Some notes relating to porting fig-FORTH to the Tandy WP-2. contains the essential Tandy WP-2 Portable Wordprocessor Service Manual.
The relevant pages:
Start Page | Topic |
26 (4-5) | Memory Map |
28 (4-7) | Specific I/O Addresses |
37 (4-16) | RUN FILE format |
39 (4-18) | Specific Memory Addresses |
121 (D-1) | BIOS Calls |
The LCD has 480 x 64 monochrome pixels and is driven by an OKI MSM6255 controller.
It can be used in both text and graphics modes, and even though the WP-2 is a text-based device, it drives the LCD in graphics modes. In graphics mode each pixel can be individually addressed, so the WP-2 is capable of monochrome graphics!
Text mode supports 8x8 character cells and a cursor 8 pixels wide. This means using text mode with 480 pixels across would give a resolution of 480 / 8 = 60 text columns.
Driving the display in graphics mode allows the WP-2 to draw characters 6x8 pixels in size, meaning 480 pixels across give a resolution of 480 / 6 = 80 text columns, at the cost of more code complexity:
Since 3 bytes in RAM make up 3 x 8 = 24 horizontal pixels, these impact 24 / 6 = 4 characters. That means when writing a single character, the BIOS (see below) has to figure out which bits of which byte in memory it needs to change and which bits to keep, since they are of adjacent characters.
If you imagine four adjacent 'h' characters starting in the home position of the LCD:
# . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . .
# . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . .
# . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . .
# # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If we write the byte FFh to its corresponding RAM address (9900h as configured by the BIOS), we end up with:
# # # # # # # # . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . .
# . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . .
# . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . .
# # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If we had written the byte FFh to the second RAM address (9901h) instead, we would have ended up with:
# . . . . . # . # # # # # # # # . . # . . . . .
# . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . .
# . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . .
# # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And had we written it to the third RAM address (9902h) instead, we would have gotten:
# . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . # # # # # # # #
# . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . . # . . . . .
# . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . .
# # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # . # # . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
# . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # . # . . . # .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The 480 x 64 monochrome pixels need 30,720 bits or 3,840 bytes (3.75 Kb) of RAM. The LCD controller is configured by the BIOS to find it at 9900h - A7FFh.
The LCD supports a hardware cursor 8 pixels wide, but obviously the WP-2 does not use that but instead implements a software cursor 6 pixels wide.
Two types of blinking software cursors are supported:
A block cursor, which inverts a full 6x8 character cell:
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
An "underline" cursor, which inverts the lower half of a 6x8 character cell:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
(sic) call to select one or the other, but they
mix up the values you have to specify in the A
register. This is what you
have to specify to get a particular cursor type:
A |
Cursor Type |
0 | Underline cursor. |
1 | Block cursor. |
Another call is SETCURSORONOFF
to enable or disable the cursor. Correctly
but confusingly you have to set A
to zero to switch it on, and to one to
switch it off.
The service manual states:
1: cursor blink off (no cursor on screen)
However, switching the cursor off does not hide it immediately. It just
sets or clears a bit in memory location 8403h, which holds the "console
controller status", and that's it. The cursor's phase does appear to be
updated until a call to at least CHARSENSE
is made.
Before scrolling the screen, I needed to ensure any active cursor was
truly in its hidden phase, or otherwise the scrolling would also copy the
visible software cursor one line up. A trick to ensure it is in its hidden
phase is to simply set the cursor position to where it already is, by
calling GETLOC
in succession:
CALL GETLOC ; cursor (x,y) will be in HL
CALL SETLOC ; this resets the cursor phase to hidden
Each call to SETLOC
will start with setting the cursor to its hidden
The WP-2 has 256 Kb of ROM built-in, of which the lower 16 Kb is permanently mapped to memory address space 0000h - 3FFFh and is called the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System).
This BIOS and takes care of booting the machine, initializing the hardware, dealing with interrupts, offering various routines to interface with the hardware, and dropping you into the Wordprocessor application.
The remaining 256 - 16 = 240 Kb is divided into multiple pages of 16 Kb, one of which can be paged into the memory address space 4000h - 7FFFh at a time.
I have not looked into these pages, but I believe most of it is made up of the large dictionary of some 200,000 words.
Furthermore, if you insert a ROM IC card in the expansion slot on the left of the machine, it too can contain a ROM of up to 256 Kb whose 16 Kb pages can be mapped into the 4000h - 7FFFh memory address space.
Paging ROM (and RAM, see below) in and out happens by writing to I/O port 51h.
The WP-2 has 32 Kb of SRAM built-in, but also supports RAM present on:
An optional 32 Kb or 128 Kb SRAM chip which can be placed in the empty socket on the motherboard.
A 32 Kb RAM IC card in the expansion slot on the left.
Both these additional RAM sources cannot be used to expand the "working memory" of the WP-2 -- they can only be used as RAM drives for storage.
The built-in 32 Kb of SRAM is permanently mapped to memory address space 8000h - FFFFh, yet somehow the additional RAM (drive) memory can be "mapped in and out" by writing to port 51h. How then can this additional RAM be accessed?
The Service Manual does actually describe how this happens, but rather as short sentences and since I had never seen this mechanism used before, I completely missed it at first. The manual explains (page 25, 4-5, IV-4. Memory Map):
Expansion RAM is mapped on the I/O address.
When you page a RAM (drive) page in, its 32 Kb page is not mapped into the memory address space, but rather in the I/O address space.
For example, to read the first byte of a paged-in RAM (disk) page, you could issue:
LD BC,8000h
IN A,(C) ; this reads from I/O port BC, not just C
The addresses these RAM (drive) pages map to, fall in the same numerical range as where the built-in 32 Kb SRAM is placed, i.e., from 8000h - FFFFh.
The WP-2 treats its 32 Kb internal RAM as numbered blocks of 32 bytes, starting at address 8000h for block number zero. This gives 32 Kb / 32 = 1,024 or 400h blocks:
| 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 3FEh | 3FFh | block
8000h 8020h 8040h 8060h FFC0h FFE0h FFFFh memory address
The WP-2 maintains its memory allocation administration by means of a doubly-linked list. Each node in the list is also 32 bytes in size for convenience, and contains three things:
Offset | Bytes | Meaning |
0 | 1 | Status of the allocated node (free, used, etc.). |
1 | 2 | Block number of next node in the list. |
3 | 2 | Block number of previous node in the list. |
5 | 27 | Unused. |
Or graphically:
|St.| Next | Prev | Unused |
0 1 2 3 4 5 31 32 offset
A node's status is represented by the ASCII code of a character, which by the look of it has a bearing on English words. The following are used by the BIOS:
Status | Meaning |
S |
Stop. End of the list. Next block always zero. |
F |
Free. This block is available to be malloc'ed. |
u |
Used. This block can be free'd. |
U |
Unusable? Empty block (0 bytes)? |
P |
Protected? First block only can be P ? |
The space that is assigned to a node follows the node immediately, as a number of
32-byte blocks. That space in turn is followed by the next node in the list, and
so on, until an S
node is encountered.
For example:
80h 81h 82h 83h 84h 85h 86h 87h 88h 89h block number
| node | 96 bytes | node | 32 | node | 64 bytes | node |
9000h 9020h 9040h 9060h 9080h 90A0h 90B0h 90C0h 90D0h 90E0h 90F0h memory address
In the example above, if the first node resides at memory address 9000h or block 80h, and it represents 96 bytes of memory, then it will be followed by a gap of 96 bytes (3 blocks of 32 bytes). The next node is then found at memory address 9080h or block 84h.
The first node will have block 84h as the next node's block number in its administration, and the second node will have block 80h as the previous node's block number in its administration, and so on:
Next Previous
|St.| 84h | 00h | Unused | node at 80h
| | space at 81h
+ +
| 96 bytes | space at 82h
+ +
| | space at 83h
|St.| 86h | 80h | | node at 84h
| 32 bytes | space at 85h
|St.| 89h | 84h | | node at 86h
| | space at 87h
+ 64 bytes +
| | space at 88h
| S | 00h | 86h | | node at 89h
Assuming the node at 80h is the very first node, it will have zero as the
block number of its previous node. And assuming the node at 89h is the end
node, it will have status S
and zero as the block number of its next node.
When you allocate memory via the MALLOC
BIOS call, on exit HL will contain
the address of the first (allocated) block after the relevant node, and DE
will contain the size of this allocated space in block units. E.g., when you
allocate 64 bytes, DE will equal two on return.
Memory address 88DDh contains the block number of the head of the list. After an application (such as fig-FORTH) has run, the BIOS sets the head to block 160h, which is RAM address AC00h, that is, the application load address.
Understanding the memory allocation was important because I wanted fig-FORTH to play nicely with the BIOS. I.e., you should be able to return gracefully to the system without needing a reboot.
When fig-FORTH is loaded by the BIOS, starting at address AC00h, and ending
about 7 Kb (the size of the figforth.ex
binary) later, the BIOS immediately
places its memory administration head node after it.
Also, at the top of RAM there seems to be some space used for the resident document or a RAM disk on the internal 32 Kb SRAM (not sure):
+-----------+ FFFFh
| RAM disk? |
| |
/ /
| |
| head node |
| |
| fig-FORTH |
| binary |
+-----------+ AC00h
| |
/ /
| |
+-----------+ 0000h
This means I cannot simply assume all subsequent RAM is available to me: the malloc head node sits squarely in the middle.
There are two approaches to deal with this, both of which I implemented:
Let the head node sit there and work around it.
This means we have to set
right above the head node. Also, since the sole purpose of theTASK
word is that it can be forgotten viaFORGET
, we have to place that aboveFENCE
. That means we cannot statically defineTASK
in the assembly listing, but the cold start routine has to dynamically createTASK
as its final act.The memory map would then look like this:
+-----------+ FFFFh | RAM disk? | +-----------+ LIMIT | allocated | | to | | fig-FORTH | TASK, DP +-----------+ FENCE | head node | +-----------+ | | | fig-FORTH | | binary | +-----------+ AC00h | | / / | | +-----------+ 0000h
This works fine, but the 32-byte head node we have to step around is annoying.
Move the head node.
This is the approach I went with in the end. After all memory has been allocated, I actively move the head node to the end of the memory allocated to me, and claim the 32 bytes it occupied for myself. I also update the head block number, just for consistency. When terminating, I revert this process. This way we end up with a nice, contiguous memory space, and we can define
in the assembly code as usual:+-----------+ FFFFh | RAM disk? | +-----------+ | head node | +-----------+ LIMIT | allocated | | to | | fig-FORTH | +-----------+ DP | | TASK, FENCE | fig-FORTH | | binary | +-----------+ AC00h | | / / | | +-----------+ 0000h
My Tandy WP-2 reports the following ROM versions:
Copyright 1989 CITIZEN WATCH CO.,LTD.
Copyright 1989 Something Good Inc. V1.54
Copyright 1989 Microlytics,UFO,Xerox V4.7
Online I have also seen photos of WP-2's with the second line reading:
Copyright 1989 Something Good Inc. V1.62
It would be interesting to verify whether the bugs listed below are fixed in that version.
While porting I encountered two bugs in the BIOS:
When loading a RUN FILE, it attemps to round the file size up to the next multiple of 32 bytes. To determine whether it is a multiple, it correctly looks at the lower byte of the size only (anything
is a multiple). If so, it sets the lower bits to zero and adds 32.The bug occurs because it does not deal with the carry. I had a low byte of E1h once, which rounds up to 100h. In that case it should have incremented the high byte as well, but it does not do that, so my E1h got turned into 00h and the file size was truncated by E1h = 225 bytes.
Relevant code starting at address 1FE6h in the BIOS:
1fe6 5e LD E,(HL) ; low byte of size 1fe7 7b LD A,E 1fe8 e6 1f AND 00011111b ; multiple of 32 bytes? 1fea 28 06 JR Z,is_multiple ; yes, no rounding up necessary 1fec 7b LD A,E 1fed e6 e0 AND 11100000b ; round up to next multiple 1fef c6 20 ADD A,32 ; may result in carry 1ff1 5f LD E,A is_multiple 1ff2 23 INC HL 1ff3 56 LD D,(HL) ; high byte, but no carry correction 1ff4 ed 53 6b 8a LD (app_size),DE ; store it
This is important because the BIOS places its memory administration immediately after the loaded program. If it gets the program size wrong, it will overwrite part of the end of the program with its memory administration.
routine at 1A3h supports escape sequences. One such sequence isESC
, which is supposed to erase from the cursor position to the end of the line.The cursor position is stored as two 8-bit values in subsequent memory addresses at 8357h (Y position) and 8358h (X position). These are usually loaded by a single instruction into register HL.
As the Z80 is a little-endian processor, this means the low byte (L) is loaded from the lower address (8357h) and thus will contain the Y position, wherease the high byte (H) is loaded from the higher address (8358h) and will contain the X position.
You can imagine this is easy to get wrong, and that is exactly what the BIOS does when implemeting this escape code. It wants to retrieve the cursor's X position and subtract it from 80 (the number of columns of the display) to get the number of columns it should clear. E.g., if the cursor is at X = 10, then it has 80 - 10 = 70 columns left to clear.
Except the code starting at 2356h subtracts the Y coordinate from 80:
2356 2a 57 83 LD HL,(cursor_xy_position) ; H=X, L=Y position 2359 e5 PUSH HL 235a 3e 50 LD A,80 ; number of columns to 235c 95 SUB L ; erase is 80 - Y ? loop 235d f5 PUSH AF 235e 3e 20 LD A,' ' ; output a space 2360 cd eb 05 CALL bios_char_out 2363 f1 POP AF 2364 3d DEC A 2365 28 02 JR Z,done ; btw, why not simply 2367 18 f4 JR loop ; JR NZ,done ? done 2369 e1 POP HL 236a 22 57 83 LD (cursor_xy_position),HL 236d c9 RET
I noticed this because I had used this escape code when implementing scrolling the screen up, and the rightmost few characters on the last line were never erased.