Collection of classes to track freely swimming larval zebrafish, the tail of head embedded larval zebrafish as well as classes for stimuli presentations (visual and temperature) as well as general purpose utilities. Please cite Haesemeyer, Martin, et al. "The Structure and Timescales of Heat Perception in Larval Zebrafish." Cell systems 1.5 (2015): 338-348. when using. Most image related classes make heavy use of the Intel Integrated Performance Primitives.
MHApi.Analysis: Classes for realtime swim bout analysis
MHApi.CameraLink: Classes to connect to a camera link camera via the National Instruments API
MHApi.GUI: Classes to support MVV type user interfaces relying on the Windows Presentation Foundation
MHApi.Imaging: Classes to support fast image manipulations via IPP
MHApi.Laser: Classes to control different analog laser diode drivers
MHApi.Scanning: Classes to control scan mirrors for random access scanning
MHApi.Tracking: Classes for tail tracking and tracking of freely swimming larval zebrafish