. Enter any name in the App name field.
e. Click Launch.
- icons
- index.html
- UVEMediaPlayer.js
- UVEPlayerUI.js
- UVERefPlayer.js
- UVERefPlayerStyle.js
- index.html
- ReferencePlayer.js
- URLs.js
- ReferencePlayerStyle.css
Description: Returns the playback statistics from beginning of playback till the time API is called. JSON Description:
"mediaType": {
type: string,
description: Stream type like HLS, DASH etc
"playbackMode": {
type: string,
description: Playback modes like linear, vod etc
"liveLatency": {
type: integer,
description: The time from current position to end of seek range,
this field would only be available for Linear playback
unit: milliseconds
"totalError": {
type: integer,
description: Total number of download errors so far (as of now, but will include other errors too in future)
across profiles/manifests etc
"numOfGaps": {
type: integer,
description: total number of gaps between periods,
for Live this would be the number of gaps so far,
but for vod this would be the number of gaps across all periods,
this field would only be available for DASH
"timeInTopProfile": {
type: integer,
description: Duration of the media playback stayed in the top file profile from beginning of the playback,
unit: seconds
"timeToTopProfile": {
type: integer,
description: time to reach top profile first time after tune. Provided initial tune bandwidth is not a top bandwidth
unit: seconds
"duration": {
type: integer,
description: Duration of the playback so far,
unit: seconds
"profileStepDown_Network": {
type: integer,
description: Number of profile step downs due to network issues,
"profileStepDown_Error": {
type: integer,
description: Number of profile step downs due to playback errors,
"displayWidth": {
type: integer,
description: display width,
"displayHeight": {
type: integer,
description: display height,
"profileCappingPresent": {
type: integer,
description: profile capping status,
"tsbAvailable": {
type: integer,
description: will be 1 if tsb is employed for the playback,
"languagesSupported": {
type: object,
description: lists the supported audio tracks. with name audio1, audio2 etc
properties: {
"audio1": {
type: string,
description: language corresponds to audio1,
"main"/"audio1"/"audio2" etc/"video1"/"subtitle"/"iframe"/"ad_audio"/"ad_video"etc: {
type: object,
description: different track types ("main" to specify main manifest)
properties: {
"profiles": {
type: object,
description: for each profile in the given track type,
properties: {
"0/<profile number> etc": {
type: object,
description: details of a specific profile played, for the main/master manifest, this would be "0",
properties: {
"manifestStat": {
type: object,
description: For HLS, here it describes the stats of playlist manifest corresponds to each profile, for DASH this field be only available for main manifest,
properties: {
"latencyReport": {
type: object,
description: field indicating the latency of the download,
properties: {
"timeWindow_0/timeWindow_1 etc": {
type: integer,
description: gives the number of downloads on an item comes under 0th, 1st, 2nd bucket, with a bucket of duration 250ms
"sessionSummary": {
type: object,
description: Shows the session information so far (400/404,206), number of various error occurrences along with successful (200,206 etc) cases
properties: {
"200": {
type: integer,
description: number of http 200 cases
"info": {
type: object,
description: This field will only be present for for manifests. For linear DASH playback, this field will represent the details of the last refreshed manifest
properties: {
"downloadTimeMs": {
type: integer,
description: Manifest download time,
unit: milliseconds
"parseTimeMs": {
type: integer,
description: Manifest parse time, this field will only be available for main/master manifests,
unit: Milliseconds
"size": {
type: integer,
description: Downloaded manifest size in bytes,
unit: bytes
"periodCount": {
type: integer,
description: number of periods, only applicable for DASH
"fragmentStat": {
type: object,
description: Statistics of the downloaded fragments, would not be applicable for profile "0" (as is is for manifest),
properties: {
"media": {
type: object
description: Stats of media (non-init) fragments,
properties: {
"latencyReport": {
//similar as in manifest stats
"sessionSummary": {
//similar as in manifest stats
"init": {
type: object
description: Stats of init fragments,
properties: {
"latencyReport": {
//similar as in media
"sessionSummary": {
//similar as in media
"lastFailedUrl": {
type: string,
description: url of the last failed fragment ( could be normal fragment/ init )
"width": {
type: integer,
description: video width specified for the particular bitrate (ony for the track type video),
"height": {
type: integer,
description: video height specified for the particular bitrate (ony for the track type video),
"licenseStat": {
type: object,
description: license related stats
properties: {
"totalClearToEncrypted": {
type: integer,
description: Total number of clear to encrypted content switches
"totalEncryptedToClear": {
type: string,
description: Total number encrypted to clear content switches
"version": {
type: string,
description: Version of this document
"creationTime": {
type: string,
description: UTC timestamp of this document creation