Dockerized Cloud Foundry Restfull API
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Please follow the steps below before you build the code;
git clone
cd cloud_foundry_python_api
Then you need to edit Dockerfile for the following environment variables
ENV user=""
ENV password="MyPass"
ENV api_endpoint=""
Build dockerfile
docker build . -t cloud_foundry_python_api
Python Api listens port 8081, run container on port 8080
docker run cloud_foundry_python_api -d -p 8080:8080
Browse url http://localhost:8080
on your favorite browser.
- List Buildpacks :
GET /buildpacks
- List Spaces :
GET /spaces
- View Space :
GET /spaces/<space_name>
- View Service Instances in Space :
GET /spaces/<space_name>/service_instances
- List Apps :
GET /spaces/<space_name>/apps
- App Summary :
GET /spaces/<space_name>/apps/<app_name>/summary
- App Status :
GET /spaces/<space_name>/apps/<app_name>/stats
- App Metrics :
GET /spaces/<space_name>/apps/<app_name>/metrics
- App Buildpack :
GET /spaces/<space_name>/apps/<app_name>/buildpacks
- List App Service Bindings:
GET /spaces/<space_name>/apps/<app_name>/service_bindings
- Service Binding's Detail:
GET /spaces/<space_name>/apps/<app_name>/service_bindings/<service_binding_name>
- Remove Service Binding from App:
DELETE /spaces/<space_name>/apps/<app_name>/service_bindings/<service_binding_name>
- List Metrics Urls :
GET /metrics_urls/<org_name>
- List Organizations :
GET /organizations
- View Organizations' Properties :
GET /organizations/<org_name>
- List Buildpacks :
GET /buildpacks
- Space Service Binding's Detail:
GET /spaces/<space_name>/service_bindings/<service_binding_name>
- List Service Keys:
GET /service_keys
- Get CF Api Url:
POST /api_url
For the secure methods, token should be specified in header.
curl http://localhost:8080/spaces/mySpace/apps/myApp/summary -H "Authorization : token DevOps123"
For getting any CF Api Url, full path of the api should be provided.
curl http://localhost:8080/api_url -d "url=" -X POST -H "Authorization : token DevOps123"