Azure table storage API's that return promises to support async/await syntax. This package was born primarily out of my desire to have an Azure Storage API for TableStorage that supported async/await syntax to avoid callback hell.
npm install azure-table-storage-async
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
Many of the methods provided in the azure-storage npm package have been wrapped in this package to provide methods that may be called using async/await syntax. Many methods are named just like their counterparts in azure-storage and in general they simply execute that method and return a promise (exceptions are noted). There are additional methods provided that build upon the azure-storage methods for additional capabilities.
- queryAllAsync
- queryPartitionAsync
- queryCustomAsync
- queryEntitiesAsync
- retrieveEntityAsync
- insertEntityAsync
- insertOrReplaceEntityAsync
- replaceEntityAsync
- deleteEntityAsync
- createTableAsync
- createTableIfNotExistsAsync
- doesTableExistAsync
- executeBatchAsync
- batchMerge
- batchDelete
Queries all entities from a table. This is done by calling queryEntitiesAsync
repeatedly with no partition until no continuation token is returned.
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
tableName | name of the table to query |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
const result = await azureTS.queryAllAsync(tableSvc, mytable);
// loop through results log the partition key and rowkey
for (let r of result) {
console.log('PartitionKey = ' + r.PartitionKey._ + ' RowKey = ' + r.RowKey._);
Queries all entities from a partition. This is done by calling queryEntitiesAsync
repeatedly for the specified partition until no continuation token is returned.
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
tableName | name of the table to query |
partitionName | name of the partition to be queried |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var mypartition = 'The PartitionKey you want to query goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
const result = await azureTS.queryPartitionAsync(tableSvc, mytable, mypartition);
// loop through results log the row key
for (let r of result) {
console.log('RowKey = ' + r.RowKey._);
Executes a custom query defined in an azure-storage TableQuery
. This is done by calling queryEntitiesAsync
repeatedly wiht the specified query until no continuation token is returned.
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
tableName | name of the table to query |
query | an azure table query object created with a custom where clause, etc. |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var mypartition = 'The PartitionKey you want to query goes here';
var myattr1 = 'The value of attr1 to look for goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
// create a query to get entities from partition mypartition with attr1 = myattr1
const query = new azure.TableQuery().where('PartitionKey eq ? and attr1 == ?)', mypartition, myattr1);
const result = await azureTS.queryPartitionAsync(tableSvc, mytable, mypartition);
// loop through results log the row key and attr1
for (let r of result) {
console.log('RowKey = ' + r.RowKey._ + ' attr1 = ' + r.attr1._);
Executes the azure-storage queryEntities
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table to query |
query | query object |
cont | continuation token |
Executes the azure-storage retrieveEntity
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table to query |
partition | name of the partition to query |
rowkey | RowKey of entity to be queried |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var mypartition = 'The PartitionKey you want to query goes here';
var myrowkey = 'The RowKey you want to query goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
const result = await azureTS.retrieveEntityAsync(tableSvc, mytable, mypartition, myrowkey);
// log attr1 from entity (any attribute from the entity)
console.log('attr1 = ' + result.attr1._);
Executes the azure-storage insertEntity
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table to insert into |
entity | the entity to be inserted |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var mypartition = 'The PartitionKey goes here';
var myrowkey = 'The RowKey goes here';
var myattr1 = 'The value of attr1 goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
var entGen = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
var myentity = {
PartitionKey: entGen.String(mypartition),
RowKey: entGen.String(myrowkey),
attr1: entGen.String(myattr1)
await azureTS.insertEntityAsync(tableSvc, mytable, myentity);
Executes the azure-storage insertOrReplaceEntity
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table to insert/replace in |
entity | the entity to be inserted or replaced |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var mypartition = 'The PartitionKey goes here';
var myrowkey = 'The RowKey goes here';
var myattr1 = 'The value of attr1 goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
var entGen = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
var myentity = {
PartitionKey: entGen.String(mypartition),
RowKey: entGen.String(myrowkey),
attr1: entGen.String(myattr1)
await azureTS.insertOrReplaceEntityAsync(tableSvc, mytable, myentity);
Executes the azure-storage replaceEntity
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table to update |
entity | the entity to be replaced |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var mypartition = 'The PartitionKey goes here';
var myrowkey = 'The RowKey goes here';
var myattr1 = 'The value of attr1 goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
var entGen = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
var myentity = {
PartitionKey: entGen.String(mypartition),
RowKey: entGen.String(myrowkey),
attr1: entGen.String(myattr1)
await azureTS.replaceEntityAsync(tableSvc, mytable, myentity);
Executes the azure-storage deleteEntity
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table to delete from |
entity | the entity to be deleted |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var mypartition = 'The PartitionKey goes here';
var myrowkey = 'The RowKey goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
var entGen = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
var myentity = {
PartitionKey: entGen.String(mypartition),
RowKey: entGen.String(myrowkey)
await azureTS.deleteEntityAsync(tableSvc, mytable, myentity);
Executes the azure-storage createTable
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table to create |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
await azureTS.createTableAsync(tableSvc, mytable);
Executes the azure-storage createTableIfNotExists
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table to check existence of and create if necessary |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
await azureTS.createTableIfNotExistsAsync(tableSvc, mytable);
Executes the azure-storage doesTableExist
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table to check existence of |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
await azureTS.doesTableExistAsync(tableSvc, mytable);
Executes the azure-storage executeBatch
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table the batch will operate against |
batch | a batch object created using azure-storage.TableBatch |
Perform a batch merge on an array of entites. The array may be as large as you would like as it will create batches of 100 as the azure-storage batch operations only support 100 entites at a time.
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table the batch will operate against |
list | an array of entities to be merged into the table |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var mypartition = 'The PartitionKey goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
var entGen = azure.TableUtilities.entityGenerator;
// create 10 records to insert/merge in a batch
var mylist = [];
for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
PartitionKey: entGen.String(mypartition),
RowKey: entGen.String(i)
await azureTS.batchMerge(tableSvc, mytable, mylist);
Perform a batch delete on an array of entites. The array may be as large as you would like as it will create batches of 100 as the azure-storage batch operations only support 100 entites at a time.
Parameter | Description |
tableSvc | table service object created using azure-storage.createTableService |
table | name of the table the batch will operate against |
list | an array of entities to be deleted from the table |
var azure = require('azure-storage');
var azureTS = require('azure-table-storage-async');
var accountname = 'Your azure account name goes here';
var accountkey = 'Your azure account key goes here';
var mytable = 'The table you want to query goes here';
var mypartition = 'The PartitionKey goes here';
var tableSvc = azure.createTableService(accountname, accountkey);
// query a partition and then delete all records queried in a batch
var result = await azureTS.queryPartitionAsync(tableSvc, mytable, mypartition);
await azureTS.batchDelete(tableSvc, mytable, result);