- Login into your host (get the details from workshop organizers):
- Download
wget https://github.com/neutron-org/neutron/releases/download/v1.0.4/neutrond-linux-amd64 -O ~/neutrond
chmod +x ~/neutrond
- Add the key for testing:
MNEMONIC="leopard exclude more together bottom face flight elder trash mushroom hidden win demand fog bubble mosquito capital list dress dwarf erosion puzzle lobster clap"
echo "$MNEMONIC" | ./neutrond keys add k --recover --keyring-backend=test
- Clone
git clone https://github.com/hadronlabs-org/rehearsal.git
cd rehearsal
- Build the mainnet fork image:
make build-mainnet-fork-image
- Download the snapshot:
mkdir snapshot
cd snapshot
cd ..
- Run the mainnet fork (will take some time):
- Check the balance of test account:
./neutrond q bank balances neutron1kyn3jx88wvnm3mhnwpuue29alhsatwzrpkwhu6
- Check the voting power of test account (should be 0):
./neutrond query wasm contract-state smart neutron1suhgf5svhu4usrurvxzlgn54ksxmn8gljarjtxqnapv8kjnp4nrstdxvff '{
"voting_power_at_height": {
"address": "neutron1kyn3jx88wvnm3mhnwpuue29alhsatwzrpkwhu6"
}' -o json | jq
- Bond some NTRN to get voting power:
./neutrond tx wasm execute neutron1qeyjez6a9dwlghf9d6cy44fxmsajztw257586akk6xn6k88x0gus5djz4e '{
"bond": {}
}' --amount 1000000untrn --from k --keyring-backend=test --chain-id neutron-1
- Check the voting power of test account (should be 1000000):
./neutrond query wasm contract-state smart neutron1suhgf5svhu4usrurvxzlgn54ksxmn8gljarjtxqnapv8kjnp4nrstdxvff '{
"voting_power_at_height": {
"address": "neutron1kyn3jx88wvnm3mhnwpuue29alhsatwzrpkwhu6"
}' -o json | jq
- Create a proposal:
./neutrond tx wasm execute neutron1hulx7cgvpfcvg83wk5h96sedqgn72n026w6nl47uht554xhvj9nsgs8v0z '{
"propose": {
"msg": {
"propose": {
"description": "description",
"msgs": [
"wasm": {
"execute": {
"contract_addr": "neutron1f6jlx7d9y408tlzue7r2qcf79plp549n30yzqjajjud8vm7m4vdspg933s",
"funds": [],
"msg": "ewogICJhZGRfdm90aW5nX3ZhdWx0IjogewogICAgICAibmV3X3ZvdGluZ192YXVsdF9jb250cmFjdCI6ICJuZXV0cm9uMTN2M2YybnBhdHR6MGR3Mmo1ZjdkbHdzZDh2MmxtY2d5dXYzNTh4OHB2M2plYzRkNjBocnM0eDRkcDciCiAgfQp9"
"wasm": {
"execute": {
"contract_addr": "neutron1suhgf5svhu4usrurvxzlgn54ksxmn8gljarjtxqnapv8kjnp4nrstdxvff",
"funds": [],
"bank": {
"send": {
"amount": [
"amount": "16000000000000",
"denom": "untrn"
"to_address": "neutron1zjdv3u6svlazlydmje2qcp44yqkt0059chz8gmyl5yrklmgv6fzq9chelu"
"bank": {
"send": {
"amount": [
"amount": "4000000000000",
"denom": "untrn"
"to_address": "neutron18e8vga4gqaerheumv05xausjctf8qj8suw9l2swm3c5f7z864yysx73nw2"
"title": "Launch the Neutron Grants Program (Resubmission of Prop N-10)"
}' --gas 10000000 --amount 1000000000untrn --from k --keyring-backend=test --chain-id neutron-1
- Query the proposal:
./neutrond query wasm contract-state smart neutron1436kxs0w2es6xlqpp9rd35e3d0cjnw4sv8j3a7483sgks29jqwgshlt6zh '{
"proposal": {
"proposal_id": 15
}' -o json | jq
- Vote for the proposal:
./neutrond tx wasm execute neutron1436kxs0w2es6xlqpp9rd35e3d0cjnw4sv8j3a7483sgks29jqwgshlt6zh '{
"vote": {
"proposal_id": 15,
"vote": "yes"
}' --from k --keyring-backend=test --chain-id neutron-1 --gas 10000000
- Check the DAO SubDAOs list (should have 1 item):
./neutrond query wasm contract-state smart neutron1suhgf5svhu4usrurvxzlgn54ksxmn8gljarjtxqnapv8kjnp4nrstdxvff '{
"list_sub_daos": {}
}' -o json | jq
- Execute the proposal:
./neutrond tx wasm execute neutron1436kxs0w2es6xlqpp9rd35e3d0cjnw4sv8j3a7483sgks29jqwgshlt6zh '{
"execute": {
"proposal_id": 15
}' --from k --keyring-backend=test --chain-id neutron-1 --gas 10000000
- Check the DAO SubDAOs list (should have 2 items):
./neutrond query wasm contract-state smart neutron1suhgf5svhu4usrurvxzlgn54ksxmn8gljarjtxqnapv8kjnp4nrstdxvff '{
"list_sub_daos": {}
}' -o json | jq