This repository is mostly a personal learning project and has various functions:
- It is my personal OSC Query debugger, and communicates with VRChat by listing all the available addresses.
- It can display the entire Expressions Menu if that menu was exported during the avatar build process using another Unity Editor tool I made specifically for this purpose (learn more).
- It can display the status of all VR hardware.
- In addition to the desktop window, it also has an implementation of the ImGui.NET window:
- being rendered into a SteamVR overlay (introduction commit) using the OpenVR API and Veldrid,
- with some basic overlay mouse input (class, introduction commit),
- and some eye tracking input (class, introduction commit).
For more information, open the website page.
If you choose to log-in into the VRChat account, it can switch between avatars.
Logging into the VRChat account is only needed to switch between avatars.
- If you don't need to switch avatars, do not log in.
- This app doesn't do anything else with the VRChat account. It doesn't even try to list all of your avatars.
The code responsible for all VRChat account actions can be inspected here.
- Logging into the VRChat account
Login(username, password)
(API docs) - Sending a 2FA code to VRChat
VerifyTwofer(code, method)
(API docs) - Logging out
(API docs) - Switching avatars
(API docs)
Logging in will save a cookie file in the %APPDATA%/H-View/
folder, called hview.vrc.cookies.txt
- This file is used to communicate with your VRChat account. Do not share that file.
- This cookie file will be loaded when you start the program.
- To delete this cookie file, go to Costumes > Login > Logout.
- No option specified: Starts as a desktop window. If SteamVR is running, it also creates an additional dashboard overlay.
Starts as a desktop window.--register-manifest
config only: Register the application path to SteamVR. By default, debug builds do not register themselves.--no-register-manifest
config only: Do not register the application path to SteamVR.
Third party acknowledgements can also be found in the HThirdParty/ subfolder:
- Open HThirdParty/thirdparty-lookup.json
- For the full license text of the third party dependencies, open HThirdParty/THIRDPARTY-LICENSES/ folder
- The same information can be found through the user interface within the application, in
Options > Third party acknowledgements
Included in source code form and DLLs:
- A3ESimpleOSC for C#, version 0.1 @ https://github.com/lyuma/Av3Emulator/blob/master/Runtime/Scripts/A3ESimpleOSC.cs (MIT license) by Lyuma
- ImGui.NET SampleProgram @ https://github.com/ImGuiNET/ImGui.NET/tree/master/src/ImGui.NET.SampleProgram (MIT license) by Eric Mellino and ImGui.NET contributors
- OpenVR API @ https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr (BSD-3-Clause license) by Valve Corporation
- openvr-screengrab @ https://github.com/cnlohr/openvr-screengrab (MIT license) by CNLohr
- openvr_overlay_model @ https://github.com/cnlohr/openvr_overlay_model (MIT license) by CNLohr
Other dependencies included through NuGet: h-view/h-view.csproj
- Dear ImGui @ https://github.com/ocornut/imgui (MIT license) by Omar Cornut
- ImGui.NET @ https://github.com/ImGuiNET/ImGui.NET (MIT license) by Eric Mellino and ImGui.NET contributors
- Veldrid @ https://github.com/veldrid/veldrid (MIT license) by Eric Mellino and Veldrid contributors
- VRChat.OSCQuery @ https://github.com/vrchat-community/vrc-oscquery-lib (MIT license) by VRChat Inc.
- Vortice.Windows @ https://github.com/amerkoleci/Vortice.Windows (MIT license) by Amer Koleci and Contributors
- Newtonsoft.Json @ https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json (MIT license) by James Newton-King
- Facepunch.Steamworks @ https://github.com/Facepunch/Facepunch.Steamworks (MIT license) by Facepunch Studios LTD (conditionally included when INCLUDES_STEAMWORKS flag is set)
- Argos Translate @ https://github.com/argosopentech/argos-translate (MIT license) by Argos Open Technologies, LLC (conditionally included when INCLUDES_OCR flag is set)
- Python.NET @ https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet (MIT license) by the contributors of the Python.NET project (conditionally included when INCLUDES_OCR flag is set)
- (there may be other implicit packages)
Asset dependencies:
- Fredoka font @ https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Fredoka/about (SIL Open Font License) by Milena Brandão, Hafontia
- Kiwi Maru font @ https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Kiwi+Maru/about (SIL Open Font License) by Hiroki-Chan
- K14 font @ https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/K14_(フォント) (Public domain) by Hiroshi Tachibana (橘浩志)
- ProggyClean font @ http://www.proggyfonts.net/ (MIT License (According to https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/master/docs/FONTS.md#creditslicenses-for-fonts-included-in-repository)) by Tristan Grimmer
If the project is compiled with INCLUDE_STEAMWORKS
(only on Debug and ReleaseSteamworks builds), the Steam API will be included.
This is used to build my own application for distribution through Steam. See Steamworks API.