LCS Tool is a computational engine for analyzing fluid flows by extracting their most influential material surfaces, Lagrangian Coherent Structures. LCS Tool is built on recent theoretical developments performed by Prof. George Haller and his research group at ETH Zürich. The tool is being developed by the same group.
MATLAB scripts demonstrating the use of LCS Tool are in the folder named demo. To run these scripts, start MATLAB in the LCS Tool folder, then at the MATLAB prompt type, for example:
We kindly request that you cite the use of LCS Tool in a publication. Please use the following citation. K. Onu, F. Huhn, & G. Haller, LCS Tool: A Computational platform for Lagrangian coherent structures, J. of Computational Science, 7 (2015) 26-36 doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2014.12.002
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us by email (
G. Haller, Lagrangian Coherent Structures. Annual Rev. Fluid. Mech, 47 (2015) 137-162.