diff --git a/latest/dochack.js b/latest/dochack.js
index 7600da0..4db4366 100644
--- a/latest/dochack.js
+++ b/latest/dochack.js
@@ -1,777 +1,143 @@
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+/* Generated by the Nim Compiler v2.0.2 */
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+var NTI134217741 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
+var NTI134217743 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
+var NNI134217743 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI134217743.node = NNI134217743;
+var NNI134217741 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI134217741.node = NNI134217741;
+var NNI33555178 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI33555178.node = NNI33555178;
+NTI33555180.base = NTI33555177;
+NTI33555181.base = NTI33555177;
+var NNI33555177 = {kind: 2, len: 5, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: [{kind: 1, offset: "parent", len: 0, typ: NTI33555180, name: "parent", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "name", len: 0, typ: NTI33554450, name: "name", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "message", len: 0, typ: NTI33554449, name: "msg", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "trace", len: 0, typ: NTI33554449, name: "trace", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "up", len: 0, typ: NTI33555181, name: "up", sons: null}]};
+NTI33555177.node = NNI33555177;
+var NNI33555173 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI33555173.node = NNI33555173;
+NTI33555177.base = NTI33555173;
+NTI33555178.base = NTI33555177;
+NTI134217741.base = NTI33555178;
+NTI134217743.base = NTI134217741;
+var NNI134217751 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI134217751.node = NNI134217751;
+NTI134217751.base = NTI33555178;
+var NNI134217749 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI134217749.node = NNI134217749;
+NTI134217749.base = NTI33555178;
+var NNI134217745 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI134217745.node = NNI134217745;
+NTI134217745.base = NTI33555178;
+var NNI973078613 = {kind: 2, len: 2, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: [{kind: 1, offset: "a", len: 0, typ: NTI973078607, name: "a", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "b", len: 0, typ: NTI33554435, name: "b", sons: null}]};
+NTI973078613.node = NNI973078613;
+var NNI721420302 = {kind: 2, len: 2, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: [{kind: 1, offset: "Field0", len: 0, typ: NTI33554435, name: "Field0", sons: null},
{kind: 1, offset: "Field1", len: 0, typ: NTI33554466, name: "Field1", sons: null}]};
-NTI637534222.node = NNI637534222;
+NTI721420302.node = NNI721420302;
-function makeNimstrLit(c_33556801) {
- var result = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < c_33556801.length; ++i) {
- result[i] = c_33556801.charCodeAt(i);
- }
- return result;
+function mnewString(len_33557003) {
+ var result = new Array(len_33557003);
+ for (var i = 0; i < len_33557003; i++) {result[i] = 0;}
+ return result;
-function toJSStr(s_33556807) {
- var Temporary5;
- var Temporary7;
- var result_33556808 = null;
+function toJSStr(s_33556901) {
+ var result_33556902 = null;
- var res_33556842 = newSeq_33556825((s_33556807).length);
- var i_33556843 = 0;
- var j_33556844 = 0;
- Label1: do {
+ var res_33556943 = newSeq_33556919((s_33556901).length);
+ var i_33556944 = 0;
+ var j_33556945 = 0;
+ Label1: {
Label2: while (true) {
- if (!(i_33556843 < (s_33556807).length)) break Label2;
- var c_33556845 = s_33556807[i_33556843];
- if ((c_33556845 < 128)) {
- res_33556842[j_33556844] = String.fromCharCode(c_33556845);
- i_33556843 += 1;
+ if (!(i_33556944 < (s_33556901).length)) break Label2;
+ var c_33556946 = s_33556901[i_33556944];
+ if ((c_33556946 < 128)) {
+ res_33556943[j_33556945] = String.fromCharCode(c_33556946);
+ i_33556944 += 1;
else {
- var helper_33556857 = newSeq_33556825(0);
- Label3: do {
+ var helper_33556959 = newSeq_33556919(0);
+ Label3: {
Label4: while (true) {
if (!true) break Label4;
- var code_33556858 = c_33556845.toString(16);
- if ((((code_33556858) == null ? 0 : (code_33556858).length) == 1)) {
- helper_33556857.push("%0");;
+ var code_33556960 = c_33556946.toString(16);
+ if ((((code_33556960) == null ? 0 : (code_33556960).length) == 1)) {
+ helper_33556959.push("%0");;
else {
- helper_33556857.push("%");;
+ helper_33556959.push("%");;
- helper_33556857.push(code_33556858);;
- i_33556843 += 1;
- if (((s_33556807).length <= i_33556843)) Temporary5 = true; else { Temporary5 = (s_33556807[i_33556843] < 128); } if (Temporary5) {
+ helper_33556959.push(code_33556960);;
+ i_33556944 += 1;
+ if ((((s_33556901).length <= i_33556944) || (s_33556901[i_33556944] < 128))) {
break Label3;
- c_33556845 = s_33556807[i_33556843];
+ c_33556946 = s_33556901[i_33556944];
- } while (false);
+ };
- Temporary7 = framePtr;
try {
- res_33556842[j_33556844] = decodeURIComponent(helper_33556857.join(""));
+ res_33556943[j_33556945] = decodeURIComponent(helper_33556959.join(""));
} catch (EXCEPTION) {
var prevJSError = lastJSError;
lastJSError = EXCEPTION;
- framePtr = Temporary7;
- res_33556842[j_33556844] = helper_33556857.join("");
+ res_33556943[j_33556945] = helper_33556959.join("");
lastJSError = prevJSError;
} finally {
- framePtr = Temporary7;
- j_33556844 += 1;
+ j_33556945 += 1;
- } while (false);
- if (res_33556842.length < j_33556844) { for (var i = res_33556842.length ; i < j_33556844 ; ++i) res_33556842.push(null); }
- else { res_33556842.length = j_33556844; };
- result_33556808 = res_33556842.join("");
+ };
+ if (res_33556943.length < j_33556945) { for (var i = res_33556943.length ; i < j_33556945 ; ++i) res_33556943.push(null); }
+ else { res_33556943.length = j_33556945; };
+ result_33556902 = res_33556943.join("");
- return result_33556808;
+ return result_33556902;
-function raiseException(e_33556667, ename_33556668) {
- e_33556667.name = ename_33556668;
+function raiseException(e_33556653, ename_33556654) {
+ e_33556653.name = ename_33556654;
if ((excHandler == 0)) {
- unhandledException(e_33556667);
+ unhandledException(e_33556653);
- throw e_33556667;
+ throw e_33556653;
-function addInt(a_33556940, b_33556941) {
- var result = a_33556940 + b_33556941;
+function addInt(a_33557050, b_33557051) {
+ var result = a_33557050 + b_33557051;
return result;
@@ -779,30 +145,21 @@ function addInt(a_33556940, b_33556941) {
-function mnewString(len_33556893) {
- return new Array(len_33556893);
-function chckRange(i_33557189, a_33557190, b_33557191) {
- var Temporary1;
+function chckRange(i_33557324, a_33557325, b_33557326) {
+ var result_33557327 = 0;
- var result_33557192 = 0;
- BeforeRet: do {
- if (!(a_33557190 <= i_33557189)) Temporary1 = false; else { Temporary1 = (i_33557189 <= b_33557191); } if (Temporary1) {
- result_33557192 = i_33557189;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if (((a_33557325 <= i_33557324) && (i_33557324 <= b_33557326))) {
+ result_33557327 = i_33557324;
break BeforeRet;
else {
- } while (false);
+ };
- return result_33557192;
+ return result_33557327;
@@ -825,115 +182,186 @@ function setConstr() {
var ConstSet1 = setConstr(17, 16, 4, 18, 27, 19, 23, 22, 21);
-function nimCopy(dest_33557140, src_33557141, ti_33557142) {
- var result_33557151 = null;
+function nimCopy(dest_33557268, src_33557269, ti_33557270) {
+ var result_33557279 = null;
- switch (ti_33557142.kind) {
+ switch (ti_33557270.kind) {
case 21:
case 22:
case 23:
case 5:
- if (!(isFatPointer_33557131(ti_33557142))) {
- result_33557151 = src_33557141;
+ if (!(isFatPointer_33557259(ti_33557270))) {
+ result_33557279 = src_33557269;
else {
- result_33557151 = [src_33557141[0], src_33557141[1]];
+ result_33557279 = [src_33557269[0], src_33557269[1]];
case 19:
- if (dest_33557140 === null || dest_33557140 === undefined) {
- dest_33557140 = {};
+ if (dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined) {
+ dest_33557268 = {};
else {
- for (var key in dest_33557140) { delete dest_33557140[key]; }
+ for (var key in dest_33557268) { delete dest_33557268[key]; }
- for (var key in src_33557141) { dest_33557140[key] = src_33557141[key]; }
- result_33557151 = dest_33557140;
+ for (var key in src_33557269) { dest_33557268[key] = src_33557269[key]; }
+ result_33557279 = dest_33557268;
case 18:
case 17:
- if (!((ti_33557142.base == null))) {
- result_33557151 = nimCopy(dest_33557140, src_33557141, ti_33557142.base);
+ if (!((ti_33557270.base == null))) {
+ result_33557279 = nimCopy(dest_33557268, src_33557269, ti_33557270.base);
else {
- if ((ti_33557142.kind == 17)) {
- result_33557151 = (dest_33557140 === null || dest_33557140 === undefined) ? {m_type: ti_33557142} : dest_33557140;
+ if ((ti_33557270.kind == 17)) {
+ result_33557279 = (dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined) ? {m_type: ti_33557270} : dest_33557268;
else {
- result_33557151 = (dest_33557140 === null || dest_33557140 === undefined) ? {} : dest_33557140;
+ result_33557279 = (dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined) ? {} : dest_33557268;
- nimCopyAux(result_33557151, src_33557141, ti_33557142.node);
+ nimCopyAux(result_33557279, src_33557269, ti_33557270.node);
- case 24:
case 4:
- case 27:
case 16:
- if (src_33557141 === null) {
- result_33557151 = null;
+ if(ArrayBuffer.isView(src_33557269)) {
+ if(dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined || dest_33557268.length != src_33557269.length) {
+ dest_33557268 = new src_33557269.constructor(src_33557269);
+ } else {
+ dest_33557268.set(src_33557269, 0);
+ }
+ result_33557279 = dest_33557268;
+ } else {
+ if (src_33557269 === null) {
+ result_33557279 = null;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined || dest_33557268.length != src_33557269.length) {
+ dest_33557268 = new Array(src_33557269.length);
+ }
+ result_33557279 = dest_33557268;
+ for (var i = 0; i < src_33557269.length; ++i) {
+ result_33557279[i] = nimCopy(result_33557279[i], src_33557269[i], ti_33557270.base);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ case 27:
+ if (src_33557269 === null) {
+ result_33557279 = null;
else {
- if (dest_33557140 === null || dest_33557140 === undefined || dest_33557140.length != src_33557141.length) {
- dest_33557140 = new Array(src_33557141.length);
+ if (dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined || dest_33557268.length != src_33557269.length) {
+ dest_33557268 = new Array(src_33557269.length);
- result_33557151 = dest_33557140;
- for (var i = 0; i < src_33557141.length; ++i) {
- result_33557151[i] = nimCopy(result_33557151[i], src_33557141[i], ti_33557142.base);
+ result_33557279 = dest_33557268;
+ for (var i = 0; i < src_33557269.length; ++i) {
+ result_33557279[i] = nimCopy(result_33557279[i], src_33557269[i], ti_33557270.base);
case 28:
- if (src_33557141 !== null) {
- result_33557151 = src_33557141.slice(0);
+ if (src_33557269 !== null) {
+ result_33557279 = src_33557269.slice(0);
- result_33557151 = src_33557141;
+ result_33557279 = src_33557269;
- return result_33557151;
+ return result_33557279;
-function chckIndx(i_33557184, a_33557185, b_33557186) {
- var Temporary1;
+function chckIndx(i_33557319, a_33557320, b_33557321) {
+ var result_33557322 = 0;
- var result_33557187 = 0;
- BeforeRet: do {
- if (!(a_33557185 <= i_33557184)) Temporary1 = false; else { Temporary1 = (i_33557184 <= b_33557186); } if (Temporary1) {
- result_33557187 = i_33557184;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if (((a_33557320 <= i_33557319) && (i_33557319 <= b_33557321))) {
+ result_33557322 = i_33557319;
break BeforeRet;
else {
- raiseIndexError(i_33557184, a_33557185, b_33557186);
+ raiseIndexError(i_33557319, a_33557320, b_33557321);
- } while (false);
+ };
- return result_33557187;
+ return result_33557322;
+function makeNimstrLit(c_33556895) {
+ var result = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c_33556895.length; ++i) {
+ result[i] = c_33556895.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ return result;
-function subInt(a_33556944, b_33556945) {
- var result = a_33556944 - b_33556945;
+function subInt(a_33557054, b_33557055) {
+ var result = a_33557054 - b_33557055;
return result;
+function cstrToNimstr(c_33556898) {
+ var ln = c_33556898.length;
+ var result = new Array(ln);
+ var r = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ln; ++i) {
+ var ch = c_33556898.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (ch < 128) {
+ result[r] = ch;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ch < 2048) {
+ result[r] = (ch >> 6) | 192;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ch < 55296 || ch >= 57344) {
+ result[r] = (ch >> 12) | 224;
+ }
+ else {
+ ++i;
+ ch = 65536 + (((ch & 1023) << 10) | (c_33556898.charCodeAt(i) & 1023));
+ result[r] = (ch >> 18) | 240;
+ ++r;
+ result[r] = ((ch >> 12) & 63) | 128;
+ }
+ ++r;
+ result[r] = ((ch >> 6) & 63) | 128;
+ }
+ ++r;
+ result[r] = (ch & 63) | 128;
+ }
+ ++r;
+ }
+ return result;
var ConstSet2 = setConstr([65, 90]);
var ConstSet3 = setConstr(95, 32, 46);
var ConstSet4 = setConstr(95, 32, 46);
-function mulInt(a_33556948, b_33556949) {
- var result = a_33556948 * b_33556949;
+function mulInt(a_33557058, b_33557059) {
+ var result = a_33557058 * b_33557059;
return result;
@@ -946,103 +374,101 @@ var ConstSet7 = setConstr([97, 122]);
var ConstSet8 = setConstr([65, 90]);
var ConstSet9 = setConstr([65, 90], [97, 122]);
-function nimMax(a_33556998, b_33556999) {
+function nimMax(a_33557108, b_33557109) {
var Temporary1;
- var result_33557000 = 0;
+ var result_33557110 = 0;
- BeforeRet: do {
- if ((b_33556999 <= a_33556998)) {
- Temporary1 = a_33556998;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((b_33557109 <= a_33557108)) {
+ Temporary1 = a_33557108;
else {
- Temporary1 = b_33556999;
+ Temporary1 = b_33557109;
- result_33557000 = Temporary1;
+ result_33557110 = Temporary1;
break BeforeRet;
- } while (false);
+ };
- return result_33557000;
+ return result_33557110;
-function nimMin(a_33556994, b_33556995) {
+function nimMin(a_33557104, b_33557105) {
var Temporary1;
- var result_33556996 = 0;
+ var result_33557106 = 0;
- BeforeRet: do {
- if ((a_33556994 <= b_33556995)) {
- Temporary1 = a_33556994;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((a_33557104 <= b_33557105)) {
+ Temporary1 = a_33557104;
else {
- Temporary1 = b_33556995;
+ Temporary1 = b_33557105;
- result_33556996 = Temporary1;
+ result_33557106 = Temporary1;
break BeforeRet;
- } while (false);
+ };
- return result_33556996;
+ return result_33557106;
-function addChar(x_33557255, c_33557256) {
- x_33557255.push(c_33557256);
+function addChar(x_33557415, c_33557416) {
+ x_33557415.push(c_33557416);
-if (!Math.trunc) {
- Math.trunc = function(v) {
- v = +v;
- if (!isFinite(v)) return v;
- return (v - v % 1) || (v < 0 ? -0 : v === 0 ? v : 0);
- };
+var objectID_1207959729 = [0];
-var alternative_486539840 = [null];
+function setTheme(theme_570425350) {
+ document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", theme_570425350);
+ window.localStorage.setItem("theme", theme_570425350);
-function add_33556419(x_33556420, x_33556420_Idx, y_33556421) {
- if (x_33556420[x_33556420_Idx] === null) { x_33556420[x_33556420_Idx] = []; }
- var off = x_33556420[x_33556420_Idx].length;
- x_33556420[x_33556420_Idx].length += y_33556421.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < y_33556421.length; ++i) {
- x_33556420[x_33556420_Idx][off+i] = y_33556421.charCodeAt(i);
+function add_33556373(x_33556374, x_33556374_Idx, y_33556375) {
+ if (x_33556374[x_33556374_Idx] === null) { x_33556374[x_33556374_Idx] = []; }
+ var off = x_33556374[x_33556374_Idx].length;
+ x_33556374[x_33556374_Idx].length += y_33556375.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < y_33556375.length; ++i) {
+ x_33556374[x_33556374_Idx][off+i] = y_33556375.charCodeAt(i);
-function newSeq_33556825(len_33556827) {
- var result_33556828 = [];
+function newSeq_33556919(len_33556921) {
+ var result_33556922 = [];
- result_33556828 = new Array(len_33556827); for (var i = 0 ; i < len_33556827 ; ++i) { result_33556828[i] = null; }
- return result_33556828;
+ result_33556922 = new Array(len_33556921); for (var i = 0 ; i < len_33556921 ; ++i) { result_33556922[i] = null; }
+ return result_33556922;
-function unhandledException(e_33556663) {
- var buf_33556664 = [[]];
- if (!(((e_33556663.message).length == 0))) {
- buf_33556664[0].push.apply(buf_33556664[0], makeNimstrLit("Error: unhandled exception: "));;
- buf_33556664[0].push.apply(buf_33556664[0], e_33556663.message);;
+function unhandledException(e_33556649) {
+ var buf_33556650 = [[]];
+ if (!(((e_33556649.message).length == 0))) {
+ buf_33556650[0].push.apply(buf_33556650[0], [69,114,114,111,114,58,32,117,110,104,97,110,100,108,101,100,32,101,120,99,101,112,116,105,111,110,58,32]);;
+ buf_33556650[0].push.apply(buf_33556650[0], e_33556649.message);;
else {
- buf_33556664[0].push.apply(buf_33556664[0], makeNimstrLit("Error: unhandled exception"));;
+ buf_33556650[0].push.apply(buf_33556650[0], [69,114,114,111,114,58,32,117,110,104,97,110,100,108,101,100,32,101,120,99,101,112,116,105,111,110]);;
- buf_33556664[0].push.apply(buf_33556664[0], makeNimstrLit(" ["));;
- add_33556419(buf_33556664, 0, e_33556663.name);
- buf_33556664[0].push.apply(buf_33556664[0], makeNimstrLit("]\x0A"));;
- var cbuf_33556665 = toJSStr(buf_33556664[0]);
- framePtr = null;
+ buf_33556650[0].push.apply(buf_33556650[0], [32,91]);;
+ add_33556373(buf_33556650, 0, e_33556649.name);
+ buf_33556650[0].push.apply(buf_33556650[0], [93,10]);;
+ var cbuf_33556651 = toJSStr(buf_33556650[0]);
if (typeof(Error) !== "undefined") {
- throw new Error(cbuf_33556665);
+ throw new Error(cbuf_33556651);
else {
- throw cbuf_33556665;
+ throw cbuf_33556651;
@@ -1050,119 +476,103 @@ function unhandledException(e_33556663) {
function raiseOverflow() {
- raiseException({message: makeNimstrLit("over- or underflow"), parent: null, m_type: NTI33555122, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "OverflowDefect");
+ raiseException({message: [111,118,101,114,45,32,111,114,32,117,110,100,101,114,102,108,111,119], parent: null, m_type: NTI134217743, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "OverflowDefect");
-function checkOverflowInt(a_33556938) {
- if (a_33556938 > 2147483647 || a_33556938 < -2147483648) raiseOverflow();
+function checkOverflowInt(a_33557048) {
+ if (a_33557048 > 2147483647 || a_33557048 < -2147483648) raiseOverflow();
-function isWhitespace_486539572(text_486539573) {
- return !/[^\s]/.test(text_486539573);
+function raiseRangeError() {
+ raiseException({message: [118,97,108,117,101,32,111,117,116,32,111,102,32,114,97,110,103,101], parent: null, m_type: NTI134217751, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "RangeDefect");
-function isWhitespace_486539575(x_486539576) {
+function addChars_301990090(result_301990092, result_301990092_Idx, x_301990093, start_301990094, n_301990095) {
var Temporary1;
- var Temporary2;
- var result_486539577 = false;
- if (!(x_486539576.nodeName == "#text")) Temporary2 = false; else { Temporary2 = isWhitespace_486539572(x_486539576.textContent); } if (Temporary2) Temporary1 = true; else { Temporary1 = (x_486539576.nodeName == "#comment"); } result_486539577 = Temporary1;
- return result_486539577;
-function raiseRangeError() {
- raiseException({message: makeNimstrLit("value out of range"), parent: null, m_type: NTI33555130, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "RangeDefect");
-function addChars_251658415(result_251658417, result_251658417_Idx, x_251658418, start_251658419, n_251658420) {
- var old_251658421 = (result_251658417[result_251658417_Idx]).length;
- (result_251658417[result_251658417_Idx].length = chckRange(addInt(old_251658421, n_251658420), 0, 2147483647));
- Label1: do {
- var iHEX60gensym4_251658435 = 0;
- var i_486539890 = 0;
- Label2: do {
- Label3: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539890 < n_251658420)) break Label3;
- iHEX60gensym4_251658435 = i_486539890;
- result_251658417[result_251658417_Idx][chckIndx(addInt(old_251658421, iHEX60gensym4_251658435), 0, (result_251658417[result_251658417_Idx]).length - 1)] = x_251658418.charCodeAt(chckIndx(addInt(start_251658419, iHEX60gensym4_251658435), 0, (x_251658418).length - 1));
- i_486539890 = addInt(i_486539890, 1);
+ var old_301990096 = (result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx]).length;
+ if (result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx].length < (Temporary1 = chckRange(addInt(old_301990096, n_301990095), 0, 2147483647), Temporary1)) { for (var i = result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx].length; i < Temporary1; ++i) result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx].push(0); }
+ else {result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx].length = Temporary1; };
+ Label2: {
+ var iHEX60gensym4_301990110 = 0;
+ var i_570426543 = 0;
+ Label3: {
+ Label4: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426543 < n_301990095)) break Label4;
+ iHEX60gensym4_301990110 = i_570426543;
+ result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx][chckIndx(addInt(old_301990096, iHEX60gensym4_301990110), 0, (result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx]).length - 1)] = x_301990093.charCodeAt(chckIndx(addInt(start_301990094, iHEX60gensym4_301990110), 0, (x_301990093).length - 1));
+ i_570426543 = addInt(i_570426543, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
+ };
+ };
-function addChars_251658411(result_251658413, result_251658413_Idx, x_251658414) {
- addChars_251658415(result_251658413, result_251658413_Idx, x_251658414, 0, ((x_251658414) == null ? 0 : (x_251658414).length));
+function addChars_301990086(result_301990088, result_301990088_Idx, x_301990089) {
+ addChars_301990090(result_301990088, result_301990088_Idx, x_301990089, 0, ((x_301990089) == null ? 0 : (x_301990089).length));
-function addInt_251658436(result_251658437, result_251658437_Idx, x_251658438) {
- addChars_251658411(result_251658437, result_251658437_Idx, ((x_251658438) + ""));
+function addInt_301990111(result_301990112, result_301990112_Idx, x_301990113) {
+ addChars_301990086(result_301990112, result_301990112_Idx, ((x_301990113) + ""));
-function addInt_251658457(result_251658458, result_251658458_Idx, x_251658459) {
- addInt_251658436(result_251658458, result_251658458_Idx, x_251658459);
+function addInt_301990129(result_301990130, result_301990130_Idx, x_301990131) {
+ addInt_301990111(result_301990130, result_301990130_Idx, BigInt(x_301990131));
-function HEX24_335544323(x_335544324) {
- var result_335544325 = [[]];
+function HEX24_385875976(x_385875977) {
+ var result_385875978 = [[]];
- addInt_251658457(result_335544325, 0, x_335544324);
+ addInt_301990129(result_385875978, 0, x_385875977);
- return result_335544325[0];
+ return result_385875978[0];
-function isFatPointer_33557131(ti_33557132) {
- var result_33557133 = false;
+function isFatPointer_33557259(ti_33557260) {
+ var result_33557261 = false;
- BeforeRet: do {
- result_33557133 = !((ConstSet1[ti_33557132.base.kind] != undefined));
+ BeforeRet: {
+ result_33557261 = !((ConstSet1[ti_33557260.base.kind] != undefined));
break BeforeRet;
- } while (false);
+ };
- return result_33557133;
+ return result_33557261;
-function nimCopyAux(dest_33557144, src_33557145, n_33557146) {
- switch (n_33557146.kind) {
+function nimCopyAux(dest_33557272, src_33557273, n_33557274) {
+ switch (n_33557274.kind) {
case 0:
case 1:
- dest_33557144[n_33557146.offset] = nimCopy(dest_33557144[n_33557146.offset], src_33557145[n_33557146.offset], n_33557146.typ);
+ dest_33557272[n_33557274.offset] = nimCopy(dest_33557272[n_33557274.offset], src_33557273[n_33557274.offset], n_33557274.typ);
case 2:
- for (var i = 0; i < n_33557146.sons.length; i++) {
- nimCopyAux(dest_33557144, src_33557145, n_33557146.sons[i]);
+ for (var i = 0; i < n_33557274.sons.length; i++) {
+ nimCopyAux(dest_33557272, src_33557273, n_33557274.sons[i]);
case 3:
- dest_33557144[n_33557146.offset] = nimCopy(dest_33557144[n_33557146.offset], src_33557145[n_33557146.offset], n_33557146.typ);
- for (var i = 0; i < n_33557146.sons.length; ++i) {
- nimCopyAux(dest_33557144, src_33557145, n_33557146.sons[i][1]);
+ dest_33557272[n_33557274.offset] = nimCopy(dest_33557272[n_33557274.offset], src_33557273[n_33557274.offset], n_33557274.typ);
+ for (var i = 0; i < n_33557274.sons.length; ++i) {
+ nimCopyAux(dest_33557272, src_33557273, n_33557274.sons[i][1]);
@@ -1171,871 +581,1029 @@ function nimCopyAux(dest_33557144, src_33557145, n_33557146) {
-function raiseIndexError(i_33556754, a_33556755, b_33556756) {
+function raiseIndexError(i_33556812, a_33556813, b_33556814) {
var Temporary1;
- if ((b_33556756 < a_33556755)) {
- Temporary1 = makeNimstrLit("index out of bounds, the container is empty");
+ if ((b_33556814 < a_33556813)) {
+ Temporary1 = [105,110,100,101,120,32,111,117,116,32,111,102,32,98,111,117,110,100,115,44,32,116,104,101,32,99,111,110,116,97,105,110,101,114,32,105,115,32,101,109,112,116,121];
else {
- Temporary1 = (makeNimstrLit("index ") || []).concat(HEX24_335544323(i_33556754) || [],makeNimstrLit(" not in ") || [],HEX24_335544323(a_33556755) || [],makeNimstrLit(" .. ") || [],HEX24_335544323(b_33556756) || []);
+ Temporary1 = ([105,110,100,101,120,32] || []).concat(HEX24_385875976(i_33556812) || [],[32,110,111,116,32,105,110,32] || [],HEX24_385875976(a_33556813) || [],[32,46,46,32] || [],HEX24_385875976(b_33556814) || []);
- raiseException({message: nimCopy(null, Temporary1, NTI33554439), parent: null, m_type: NTI33555128, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "IndexDefect");
+ raiseException({message: nimCopy(null, Temporary1, NTI33554449), parent: null, m_type: NTI134217749, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "IndexDefect");
+function sysFatal_268435501(message_268435504) {
+ raiseException({message: nimCopy(null, message_268435504, NTI33554449), m_type: NTI134217745, parent: null, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "AssertionDefect");
-function toToc_486539578(x_486539579, father_486539580) {
+function raiseAssert_268435499(msg_268435500) {
+ sysFatal_268435501(msg_268435500);
+function failedAssertImpl_268435541(msg_268435542) {
+ raiseAssert_268435499(msg_268435542);
+function onDOMLoaded(e_570425385) {
+function HEX3Aanonymous_570425409(event_570425410) {
+ event_570425410.target.parentNode.style.display = "none";
+ event_570425410.target.parentNode.nextSibling.style.display = "inline";
+ }
+ document.getElementById("theme-select").value = window.localStorage.getItem("theme");
+ Label1: {
+ var pragmaDots_570425408 = null;
+ var colontmp__570426534 = [];
+ colontmp__570426534 = document.getElementsByClassName("pragmadots");
+ var i_570426536 = 0;
+ var L_570426537 = (colontmp__570426534).length;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426536 < L_570426537)) break Label3;
+ pragmaDots_570425408 = colontmp__570426534[chckIndx(i_570426536, 0, (colontmp__570426534).length - 1)];
+ pragmaDots_570425408.onclick = HEX3Aanonymous_570425409;
+ i_570426536 = addInt(i_570426536, 1);
+ if (!(((colontmp__570426534).length == L_570426537))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+function isWhitespace_570425752(x_570425753) {
+ var result_570425754 = false;
+ result_570425754 = (((x_570425753.nodeName == "#text") && !/\S/.test(x_570425753.textContent)) || (x_570425753.nodeName == "#comment"));
+ return result_570425754;
+function toToc_570425755(x_570425756, father_570425757) {
var Temporary5;
var Temporary6;
var Temporary7;
var Temporary8;
var Temporary15;
- if ((x_486539579.nodeName == "UL")) {
- var f_486539588 = {heading: null, kids: [], sortId: (father_486539580.kids).length, doSort: false};
- var i_486539589 = 0;
- Label1: do {
+ if ((x_570425756.nodeName == "UL")) {
+ var f_570425765 = {heading: null, kids: [], sortId: (father_570425757.kids).length, doSort: false};
+ var i_570425766 = 0;
+ Label1: {
Label2: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539589 < x_486539579.childNodes.length)) break Label2;
- var nxt_486539590 = addInt(i_486539589, 1);
- Label3: do {
+ if (!(i_570425766 < x_570425756.childNodes.length)) break Label2;
+ var nxt_570425767 = addInt(i_570425766, 1);
+ Label3: {
Label4: while (true) {
- if (!(nxt_486539590 < x_486539579.childNodes.length)) Temporary5 = false; else { Temporary5 = isWhitespace_486539575(x_486539579.childNodes[nxt_486539590]); } if (!Temporary5) break Label4;
- nxt_486539590 = addInt(nxt_486539590, 1);
+ if (!(nxt_570425767 < x_570425756.childNodes.length)) Temporary5 = false; else { Temporary5 = isWhitespace_570425752(x_570425756.childNodes[nxt_570425767]); } if (!Temporary5) break Label4;
+ nxt_570425767 = addInt(nxt_570425767, 1);
- } while (false);
- if (!(nxt_486539590 < x_486539579.childNodes.length)) Temporary8 = false; else { Temporary8 = (x_486539579.childNodes[i_486539589].nodeName == "LI"); } if (!Temporary8) Temporary7 = false; else { Temporary7 = (x_486539579.childNodes[i_486539589].childNodes.length == 1); } if (!Temporary7) Temporary6 = false; else { Temporary6 = (x_486539579.childNodes[nxt_486539590].nodeName == "UL"); } if (Temporary6) {
- var e_486539602 = {heading: x_486539579.childNodes[i_486539589].childNodes[0], kids: [], sortId: (f_486539588.kids).length, doSort: false};
- var it_486539603 = x_486539579.childNodes[nxt_486539590];
- Label9: do {
- var j_486539608 = 0;
- var colontmp__486539869 = 0;
- colontmp__486539869 = it_486539603.childNodes.length;
- var i_486539870 = 0;
- Label10: do {
+ };
+ if (!(nxt_570425767 < x_570425756.childNodes.length)) Temporary8 = false; else { Temporary8 = (x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425766].nodeName == "LI"); } if (!Temporary8) Temporary7 = false; else { Temporary7 = (x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425766].childNodes.length == 1); } if (!Temporary7) Temporary6 = false; else { Temporary6 = (x_570425756.childNodes[nxt_570425767].nodeName == "UL"); } if (Temporary6) {
+ var e_570425780 = {heading: x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425766].childNodes[0], kids: [], sortId: (f_570425765.kids).length, doSort: false};
+ var it_570425781 = x_570425756.childNodes[nxt_570425767];
+ Label9: {
+ var j_570425786 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426550 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426550 = it_570425781.childNodes.length;
+ var i_570426551 = 0;
+ Label10: {
Label11: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539870 < colontmp__486539869)) break Label11;
- j_486539608 = i_486539870;
- toToc_486539578(it_486539603.childNodes[j_486539608], e_486539602);
- i_486539870 = addInt(i_486539870, 1);
+ if (!(i_570426551 < colontmp__570426550)) break Label11;
+ j_570425786 = i_570426551;
+ toToc_570425755(it_570425781.childNodes[j_570425786], e_570425780);
+ i_570426551 = addInt(i_570426551, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- f_486539588.kids.push(e_486539602);;
- i_486539589 = addInt(nxt_486539590, 1);
+ };
+ };
+ f_570425765.kids.push(e_570425780);;
+ i_570425766 = addInt(nxt_570425767, 1);
else {
- toToc_486539578(x_486539579.childNodes[i_486539589], f_486539588);
- i_486539589 = addInt(i_486539589, 1);
+ toToc_570425755(x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425766], f_570425765);
+ i_570425766 = addInt(i_570425766, 1);
- } while (false);
- father_486539580.kids.push(f_486539588);;
+ };
+ father_570425757.kids.push(f_570425765);;
else {
- if (isWhitespace_486539575(x_486539579)) {
+ if (isWhitespace_570425752(x_570425756)) {
else {
- if ((x_486539579.nodeName == "LI")) {
- var idx_486539625 = [];
- Label12: do {
- var i_486539630 = 0;
- var colontmp__486539873 = 0;
- colontmp__486539873 = x_486539579.childNodes.length;
- var i_486539874 = 0;
- Label13: do {
+ if ((x_570425756.nodeName == "LI")) {
+ var idx_570425804 = [];
+ Label12: {
+ var i_570425809 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426554 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426554 = x_570425756.childNodes.length;
+ var i_570426555 = 0;
+ Label13: {
Label14: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539874 < colontmp__486539873)) break Label14;
- i_486539630 = i_486539874;
- if (!(isWhitespace_486539575(x_486539579.childNodes[i_486539630]))) {
- idx_486539625.push(i_486539630);;
+ if (!(i_570426555 < colontmp__570426554)) break Label14;
+ i_570425809 = i_570426555;
+ if (!(isWhitespace_570425752(x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425809]))) {
+ idx_570425804.push(i_570425809);;
- i_486539874 = addInt(i_486539874, 1);
+ i_570426555 = addInt(i_570426555, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- if (!((idx_486539625).length == 2)) Temporary15 = false; else { Temporary15 = (x_486539579.childNodes[idx_486539625[chckIndx(1, 0, (idx_486539625).length - 1)]].nodeName == "UL"); } if (Temporary15) {
- var e_486539646 = {heading: x_486539579.childNodes[idx_486539625[chckIndx(0, 0, (idx_486539625).length - 1)]], kids: [], sortId: (father_486539580.kids).length, doSort: false};
- var it_486539647 = x_486539579.childNodes[idx_486539625[chckIndx(1, 0, (idx_486539625).length - 1)]];
- Label16: do {
- var j_486539652 = 0;
- var colontmp__486539877 = 0;
- colontmp__486539877 = it_486539647.childNodes.length;
- var i_486539878 = 0;
- Label17: do {
+ };
+ };
+ if (!((idx_570425804).length == 2)) Temporary15 = false; else { Temporary15 = (x_570425756.childNodes[idx_570425804[chckIndx(1, 0, (idx_570425804).length - 1)]].nodeName == "UL"); } if (Temporary15) {
+ var e_570425825 = {heading: x_570425756.childNodes[idx_570425804[chckIndx(0, 0, (idx_570425804).length - 1)]], kids: [], sortId: (father_570425757.kids).length, doSort: false};
+ var it_570425826 = x_570425756.childNodes[idx_570425804[chckIndx(1, 0, (idx_570425804).length - 1)]];
+ Label16: {
+ var j_570425831 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426558 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426558 = it_570425826.childNodes.length;
+ var i_570426559 = 0;
+ Label17: {
Label18: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539878 < colontmp__486539877)) break Label18;
- j_486539652 = i_486539878;
- toToc_486539578(it_486539647.childNodes[j_486539652], e_486539646);
- i_486539878 = addInt(i_486539878, 1);
+ if (!(i_570426559 < colontmp__570426558)) break Label18;
+ j_570425831 = i_570426559;
+ toToc_570425755(it_570425826.childNodes[j_570425831], e_570425825);
+ i_570426559 = addInt(i_570426559, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- father_486539580.kids.push(e_486539646);;
+ };
+ };
+ father_570425757.kids.push(e_570425825);;
else {
- Label19: do {
- var i_486539661 = 0;
- var colontmp__486539881 = 0;
- colontmp__486539881 = x_486539579.childNodes.length;
- var i_486539882 = 0;
- Label20: do {
+ Label19: {
+ var i_570425840 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426562 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426562 = x_570425756.childNodes.length;
+ var i_570426563 = 0;
+ Label20: {
Label21: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539882 < colontmp__486539881)) break Label21;
- i_486539661 = i_486539882;
- toToc_486539578(x_486539579.childNodes[i_486539661], father_486539580);
- i_486539882 = addInt(i_486539882, 1);
+ if (!(i_570426563 < colontmp__570426562)) break Label21;
+ i_570425840 = i_570426563;
+ toToc_570425755(x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425840], father_570425757);
+ i_570426563 = addInt(i_570426563, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
+ };
+ };
else {
- father_486539580.kids.push({heading: x_486539579, kids: [], sortId: (father_486539580.kids).length, doSort: false});;
+ father_570425757.kids.push({heading: x_570425756, kids: [], sortId: (father_570425757.kids).length, doSort: false});;
-function extractItems_486539398(x_486539399, heading_486539400, items_486539401, items_486539401_Idx) {
- var Temporary1;
- BeforeRet: do {
- if ((x_486539399 == null)) {
+function extractItems_570425543(x_570425544, heading_570425545, items_570425546, items_570425546_Idx) {
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((x_570425544 == null)) {
break BeforeRet;
- if (!!((x_486539399.heading == null))) Temporary1 = false; else { Temporary1 = (x_486539399.heading.textContent == heading_486539400); } if (Temporary1) {
- Label2: do {
- var i_486539418 = 0;
- var colontmp__486539893 = 0;
- colontmp__486539893 = (x_486539399.kids).length;
- var i_486539894 = 0;
- Label3: do {
- Label4: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539894 < colontmp__486539893)) break Label4;
- i_486539418 = i_486539894;
- items_486539401[items_486539401_Idx].push(x_486539399.kids[chckIndx(i_486539418, 0, (x_486539399.kids).length - 1)].heading);;
- i_486539894 = addInt(i_486539894, 1);
+ if ((!((x_570425544.heading == null)) && (x_570425544.heading.textContent == heading_570425545))) {
+ Label1: {
+ var i_570425563 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426566 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426566 = (x_570425544.kids).length;
+ var i_570426567 = 0;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426567 < colontmp__570426566)) break Label3;
+ i_570425563 = i_570426567;
+ items_570425546[items_570425546_Idx].push(x_570425544.kids[chckIndx(i_570425563, 0, (x_570425544.kids).length - 1)].heading);;
+ i_570426567 = addInt(i_570426567, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
+ };
+ };
else {
- Label5: do {
- var i_486539430 = 0;
- var colontmp__486539897 = 0;
- colontmp__486539897 = (x_486539399.kids).length;
- var i_486539898 = 0;
- Label6: do {
- Label7: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539898 < colontmp__486539897)) break Label7;
- i_486539430 = i_486539898;
- var it_486539431 = x_486539399.kids[chckIndx(i_486539430, 0, (x_486539399.kids).length - 1)];
- extractItems_486539398(it_486539431, heading_486539400, items_486539401, items_486539401_Idx);
- i_486539898 = addInt(i_486539898, 1);
+ Label4: {
+ var k_570425589 = null;
+ var i_570426571 = 0;
+ var L_570426572 = (x_570425544.kids).length;
+ Label5: {
+ Label6: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426571 < L_570426572)) break Label6;
+ k_570425589 = x_570425544.kids[chckIndx(i_570426571, 0, (x_570425544.kids).length - 1)];
+ extractItems_570425543(k_570425589, heading_570425545, items_570425546, items_570425546_Idx);
+ i_570426571 = addInt(i_570426571, 1);
+ if (!(((x_570425544.kids).length == L_570426572))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ }
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
+ };
+ };
- } while (false);
+ };
-function tree_486539271(tag_486539272, kids_486539273) {
- var result_486539274 = null;
+function tree_570425474(tag_570425475, kids_570425476) {
+ var result_570425477 = null;
- result_486539274 = document.createElement(toJSStr(tag_486539272));
- Label1: do {
- var k_486539287 = null;
- var i_486539911 = 0;
- Label2: do {
+ result_570425477 = document.createElement(tag_570425475);
+ Label1: {
+ var k_570425491 = null;
+ var i_570426584 = 0;
+ Label2: {
Label3: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539911 < (kids_486539273).length)) break Label3;
- k_486539287 = kids_486539273[chckIndx(i_486539911, 0, (kids_486539273).length - 1)];
- result_486539274.appendChild(k_486539287);
- i_486539911 = addInt(i_486539911, 1);
+ if (!(i_570426584 < (kids_570425476).length)) break Label3;
+ k_570425491 = kids_570425476[chckIndx(i_570426584, 0, (kids_570425476).length - 1)];
+ result_570425477.appendChild(k_570425491);
+ i_570426584 = addInt(i_570426584, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- return result_486539274;
-function text_486539325(s_486539326) {
- var result_486539327 = null;
+ };
+ };
- result_486539327 = document.createTextNode(s_486539326);
- return result_486539327;
+ return result_570425477;
-function sysFatal_218103842(message_218103845) {
- raiseException({message: nimCopy(null, message_218103845, NTI33554439), m_type: NTI33555124, parent: null, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "AssertionDefect");
+function text_570425499(s_570425500) {
+ var result_570425501 = null;
+ result_570425501 = document.createTextNode(s_570425500);
-function raiseAssert_218103840(msg_218103841) {
- sysFatal_218103842(msg_218103841);
+ return result_570425501;
-function failedAssertImpl_218103864(msg_218103865) {
- raiseAssert_218103840(msg_218103865);
-function uncovered_486539709(x_486539710) {
- var Temporary1;
- var Temporary2;
+function uncovered_570425944(x_570425945) {
+ var Temporary1;
- var result_486539711 = null;
+ var result_570425946 = null;
- BeforeRet: do {
- if (!((x_486539710.kids).length == 0)) Temporary1 = false; else { Temporary1 = !((x_486539710.heading == null)); } if (Temporary1) {
- if (!(x_486539710.heading.hasOwnProperty('__karaxMarker__'))) {
- Temporary2 = x_486539710;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((((x_570425945.kids).length == 0) && !((x_570425945.heading == null)))) {
+ if (!(x_570425945.heading.hasOwnProperty('__karaxMarker__'))) {
+ Temporary1 = x_570425945;
else {
- Temporary2 = null;
+ Temporary1 = null;
- result_486539711 = Temporary2;
+ result_570425946 = Temporary1;
break BeforeRet;
- result_486539711 = {heading: x_486539710.heading, kids: [], sortId: x_486539710.sortId, doSort: x_486539710.doSort};
- Label3: do {
- var i_486539730 = 0;
- var colontmp__486539918 = 0;
- colontmp__486539918 = (x_486539710.kids).length;
- var i_486539919 = 0;
- Label4: do {
- Label5: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539919 < colontmp__486539918)) break Label5;
- i_486539730 = i_486539919;
- var y_486539731 = uncovered_486539709(x_486539710.kids[chckIndx(i_486539730, 0, (x_486539710.kids).length - 1)]);
- if (!((y_486539731 == null))) {
- result_486539711.kids.push(y_486539731);;
+ result_570425946 = {heading: x_570425945.heading, kids: [], sortId: x_570425945.sortId, doSort: x_570425945.doSort};
+ Label2: {
+ var k_570425961 = null;
+ var i_570426591 = 0;
+ var L_570426592 = (x_570425945.kids).length;
+ Label3: {
+ Label4: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426591 < L_570426592)) break Label4;
+ k_570425961 = x_570425945.kids[chckIndx(i_570426591, 0, (x_570425945.kids).length - 1)];
+ var y_570425962 = uncovered_570425944(k_570425961);
+ if (!((y_570425962 == null))) {
+ result_570425946.kids.push(y_570425962);;
+ }
+ i_570426591 = addInt(i_570426591, 1);
+ if (!(((x_570425945.kids).length == L_570426592))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
- i_486539919 = addInt(i_486539919, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- if (((result_486539711.kids).length == 0)) {
- result_486539711 = null;
+ };
+ };
+ if (((result_570425946.kids).length == 0)) {
+ result_570425946 = null;
- } while (false);
+ };
- return result_486539711;
+ return result_570425946;
-function mergeTocs_486539743(orig_486539744, news_486539745) {
- var result_486539746 = null;
+function mergeTocs_570425974(orig_570425975, news_570425976) {
+ var result_570425977 = null;
- result_486539746 = uncovered_486539709(orig_486539744);
- if ((result_486539746 == null)) {
- result_486539746 = news_486539745;
+ result_570425977 = uncovered_570425944(orig_570425975);
+ if ((result_570425977 == null)) {
+ result_570425977 = news_570425976;
else {
- Label1: do {
- var i_486539758 = 0;
- var colontmp__486539914 = 0;
- colontmp__486539914 = (news_486539745.kids).length;
- var i_486539915 = 0;
- Label2: do {
+ Label1: {
+ var i_570425989 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426587 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426587 = (news_570425976.kids).length;
+ var i_570426588 = 0;
+ Label2: {
Label3: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539915 < colontmp__486539914)) break Label3;
- i_486539758 = i_486539915;
- result_486539746.kids.push(news_486539745.kids[chckIndx(i_486539758, 0, (news_486539745.kids).length - 1)]);;
- i_486539915 = addInt(i_486539915, 1);
+ if (!(i_570426588 < colontmp__570426587)) break Label3;
+ i_570425989 = i_570426588;
+ result_570425977.kids.push(news_570425976.kids[chckIndx(i_570425989, 0, (news_570425976.kids).length - 1)]);;
+ i_570426588 = addInt(i_570426588, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
+ };
+ };
- return result_486539746;
+ return result_570425977;
-function buildToc_486539763(orig_486539764, types_486539765, procs_486539766) {
- var Temporary7;
- var result_486539767 = null;
+function buildToc_570425994(orig_570425995, types_570425996, procs_570425997) {
+ var result_570425998 = null;
- var newStuff_486539772 = {heading: null, kids: [], doSort: true, sortId: 0};
- Label1: do {
- var t_486539794 = null;
- var i_486539906 = 0;
- var L_486539907 = (types_486539765).length;
- Label2: do {
+ var newStuff_570426003 = {heading: null, kids: [], doSort: true, sortId: 0};
+ Label1: {
+ var t_570426007 = null;
+ var i_570426579 = 0;
+ var L_570426580 = (types_570425996).length;
+ Label2: {
Label3: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539906 < L_486539907)) break Label3;
- t_486539794 = types_486539765[chckIndx(i_486539906, 0, (types_486539765).length - 1)];
- var c_486539799 = {heading: t_486539794.cloneNode(true), kids: [], doSort: true, sortId: 0};
- t_486539794.__karaxMarker__ = true;
- Label4: do {
- var p_486539803 = null;
- var i_486539903 = 0;
- var L_486539904 = (procs_486539766).length;
- Label5: do {
+ if (!(i_570426579 < L_570426580)) break Label3;
+ t_570426007 = types_570425996[chckIndx(i_570426579, 0, (types_570425996).length - 1)];
+ var c_570426012 = {heading: t_570426007.cloneNode(true), kids: [], doSort: true, sortId: 0};
+ t_570426007.__karaxMarker__ = true;
+ Label4: {
+ var p_570426016 = null;
+ var i_570426576 = 0;
+ var L_570426577 = (procs_570425997).length;
+ Label5: {
Label6: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539903 < L_486539904)) break Label6;
- p_486539803 = procs_486539766[chckIndx(i_486539903, 0, (procs_486539766).length - 1)];
- if (!(p_486539803.hasOwnProperty('__karaxMarker__'))) {
- var xx_486539804 = p_486539803.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("attachedType");
- if (!((xx_486539804).length == 1)) Temporary7 = false; else { Temporary7 = (xx_486539804[chckIndx(0, 0, (xx_486539804).length - 1)].textContent == t_486539794.textContent); } if (Temporary7) {
- var q_486539809 = tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("A"), [text_486539325(p_486539803.title)]);
- q_486539809.setAttribute("href", p_486539803.getAttribute("href"));
- c_486539799.kids.push({heading: q_486539809, kids: [], sortId: 0, doSort: false});;
- p_486539803.__karaxMarker__ = true;
+ if (!(i_570426576 < L_570426577)) break Label6;
+ p_570426016 = procs_570425997[chckIndx(i_570426576, 0, (procs_570425997).length - 1)];
+ if (!(p_570426016.hasOwnProperty('__karaxMarker__'))) {
+ var xx_570426017 = p_570426016.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("attachedType");
+ if ((((xx_570426017).length == 1) && (xx_570426017[chckIndx(0, 0, (xx_570426017).length - 1)].textContent == t_570426007.textContent))) {
+ var q_570426022 = tree_570425474("A", [text_570425499(p_570426016.title)]);
+ q_570426022.setAttribute("href", p_570426016.getAttribute("href"));
+ c_570426012.kids.push({heading: q_570426022, kids: [], sortId: 0, doSort: false});;
+ p_570426016.__karaxMarker__ = true;
- i_486539903 = addInt(i_486539903, 1);
- if (!(((procs_486539766).length == L_486539904))) {
- failedAssertImpl_218103864(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(240, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ i_570426576 = addInt(i_570426576, 1);
+ if (!(((procs_570425997).length == L_570426577))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- newStuff_486539772.kids.push(c_486539799);;
- i_486539906 = addInt(i_486539906, 1);
- if (!(((types_486539765).length == L_486539907))) {
- failedAssertImpl_218103864(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(240, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ };
+ };
+ newStuff_570426003.kids.push(c_570426012);;
+ i_570426579 = addInt(i_570426579, 1);
+ if (!(((types_570425996).length == L_570426580))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- result_486539767 = mergeTocs_486539743(orig_486539764, newStuff_486539772);
+ };
+ };
+ result_570425998 = mergeTocs_570425974(orig_570425995, newStuff_570426003);
- return result_486539767;
+ return result_570425998;
-function add_486539315(parent_486539316, kid_486539317) {
- var Temporary1;
- var Temporary2;
- if (!(parent_486539316.nodeName == "TR")) Temporary1 = false; else { if ((kid_486539317.nodeName == "TD")) Temporary2 = true; else { Temporary2 = (kid_486539317.nodeName == "TH"); } Temporary1 = Temporary2; } if (Temporary1) {
- var k_486539318 = document.createElement("TD");
- k_486539318.appendChild(kid_486539317);
- parent_486539316.appendChild(k_486539318);
+function add_570425492(parent_570425493, kid_570425494) {
+ if (((parent_570425493.nodeName == "TR") && ((kid_570425494.nodeName == "TD") || (kid_570425494.nodeName == "TH")))) {
+ var k_570425495 = document.createElement("TD");
+ k_570425495.appendChild(kid_570425494);
+ parent_570425493.appendChild(k_570425495);
else {
- parent_486539316.appendChild(kid_486539317);
+ parent_570425493.appendChild(kid_570425494);
-function setClass_486539319(e_486539320, value_486539321) {
- e_486539320.setAttribute("class", toJSStr(value_486539321));
+function setClass_570425496(e_570425497, value_570425498) {
+ e_570425497.setAttribute("class", value_570425498);
-function toHtml_486539441(x_486539442, isRoot_486539443) {
- var Temporary1;
+function toHtml_570425622(x_570425623, isRoot_570425624) {
-function HEX3Aanonymous_486539461(a_486539462, b_486539463) {
- var Temporary1;
- var result_486539464 = 0;
- BeforeRet: do {
- if (!!((a_486539462.heading == null))) Temporary1 = false; else { Temporary1 = !((b_486539463.heading == null)); } if (Temporary1) {
- var x_486539473 = a_486539462.heading.textContent;
- var y_486539474 = b_486539463.heading.textContent;
- if ((x_486539473 < y_486539474)) {
- result_486539464 = -1;
+function HEX3Aanonymous_570425642(a_570425643, b_570425644) {
+ var result_570425645 = 0;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((!((a_570425643.heading == null)) && !((b_570425644.heading == null)))) {
+ var x_570425654 = a_570425643.heading.textContent;
+ var y_570425655 = b_570425644.heading.textContent;
+ if ((x_570425654 < y_570425655)) {
+ result_570425645 = (-1);
break BeforeRet;
- if ((y_486539474 < x_486539473)) {
- result_486539464 = 1;
+ if ((y_570425655 < x_570425654)) {
+ result_570425645 = 1;
break BeforeRet;
- result_486539464 = 0;
+ result_570425645 = 0;
break BeforeRet;
else {
- result_486539464 = subInt(a_486539462.sortId, b_486539463.sortId);
+ result_570425645 = subInt(a_570425643.sortId, b_570425644.sortId);
break BeforeRet;
- } while (false);
+ };
- return result_486539464;
+ return result_570425645;
- var result_486539444 = null;
+ var result_570425625 = null;
- BeforeRet: do {
- if ((x_486539442 == null)) {
- result_486539444 = null;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((x_570425623 == null)) {
+ result_570425625 = null;
break BeforeRet;
- if (((x_486539442.kids).length == 0)) {
- if ((x_486539442.heading == null)) {
- result_486539444 = null;
+ if (((x_570425623.kids).length == 0)) {
+ if ((x_570425623.heading == null)) {
+ result_570425625 = null;
break BeforeRet;
- result_486539444 = x_486539442.heading.cloneNode(true);
+ result_570425625 = x_570425623.heading.cloneNode(true);
break BeforeRet;
- result_486539444 = tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("DIV"), []);
- if (!!((x_486539442.heading == null))) Temporary1 = false; else { Temporary1 = !(x_486539442.heading.hasOwnProperty('__karaxMarker__')); } if (Temporary1) {
- add_486539315(result_486539444, x_486539442.heading.cloneNode(true));
+ result_570425625 = tree_570425474("DIV", []);
+ if ((!((x_570425623.heading == null)) && !(x_570425623.heading.hasOwnProperty('__karaxMarker__')))) {
+ add_570425492(result_570425625, x_570425623.heading.cloneNode(true));
- var ul_486539460 = tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("UL"), []);
- if (isRoot_486539443) {
- setClass_486539319(ul_486539460, makeNimstrLit("simple simple-toc"));
+ var ul_570425641 = tree_570425474("UL", []);
+ if (isRoot_570425624) {
+ setClass_570425496(ul_570425641, "simple simple-toc");
else {
- setClass_486539319(ul_486539460, makeNimstrLit("simple"));
+ setClass_570425496(ul_570425641, "simple");
- if (x_486539442.doSort) {
- x_486539442.kids.sort(HEX3Aanonymous_486539461);
+ if (x_570425623.doSort) {
+ x_570425623.kids.sort(HEX3Aanonymous_570425642);
- Label2: do {
- var k_486539503 = null;
- var i_486539923 = 0;
- var L_486539924 = (x_486539442.kids).length;
- Label3: do {
- Label4: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486539923 < L_486539924)) break Label4;
- k_486539503 = x_486539442.kids[chckIndx(i_486539923, 0, (x_486539442.kids).length - 1)];
- var y_486539504 = toHtml_486539441(k_486539503, false);
- if (!((y_486539504 == null))) {
- add_486539315(ul_486539460, tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("LI"), [y_486539504]));
+ Label1: {
+ var k_570425667 = null;
+ var i_570426595 = 0;
+ var L_570426596 = (x_570425623.kids).length;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426595 < L_570426596)) break Label3;
+ k_570425667 = x_570425623.kids[chckIndx(i_570426595, 0, (x_570425623.kids).length - 1)];
+ var y_570425668 = toHtml_570425622(k_570425667, false);
+ if (!((y_570425668 == null))) {
+ add_570425492(ul_570425641, tree_570425474("LI", [y_570425668]));
- i_486539923 = addInt(i_486539923, 1);
- if (!(((x_486539442.kids).length == L_486539924))) {
- failedAssertImpl_218103864(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(240, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ i_570426595 = addInt(i_570426595, 1);
+ if (!(((x_570425623.kids).length == L_570426596))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- if (!((ul_486539460.childNodes.length == 0))) {
- add_486539315(result_486539444, ul_486539460);
+ };
+ };
+ if (!((ul_570425641.childNodes.length == 0))) {
+ add_570425492(result_570425625, ul_570425641);
- if ((result_486539444.childNodes.length == 0)) {
- result_486539444 = null;
+ if ((result_570425625.childNodes.length == 0)) {
+ result_570425625 = null;
- } while (false);
+ };
- return result_486539444;
+ return result_570425625;
-function replaceById_486539330(id_486539331, newTree_486539332) {
- var x_486539333 = document.getElementById(id_486539331);
- x_486539333.parentNode.replaceChild(newTree_486539332, x_486539333);
- newTree_486539332.id = id_486539331;
+function replaceById_570425502(id_570425503, newTree_570425504) {
+ var x_570425505 = document.getElementById(id_570425503);
+ x_570425505.parentNode.replaceChild(newTree_570425504, x_570425505);
+ newTree_570425504.id = id_570425503;
-function togglevis_486539841(d_486539842) {
- if (d_486539842.style.display == 'none')
- d_486539842.style.display = 'inline';
- else
- d_486539842.style.display = 'none';
+function togglevis_570426052(d_570426053) {
+ if ((d_570426053.style.display == "none")) {
+ d_570426053.style.display = "inline";
+ }
+ else {
+ d_570426053.style.display = "none";
+ }
-function groupBy(value_486539844) {
- var toc_486539845 = document.getElementById("toc-list");
- if ((alternative_486539840[0] == null)) {
- var tt_486539853 = {heading: null, kids: [], sortId: 0, doSort: false};
- toToc_486539578(toc_486539845, tt_486539853);
- tt_486539853 = tt_486539853.kids[chckIndx(0, 0, (tt_486539853.kids).length - 1)];
- var types_486539858 = [[]];
- var procs_486539863 = [[]];
- extractItems_486539398(tt_486539853, "Types", types_486539858, 0);
- extractItems_486539398(tt_486539853, "Procs", procs_486539863, 0);
- extractItems_486539398(tt_486539853, "Converters", procs_486539863, 0);
- extractItems_486539398(tt_486539853, "Methods", procs_486539863, 0);
- extractItems_486539398(tt_486539853, "Templates", procs_486539863, 0);
- extractItems_486539398(tt_486539853, "Macros", procs_486539863, 0);
- extractItems_486539398(tt_486539853, "Iterators", procs_486539863, 0);
- var ntoc_486539864 = buildToc_486539763(tt_486539853, types_486539858[0], procs_486539863[0]);
- var x_486539865 = toHtml_486539441(ntoc_486539864, true);
- alternative_486539840[0] = tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("DIV"), [x_486539865]);
+function groupBy(value_570426055) {
+ var toc_570426056 = document.getElementById("toc-list");
+ if ((alternative_570426051[0] == null)) {
+ var tt_570426064 = {heading: null, kids: [], sortId: 0, doSort: false};
+ toToc_570425755(toc_570426056, tt_570426064);
+ tt_570426064 = tt_570426064.kids[chckIndx(0, 0, (tt_570426064.kids).length - 1)];
+ var types_570426069 = [[]];
+ var procs_570426074 = [[]];
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Types", types_570426069, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Procs", procs_570426074, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Converters", procs_570426074, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Methods", procs_570426074, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Templates", procs_570426074, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Macros", procs_570426074, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Iterators", procs_570426074, 0);
+ var ntoc_570426075 = buildToc_570425994(tt_570426064, types_570426069[0], procs_570426074[0]);
+ var x_570426076 = toHtml_570425622(ntoc_570426075, true);
+ alternative_570426051[0] = tree_570425474("DIV", [x_570426076]);
- if ((value_486539844 == "type")) {
- replaceById_486539330("tocRoot", alternative_486539840[0]);
+ if ((value_570426055 == "type")) {
+ replaceById_570425502("tocRoot", alternative_570426051[0]);
else {
- replaceById_486539330("tocRoot", tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("DIV"), []));
+ replaceById_570425502("tocRoot", tree_570425474("DIV", []));
- togglevis_486539841(document.getElementById("toc-list"));
+ togglevis_570426052(document.getElementById("toc-list"));
-var db_486539926 = [[]];
-var contents_486539927 = [[]];
-var oldtoc_486540074 = [null];
-var timer_486540075 = [null];
-function nsuToLowerAsciiChar(c_654311492) {
- var result_654311493 = 0;
+function HEX5BHEX5D_738198811(s_738198814, x_738198815) {
+ var result_738198816 = [];
+ var a_738198818 = x_738198815.a;
+ var L_738198820 = addInt(subInt(subInt((s_738198814).length, x_738198815.b), a_738198818), 1);
+ result_738198816 = nimCopy(null, mnewString(chckRange(L_738198820, 0, 2147483647)), NTI33554449);
+ Label1: {
+ var i_738198825 = 0;
+ var i_570426605 = 0;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426605 < L_738198820)) break Label3;
+ i_738198825 = i_570426605;
+ result_738198816[chckIndx(i_738198825, 0, (result_738198816).length - 1)] = s_738198814[chckIndx(addInt(i_738198825, a_738198818), 0, (s_738198814).length - 1)];
+ i_570426605 = addInt(i_570426605, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ return result_738198816;
+function HEX2EHEX2E_973078632(a_973078635, b_973078636) {
+ var result_973078639 = ({a: 0, b: 0});
+ result_973078639 = nimCopy(result_973078639, {a: a_973078635, b: b_973078636}, NTI973078613);
+ return result_973078639;
+async function loadIndex_570426270() {
+ var result_570426272 = null;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ var indexURL_570426278 = document.getElementById("indexLink").getAttribute("href");
+ var rootURL_570426304 = HEX5BHEX5D_738198811(cstrToNimstr(indexURL_570426278), HEX2EHEX2E_973078632(0, 14));
+ var resp_570426316 = (await (await fetch(indexURL_570426278)).text());
+ var indexElem_570426317 = document.createElement("div");
+ indexElem_570426317.innerHTML = resp_570426316;
+ Label1: {
+ var href_570426339 = null;
+ var colontmp__570426599 = [];
+ colontmp__570426599 = indexElem_570426317.getElementsByClassName("reference");
+ var i_570426601 = 0;
+ var L_570426602 = (colontmp__570426599).length;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426601 < L_570426602)) break Label3;
+ href_570426339 = colontmp__570426599[chckIndx(i_570426601, 0, (colontmp__570426599).length - 1)];
+ href_570426339.setAttribute("href", toJSStr((rootURL_570426304 || []).concat(cstrToNimstr(href_570426339.getAttribute("href")) || [])));
+ db_570426093[0].push(href_570426339);;
+ contents_570426094[0].push(href_570426339.getAttribute("data-doc-search-tag"));;
+ i_570426601 = addInt(i_570426601, 1);
+ if (!(((colontmp__570426599).length == L_570426602))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ result_570426272 = undefined;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ };
+ return result_570426272;
- if ((ConstSet2[c_654311492] != undefined)) {
- result_654311493 = (c_654311492 ^ 32);
+function then_570426448(future_570426451, onSuccess_570426452, onReject_570426453) {
+ var result_570426454 = null;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ var ret_570426464 = null;
+ ret_570426464 = future_570426451.then(onSuccess_570426452, onReject_570426453)
+ result_570426454 = ret_570426464;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ };
+ return result_570426454;
+function nsuToLowerAsciiChar(c_738197589) {
+ var result_738197590 = 0;
+ if ((ConstSet2[c_738197589] != undefined)) {
+ result_738197590 = (c_738197589 ^ 32);
else {
- result_654311493 = c_654311492;
+ result_738197590 = c_738197589;
- return result_654311493;
+ return result_738197590;
-function fuzzyMatch_637534224(pattern_637534225, str_637534226) {
+function fuzzyMatch_721420304(pattern_721420305, str_721420306) {
var Temporary4;
var Temporary5;
var Temporary6;
var Temporary7;
var Temporary8;
- var result_637534229 = {Field0: 0, Field1: false};
+ var result_721420309 = {Field0: 0, Field1: false};
- var scoreState_637534230 = -100;
- var headerMatched_637534231 = false;
- var unmatchedLeadingCharCount_637534232 = 0;
- var consecutiveMatchCount_637534233 = 0;
- var strIndex_637534234 = 0;
- var patIndex_637534235 = 0;
- var score_637534236 = 0;
- Label1: do {
+ var scoreState_721420310 = (-100);
+ var headerMatched_721420311 = false;
+ var unmatchedLeadingCharCount_721420312 = 0;
+ var consecutiveMatchCount_721420313 = 0;
+ var strIndex_721420314 = 0;
+ var patIndex_721420315 = 0;
+ var score_721420316 = 0;
+ Label1: {
Label2: while (true) {
- if (!((strIndex_637534234 < ((str_637534226) == null ? 0 : (str_637534226).length)) && (patIndex_637534235 < ((pattern_637534225) == null ? 0 : (pattern_637534225).length)))) break Label2;
- Label3: do {
- var patternChar_637534239 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(pattern_637534225.charCodeAt(chckIndx(patIndex_637534235, 0, (pattern_637534225).length - 1)));
- var strChar_637534240 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(str_637534226.charCodeAt(chckIndx(strIndex_637534234, 0, (str_637534226).length - 1)));
- if ((ConstSet3[patternChar_637534239] != undefined)) {
- patIndex_637534235 = addInt(patIndex_637534235, 1);
+ if (!((strIndex_721420314 < ((str_721420306) == null ? 0 : (str_721420306).length)) && (patIndex_721420315 < ((pattern_721420305) == null ? 0 : (pattern_721420305).length)))) break Label2;
+ Label3: {
+ var patternChar_721420319 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(pattern_721420305.charCodeAt(chckIndx(patIndex_721420315, 0, (pattern_721420305).length - 1)));
+ var strChar_721420320 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(strIndex_721420314, 0, (str_721420306).length - 1)));
+ if ((ConstSet3[patternChar_721420319] != undefined)) {
+ patIndex_721420315 = addInt(patIndex_721420315, 1);
break Label3;
- if ((ConstSet4[strChar_637534240] != undefined)) {
- strIndex_637534234 = addInt(strIndex_637534234, 1);
+ if ((ConstSet4[strChar_721420320] != undefined)) {
+ strIndex_721420314 = addInt(strIndex_721420314, 1);
break Label3;
- if ((!(headerMatched_637534231) && (strChar_637534240 == 58))) {
- headerMatched_637534231 = true;
- scoreState_637534230 = -100;
- score_637534236 = ((Math.floor((0.5 * score_637534236))) | 0);
- patIndex_637534235 = 0;
- strIndex_637534234 = addInt(strIndex_637534234, 1);
+ if ((!(headerMatched_721420311) && (strChar_721420320 == 58))) {
+ headerMatched_721420311 = true;
+ scoreState_721420310 = (-100);
+ score_721420316 = ((Math.floor((0.5 * score_721420316))) | 0);
+ patIndex_721420315 = 0;
+ strIndex_721420314 = addInt(strIndex_721420314, 1);
break Label3;
- if ((strChar_637534240 == patternChar_637534239)) {
- switch (scoreState_637534230) {
- case -100:
+ if ((strChar_721420320 == patternChar_721420319)) {
+ switch (scoreState_721420310) {
+ case (-100):
case 20:
- scoreState_637534230 = 10;
+ scoreState_721420310 = 10;
case 0:
- scoreState_637534230 = 5;
- score_637534236 = addInt(score_637534236, scoreState_637534230);
+ scoreState_721420310 = 5;
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
case 10:
case 5:
- consecutiveMatchCount_637534233 = addInt(consecutiveMatchCount_637534233, 1);
- scoreState_637534230 = 5;
- score_637534236 = addInt(score_637534236, mulInt(5, consecutiveMatchCount_637534233));
- if ((scoreState_637534230 == 10)) {
- score_637534236 = addInt(score_637534236, 10);
+ consecutiveMatchCount_721420313 = addInt(consecutiveMatchCount_721420313, 1);
+ scoreState_721420310 = 5;
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, mulInt(5, consecutiveMatchCount_721420313));
+ if ((scoreState_721420310 == 10)) {
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, 10);
- var onBoundary_637534292 = (patIndex_637534235 == ((pattern_637534225) == null ? -1 : (pattern_637534225).length - 1));
- if ((!(onBoundary_637534292) && (strIndex_637534234 < ((str_637534226) == null ? -1 : (str_637534226).length - 1)))) {
- var nextPatternChar_637534293 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(pattern_637534225.charCodeAt(chckIndx(addInt(patIndex_637534235, 1), 0, (pattern_637534225).length - 1)));
- var nextStrChar_637534294 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(str_637534226.charCodeAt(chckIndx(addInt(strIndex_637534234, 1), 0, (str_637534226).length - 1)));
- if (!!((ConstSet5[nextStrChar_637534294] != undefined))) Temporary4 = false; else { Temporary4 = !((nextStrChar_637534294 == nextPatternChar_637534293)); } onBoundary_637534292 = Temporary4;
+ var onBoundary_721420372 = (patIndex_721420315 == ((pattern_721420305) == null ? -1 : (pattern_721420305).length - 1));
+ if ((!(onBoundary_721420372) && (strIndex_721420314 < ((str_721420306) == null ? -1 : (str_721420306).length - 1)))) {
+ var nextPatternChar_721420373 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(pattern_721420305.charCodeAt(chckIndx(addInt(patIndex_721420315, 1), 0, (pattern_721420305).length - 1)));
+ var nextStrChar_721420374 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(addInt(strIndex_721420314, 1), 0, (str_721420306).length - 1)));
+ if (!!((ConstSet5[nextStrChar_721420374] != undefined))) Temporary4 = false; else { Temporary4 = !((nextStrChar_721420374 == nextPatternChar_721420373)); } onBoundary_721420372 = Temporary4;
- if (onBoundary_637534292) {
- scoreState_637534230 = 20;
- score_637534236 = addInt(score_637534236, scoreState_637534230);
+ if (onBoundary_721420372) {
+ scoreState_721420310 = 20;
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
- case -1:
- case -3:
- if (!((ConstSet6[str_637534226.charCodeAt(chckIndx(subInt(strIndex_637534234, 1), 0, (str_637534226).length - 1))] != undefined))) Temporary5 = true; else { if (!(ConstSet7[str_637534226.charCodeAt(chckIndx(subInt(strIndex_637534234, 1), 0, (str_637534226).length - 1))] != undefined)) Temporary6 = false; else { Temporary6 = (ConstSet8[str_637534226.charCodeAt(chckIndx(strIndex_637534234, 0, (str_637534226).length - 1))] != undefined); } Temporary5 = Temporary6; } var isLeadingChar_637534318 = Temporary5;
- if (isLeadingChar_637534318) {
- scoreState_637534230 = 10;
+ case (-1):
+ case (-3):
+ if (!((ConstSet6[str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(subInt(strIndex_721420314, 1), 0, (str_721420306).length - 1))] != undefined))) Temporary5 = true; else { if (!(ConstSet7[str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(subInt(strIndex_721420314, 1), 0, (str_721420306).length - 1))] != undefined)) Temporary6 = false; else { Temporary6 = (ConstSet8[str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(strIndex_721420314, 0, (str_721420306).length - 1))] != undefined); } Temporary5 = Temporary6; } var isLeadingChar_721420398 = Temporary5;
+ if (isLeadingChar_721420398) {
+ scoreState_721420310 = 10;
else {
- scoreState_637534230 = 0;
- score_637534236 = addInt(score_637534236, scoreState_637534230);
+ scoreState_721420310 = 0;
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
- patIndex_637534235 = addInt(patIndex_637534235, 1);
+ patIndex_721420315 = addInt(patIndex_721420315, 1);
else {
- switch (scoreState_637534230) {
- case -100:
- scoreState_637534230 = -3;
- score_637534236 = addInt(score_637534236, scoreState_637534230);
+ switch (scoreState_721420310) {
+ case (-100):
+ scoreState_721420310 = (-3);
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
case 5:
- scoreState_637534230 = -1;
- score_637534236 = addInt(score_637534236, scoreState_637534230);
- consecutiveMatchCount_637534233 = 0;
+ scoreState_721420310 = (-1);
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
+ consecutiveMatchCount_721420313 = 0;
- case -3:
- if ((unmatchedLeadingCharCount_637534232 < 3)) {
- scoreState_637534230 = -3;
- score_637534236 = addInt(score_637534236, scoreState_637534230);
+ case (-3):
+ if ((unmatchedLeadingCharCount_721420312 < 3)) {
+ scoreState_721420310 = (-3);
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
- unmatchedLeadingCharCount_637534232 = addInt(unmatchedLeadingCharCount_637534232, 1);
+ unmatchedLeadingCharCount_721420312 = addInt(unmatchedLeadingCharCount_721420312, 1);
- scoreState_637534230 = -1;
- score_637534236 = addInt(score_637534236, scoreState_637534230);
+ scoreState_721420310 = (-1);
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
- strIndex_637534234 = addInt(strIndex_637534234, 1);
- } while (false);
+ strIndex_721420314 = addInt(strIndex_721420314, 1);
+ };
- } while (false);
- if (!(patIndex_637534235 == ((pattern_637534225) == null ? 0 : (pattern_637534225).length))) Temporary7 = false; else { if ((strIndex_637534234 == ((str_637534226) == null ? 0 : (str_637534226).length))) Temporary8 = true; else { Temporary8 = !((ConstSet9[str_637534226.charCodeAt(chckIndx(strIndex_637534234, 0, (str_637534226).length - 1))] != undefined)); } Temporary7 = Temporary8; } if (Temporary7) {
- score_637534236 = addInt(score_637534236, 10);
+ };
+ if (!(patIndex_721420315 == ((pattern_721420305) == null ? 0 : (pattern_721420305).length))) Temporary7 = false; else { if ((strIndex_721420314 == ((str_721420306) == null ? 0 : (str_721420306).length))) Temporary8 = true; else { Temporary8 = !((ConstSet9[str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(strIndex_721420314, 0, (str_721420306).length - 1))] != undefined)); } Temporary7 = Temporary8; } if (Temporary7) {
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, 10);
- var colontmp__486540135 = nimMax(0, score_637534236);
- var colontmp__486540136 = (0 < score_637534236);
- result_637534229 = nimCopy(result_637534229, {Field0: colontmp__486540135, Field1: colontmp__486540136}, NTI637534222);
+ var colontmp__570426618 = nimMax(0, score_721420316);
+ var colontmp__570426619 = (0 < score_721420316);
+ result_721420309 = nimCopy(result_721420309, {Field0: colontmp__570426618, Field1: colontmp__570426619}, NTI721420302);
- return result_637534229;
+ return result_721420309;
-function escapeCString_486539930(x_486539931, x_486539931_Idx) {
- var s_486539932 = [];
- Label1: do {
- var c_486539933 = 0;
- var iHEX60gensym6_486540139 = 0;
- var nHEX60gensym6_486540140 = ((x_486539931[x_486539931_Idx]) == null ? 0 : (x_486539931[x_486539931_Idx]).length);
- Label2: do {
+function escapeCString_570426095(x_570426096, x_570426096_Idx) {
+ var s_570426097 = [];
+ Label1: {
+ var c_570426098 = 0;
+ var iHEX60gensym6_570426622 = 0;
+ var nHEX60gensym6_570426623 = ((x_570426096[x_570426096_Idx]) == null ? 0 : (x_570426096[x_570426096_Idx]).length);
+ Label2: {
Label3: while (true) {
- if (!(iHEX60gensym6_486540139 < nHEX60gensym6_486540140)) break Label3;
- c_486539933 = x_486539931[x_486539931_Idx].charCodeAt(chckIndx(iHEX60gensym6_486540139, 0, (x_486539931[x_486539931_Idx]).length - 1));
- switch (c_486539933) {
+ if (!(iHEX60gensym6_570426622 < nHEX60gensym6_570426623)) break Label3;
+ c_570426098 = x_570426096[x_570426096_Idx].charCodeAt(chckIndx(iHEX60gensym6_570426622, 0, (x_570426096[x_570426096_Idx]).length - 1));
+ switch (c_570426098) {
case 60:
- s_486539932.push.apply(s_486539932, makeNimstrLit("<"));;
+ s_570426097.push.apply(s_570426097, [38,108,116,59]);;
case 62:
- s_486539932.push.apply(s_486539932, makeNimstrLit(">"));;
+ s_570426097.push.apply(s_570426097, [38,103,116,59]);;
- addChar(s_486539932, c_486539933);;
+ addChar(s_570426097, c_570426098);;
- iHEX60gensym6_486540139 = addInt(iHEX60gensym6_486540139, 1);
+ iHEX60gensym6_570426622 = addInt(iHEX60gensym6_570426622, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- x_486539931[x_486539931_Idx] = toJSStr(s_486539932);
+ };
+ };
+ x_570426096[x_570426096_Idx] = toJSStr(s_570426097);
-function text_486539322(s_486539323) {
- var result_486539324 = null;
- result_486539324 = document.createTextNode(toJSStr(s_486539323));
- return result_486539324;
-function dosearch_486539934(value_486539935) {
+function dosearch_570426099(value_570426100) {
-function HEX3Aanonymous_486539991(a_486539996, b_486539997) {
- var result_486540002 = 0;
+function HEX3Aanonymous_570426127(a_570426132, b_570426133) {
+ var result_570426138 = 0;
- result_486540002 = subInt(b_486539997["Field1"], a_486539996["Field1"]);
+ result_570426138 = subInt(b_570426133["Field1"], a_570426132["Field1"]);
- return result_486540002;
+ return result_570426138;
- var result_486539936 = null;
- if (((db_486539926[0]).length == 0)) {
- var stuff_486539940 = null;
- var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
- request.open("GET", "theindex.html", false);
- request.send(null);
+ var result_570426101 = null;
- var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("theindex");
- doc.documentElement.innerHTML = request.responseText;
- //parser=new DOMParser();
- //doc=parser.parseFromString("", "text/html");
- stuff_486539940 = doc.documentElement;
- db_486539926[0] = nimCopy(null, stuff_486539940.getElementsByClassName("reference"), NTI620757436);
- contents_486539927[0] = nimCopy(null, [], NTI486539822);
- Label1: do {
- var ahref_486539965 = null;
- var i_486540120 = 0;
- var L_486540121 = (db_486539926[0]).length;
- Label2: do {
- Label3: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486540120 < L_486540121)) break Label3;
- ahref_486539965 = db_486539926[0][chckIndx(i_486540120, 0, (db_486539926[0]).length - 1)];
- contents_486539927[0].push(ahref_486539965.getAttribute("data-doc-search-tag"));;
- i_486540120 = addInt(i_486540120, 1);
- if (!(((db_486539926[0]).length == L_486540121))) {
- failedAssertImpl_218103864(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(240, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
- }
- }
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if (((db_570426093[0]).length == 0)) {
+ break BeforeRet;
- var ul_486539970 = tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("UL"), []);
- result_486539936 = tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("DIV"), []);
- setClass_486539319(result_486539936, makeNimstrLit("search_results"));
- var matches_486539975 = [];
- Label4: do {
- var i_486539983 = 0;
- var colontmp__486540125 = 0;
- colontmp__486540125 = (db_486539926[0]).length;
- var i_486540126 = 0;
- Label5: do {
- Label6: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486540126 < colontmp__486540125)) break Label6;
- i_486539983 = i_486540126;
- Label7: do {
- var c_486539984 = contents_486539927[0][chckIndx(i_486539983, 0, (contents_486539927[0]).length - 1)];
- if (((c_486539984 == "Examples") || (c_486539984 == "PEG construction"))) {
- break Label7;
+ var ul_570426105 = tree_570425474("UL", []);
+ result_570426101 = tree_570425474("DIV", []);
+ setClass_570425496(result_570426101, "search_results");
+ var matches_570426110 = [];
+ Label1: {
+ var i_570426118 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426609 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426609 = (db_570426093[0]).length;
+ var i_570426610 = 0;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426610 < colontmp__570426609)) break Label3;
+ i_570426118 = i_570426610;
+ Label4: {
+ var c_570426119 = contents_570426094[0][chckIndx(i_570426118, 0, (contents_570426094[0]).length - 1)];
+ if (((c_570426119 == "Examples") || (c_570426119 == "PEG construction"))) {
+ break Label4;
- var colontmp__486540132 = fuzzyMatch_637534224(value_486539935, c_486539984);
- var score_486539985 = colontmp__486540132["Field0"];
- var matched_486539986 = colontmp__486540132["Field1"];
- if (matched_486539986) {
- matches_486539975.push({Field0: db_486539926[0][chckIndx(i_486539983, 0, (db_486539926[0]).length - 1)], Field1: score_486539985});;
+ var tmpTuple_570426120 = fuzzyMatch_721420304(value_570426100, c_570426119);
+ var score_570426121 = tmpTuple_570426120["Field0"];
+ var matched_570426122 = tmpTuple_570426120["Field1"];
+ if (matched_570426122) {
+ matches_570426110.push({Field0: db_570426093[0][chckIndx(i_570426118, 0, (db_570426093[0]).length - 1)], Field1: score_570426121});;
- } while (false);
- i_486540126 = addInt(i_486540126, 1);
+ };
+ i_570426610 = addInt(i_570426610, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- matches_486539975.sort(HEX3Aanonymous_486539991);
- Label8: do {
- var i_486540019 = 0;
- var colontmp__486540129 = 0;
- colontmp__486540129 = nimMin((matches_486539975).length, 29);
- var i_486540130 = 0;
- Label9: do {
- Label10: while (true) {
- if (!(i_486540130 < colontmp__486540129)) break Label10;
- i_486540019 = i_486540130;
- matches_486539975[chckIndx(i_486540019, 0, (matches_486539975).length - 1)]["Field0"].innerHTML = matches_486539975[chckIndx(i_486540019, 0, (matches_486539975).length - 1)]["Field0"].getAttribute("data-doc-search-tag");
- escapeCString_486539930(matches_486539975[chckIndx(i_486540019, 0, (matches_486539975).length - 1)]["Field0"], "innerHTML");
- add_486539315(ul_486539970, tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("LI"), [matches_486539975[chckIndx(i_486540019, 0, (matches_486539975).length - 1)]["Field0"]]));
- i_486540130 = addInt(i_486540130, 1);
+ };
+ };
+ matches_570426110.sort(HEX3Aanonymous_570426127);
+ Label5: {
+ var i_570426155 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426613 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426613 = nimMin((matches_570426110).length, 29);
+ var i_570426614 = 0;
+ Label6: {
+ Label7: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426614 < colontmp__570426613)) break Label7;
+ i_570426155 = i_570426614;
+ matches_570426110[chckIndx(i_570426155, 0, (matches_570426110).length - 1)]["Field0"].innerHTML = matches_570426110[chckIndx(i_570426155, 0, (matches_570426110).length - 1)]["Field0"].getAttribute("data-doc-search-tag");
+ escapeCString_570426095(matches_570426110[chckIndx(i_570426155, 0, (matches_570426110).length - 1)]["Field0"], "innerHTML");
+ add_570425492(ul_570426105, tree_570425474("LI", [matches_570426110[chckIndx(i_570426155, 0, (matches_570426110).length - 1)]["Field0"]]));
+ i_570426614 = addInt(i_570426614, 1);
- } while (false);
- } while (false);
- if ((ul_486539970.childNodes.length == 0)) {
- add_486539315(result_486539936, tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("B"), [text_486539322(makeNimstrLit("no search results"))]));
+ };
+ };
+ if ((ul_570426105.childNodes.length == 0)) {
+ add_570425492(result_570426101, tree_570425474("B", [text_570425499("no search results")]));
else {
- add_486539315(result_486539936, tree_486539271(makeNimstrLit("B"), [text_486539322(makeNimstrLit("search results"))]));
- add_486539315(result_486539936, ul_486539970);
+ add_570425492(result_570426101, tree_570425474("B", [text_570425499("search results")]));
+ add_570425492(result_570426101, ul_570426105);
+ };
- return result_486539936;
+ return result_570426101;
function search() {
-function wrapper_486540086() {
- var elem_486540087 = document.getElementById("searchInput");
- var value_486540088 = elem_486540087.value;
- if (!((((value_486540088) == null ? 0 : (value_486540088).length) == 0))) {
- if ((oldtoc_486540074[0] == null)) {
- oldtoc_486540074[0] = document.getElementById("tocRoot");
+function wrapper_570426433() {
+ var elem_570426434 = document.getElementById("searchInput");
+ var value_570426435 = elem_570426434.value;
+ if (!((((value_570426435) == null ? 0 : (value_570426435).length) == 0))) {
+ if ((oldtoc_570426428[0] == null)) {
+ oldtoc_570426428[0] = document.getElementById("tocRoot");
- var results_486540092 = dosearch_486539934(value_486540088);
- replaceById_486539330("tocRoot", results_486540092);
+ var results_570426439 = dosearch_570426099(value_570426435);
+ replaceById_570425502("tocRoot", results_570426439);
else {
- if (!((oldtoc_486540074[0] == null))) {
- replaceById_486539330("tocRoot", oldtoc_486540074[0]);
+ if (!((oldtoc_570426428[0] == null))) {
+ replaceById_570425502("tocRoot", oldtoc_570426428[0]);
- if (!((timer_486540075[0] == null))) {
- clearTimeout(timer_486540075[0]);
+ if ((loadIndexFut_570426431[0] == null)) {
+ loadIndexFut_570426431[0] = loadIndex_570426270();
+ var _ = then_570426448(loadIndexFut_570426431[0], wrapper_570426433, null);
- timer_486540075[0] = setTimeout(wrapper_486540086, 400);
+ if (!((timer_570426429[0] == null))) {
+ clearTimeout(timer_570426429[0]);
+ }
+ timer_570426429[0] = setTimeout(wrapper_570426433, 400);
+function copyToClipboard() {
+ function updatePreTags() {
+ const allPreTags = document.querySelectorAll("pre")
+ allPreTags.forEach((e) => {
+ const div = document.createElement("div")
+ div.classList.add("copyToClipBoard")
+ const preTag = document.createElement("pre")
+ preTag.innerHTML = e.innerHTML
+ const button = document.createElement("button")
+ button.value = e.textContent.replace('...', '')
+ button.classList.add("copyToClipBoardBtn")
+ button.style.cursor = "pointer"
+ div.appendChild(preTag)
+ div.appendChild(button)
+ e.outerHTML = div.outerHTML
+ })
+ }
+ function copyTextToClipboard(e) {
+ const clipBoardContent = e.target.value
+ navigator.clipboard.writeText(clipBoardContent).then(function() {
+ e.target.style.setProperty("--clipboard-image", "var(--clipboard-image-selected)")
+ }, function(err) {
+ console.error("Could not copy text: ", err);
+ });
+ }
+ window.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ if (e.target.classList.contains("copyToClipBoardBtn")) {
+ copyTextToClipboard(e)
+ }
+ })
+ window.addEventListener("mouseover", (e) => {
+ if (e.target.nodeName === "PRE") {
+ e.target.nextElementSibling.style.setProperty("--clipboard-image", "var(--clipboard-image-normal)")
+ }
+ })
+ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", updatePreTags)
+var Temporary1;
+var t_570425383 = window.localStorage.getItem("theme");
+if ((t_570425383 == null)) {
+Temporary1 = "auto";
+else {
+Temporary1 = t_570425383;
+var alternative_570426051 = [null];
+var db_570426093 = [[]];
+var contents_570426094 = [[]];
+var oldtoc_570426428 = [null];
+var timer_570426429 = [null];
+var loadIndexFut_570426431 = [null];
+window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMLoaded, false);
diff --git a/latest/glob.html b/latest/glob.html
index 4271822..13d5485 100644
--- a/latest/glob.html
+++ b/latest/glob.html
@@ -1,76 +1,27 @@
@@ -101,7 +52,7 @@
@@ -290,35 +227,36 @@
+ glob/regexer
FilterDescend = ( path : string ) -> bool
-A predicate controlling whether or not to recurse into a directory when iterating with a recursive glob pattern. Returning true will allow recursion, while returning false will prevent it.
FilterDescend = ( path : string ) -> bool
+ A predicate controlling whether or not to recurse into a directory when iterating with a recursive glob pattern. Returning true will allow recursion, while returning false will prevent it.
path can either be relative or absolute, which depends on GlobOption.Absolute being present in the iterator's options.
FilterYield = ( path : string , kind : PathComponent ) -> bool
-A predicate controlling whether or not to yield a filesystem item. Paths for which this predicate returns false will not be yielded.
+ FilterYield = ( path : string , kind : PathComponent ) -> bool
+ A predicate controlling whether or not to yield a filesystem item. Paths for which this predicate returns false will not be yielded.
path can either be relative or absolute, which depends on GlobOption.Absolute being present in the iterator's options. kind is an os.PathComponent .
Glob = object
+ Glob = object
pattern * : string
regexStr * : string
regex * : Regex
@@ -327,27 +265,27 @@
GlobEntry = tuple [ path : string , kind : PathComponent ]
-Represents a filesystem entity matched by a glob pattern, containing the item's path and its kind as an os.PathComponent .
GlobEntry = tuple [ path : string , kind : PathComponent ]
+ Represents a filesystem entity matched by a glob pattern, containing the item's path and its kind as an os.PathComponent .
GlobOption {.pure .} = enum
+ GlobOption {.pure .} = enum
Absolute , IgnoreCase , NoExpandDirs , FollowLinks ,
Hidden , Files , Directories , FileLinks , DirLinks
-Flags that control the behavior or results of the file system iterators. See defaultGlobOptions for some usage & examples.flag meaning
+ Flags that control the behavior or results of the file system iterators. See defaultGlobOptions for some usage & examples.flag meaning
GlobOption.Absolute yield paths as absolute rather than relative to root
GlobOption.IgnoreCase matching will ignore case differences
GlobOption.NoExpandDirs if pattern is a directory don't treat it as <dir>/**/*
@@ -358,98 +296,111 @@
GlobOption.FileLinks yield links to files
GlobOption.FollowLinks recurse into directories through links
GlobOptions = set [ GlobOption ]
-The set type containing flags for controlling glob behavior.var options : GlobOptions = { }
+ GlobOptions = set [ GlobOption ]
+ The set type containing flags for controlling glob behavior.var options : GlobOptions = { }
if someCondition : options += GlobOption . Absolute
PatternStems = tuple [ base : string , magic : string ]
-The type returned by splitPattern where base contains the leading non-magic path components and magic contains any path segments containing or following special glob characters.
PatternStems = tuple [ base : string , magic : string ]
+ The type returned by splitPattern where base contains the leading non-magic path components and magic contains any path segments containing or following special glob characters.
defaultGlobOptions = { GlobOption.Files , GlobOption.FileLinks ,
defaultGlobOptions = { GlobOption.Files , GlobOption.FileLinks ,
GlobOption.DirLinks }
-The default options used when none are provided. If a new set is provided it overrides the defaults entirely, so in order to partially modify the default options you can use Nim's set union and intersection operators:const optsNoFiles = defaultGlobOptions - { Files }
+ The default options used when none are provided. If a new set is provided it overrides the defaults entirely, so in order to partially modify the default options you can use Nim's set union and intersection operators:const optsNoFiles = defaultGlobOptions - { Files }
const optsHiddenNoLinks = defaultGlobOptions + { Hidden } - { FileLinks , DirLinks } On case-insensitive filesystems (like Windows), this also includes GlobOption.IgnoreCase .
func glob ( pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ; ignoreCase = isDosDefault ) : Glob {.
- ... raises : [ GlobSyntaxError , RegexError ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] .}
-Constructs a new Glob object from the given pattern .
func glob ( pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ; ignoreCase = isDosDefault ) : Glob {.
+ ... raises : [ GlobSyntaxError , RegexError ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Constructs a new Glob object from the given pattern .
func globToRegex ( pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ;
func globToRegex ( pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ;
ignoreCase = isDosDefault ) : Regex {.
- ... raises : [ RegexError , GlobSyntaxError ] , tags : [ ] .}
-Converts a string glob pattern to a regex pattern.
... raises : [ RegexError , GlobSyntaxError ] , tags : [ ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Converts a string glob pattern to a regex pattern.
func hasMagic ( str : string ) : bool {.... raises : [ ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] .}
-Returns true if the given string is glob-like, ie. if it contains any of the special characters * , ? , [ , { or an extglob which is one of the characters ? , ! , @ , + , or * followed by ( .
func hasMagic ( str : string ) : bool {.... raises : [ ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Returns true if the given string is glob-like, ie. if it contains any of the special characters * , ? , [ , { or an extglob which is one of the characters ? , ! , @ , + , or * followed by ( .
doAssert ( "*.nim" . hasMagic )
doAssert ( "profile_picture.{png,jpg}" . hasMagic )
doAssert ( not "literal_match.html" . hasMagic )
func matches ( input , pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ;
func matches ( input , pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ;
ignoreCase = isDosDefault ) : bool {.
- ... raises : [ RegexError , GlobSyntaxError ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] .}
-Check that input matches the given pattern and return true if it does. Shortcut for matches(input, glob(pattern, isDos, ignoreCase)) .
+ ... raises : [ RegexError , GlobSyntaxError ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Check that input matches the given pattern and return true if it does. Shortcut for matches(input, glob(pattern, isDos, ignoreCase)) .
when defined posix :
doAssert "src/dir/foo.nim" . matches ( "src/**/*.nim" )
elif defined windows :
doAssert r"src\dir\foo.nim" . matches ( "src/**/*.nim" )
func matches ( input : string ; glob : Glob ) : bool {.... raises : [ ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] .}
-Returns true if input is a match for the given glob object.
+ func matches ( input : string ; glob : Glob ) : bool {.... raises : [ ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] ,
+ forbids : [ ] .}
+ Returns true if input is a match for the given glob object.
const matcher = glob ( "src/**/*.nim" )
const matcher2 = glob ( "bar//src//**/*.nim" )
@@ -461,36 +412,43 @@
elif defined windows :
doAssert ( r"src\dir\foo.nim" . matches ( matcher ) )
doAssert ( not "src/dir/foo.nim" . matches ( matcher ) )
func splitPattern ( pattern : string ) : PatternStems {.... raises : [ ] ,
- tags : [ RootEffect ] .}
-Splits the given pattern into two parts: the base which is the part containing no special glob characters and the magic which includes any path segments containing or following special glob characters.
func splitPattern ( pattern : string ) : PatternStems {.... raises : [ ] ,
+ tags : [ RootEffect ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Splits the given pattern into two parts: the base which is the part containing no special glob characters and the magic which includes any path segments containing or following special glob characters.
When pattern is not glob-like, ie. pattern.hasMagic == false , it will be considered a literal matcher and the entire pattern will be returned as magic , while base will be the empty string "" .
doAssert "root_dir/inner/**/*.{jpg,gif}" . splitPattern == ( "root_dir/inner" , "**/*.{jpg,gif}" )
doAssert "this/is-a/literal-match.txt" . splitPattern == ( "" , "this/is-a/literal-match.txt" )
iterator walkGlob ( pattern : string | Glob ; root = "" ;
iterator walkGlob ( pattern : string | Glob ; root = "" ;
options = defaultGlobOptions ;
filterDescend : FilterDescend = nil ;
filterYield : FilterYield = nil ) : string
-Iterates over all the paths within the scope of the given glob pattern , yielding all those that match. root defaults to the current working directory (by using os.getCurrentDir ).
+ Iterates over all the paths within the scope of the given glob pattern , yielding all those that match. root defaults to the current working directory (by using os.getCurrentDir ).
See GlobOption for the flags available to alter iteration behavior and output.
@@ -503,17 +461,20 @@
iterator walkGlobKinds ( pattern : string | Glob ; root = "" ;
iterator walkGlobKinds ( pattern : string | Glob ; root = "" ;
options = defaultGlobOptions ;
filterDescend : FilterDescend = nil ;
filterYield : FilterYield = nil ) : GlobEntry
-Equivalent to walkGlob but yields a GlobEntry which contains the path as well as the kind of the item.
+ Equivalent to walkGlob but yields a GlobEntry which contains the path as well as the kind of the item.
for path , kind in walkGlobKinds ( "src/*.nim" ) :
doAssert ( path is string and kind is PathComponent )
@@ -522,29 +483,34 @@
const optsHiddenNoLinks = defaultGlobOptions + { Hidden } - { FileLinks , DirLinks }
for path , kind in walkGlobKinds ( "src/**/*" , options = optsHiddenNoLinks ) :
doAssert ( kind notin { pcLinkToFile , pcLinkToDir } )
+ GlobSyntaxError , globToRegexString
- Made with Nim. Generated: 2022-10-14 21:19:14 UTC
+ Made with Nim. Generated: 2024-01-30 22:21:50 UTC
diff --git a/latest/glob.idx b/latest/glob.idx
index cd1a3a8..d6da642 100644
--- a/latest/glob.idx
+++ b/latest/glob.idx
@@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
-Glob glob.html#Glob glob: Glob
-GlobEntry glob.html#GlobEntry glob: GlobEntry
-PatternStems glob.html#PatternStems glob: PatternStems
-GlobOption glob.html#GlobOption glob: GlobOption
-GlobOptions glob.html#GlobOptions glob: GlobOptions
-FilterDescend glob.html#FilterDescend glob: FilterDescend
-FilterYield glob.html#FilterYield glob: FilterYield
-defaultGlobOptions glob.html#defaultGlobOptions glob: defaultGlobOptions
-hasMagic glob.html#hasMagic,string glob: hasMagic(str: string): bool
-globToRegex glob.html#globToRegex,string glob: globToRegex(pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault; ignoreCase = isDosDefault): Regex
-splitPattern glob.html#splitPattern,string glob: splitPattern(pattern: string): PatternStems
-glob glob.html#glob,string glob: glob(pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault; ignoreCase = isDosDefault): Glob
-matches glob.html#matches,string,Glob glob: matches(input: string; glob: Glob): bool
-matches glob.html#matches,string,string glob: matches(input, pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault; ignoreCase = isDosDefault): bool
-walkGlobKinds glob.html#walkGlobKinds.i,,string,FilterDescend,FilterYield glob: walkGlobKinds(pattern: string | Glob; root = ""; options = defaultGlobOptions;\n filterDescend: FilterDescend = nil; filterYield: FilterYield = nil): GlobEntry
-walkGlob glob.html#walkGlob.i,,string,FilterDescend,FilterYield glob: walkGlob(pattern: string | Glob; root = ""; options = defaultGlobOptions;\n filterDescend: FilterDescend = nil; filterYield: FilterYield = nil): string
-Syntax glob.html#syntax Syntax
-Character classes glob.html#syntax-character-classes Character classes
-Matching special characters glob.html#character-classes-matching-special-characters Matching special characters
-POSIX classes glob.html#character-classes-posix-classes POSIX classes
-Extended pattern matching glob.html#syntax-extended-pattern-matching Extended pattern matching
-Examples glob.html#examples Examples
-Roadmap glob.html#roadmap Roadmap
+nimTitle glob glob.html module src/glob 0
+nim Glob glob.html#Glob object Glob 152
+nim GlobEntry glob.html#GlobEntry tuple GlobEntry 162
+nim PatternStems glob.html#PatternStems tuple PatternStems 167
+nim GlobOption glob.html#GlobOption enum GlobOption 174
+nim GlobOptions glob.html#GlobOptions type GlobOptions 194
+nim FilterDescend glob.html#FilterDescend type FilterDescend 201
+nim FilterYield glob.html#FilterYield type FilterYield 209
+nim defaultGlobOptions glob.html#defaultGlobOptions const defaultGlobOptions 218
+nim hasMagic glob.html#hasMagic,string proc hasMagic(str: string): bool 234
+nim globToRegex glob.html#globToRegex,string proc globToRegex(pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault; ignoreCase = isDosDefault): Regex 337
+nim splitPattern glob.html#splitPattern,string proc splitPattern(pattern: string): PatternStems 341
+nim glob glob.html#glob,string proc glob(pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault; ignoreCase = isDosDefault): Glob 364
+nim matches glob.html#matches,string,Glob proc matches(input: string; glob: Glob): bool 379
+nim matches glob.html#matches,string,string proc matches(input, pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault; ignoreCase = isDosDefault): bool 397
+nim walkGlobKinds glob.html#walkGlobKinds.i,,string,FilterDescend,FilterYield iterator walkGlobKinds(pattern: string | Glob; root = ""; options = defaultGlobOptions;\n filterDescend: FilterDescend = nil; filterYield: FilterYield = nil): GlobEntry 450
+nim walkGlob glob.html#walkGlob.i,,string,FilterDescend,FilterYield iterator walkGlob(pattern: string | Glob; root = ""; options = defaultGlobOptions;\n filterDescend: FilterDescend = nil; filterYield: FilterYield = nil): string 564
+nimgrp matches glob.html#matches-procs-all proc 379
+heading Syntax glob.html#syntax Syntax 0
+heading Character classes glob.html#syntax-character-classes Character classes 0
+heading Matching special characters glob.html#character-classes-matching-special-characters Matching special characters 0
+heading POSIX classes glob.html#character-classes-posix-classes POSIX classes 0
+heading Extended pattern matching glob.html#syntax-extended-pattern-matching Extended pattern matching 0
+heading Examples glob.html#examples Examples 0
+heading Roadmap glob.html#roadmap Roadmap 0
diff --git a/latest/glob/regexer.html b/latest/glob/regexer.html
index 4184feb..efd52ba 100644
--- a/latest/glob/regexer.html
+++ b/latest/glob/regexer.html
@@ -1,76 +1,27 @@
@@ -101,26 +52,28 @@
@@ -132,47 +85,53 @@
This module provides the backend for glob pattern parsing and the compilation to regular expressions. While it's re-exported from the main module and importing it separately isn't necessary, it could be imported independently of the main glob package.
GlobSyntaxError = object of CatchableError
GlobSyntaxError = object of CatchableError
-Raised if the parsing of a glob pattern fails.
+ Raised if the parsing of a glob pattern fails.
proc globToRegexString ( pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ;
proc globToRegexString ( pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ;
ignoreCase = isDosDefault ) : string {.
- ... raises : [ GlobSyntaxError ] , tags : [ ] .}
-Parses the given pattern glob string and returns a regex string. Syntactic errors will cause a GlobSyntaxError to be raised.
+ ... raises : [ GlobSyntaxError ] , tags : [ ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Parses the given pattern glob string and returns a regex string. Syntactic errors will cause a GlobSyntaxError to be raised.
- Made with Nim. Generated: 2022-10-14 21:19:11 UTC
+ Made with Nim. Generated: 2024-01-30 22:21:44 UTC
diff --git a/latest/glob/regexer.idx b/latest/glob/regexer.idx
index 7cfad5f..b5c70a4 100644
--- a/latest/glob/regexer.idx
+++ b/latest/glob/regexer.idx
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-GlobSyntaxError glob/regexer.html#GlobSyntaxError regexer: GlobSyntaxError
-globToRegexString glob/regexer.html#globToRegexString,string regexer: globToRegexString(pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault;\n ignoreCase = isDosDefault): string
+nimTitle regexer glob/regexer.html module src/glob/regexer 0
+nim GlobSyntaxError glob/regexer.html#GlobSyntaxError object GlobSyntaxError 10
+nim globToRegexString glob/regexer.html#globToRegexString,string proc globToRegexString(pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault;\n ignoreCase = isDosDefault): string 46
diff --git a/latest/nimdoc.out.css b/latest/nimdoc.out.css
index 4abea9c..1417d9e 100644
--- a/latest/nimdoc.out.css
+++ b/latest/nimdoc.out.css
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text-decoration: none;
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font-weight: 500;
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+ color: var(--error-background);
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display: block;
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div#global-links ul {
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hr.docutils {
width: 75%; }
@@ -941,8 +956,7 @@ span.Directive {
span.option {
font-weight: bold;
font-family: "Source Code Pro", Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace;
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+ color: var(--option); }
span.Prompt {
font-weight: bold;
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text-decoration: underline;
text-decoration-color: var(--hint);
text-decoration-thickness: 0.05em;
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+ text-underline-offset: 0.15em; }
-span.Command, span.Rule, span.Hyperlink, span.Label, span.Reference,
-span.Other {
+span.Command, span.Rule, span.Hyperlink,
+span.Label, span.Reference, span.Other {
color: var(--other); }
/* Pop type, const, proc, and iterator defs in nim def blocks */
@@ -1000,17 +1013,14 @@ span.pragmadots {
border-radius: 4px;
margin: 0 2px;
cursor: pointer;
- font-size: 0.8em;
+ font-size: 0.8em; }
span.pragmadots:hover {
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+ background-color: var(--hint); }
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display: none;
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diff --git a/latest/theindex.html b/latest/theindex.html
index 4edceb9..12bd6cb 100644
--- a/latest/theindex.html
+++ b/latest/theindex.html
@@ -1,162 +1,114 @@
- Modules:
glob ,
glob/regexer .
API symbols
diff --git a/v0.11.3/dochack.js b/v0.11.3/dochack.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4db4366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v0.11.3/dochack.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1609 @@
+/* Generated by the Nim Compiler v2.0.2 */
+var framePtr = null;
+var excHandler = 0;
+var lastJSError = null;
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+var NTI134217749 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
+var NTI134217751 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
+var NTI33555173 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
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+var NTI33555178 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
+var NTI134217741 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
+var NTI134217743 = {size: 0, kind: 17, base: null, node: null, finalizer: null};
+var NNI134217743 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI134217743.node = NNI134217743;
+var NNI134217741 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI134217741.node = NNI134217741;
+var NNI33555178 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI33555178.node = NNI33555178;
+NTI33555180.base = NTI33555177;
+NTI33555181.base = NTI33555177;
+var NNI33555177 = {kind: 2, len: 5, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: [{kind: 1, offset: "parent", len: 0, typ: NTI33555180, name: "parent", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "name", len: 0, typ: NTI33554450, name: "name", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "message", len: 0, typ: NTI33554449, name: "msg", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "trace", len: 0, typ: NTI33554449, name: "trace", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "up", len: 0, typ: NTI33555181, name: "up", sons: null}]};
+NTI33555177.node = NNI33555177;
+var NNI33555173 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI33555173.node = NNI33555173;
+NTI33555177.base = NTI33555173;
+NTI33555178.base = NTI33555177;
+NTI134217741.base = NTI33555178;
+NTI134217743.base = NTI134217741;
+var NNI134217751 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI134217751.node = NNI134217751;
+NTI134217751.base = NTI33555178;
+var NNI134217749 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI134217749.node = NNI134217749;
+NTI134217749.base = NTI33555178;
+var NNI134217745 = {kind: 2, len: 0, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: []};
+NTI134217745.node = NNI134217745;
+NTI134217745.base = NTI33555178;
+var NNI973078613 = {kind: 2, len: 2, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: [{kind: 1, offset: "a", len: 0, typ: NTI973078607, name: "a", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "b", len: 0, typ: NTI33554435, name: "b", sons: null}]};
+NTI973078613.node = NNI973078613;
+var NNI721420302 = {kind: 2, len: 2, offset: 0, typ: null, name: null, sons: [{kind: 1, offset: "Field0", len: 0, typ: NTI33554435, name: "Field0", sons: null},
+{kind: 1, offset: "Field1", len: 0, typ: NTI33554466, name: "Field1", sons: null}]};
+NTI721420302.node = NNI721420302;
+function mnewString(len_33557003) {
+ var result = new Array(len_33557003);
+ for (var i = 0; i < len_33557003; i++) {result[i] = 0;}
+ return result;
+function toJSStr(s_33556901) {
+ var result_33556902 = null;
+ var res_33556943 = newSeq_33556919((s_33556901).length);
+ var i_33556944 = 0;
+ var j_33556945 = 0;
+ Label1: {
+ Label2: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_33556944 < (s_33556901).length)) break Label2;
+ var c_33556946 = s_33556901[i_33556944];
+ if ((c_33556946 < 128)) {
+ res_33556943[j_33556945] = String.fromCharCode(c_33556946);
+ i_33556944 += 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ var helper_33556959 = newSeq_33556919(0);
+ Label3: {
+ Label4: while (true) {
+ if (!true) break Label4;
+ var code_33556960 = c_33556946.toString(16);
+ if ((((code_33556960) == null ? 0 : (code_33556960).length) == 1)) {
+ helper_33556959.push("%0");;
+ }
+ else {
+ helper_33556959.push("%");;
+ }
+ helper_33556959.push(code_33556960);;
+ i_33556944 += 1;
+ if ((((s_33556901).length <= i_33556944) || (s_33556901[i_33556944] < 128))) {
+ break Label3;
+ }
+ c_33556946 = s_33556901[i_33556944];
+ }
+ };
+ try {
+ res_33556943[j_33556945] = decodeURIComponent(helper_33556959.join(""));
+} catch (EXCEPTION) {
+ var prevJSError = lastJSError;
+ lastJSError = EXCEPTION;
+ --excHandler;
+ res_33556943[j_33556945] = helper_33556959.join("");
+ lastJSError = prevJSError;
+ } finally {
+ }
+ }
+ j_33556945 += 1;
+ }
+ };
+ if (res_33556943.length < j_33556945) { for (var i = res_33556943.length ; i < j_33556945 ; ++i) res_33556943.push(null); }
+ else { res_33556943.length = j_33556945; };
+ result_33556902 = res_33556943.join("");
+ return result_33556902;
+function raiseException(e_33556653, ename_33556654) {
+ e_33556653.name = ename_33556654;
+ if ((excHandler == 0)) {
+ unhandledException(e_33556653);
+ }
+ throw e_33556653;
+function addInt(a_33557050, b_33557051) {
+ var result = a_33557050 + b_33557051;
+ checkOverflowInt(result);
+ return result;
+function chckRange(i_33557324, a_33557325, b_33557326) {
+ var result_33557327 = 0;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if (((a_33557325 <= i_33557324) && (i_33557324 <= b_33557326))) {
+ result_33557327 = i_33557324;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ else {
+ raiseRangeError();
+ }
+ };
+ return result_33557327;
+function setConstr() {
+ var result = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
+ var x = arguments[i];
+ if (typeof(x) == "object") {
+ for (var j = x[0]; j <= x[1]; ++j) {
+ result[j] = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ result[x] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+var ConstSet1 = setConstr(17, 16, 4, 18, 27, 19, 23, 22, 21);
+function nimCopy(dest_33557268, src_33557269, ti_33557270) {
+ var result_33557279 = null;
+ switch (ti_33557270.kind) {
+ case 21:
+ case 22:
+ case 23:
+ case 5:
+ if (!(isFatPointer_33557259(ti_33557270))) {
+ result_33557279 = src_33557269;
+ }
+ else {
+ result_33557279 = [src_33557269[0], src_33557269[1]];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ if (dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined) {
+ dest_33557268 = {};
+ }
+ else {
+ for (var key in dest_33557268) { delete dest_33557268[key]; }
+ }
+ for (var key in src_33557269) { dest_33557268[key] = src_33557269[key]; }
+ result_33557279 = dest_33557268;
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ case 17:
+ if (!((ti_33557270.base == null))) {
+ result_33557279 = nimCopy(dest_33557268, src_33557269, ti_33557270.base);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((ti_33557270.kind == 17)) {
+ result_33557279 = (dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined) ? {m_type: ti_33557270} : dest_33557268;
+ }
+ else {
+ result_33557279 = (dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined) ? {} : dest_33557268;
+ }
+ }
+ nimCopyAux(result_33557279, src_33557269, ti_33557270.node);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ case 16:
+ if(ArrayBuffer.isView(src_33557269)) {
+ if(dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined || dest_33557268.length != src_33557269.length) {
+ dest_33557268 = new src_33557269.constructor(src_33557269);
+ } else {
+ dest_33557268.set(src_33557269, 0);
+ }
+ result_33557279 = dest_33557268;
+ } else {
+ if (src_33557269 === null) {
+ result_33557279 = null;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined || dest_33557268.length != src_33557269.length) {
+ dest_33557268 = new Array(src_33557269.length);
+ }
+ result_33557279 = dest_33557268;
+ for (var i = 0; i < src_33557269.length; ++i) {
+ result_33557279[i] = nimCopy(result_33557279[i], src_33557269[i], ti_33557270.base);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ case 27:
+ if (src_33557269 === null) {
+ result_33557279 = null;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dest_33557268 === null || dest_33557268 === undefined || dest_33557268.length != src_33557269.length) {
+ dest_33557268 = new Array(src_33557269.length);
+ }
+ result_33557279 = dest_33557268;
+ for (var i = 0; i < src_33557269.length; ++i) {
+ result_33557279[i] = nimCopy(result_33557279[i], src_33557269[i], ti_33557270.base);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ if (src_33557269 !== null) {
+ result_33557279 = src_33557269.slice(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ result_33557279 = src_33557269;
+ break;
+ }
+ return result_33557279;
+function chckIndx(i_33557319, a_33557320, b_33557321) {
+ var result_33557322 = 0;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if (((a_33557320 <= i_33557319) && (i_33557319 <= b_33557321))) {
+ result_33557322 = i_33557319;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ else {
+ raiseIndexError(i_33557319, a_33557320, b_33557321);
+ }
+ };
+ return result_33557322;
+function makeNimstrLit(c_33556895) {
+ var result = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < c_33556895.length; ++i) {
+ result[i] = c_33556895.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ return result;
+function subInt(a_33557054, b_33557055) {
+ var result = a_33557054 - b_33557055;
+ checkOverflowInt(result);
+ return result;
+function cstrToNimstr(c_33556898) {
+ var ln = c_33556898.length;
+ var result = new Array(ln);
+ var r = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ln; ++i) {
+ var ch = c_33556898.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (ch < 128) {
+ result[r] = ch;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ch < 2048) {
+ result[r] = (ch >> 6) | 192;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ch < 55296 || ch >= 57344) {
+ result[r] = (ch >> 12) | 224;
+ }
+ else {
+ ++i;
+ ch = 65536 + (((ch & 1023) << 10) | (c_33556898.charCodeAt(i) & 1023));
+ result[r] = (ch >> 18) | 240;
+ ++r;
+ result[r] = ((ch >> 12) & 63) | 128;
+ }
+ ++r;
+ result[r] = ((ch >> 6) & 63) | 128;
+ }
+ ++r;
+ result[r] = (ch & 63) | 128;
+ }
+ ++r;
+ }
+ return result;
+var ConstSet2 = setConstr([65, 90]);
+var ConstSet3 = setConstr(95, 32, 46);
+var ConstSet4 = setConstr(95, 32, 46);
+function mulInt(a_33557058, b_33557059) {
+ var result = a_33557058 * b_33557059;
+ checkOverflowInt(result);
+ return result;
+var ConstSet5 = setConstr([97, 122]);
+var ConstSet6 = setConstr([65, 90], [97, 122]);
+var ConstSet7 = setConstr([97, 122]);
+var ConstSet8 = setConstr([65, 90]);
+var ConstSet9 = setConstr([65, 90], [97, 122]);
+function nimMax(a_33557108, b_33557109) {
+ var Temporary1;
+ var result_33557110 = 0;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((b_33557109 <= a_33557108)) {
+ Temporary1 = a_33557108;
+ }
+ else {
+ Temporary1 = b_33557109;
+ }
+ result_33557110 = Temporary1;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ };
+ return result_33557110;
+function nimMin(a_33557104, b_33557105) {
+ var Temporary1;
+ var result_33557106 = 0;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((a_33557104 <= b_33557105)) {
+ Temporary1 = a_33557104;
+ }
+ else {
+ Temporary1 = b_33557105;
+ }
+ result_33557106 = Temporary1;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ };
+ return result_33557106;
+function addChar(x_33557415, c_33557416) {
+ x_33557415.push(c_33557416);
+var objectID_1207959729 = [0];
+function setTheme(theme_570425350) {
+ document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", theme_570425350);
+ window.localStorage.setItem("theme", theme_570425350);
+function add_33556373(x_33556374, x_33556374_Idx, y_33556375) {
+ if (x_33556374[x_33556374_Idx] === null) { x_33556374[x_33556374_Idx] = []; }
+ var off = x_33556374[x_33556374_Idx].length;
+ x_33556374[x_33556374_Idx].length += y_33556375.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < y_33556375.length; ++i) {
+ x_33556374[x_33556374_Idx][off+i] = y_33556375.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+function newSeq_33556919(len_33556921) {
+ var result_33556922 = [];
+ result_33556922 = new Array(len_33556921); for (var i = 0 ; i < len_33556921 ; ++i) { result_33556922[i] = null; }
+ return result_33556922;
+function unhandledException(e_33556649) {
+ var buf_33556650 = [[]];
+ if (!(((e_33556649.message).length == 0))) {
+ buf_33556650[0].push.apply(buf_33556650[0], [69,114,114,111,114,58,32,117,110,104,97,110,100,108,101,100,32,101,120,99,101,112,116,105,111,110,58,32]);;
+ buf_33556650[0].push.apply(buf_33556650[0], e_33556649.message);;
+ }
+ else {
+ buf_33556650[0].push.apply(buf_33556650[0], [69,114,114,111,114,58,32,117,110,104,97,110,100,108,101,100,32,101,120,99,101,112,116,105,111,110]);;
+ }
+ buf_33556650[0].push.apply(buf_33556650[0], [32,91]);;
+ add_33556373(buf_33556650, 0, e_33556649.name);
+ buf_33556650[0].push.apply(buf_33556650[0], [93,10]);;
+ var cbuf_33556651 = toJSStr(buf_33556650[0]);
+ if (typeof(Error) !== "undefined") {
+ throw new Error(cbuf_33556651);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw cbuf_33556651;
+ }
+function raiseOverflow() {
+ raiseException({message: [111,118,101,114,45,32,111,114,32,117,110,100,101,114,102,108,111,119], parent: null, m_type: NTI134217743, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "OverflowDefect");
+function checkOverflowInt(a_33557048) {
+ if (a_33557048 > 2147483647 || a_33557048 < -2147483648) raiseOverflow();
+function raiseRangeError() {
+ raiseException({message: [118,97,108,117,101,32,111,117,116,32,111,102,32,114,97,110,103,101], parent: null, m_type: NTI134217751, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "RangeDefect");
+function addChars_301990090(result_301990092, result_301990092_Idx, x_301990093, start_301990094, n_301990095) {
+ var Temporary1;
+ var old_301990096 = (result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx]).length;
+ if (result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx].length < (Temporary1 = chckRange(addInt(old_301990096, n_301990095), 0, 2147483647), Temporary1)) { for (var i = result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx].length; i < Temporary1; ++i) result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx].push(0); }
+ else {result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx].length = Temporary1; };
+ Label2: {
+ var iHEX60gensym4_301990110 = 0;
+ var i_570426543 = 0;
+ Label3: {
+ Label4: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426543 < n_301990095)) break Label4;
+ iHEX60gensym4_301990110 = i_570426543;
+ result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx][chckIndx(addInt(old_301990096, iHEX60gensym4_301990110), 0, (result_301990092[result_301990092_Idx]).length - 1)] = x_301990093.charCodeAt(chckIndx(addInt(start_301990094, iHEX60gensym4_301990110), 0, (x_301990093).length - 1));
+ i_570426543 = addInt(i_570426543, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+function addChars_301990086(result_301990088, result_301990088_Idx, x_301990089) {
+ addChars_301990090(result_301990088, result_301990088_Idx, x_301990089, 0, ((x_301990089) == null ? 0 : (x_301990089).length));
+function addInt_301990111(result_301990112, result_301990112_Idx, x_301990113) {
+ addChars_301990086(result_301990112, result_301990112_Idx, ((x_301990113) + ""));
+function addInt_301990129(result_301990130, result_301990130_Idx, x_301990131) {
+ addInt_301990111(result_301990130, result_301990130_Idx, BigInt(x_301990131));
+function HEX24_385875976(x_385875977) {
+ var result_385875978 = [[]];
+ addInt_301990129(result_385875978, 0, x_385875977);
+ return result_385875978[0];
+function isFatPointer_33557259(ti_33557260) {
+ var result_33557261 = false;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ result_33557261 = !((ConstSet1[ti_33557260.base.kind] != undefined));
+ break BeforeRet;
+ };
+ return result_33557261;
+function nimCopyAux(dest_33557272, src_33557273, n_33557274) {
+ switch (n_33557274.kind) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ dest_33557272[n_33557274.offset] = nimCopy(dest_33557272[n_33557274.offset], src_33557273[n_33557274.offset], n_33557274.typ);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ for (var i = 0; i < n_33557274.sons.length; i++) {
+ nimCopyAux(dest_33557272, src_33557273, n_33557274.sons[i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ dest_33557272[n_33557274.offset] = nimCopy(dest_33557272[n_33557274.offset], src_33557273[n_33557274.offset], n_33557274.typ);
+ for (var i = 0; i < n_33557274.sons.length; ++i) {
+ nimCopyAux(dest_33557272, src_33557273, n_33557274.sons[i][1]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+function raiseIndexError(i_33556812, a_33556813, b_33556814) {
+ var Temporary1;
+ if ((b_33556814 < a_33556813)) {
+ Temporary1 = [105,110,100,101,120,32,111,117,116,32,111,102,32,98,111,117,110,100,115,44,32,116,104,101,32,99,111,110,116,97,105,110,101,114,32,105,115,32,101,109,112,116,121];
+ }
+ else {
+ Temporary1 = ([105,110,100,101,120,32] || []).concat(HEX24_385875976(i_33556812) || [],[32,110,111,116,32,105,110,32] || [],HEX24_385875976(a_33556813) || [],[32,46,46,32] || [],HEX24_385875976(b_33556814) || []);
+ }
+ raiseException({message: nimCopy(null, Temporary1, NTI33554449), parent: null, m_type: NTI134217749, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "IndexDefect");
+function sysFatal_268435501(message_268435504) {
+ raiseException({message: nimCopy(null, message_268435504, NTI33554449), m_type: NTI134217745, parent: null, name: null, trace: [], up: null}, "AssertionDefect");
+function raiseAssert_268435499(msg_268435500) {
+ sysFatal_268435501(msg_268435500);
+function failedAssertImpl_268435541(msg_268435542) {
+ raiseAssert_268435499(msg_268435542);
+function onDOMLoaded(e_570425385) {
+function HEX3Aanonymous_570425409(event_570425410) {
+ event_570425410.target.parentNode.style.display = "none";
+ event_570425410.target.parentNode.nextSibling.style.display = "inline";
+ }
+ document.getElementById("theme-select").value = window.localStorage.getItem("theme");
+ Label1: {
+ var pragmaDots_570425408 = null;
+ var colontmp__570426534 = [];
+ colontmp__570426534 = document.getElementsByClassName("pragmadots");
+ var i_570426536 = 0;
+ var L_570426537 = (colontmp__570426534).length;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426536 < L_570426537)) break Label3;
+ pragmaDots_570425408 = colontmp__570426534[chckIndx(i_570426536, 0, (colontmp__570426534).length - 1)];
+ pragmaDots_570425408.onclick = HEX3Aanonymous_570425409;
+ i_570426536 = addInt(i_570426536, 1);
+ if (!(((colontmp__570426534).length == L_570426537))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+function isWhitespace_570425752(x_570425753) {
+ var result_570425754 = false;
+ result_570425754 = (((x_570425753.nodeName == "#text") && !/\S/.test(x_570425753.textContent)) || (x_570425753.nodeName == "#comment"));
+ return result_570425754;
+function toToc_570425755(x_570425756, father_570425757) {
+ var Temporary5;
+ var Temporary6;
+ var Temporary7;
+ var Temporary8;
+ var Temporary15;
+ if ((x_570425756.nodeName == "UL")) {
+ var f_570425765 = {heading: null, kids: [], sortId: (father_570425757.kids).length, doSort: false};
+ var i_570425766 = 0;
+ Label1: {
+ Label2: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570425766 < x_570425756.childNodes.length)) break Label2;
+ var nxt_570425767 = addInt(i_570425766, 1);
+ Label3: {
+ Label4: while (true) {
+ if (!(nxt_570425767 < x_570425756.childNodes.length)) Temporary5 = false; else { Temporary5 = isWhitespace_570425752(x_570425756.childNodes[nxt_570425767]); } if (!Temporary5) break Label4;
+ nxt_570425767 = addInt(nxt_570425767, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ if (!(nxt_570425767 < x_570425756.childNodes.length)) Temporary8 = false; else { Temporary8 = (x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425766].nodeName == "LI"); } if (!Temporary8) Temporary7 = false; else { Temporary7 = (x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425766].childNodes.length == 1); } if (!Temporary7) Temporary6 = false; else { Temporary6 = (x_570425756.childNodes[nxt_570425767].nodeName == "UL"); } if (Temporary6) {
+ var e_570425780 = {heading: x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425766].childNodes[0], kids: [], sortId: (f_570425765.kids).length, doSort: false};
+ var it_570425781 = x_570425756.childNodes[nxt_570425767];
+ Label9: {
+ var j_570425786 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426550 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426550 = it_570425781.childNodes.length;
+ var i_570426551 = 0;
+ Label10: {
+ Label11: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426551 < colontmp__570426550)) break Label11;
+ j_570425786 = i_570426551;
+ toToc_570425755(it_570425781.childNodes[j_570425786], e_570425780);
+ i_570426551 = addInt(i_570426551, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ f_570425765.kids.push(e_570425780);;
+ i_570425766 = addInt(nxt_570425767, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ toToc_570425755(x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425766], f_570425765);
+ i_570425766 = addInt(i_570425766, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ father_570425757.kids.push(f_570425765);;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (isWhitespace_570425752(x_570425756)) {
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((x_570425756.nodeName == "LI")) {
+ var idx_570425804 = [];
+ Label12: {
+ var i_570425809 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426554 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426554 = x_570425756.childNodes.length;
+ var i_570426555 = 0;
+ Label13: {
+ Label14: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426555 < colontmp__570426554)) break Label14;
+ i_570425809 = i_570426555;
+ if (!(isWhitespace_570425752(x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425809]))) {
+ idx_570425804.push(i_570425809);;
+ }
+ i_570426555 = addInt(i_570426555, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ if (!((idx_570425804).length == 2)) Temporary15 = false; else { Temporary15 = (x_570425756.childNodes[idx_570425804[chckIndx(1, 0, (idx_570425804).length - 1)]].nodeName == "UL"); } if (Temporary15) {
+ var e_570425825 = {heading: x_570425756.childNodes[idx_570425804[chckIndx(0, 0, (idx_570425804).length - 1)]], kids: [], sortId: (father_570425757.kids).length, doSort: false};
+ var it_570425826 = x_570425756.childNodes[idx_570425804[chckIndx(1, 0, (idx_570425804).length - 1)]];
+ Label16: {
+ var j_570425831 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426558 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426558 = it_570425826.childNodes.length;
+ var i_570426559 = 0;
+ Label17: {
+ Label18: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426559 < colontmp__570426558)) break Label18;
+ j_570425831 = i_570426559;
+ toToc_570425755(it_570425826.childNodes[j_570425831], e_570425825);
+ i_570426559 = addInt(i_570426559, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ father_570425757.kids.push(e_570425825);;
+ }
+ else {
+ Label19: {
+ var i_570425840 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426562 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426562 = x_570425756.childNodes.length;
+ var i_570426563 = 0;
+ Label20: {
+ Label21: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426563 < colontmp__570426562)) break Label21;
+ i_570425840 = i_570426563;
+ toToc_570425755(x_570425756.childNodes[i_570425840], father_570425757);
+ i_570426563 = addInt(i_570426563, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ father_570425757.kids.push({heading: x_570425756, kids: [], sortId: (father_570425757.kids).length, doSort: false});;
+ }
+ }}
+function extractItems_570425543(x_570425544, heading_570425545, items_570425546, items_570425546_Idx) {
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((x_570425544 == null)) {
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ if ((!((x_570425544.heading == null)) && (x_570425544.heading.textContent == heading_570425545))) {
+ Label1: {
+ var i_570425563 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426566 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426566 = (x_570425544.kids).length;
+ var i_570426567 = 0;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426567 < colontmp__570426566)) break Label3;
+ i_570425563 = i_570426567;
+ items_570425546[items_570425546_Idx].push(x_570425544.kids[chckIndx(i_570425563, 0, (x_570425544.kids).length - 1)].heading);;
+ i_570426567 = addInt(i_570426567, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ Label4: {
+ var k_570425589 = null;
+ var i_570426571 = 0;
+ var L_570426572 = (x_570425544.kids).length;
+ Label5: {
+ Label6: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426571 < L_570426572)) break Label6;
+ k_570425589 = x_570425544.kids[chckIndx(i_570426571, 0, (x_570425544.kids).length - 1)];
+ extractItems_570425543(k_570425589, heading_570425545, items_570425546, items_570425546_Idx);
+ i_570426571 = addInt(i_570426571, 1);
+ if (!(((x_570425544.kids).length == L_570426572))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ };
+function tree_570425474(tag_570425475, kids_570425476) {
+ var result_570425477 = null;
+ result_570425477 = document.createElement(tag_570425475);
+ Label1: {
+ var k_570425491 = null;
+ var i_570426584 = 0;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426584 < (kids_570425476).length)) break Label3;
+ k_570425491 = kids_570425476[chckIndx(i_570426584, 0, (kids_570425476).length - 1)];
+ result_570425477.appendChild(k_570425491);
+ i_570426584 = addInt(i_570426584, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ return result_570425477;
+function text_570425499(s_570425500) {
+ var result_570425501 = null;
+ result_570425501 = document.createTextNode(s_570425500);
+ return result_570425501;
+function uncovered_570425944(x_570425945) {
+ var Temporary1;
+ var result_570425946 = null;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((((x_570425945.kids).length == 0) && !((x_570425945.heading == null)))) {
+ if (!(x_570425945.heading.hasOwnProperty('__karaxMarker__'))) {
+ Temporary1 = x_570425945;
+ }
+ else {
+ Temporary1 = null;
+ }
+ result_570425946 = Temporary1;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ result_570425946 = {heading: x_570425945.heading, kids: [], sortId: x_570425945.sortId, doSort: x_570425945.doSort};
+ Label2: {
+ var k_570425961 = null;
+ var i_570426591 = 0;
+ var L_570426592 = (x_570425945.kids).length;
+ Label3: {
+ Label4: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426591 < L_570426592)) break Label4;
+ k_570425961 = x_570425945.kids[chckIndx(i_570426591, 0, (x_570425945.kids).length - 1)];
+ var y_570425962 = uncovered_570425944(k_570425961);
+ if (!((y_570425962 == null))) {
+ result_570425946.kids.push(y_570425962);;
+ }
+ i_570426591 = addInt(i_570426591, 1);
+ if (!(((x_570425945.kids).length == L_570426592))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ if (((result_570425946.kids).length == 0)) {
+ result_570425946 = null;
+ }
+ };
+ return result_570425946;
+function mergeTocs_570425974(orig_570425975, news_570425976) {
+ var result_570425977 = null;
+ result_570425977 = uncovered_570425944(orig_570425975);
+ if ((result_570425977 == null)) {
+ result_570425977 = news_570425976;
+ }
+ else {
+ Label1: {
+ var i_570425989 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426587 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426587 = (news_570425976.kids).length;
+ var i_570426588 = 0;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426588 < colontmp__570426587)) break Label3;
+ i_570425989 = i_570426588;
+ result_570425977.kids.push(news_570425976.kids[chckIndx(i_570425989, 0, (news_570425976.kids).length - 1)]);;
+ i_570426588 = addInt(i_570426588, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ return result_570425977;
+function buildToc_570425994(orig_570425995, types_570425996, procs_570425997) {
+ var result_570425998 = null;
+ var newStuff_570426003 = {heading: null, kids: [], doSort: true, sortId: 0};
+ Label1: {
+ var t_570426007 = null;
+ var i_570426579 = 0;
+ var L_570426580 = (types_570425996).length;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426579 < L_570426580)) break Label3;
+ t_570426007 = types_570425996[chckIndx(i_570426579, 0, (types_570425996).length - 1)];
+ var c_570426012 = {heading: t_570426007.cloneNode(true), kids: [], doSort: true, sortId: 0};
+ t_570426007.__karaxMarker__ = true;
+ Label4: {
+ var p_570426016 = null;
+ var i_570426576 = 0;
+ var L_570426577 = (procs_570425997).length;
+ Label5: {
+ Label6: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426576 < L_570426577)) break Label6;
+ p_570426016 = procs_570425997[chckIndx(i_570426576, 0, (procs_570425997).length - 1)];
+ if (!(p_570426016.hasOwnProperty('__karaxMarker__'))) {
+ var xx_570426017 = p_570426016.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("attachedType");
+ if ((((xx_570426017).length == 1) && (xx_570426017[chckIndx(0, 0, (xx_570426017).length - 1)].textContent == t_570426007.textContent))) {
+ var q_570426022 = tree_570425474("A", [text_570425499(p_570426016.title)]);
+ q_570426022.setAttribute("href", p_570426016.getAttribute("href"));
+ c_570426012.kids.push({heading: q_570426022, kids: [], sortId: 0, doSort: false});;
+ p_570426016.__karaxMarker__ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ i_570426576 = addInt(i_570426576, 1);
+ if (!(((procs_570425997).length == L_570426577))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ newStuff_570426003.kids.push(c_570426012);;
+ i_570426579 = addInt(i_570426579, 1);
+ if (!(((types_570425996).length == L_570426580))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ result_570425998 = mergeTocs_570425974(orig_570425995, newStuff_570426003);
+ return result_570425998;
+function add_570425492(parent_570425493, kid_570425494) {
+ if (((parent_570425493.nodeName == "TR") && ((kid_570425494.nodeName == "TD") || (kid_570425494.nodeName == "TH")))) {
+ var k_570425495 = document.createElement("TD");
+ k_570425495.appendChild(kid_570425494);
+ parent_570425493.appendChild(k_570425495);
+ }
+ else {
+ parent_570425493.appendChild(kid_570425494);
+ }
+function setClass_570425496(e_570425497, value_570425498) {
+ e_570425497.setAttribute("class", value_570425498);
+function toHtml_570425622(x_570425623, isRoot_570425624) {
+function HEX3Aanonymous_570425642(a_570425643, b_570425644) {
+ var result_570425645 = 0;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((!((a_570425643.heading == null)) && !((b_570425644.heading == null)))) {
+ var x_570425654 = a_570425643.heading.textContent;
+ var y_570425655 = b_570425644.heading.textContent;
+ if ((x_570425654 < y_570425655)) {
+ result_570425645 = (-1);
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ if ((y_570425655 < x_570425654)) {
+ result_570425645 = 1;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ result_570425645 = 0;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ else {
+ result_570425645 = subInt(a_570425643.sortId, b_570425644.sortId);
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ };
+ return result_570425645;
+ }
+ var result_570425625 = null;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if ((x_570425623 == null)) {
+ result_570425625 = null;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ if (((x_570425623.kids).length == 0)) {
+ if ((x_570425623.heading == null)) {
+ result_570425625 = null;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ result_570425625 = x_570425623.heading.cloneNode(true);
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ result_570425625 = tree_570425474("DIV", []);
+ if ((!((x_570425623.heading == null)) && !(x_570425623.heading.hasOwnProperty('__karaxMarker__')))) {
+ add_570425492(result_570425625, x_570425623.heading.cloneNode(true));
+ }
+ var ul_570425641 = tree_570425474("UL", []);
+ if (isRoot_570425624) {
+ setClass_570425496(ul_570425641, "simple simple-toc");
+ }
+ else {
+ setClass_570425496(ul_570425641, "simple");
+ }
+ if (x_570425623.doSort) {
+ x_570425623.kids.sort(HEX3Aanonymous_570425642);
+ }
+ Label1: {
+ var k_570425667 = null;
+ var i_570426595 = 0;
+ var L_570426596 = (x_570425623.kids).length;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426595 < L_570426596)) break Label3;
+ k_570425667 = x_570425623.kids[chckIndx(i_570426595, 0, (x_570425623.kids).length - 1)];
+ var y_570425668 = toHtml_570425622(k_570425667, false);
+ if (!((y_570425668 == null))) {
+ add_570425492(ul_570425641, tree_570425474("LI", [y_570425668]));
+ }
+ i_570426595 = addInt(i_570426595, 1);
+ if (!(((x_570425623.kids).length == L_570426596))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ if (!((ul_570425641.childNodes.length == 0))) {
+ add_570425492(result_570425625, ul_570425641);
+ }
+ if ((result_570425625.childNodes.length == 0)) {
+ result_570425625 = null;
+ }
+ };
+ return result_570425625;
+function replaceById_570425502(id_570425503, newTree_570425504) {
+ var x_570425505 = document.getElementById(id_570425503);
+ x_570425505.parentNode.replaceChild(newTree_570425504, x_570425505);
+ newTree_570425504.id = id_570425503;
+function togglevis_570426052(d_570426053) {
+ if ((d_570426053.style.display == "none")) {
+ d_570426053.style.display = "inline";
+ }
+ else {
+ d_570426053.style.display = "none";
+ }
+function groupBy(value_570426055) {
+ var toc_570426056 = document.getElementById("toc-list");
+ if ((alternative_570426051[0] == null)) {
+ var tt_570426064 = {heading: null, kids: [], sortId: 0, doSort: false};
+ toToc_570425755(toc_570426056, tt_570426064);
+ tt_570426064 = tt_570426064.kids[chckIndx(0, 0, (tt_570426064.kids).length - 1)];
+ var types_570426069 = [[]];
+ var procs_570426074 = [[]];
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Types", types_570426069, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Procs", procs_570426074, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Converters", procs_570426074, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Methods", procs_570426074, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Templates", procs_570426074, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Macros", procs_570426074, 0);
+ extractItems_570425543(tt_570426064, "Iterators", procs_570426074, 0);
+ var ntoc_570426075 = buildToc_570425994(tt_570426064, types_570426069[0], procs_570426074[0]);
+ var x_570426076 = toHtml_570425622(ntoc_570426075, true);
+ alternative_570426051[0] = tree_570425474("DIV", [x_570426076]);
+ }
+ if ((value_570426055 == "type")) {
+ replaceById_570425502("tocRoot", alternative_570426051[0]);
+ }
+ else {
+ replaceById_570425502("tocRoot", tree_570425474("DIV", []));
+ }
+ togglevis_570426052(document.getElementById("toc-list"));
+function HEX5BHEX5D_738198811(s_738198814, x_738198815) {
+ var result_738198816 = [];
+ var a_738198818 = x_738198815.a;
+ var L_738198820 = addInt(subInt(subInt((s_738198814).length, x_738198815.b), a_738198818), 1);
+ result_738198816 = nimCopy(null, mnewString(chckRange(L_738198820, 0, 2147483647)), NTI33554449);
+ Label1: {
+ var i_738198825 = 0;
+ var i_570426605 = 0;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426605 < L_738198820)) break Label3;
+ i_738198825 = i_570426605;
+ result_738198816[chckIndx(i_738198825, 0, (result_738198816).length - 1)] = s_738198814[chckIndx(addInt(i_738198825, a_738198818), 0, (s_738198814).length - 1)];
+ i_570426605 = addInt(i_570426605, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ return result_738198816;
+function HEX2EHEX2E_973078632(a_973078635, b_973078636) {
+ var result_973078639 = ({a: 0, b: 0});
+ result_973078639 = nimCopy(result_973078639, {a: a_973078635, b: b_973078636}, NTI973078613);
+ return result_973078639;
+async function loadIndex_570426270() {
+ var result_570426272 = null;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ var indexURL_570426278 = document.getElementById("indexLink").getAttribute("href");
+ var rootURL_570426304 = HEX5BHEX5D_738198811(cstrToNimstr(indexURL_570426278), HEX2EHEX2E_973078632(0, 14));
+ var resp_570426316 = (await (await fetch(indexURL_570426278)).text());
+ var indexElem_570426317 = document.createElement("div");
+ indexElem_570426317.innerHTML = resp_570426316;
+ Label1: {
+ var href_570426339 = null;
+ var colontmp__570426599 = [];
+ colontmp__570426599 = indexElem_570426317.getElementsByClassName("reference");
+ var i_570426601 = 0;
+ var L_570426602 = (colontmp__570426599).length;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426601 < L_570426602)) break Label3;
+ href_570426339 = colontmp__570426599[chckIndx(i_570426601, 0, (colontmp__570426599).length - 1)];
+ href_570426339.setAttribute("href", toJSStr((rootURL_570426304 || []).concat(cstrToNimstr(href_570426339.getAttribute("href")) || [])));
+ db_570426093[0].push(href_570426339);;
+ contents_570426094[0].push(href_570426339.getAttribute("data-doc-search-tag"));;
+ i_570426601 = addInt(i_570426601, 1);
+ if (!(((colontmp__570426599).length == L_570426602))) {
+ failedAssertImpl_268435541(makeNimstrLit("iterators.nim(246, 11) `len(a) == L` the length of the seq changed while iterating over it"));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ result_570426272 = undefined;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ };
+ return result_570426272;
+function then_570426448(future_570426451, onSuccess_570426452, onReject_570426453) {
+ var result_570426454 = null;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ var ret_570426464 = null;
+ ret_570426464 = future_570426451.then(onSuccess_570426452, onReject_570426453)
+ result_570426454 = ret_570426464;
+ break BeforeRet;
+ };
+ return result_570426454;
+function nsuToLowerAsciiChar(c_738197589) {
+ var result_738197590 = 0;
+ if ((ConstSet2[c_738197589] != undefined)) {
+ result_738197590 = (c_738197589 ^ 32);
+ }
+ else {
+ result_738197590 = c_738197589;
+ }
+ return result_738197590;
+function fuzzyMatch_721420304(pattern_721420305, str_721420306) {
+ var Temporary4;
+ var Temporary5;
+ var Temporary6;
+ var Temporary7;
+ var Temporary8;
+ var result_721420309 = {Field0: 0, Field1: false};
+ var scoreState_721420310 = (-100);
+ var headerMatched_721420311 = false;
+ var unmatchedLeadingCharCount_721420312 = 0;
+ var consecutiveMatchCount_721420313 = 0;
+ var strIndex_721420314 = 0;
+ var patIndex_721420315 = 0;
+ var score_721420316 = 0;
+ Label1: {
+ Label2: while (true) {
+ if (!((strIndex_721420314 < ((str_721420306) == null ? 0 : (str_721420306).length)) && (patIndex_721420315 < ((pattern_721420305) == null ? 0 : (pattern_721420305).length)))) break Label2;
+ Label3: {
+ var patternChar_721420319 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(pattern_721420305.charCodeAt(chckIndx(patIndex_721420315, 0, (pattern_721420305).length - 1)));
+ var strChar_721420320 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(strIndex_721420314, 0, (str_721420306).length - 1)));
+ if ((ConstSet3[patternChar_721420319] != undefined)) {
+ patIndex_721420315 = addInt(patIndex_721420315, 1);
+ break Label3;
+ }
+ if ((ConstSet4[strChar_721420320] != undefined)) {
+ strIndex_721420314 = addInt(strIndex_721420314, 1);
+ break Label3;
+ }
+ if ((!(headerMatched_721420311) && (strChar_721420320 == 58))) {
+ headerMatched_721420311 = true;
+ scoreState_721420310 = (-100);
+ score_721420316 = ((Math.floor((0.5 * score_721420316))) | 0);
+ patIndex_721420315 = 0;
+ strIndex_721420314 = addInt(strIndex_721420314, 1);
+ break Label3;
+ }
+ if ((strChar_721420320 == patternChar_721420319)) {
+ switch (scoreState_721420310) {
+ case (-100):
+ case 20:
+ scoreState_721420310 = 10;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ scoreState_721420310 = 5;
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ case 5:
+ consecutiveMatchCount_721420313 = addInt(consecutiveMatchCount_721420313, 1);
+ scoreState_721420310 = 5;
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, mulInt(5, consecutiveMatchCount_721420313));
+ if ((scoreState_721420310 == 10)) {
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, 10);
+ }
+ var onBoundary_721420372 = (patIndex_721420315 == ((pattern_721420305) == null ? -1 : (pattern_721420305).length - 1));
+ if ((!(onBoundary_721420372) && (strIndex_721420314 < ((str_721420306) == null ? -1 : (str_721420306).length - 1)))) {
+ var nextPatternChar_721420373 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(pattern_721420305.charCodeAt(chckIndx(addInt(patIndex_721420315, 1), 0, (pattern_721420305).length - 1)));
+ var nextStrChar_721420374 = nsuToLowerAsciiChar(str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(addInt(strIndex_721420314, 1), 0, (str_721420306).length - 1)));
+ if (!!((ConstSet5[nextStrChar_721420374] != undefined))) Temporary4 = false; else { Temporary4 = !((nextStrChar_721420374 == nextPatternChar_721420373)); } onBoundary_721420372 = Temporary4;
+ }
+ if (onBoundary_721420372) {
+ scoreState_721420310 = 20;
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
+ }
+ break;
+ case (-1):
+ case (-3):
+ if (!((ConstSet6[str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(subInt(strIndex_721420314, 1), 0, (str_721420306).length - 1))] != undefined))) Temporary5 = true; else { if (!(ConstSet7[str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(subInt(strIndex_721420314, 1), 0, (str_721420306).length - 1))] != undefined)) Temporary6 = false; else { Temporary6 = (ConstSet8[str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(strIndex_721420314, 0, (str_721420306).length - 1))] != undefined); } Temporary5 = Temporary6; } var isLeadingChar_721420398 = Temporary5;
+ if (isLeadingChar_721420398) {
+ scoreState_721420310 = 10;
+ }
+ else {
+ scoreState_721420310 = 0;
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ patIndex_721420315 = addInt(patIndex_721420315, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ switch (scoreState_721420310) {
+ case (-100):
+ scoreState_721420310 = (-3);
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ scoreState_721420310 = (-1);
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
+ consecutiveMatchCount_721420313 = 0;
+ break;
+ case (-3):
+ if ((unmatchedLeadingCharCount_721420312 < 3)) {
+ scoreState_721420310 = (-3);
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
+ }
+ unmatchedLeadingCharCount_721420312 = addInt(unmatchedLeadingCharCount_721420312, 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ scoreState_721420310 = (-1);
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, scoreState_721420310);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ strIndex_721420314 = addInt(strIndex_721420314, 1);
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ if (!(patIndex_721420315 == ((pattern_721420305) == null ? 0 : (pattern_721420305).length))) Temporary7 = false; else { if ((strIndex_721420314 == ((str_721420306) == null ? 0 : (str_721420306).length))) Temporary8 = true; else { Temporary8 = !((ConstSet9[str_721420306.charCodeAt(chckIndx(strIndex_721420314, 0, (str_721420306).length - 1))] != undefined)); } Temporary7 = Temporary8; } if (Temporary7) {
+ score_721420316 = addInt(score_721420316, 10);
+ }
+ var colontmp__570426618 = nimMax(0, score_721420316);
+ var colontmp__570426619 = (0 < score_721420316);
+ result_721420309 = nimCopy(result_721420309, {Field0: colontmp__570426618, Field1: colontmp__570426619}, NTI721420302);
+ return result_721420309;
+function escapeCString_570426095(x_570426096, x_570426096_Idx) {
+ var s_570426097 = [];
+ Label1: {
+ var c_570426098 = 0;
+ var iHEX60gensym6_570426622 = 0;
+ var nHEX60gensym6_570426623 = ((x_570426096[x_570426096_Idx]) == null ? 0 : (x_570426096[x_570426096_Idx]).length);
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(iHEX60gensym6_570426622 < nHEX60gensym6_570426623)) break Label3;
+ c_570426098 = x_570426096[x_570426096_Idx].charCodeAt(chckIndx(iHEX60gensym6_570426622, 0, (x_570426096[x_570426096_Idx]).length - 1));
+ switch (c_570426098) {
+ case 60:
+ s_570426097.push.apply(s_570426097, [38,108,116,59]);;
+ break;
+ case 62:
+ s_570426097.push.apply(s_570426097, [38,103,116,59]);;
+ break;
+ default:
+ addChar(s_570426097, c_570426098);;
+ break;
+ }
+ iHEX60gensym6_570426622 = addInt(iHEX60gensym6_570426622, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ x_570426096[x_570426096_Idx] = toJSStr(s_570426097);
+function dosearch_570426099(value_570426100) {
+function HEX3Aanonymous_570426127(a_570426132, b_570426133) {
+ var result_570426138 = 0;
+ result_570426138 = subInt(b_570426133["Field1"], a_570426132["Field1"]);
+ return result_570426138;
+ }
+ var result_570426101 = null;
+ BeforeRet: {
+ if (((db_570426093[0]).length == 0)) {
+ break BeforeRet;
+ }
+ var ul_570426105 = tree_570425474("UL", []);
+ result_570426101 = tree_570425474("DIV", []);
+ setClass_570425496(result_570426101, "search_results");
+ var matches_570426110 = [];
+ Label1: {
+ var i_570426118 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426609 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426609 = (db_570426093[0]).length;
+ var i_570426610 = 0;
+ Label2: {
+ Label3: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426610 < colontmp__570426609)) break Label3;
+ i_570426118 = i_570426610;
+ Label4: {
+ var c_570426119 = contents_570426094[0][chckIndx(i_570426118, 0, (contents_570426094[0]).length - 1)];
+ if (((c_570426119 == "Examples") || (c_570426119 == "PEG construction"))) {
+ break Label4;
+ }
+ var tmpTuple_570426120 = fuzzyMatch_721420304(value_570426100, c_570426119);
+ var score_570426121 = tmpTuple_570426120["Field0"];
+ var matched_570426122 = tmpTuple_570426120["Field1"];
+ if (matched_570426122) {
+ matches_570426110.push({Field0: db_570426093[0][chckIndx(i_570426118, 0, (db_570426093[0]).length - 1)], Field1: score_570426121});;
+ }
+ };
+ i_570426610 = addInt(i_570426610, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ matches_570426110.sort(HEX3Aanonymous_570426127);
+ Label5: {
+ var i_570426155 = 0;
+ var colontmp__570426613 = 0;
+ colontmp__570426613 = nimMin((matches_570426110).length, 29);
+ var i_570426614 = 0;
+ Label6: {
+ Label7: while (true) {
+ if (!(i_570426614 < colontmp__570426613)) break Label7;
+ i_570426155 = i_570426614;
+ matches_570426110[chckIndx(i_570426155, 0, (matches_570426110).length - 1)]["Field0"].innerHTML = matches_570426110[chckIndx(i_570426155, 0, (matches_570426110).length - 1)]["Field0"].getAttribute("data-doc-search-tag");
+ escapeCString_570426095(matches_570426110[chckIndx(i_570426155, 0, (matches_570426110).length - 1)]["Field0"], "innerHTML");
+ add_570425492(ul_570426105, tree_570425474("LI", [matches_570426110[chckIndx(i_570426155, 0, (matches_570426110).length - 1)]["Field0"]]));
+ i_570426614 = addInt(i_570426614, 1);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ if ((ul_570426105.childNodes.length == 0)) {
+ add_570425492(result_570426101, tree_570425474("B", [text_570425499("no search results")]));
+ }
+ else {
+ add_570425492(result_570426101, tree_570425474("B", [text_570425499("search results")]));
+ add_570425492(result_570426101, ul_570426105);
+ }
+ };
+ return result_570426101;
+function search() {
+function wrapper_570426433() {
+ var elem_570426434 = document.getElementById("searchInput");
+ var value_570426435 = elem_570426434.value;
+ if (!((((value_570426435) == null ? 0 : (value_570426435).length) == 0))) {
+ if ((oldtoc_570426428[0] == null)) {
+ oldtoc_570426428[0] = document.getElementById("tocRoot");
+ }
+ var results_570426439 = dosearch_570426099(value_570426435);
+ replaceById_570425502("tocRoot", results_570426439);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!((oldtoc_570426428[0] == null))) {
+ replaceById_570425502("tocRoot", oldtoc_570426428[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((loadIndexFut_570426431[0] == null)) {
+ loadIndexFut_570426431[0] = loadIndex_570426270();
+ var _ = then_570426448(loadIndexFut_570426431[0], wrapper_570426433, null);
+ }
+ if (!((timer_570426429[0] == null))) {
+ clearTimeout(timer_570426429[0]);
+ }
+ timer_570426429[0] = setTimeout(wrapper_570426433, 400);
+function copyToClipboard() {
+ function updatePreTags() {
+ const allPreTags = document.querySelectorAll("pre")
+ allPreTags.forEach((e) => {
+ const div = document.createElement("div")
+ div.classList.add("copyToClipBoard")
+ const preTag = document.createElement("pre")
+ preTag.innerHTML = e.innerHTML
+ const button = document.createElement("button")
+ button.value = e.textContent.replace('...', '')
+ button.classList.add("copyToClipBoardBtn")
+ button.style.cursor = "pointer"
+ div.appendChild(preTag)
+ div.appendChild(button)
+ e.outerHTML = div.outerHTML
+ })
+ }
+ function copyTextToClipboard(e) {
+ const clipBoardContent = e.target.value
+ navigator.clipboard.writeText(clipBoardContent).then(function() {
+ e.target.style.setProperty("--clipboard-image", "var(--clipboard-image-selected)")
+ }, function(err) {
+ console.error("Could not copy text: ", err);
+ });
+ }
+ window.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ if (e.target.classList.contains("copyToClipBoardBtn")) {
+ copyTextToClipboard(e)
+ }
+ })
+ window.addEventListener("mouseover", (e) => {
+ if (e.target.nodeName === "PRE") {
+ e.target.nextElementSibling.style.setProperty("--clipboard-image", "var(--clipboard-image-normal)")
+ }
+ })
+ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", updatePreTags)
+var Temporary1;
+var t_570425383 = window.localStorage.getItem("theme");
+if ((t_570425383 == null)) {
+Temporary1 = "auto";
+else {
+Temporary1 = t_570425383;
+var alternative_570426051 = [null];
+var db_570426093 = [[]];
+var contents_570426094 = [[]];
+var oldtoc_570426428 = [null];
+var timer_570426429 = [null];
+var loadIndexFut_570426431 = [null];
+window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMLoaded, false);
diff --git a/v0.11.3/glob.html b/v0.11.3/glob.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13d5485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v0.11.3/glob.html
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+ Search:
+ Group by:
+ Section
+ Type
glob is a cross-platform, pure Nim module for matching files against Unix style patterns. It supports creating patterns, testing file paths, and walking through directories to find matching files or directories. For example, the pattern src/**/*.nim will be expanded to return all files with a .nim extension in the src directory and any of its subdirectories.
It's similar to Python's glob module but supports extended glob syntax like {} groups.
Note that while glob works on all platforms, the patterns it generates can be platform specific due to differing path separator characters.
token example description
+? ?.nim acts as a wildcard, matching any single character
+* *.nim matches any string of any length until a path separator is found
+** **/license same as * but crosses path boundaries to any depth
+[] [ch] character class, matches any of the characters or ranges inside
+{} {nim,js} string class (group), matches any of the strings inside
+/ foo/*.js literal path separator (even on Windows)
+\ foo\*.js escape character (not path separator, even on Windows)
Any other characters are matched literally. Make special note of the difference between / and \ . Even when on Windows platforms you should not use \ as a path separator, since it is actually the escape character in glob syntax. Instead, always use / as the path separator. This module will then use the correct separator when the glob is created.
If you need to match some special characters like ] or - inside a bracket expression, you'll need to use them in specific ways to match them literally.
character special literal description
+] [)}]] []_.] must come first or is treated as closing bracket
+- [_-=] [-_] must come first or last or is treated as a range
+! [!<>] [<!>] must not come first or is treated as negation character
Within bracket expressions ([] ) you can use POSIX character classes, which are basically named groups of characters. These are the available classes and their roughly equivalent regex values:
POSIX class similar to meaning
+[:upper:] [A-Z] uppercase letters
+[:lower:] [a-z] lowercase letters
+[:alpha:] [A-Za-z] upper- and lowercase letters
+[:digit:] [0-9] digits
+[:xdigit:] [0-9A-Fa-f] hexadecimal digits
+[:alnum:] [A-Za-z0-9] digits, upper- and lowercase letters
+[:word:] [A-Za-z0-9_] alphanumeric and underscore
+[:blank:] [ \t] space and TAB characters only
+[:space:] [ \t\n\r\f\v] blank (whitespace) characters
+[:cntrl:] [\x00-\x1F\x7F] control characters
+[:ascii:] [\x00-\x7F] ASCII characters
+[:graph:] [^ [:cntrl:]] graphic characters (all characters which have graphic representation)
+[:punct:] [!"\#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@\[\]^_`{|}~] punctuation (all graphic characters except letters and digits)
+[:print:] [[:graph] ] graphic characters and space
glob supports most of the extended pattern matching syntax found under bash's extglob flag:
?(...patterns) match zero or one occurrences of the given patterns
+*(...patterns) match zero or more occurrences of the given patterns
++(...patterns) match one or more occurrences of the given patterns
+@(...patterns) match one of the given patterns
+!(...patterns) match anything except the given patterns
For these examples let's imagine we have this file structure:
├─ assets /
+│ └─ img /
+│ ├─ favicon . ico
+│ └─ logo . svg
+├─ src /
+│ ├─ glob /
+│ │ ├─ other . nim
+│ │ ├─ regexer . nim
+│ │ └─ private /
+│ │ └─ util . nim
+│ └─ glob . nim
+└─ glob . nimble glob pattern files returned
+* @["glob.nimble"]
+src/*.nim @["src/glob.nim"]
+src/**/*.nim @["src/glob.nim", "src/glob/other.nim", "src/glob/regexer.nim", "src/glob/private/util.nim"]
+**/*.{ico,svg} @["assets/img/favicon.ico", "assets/img/logo.svg"]
+**/????.??? @["src/glob.nim", "src/glob/private/util.nim", "assets/img/logo.svg"]
For more info on glob syntax see this link for a good reference, although it references a few more extended features which aren't yet supported. As a cheatsheet, this wiki might also be useful.
There may be some features and other capabilities which aren't supported yet but will potentially be added in the future, for example:
unicode character support
+multiple patterns (something like glob(["*.nim", "!foo.nim"]) )
FilterDescend = ( path : string ) -> bool
+ A predicate controlling whether or not to recurse into a directory when iterating with a recursive glob pattern. Returning true will allow recursion, while returning false will prevent it.
+path can either be relative or absolute, which depends on GlobOption.Absolute being present in the iterator's options.
FilterYield = ( path : string , kind : PathComponent ) -> bool
+ A predicate controlling whether or not to yield a filesystem item. Paths for which this predicate returns false will not be yielded.
+path can either be relative or absolute, which depends on GlobOption.Absolute being present in the iterator's options. kind is an os.PathComponent .
Glob = object
+ pattern * : string
+ regexStr * : string
+ regex * : Regex
+ base * : string
+ magic * : string
GlobEntry = tuple [ path : string , kind : PathComponent ]
+ Represents a filesystem entity matched by a glob pattern, containing the item's path and its kind as an os.PathComponent .
GlobOption {.pure .} = enum
+ Absolute , IgnoreCase , NoExpandDirs , FollowLinks ,
+ Hidden , Files , Directories , FileLinks , DirLinks
+ Flags that control the behavior or results of the file system iterators. See defaultGlobOptions for some usage & examples.flag meaning
+GlobOption.Absolute yield paths as absolute rather than relative to root
+GlobOption.IgnoreCase matching will ignore case differences
+GlobOption.NoExpandDirs if pattern is a directory don't treat it as <dir>/**/*
+GlobOption.Hidden yield hidden files or directories
+GlobOption.Directories yield directories
+GlobOption.Files yield files
+GlobOption.DirLinks yield links to directories
+GlobOption.FileLinks yield links to files
+GlobOption.FollowLinks recurse into directories through links
GlobOptions = set [ GlobOption ]
+ The set type containing flags for controlling glob behavior.var options : GlobOptions = { }
+if someCondition : options += GlobOption . Absolute
PatternStems = tuple [ base : string , magic : string ]
+ The type returned by splitPattern where base contains the leading non-magic path components and magic contains any path segments containing or following special glob characters.
defaultGlobOptions = { GlobOption.Files , GlobOption.FileLinks ,
+ GlobOption.DirLinks }
+ The default options used when none are provided. If a new set is provided it overrides the defaults entirely, so in order to partially modify the default options you can use Nim's set union and intersection operators:const optsNoFiles = defaultGlobOptions - { Files }
+const optsHiddenNoLinks = defaultGlobOptions + { Hidden } - { FileLinks , DirLinks } On case-insensitive filesystems (like Windows), this also includes GlobOption.IgnoreCase .
func glob ( pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ; ignoreCase = isDosDefault ) : Glob {.
+ ... raises : [ GlobSyntaxError , RegexError ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Constructs a new Glob object from the given pattern .
func globToRegex ( pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ;
+ ignoreCase = isDosDefault ) : Regex {.
+ ... raises : [ RegexError , GlobSyntaxError ] , tags : [ ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Converts a string glob pattern to a regex pattern.
func hasMagic ( str : string ) : bool {.... raises : [ ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Returns true if the given string is glob-like, ie. if it contains any of the special characters * , ? , [ , { or an extglob which is one of the characters ? , ! , @ , + , or * followed by ( .
+doAssert ( "*.nim" . hasMagic )
+doAssert ( "profile_picture.{png,jpg}" . hasMagic )
+doAssert ( not "literal_match.html" . hasMagic )
func matches ( input , pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ;
+ ignoreCase = isDosDefault ) : bool {.
+ ... raises : [ RegexError , GlobSyntaxError ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Check that input matches the given pattern and return true if it does. Shortcut for matches(input, glob(pattern, isDos, ignoreCase)) .
+when defined posix :
+ doAssert "src/dir/foo.nim" . matches ( "src/**/*.nim" )
+elif defined windows :
+ doAssert r"src\dir\foo.nim" . matches ( "src/**/*.nim" )
func matches ( input : string ; glob : Glob ) : bool {.... raises : [ ] , tags : [ RootEffect ] ,
+ forbids : [ ] .}
+ Returns true if input is a match for the given glob object.
+const matcher = glob ( "src/**/*.nim" )
+const matcher2 = glob ( "bar//src//**/*.nim" )
+when defined posix :
+ doAssert ( "src/dir/foo.nim" . matches ( matcher ) )
+ doAssert ( not r"src\dir\foo.nim" . matches ( matcher ) )
+ doAssert ( "bar/src/dir/foo.nim" . matches ( matcher2 ) )
+ doAssert ( "./bar//src/baz.nim" . matches ( matcher2 ) )
+elif defined windows :
+ doAssert ( r"src\dir\foo.nim" . matches ( matcher ) )
+ doAssert ( not "src/dir/foo.nim" . matches ( matcher ) )
func splitPattern ( pattern : string ) : PatternStems {.... raises : [ ] ,
+ tags : [ RootEffect ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Splits the given pattern into two parts: the base which is the part containing no special glob characters and the magic which includes any path segments containing or following special glob characters.
+When pattern is not glob-like, ie. pattern.hasMagic == false , it will be considered a literal matcher and the entire pattern will be returned as magic , while base will be the empty string "" .
+doAssert "root_dir/inner/**/*.{jpg,gif}" . splitPattern == ( "root_dir/inner" , "**/*.{jpg,gif}" )
+doAssert "this/is-a/literal-match.txt" . splitPattern == ( "" , "this/is-a/literal-match.txt" )
iterator walkGlob ( pattern : string | Glob ; root = "" ;
+ options = defaultGlobOptions ;
+ filterDescend : FilterDescend = nil ;
+ filterYield : FilterYield = nil ) : string
+ Iterates over all the paths within the scope of the given glob pattern , yielding all those that match. root defaults to the current working directory (by using os.getCurrentDir ).
+See GlobOption for the flags available to alter iteration behavior and output.
+for path in walkGlob ( "src/*.nim" ) :
+ discard
+for path in walkGlob ( "docs/**/*.{png, svg}" ) :
+ discard
iterator walkGlobKinds ( pattern : string | Glob ; root = "" ;
+ options = defaultGlobOptions ;
+ filterDescend : FilterDescend = nil ;
+ filterYield : FilterYield = nil ) : GlobEntry
+ Equivalent to walkGlob but yields a GlobEntry which contains the path as well as the kind of the item.
+for path , kind in walkGlobKinds ( "src/*.nim" ) :
+ doAssert ( path is string and kind is PathComponent )
+const optsHiddenNoLinks = defaultGlobOptions + { Hidden } - { FileLinks , DirLinks }
+for path , kind in walkGlobKinds ( "src/**/*" , options = optsHiddenNoLinks ) :
+ doAssert ( kind notin { pcLinkToFile , pcLinkToDir } )
+ Made with Nim. Generated: 2024-01-30 22:21:50 UTC
diff --git a/v0.11.3/glob.idx b/v0.11.3/glob.idx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6da642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v0.11.3/glob.idx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+nimTitle glob glob.html module src/glob 0
+nim Glob glob.html#Glob object Glob 152
+nim GlobEntry glob.html#GlobEntry tuple GlobEntry 162
+nim PatternStems glob.html#PatternStems tuple PatternStems 167
+nim GlobOption glob.html#GlobOption enum GlobOption 174
+nim GlobOptions glob.html#GlobOptions type GlobOptions 194
+nim FilterDescend glob.html#FilterDescend type FilterDescend 201
+nim FilterYield glob.html#FilterYield type FilterYield 209
+nim defaultGlobOptions glob.html#defaultGlobOptions const defaultGlobOptions 218
+nim hasMagic glob.html#hasMagic,string proc hasMagic(str: string): bool 234
+nim globToRegex glob.html#globToRegex,string proc globToRegex(pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault; ignoreCase = isDosDefault): Regex 337
+nim splitPattern glob.html#splitPattern,string proc splitPattern(pattern: string): PatternStems 341
+nim glob glob.html#glob,string proc glob(pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault; ignoreCase = isDosDefault): Glob 364
+nim matches glob.html#matches,string,Glob proc matches(input: string; glob: Glob): bool 379
+nim matches glob.html#matches,string,string proc matches(input, pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault; ignoreCase = isDosDefault): bool 397
+nim walkGlobKinds glob.html#walkGlobKinds.i,,string,FilterDescend,FilterYield iterator walkGlobKinds(pattern: string | Glob; root = ""; options = defaultGlobOptions;\n filterDescend: FilterDescend = nil; filterYield: FilterYield = nil): GlobEntry 450
+nim walkGlob glob.html#walkGlob.i,,string,FilterDescend,FilterYield iterator walkGlob(pattern: string | Glob; root = ""; options = defaultGlobOptions;\n filterDescend: FilterDescend = nil; filterYield: FilterYield = nil): string 564
+nimgrp matches glob.html#matches-procs-all proc 379
+heading Syntax glob.html#syntax Syntax 0
+heading Character classes glob.html#syntax-character-classes Character classes 0
+heading Matching special characters glob.html#character-classes-matching-special-characters Matching special characters 0
+heading POSIX classes glob.html#character-classes-posix-classes POSIX classes 0
+heading Extended pattern matching glob.html#syntax-extended-pattern-matching Extended pattern matching 0
+heading Examples glob.html#examples Examples 0
+heading Roadmap glob.html#roadmap Roadmap 0
diff --git a/v0.11.3/glob/regexer.html b/v0.11.3/glob/regexer.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd52ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v0.11.3/glob/regexer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ Search:
+ Group by:
+ Section
+ Type
This module provides the backend for glob pattern parsing and the compilation to regular expressions. While it's re-exported from the main module and importing it separately isn't necessary, it could be imported independently of the main glob package.
GlobSyntaxError = object of CatchableError
+ Raised if the parsing of a glob pattern fails.
proc globToRegexString ( pattern : string ; isDos = isDosDefault ;
+ ignoreCase = isDosDefault ) : string {.
+ ... raises : [ GlobSyntaxError ] , tags : [ ] , forbids : [ ] .}
+ Parses the given pattern glob string and returns a regex string. Syntactic errors will cause a GlobSyntaxError to be raised.
+ Made with Nim. Generated: 2024-01-30 22:21:44 UTC
diff --git a/v0.11.3/glob/regexer.idx b/v0.11.3/glob/regexer.idx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c70a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v0.11.3/glob/regexer.idx
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+nimTitle regexer glob/regexer.html module src/glob/regexer 0
+nim GlobSyntaxError glob/regexer.html#GlobSyntaxError object GlobSyntaxError 10
+nim globToRegexString glob/regexer.html#globToRegexString,string proc globToRegexString(pattern: string; isDos = isDosDefault;\n ignoreCase = isDosDefault): string 46
diff --git a/v0.11.3/index.html b/v0.11.3/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f23b13
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,1026 @@
+Stylesheet for use with Docutils/rst2html.
+See http://docutils.sf.net/docs/howto/html-stylesheets.html for how to
+customize this style sheet.
+Modified from Chad Skeeters' rst2html-style
+Modified by Boyd Greenfield and narimiran
+:root {
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+ * This also fixes input form colors on Firefox with a dark system theme on Linux.
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+span.Identifier {
+ color: var(--identifier); }
+span.Keyword {
+ font-weight: 600;
+ color: var(--keyword); }
+span.StringLit {
+ color: var(--literal); }
+span.LongStringLit {
+ color: var(--literal); }
+span.CharLit {
+ color: var(--literal); }
+span.EscapeSequence {
+ color: var(--escapeSequence); }
+span.Operator {
+ color: var(--operator); }
+span.Punctuation {
+ color: var(--punctuation); }
+span.Comment, span.LongComment {
+ font-style: italic;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ color: var(--comment); }
+span.RegularExpression {
+ color: darkviolet; }
+span.TagStart {
+ color: darkviolet; }
+span.TagEnd {
+ color: darkviolet; }
+span.Key {
+ color: #252dbe; }
+span.Value {
+ color: #252dbe; }
+span.RawData {
+ color: var(--raw-data); }
+span.Assembler {
+ color: #252dbe; }
+span.Preprocessor {
+ color: #252dbe; }
+span.Directive {
+ color: #252dbe; }
+span.option {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-family: "Source Code Pro", Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace;
+ color: var(--option); }
+span.Prompt {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: red; }
+span.ProgramOutput {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #808080; }
+span.program {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: var(--program);
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ text-decoration-color: var(--hint);
+ text-decoration-thickness: 0.05em;
+ text-underline-offset: 0.15em; }
+span.Command, span.Rule, span.Hyperlink,
+span.Label, span.Reference, span.Other {
+ color: var(--other); }
+/* Pop type, const, proc, and iterator defs in nim def blocks */
+dt pre > span.Identifier, dt pre > span.Operator {
+ color: var(--identifier);
+ font-weight: 700; }
+dt pre > span.Keyword ~ span.Identifier, dt pre > span.Identifier ~ span.Identifier,
+dt pre > span.Operator ~ span.Identifier, dt pre > span.Other ~ span.Identifier {
+ color: var(--identifier);
+ font-weight: inherit; }
+/* Nim sprite for the footer (taken from main page favicon) */
+.nim-sprite {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 51px;
+ height: 14px;
+ background-position: 0 0;
+ background-size: 51px 14px;
+ -webkit-filter: opacity(50%);
+ filter: opacity(50%);
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-image: var(--nim-sprite-base64);
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+span.pragmadots {
+ /* Position: relative frees us up to make the dots
+ look really nice without fucking up the layout and
+ causing bulging in the parent container */
+ position: relative;
+ /* 1px down looks slightly nicer */
+ top: 1px;
+ padding: 2px;
+ background-color: var(--third-background);
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ margin: 0 2px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ font-size: 0.8em; }
+span.pragmadots:hover {
+ background-color: var(--hint); }
+span.pragmawrap {
+ display: none; }
+span.attachedType {
+ display: none;
+ visibility: hidden; }
diff --git a/v0.11.3/theindex.html b/v0.11.3/theindex.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12bd6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v0.11.3/theindex.html
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@