An OpenAPI 3.0 and 2.0 Spec viewer with built in console
- Supports Swagger V2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0
- Supports searching of end-points (paths)
- Built In console to try out APIs
- Responsive (support for desktop and tablets)
- Supports Authentication
- OAuth2
- API Key(Token)
- HTTP Bearer
- HTTP Basic
- UX friendly.
- All Endpoints paths are cleanly presented
- Clear seperation of Request and Response info laid out side by side in a two colum layout
- Lesser clicks to deal with. All schema models, response-jsons and examples are expanded by defaults which eliminates the need of click and reveal each level.
- While using API console, request data is pre-filled based on schema
- Needs just one click to try out live APIs
yarn install
yarn run build

Laid out in a two colum for easy view & compare
All Request/Response schema and Response JSONs are expanded by default, so that you dont have to click and reveal each level for easy browsing and read
Built in console, fields are pre-filled with values if exist in spec, request body is generated and filled based on schema, allowing you to quickly try out the end-point with a single click
All the authentication methods are supported. Along with instructions on how to use it