For a quick and easy setup, you can use the provided installation script:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd hypr-dot
- Run the installation script:
This script will automatically install all necessary packages, copy configuration files, and set up your Hyprland environment.
If you prefer to install manually or want to understand the process better, follow these steps:
Install the following packages using pacman:
sudo pacman -S alacritty bpytop hyprland brightnessctl kitty libpng libjpeg-turbo imagemagick gawk grep dunst ripgrep vim neofetch neovim ffmpeg v4l-utils python python-pip
Install the following packages using your AUR helper (yay):
yay -S cmus cmatrix-git dunst ranger mpv swww swaync sway-lock sway-bg waybar flameshot-git pactl pamixer tty-clock
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd hypr-dot
- Create necessary directories (if they don't exist):
mkdir -p ~/.config ~/.local ~/Documents/Home ~/Pictures/Wallpapers ~/.local/share/icons
- Copy configuration files:
# Copy .config files
cp -r .config/* ~/.config/
# Copy .local files
cp -r .local/* ~/.local/
# Copy mozilla/chrome files
cp -r .mozilla/chrome/* "$(find ~/.mozilla/firefox -type d -name '*default-release*' -print -quit)/"
# Copy Documents
cp -r Documents/Home/* ~/Documents/Home/
# Copy Wallpapers
cp -r Pictures/Wallpapers/* ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/
# Copy icons
cp -r usr/share/icons/* ~/.local/share/icons/
- Set executable permissions for scripts:
chmod +x ~/.config/hypr/scripts/*
chmod +x ~/.config/waybar/scripts/*
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/*
- Update font cache:
fc-cache -fv
- Install required Python packages:
pip install --break-system-packages --user colorama vlc yt_dlp tqdm youtubesearchpython
- Reload Hyprland configuration:
hyprctl reload
To verify your installation:
- Log out of your current session
- Select Hyprland as your window manager at the login screen
- Log in
- Open a terminal and run:
hyprctl version
Your configuration should now have the following structure:
└── $HOME
├── .config/ # Configuration files
├── .local/ # Local files and scripts
├── .mozilla/chrome # Firefox/Chrome themes
├── Documents/Home # Document templates
├── Pictures/Wallpapers
└── .local/share/icons